View Full Version : Bullet In The Wall

03-19-2022, 09:41 AM
Ran an appointment yesterday morning where I visited an older couple out in a rural area. When we went into their seldom used back room, the old man noticed a hole in the wall above the bed. We looked close and there was a jacketed projectile lodged in there. Looked to be 9mm. They freaked out. I asked who had been there, etc and only their grandson, a 30's something guy, had stayed in that room a few months back. I looked for a hole in the only window in the room and there was none. I then did a rough trajectory analysis and figured it came upward from the side of the room. My guess was a negligent discharge as the grandson fooled with his gun when they were away as they said they never heard anything. Given how shallow (fully penetrated wood paneling, stopped in stud) he did not have a grasp on the gun and it took the umpf out of it, otherwise we all know it would have went further. Lady was so shaken that it cost me my sale. Interesting, but sucked at the same time.

03-19-2022, 10:36 AM
Grandson should have hung a picture over it.

03-19-2022, 11:42 AM
I hung a target over mine. Still there.

03-19-2022, 12:04 PM
Grandson should have hung a picture over it. Man, you read my mind. That was exactly what I thought!

03-19-2022, 12:05 PM
I hung a target over mine. Still there.

Lol! Either you are a bachelor or you have a very cool sig other!

03-19-2022, 03:03 PM
Or maybe he used to have a sig other before the hole?

I happen to know he has a very nice sig other, hope she's doing ok these days.

03-19-2022, 04:07 PM
Thanks Bawanna. Yes she was understanding about my ND. I had a laser cartridge for the 45 that would light for a few milliseconds when the trigger pulled. Loved it and found the same muscle memory carried over to the range well enough to nearly eliminate recreational visits. Still tested samples of my reloads. Well my habit of shooting the several small targets about the house got my in trouble when the Wild hair struck and I did a quick draw and made a good shot, a real shot through the ammo storage door and into a box of reloads. No issues but about 6 rounds smashed up a bit. Saved the powder and primers plus a few brass.
Yes my bride of over 55 years is wonderful. A few friends call us lovebirds as we still hold hands and snuggle a lot. Tough now that she's a quadriplegic and pretty much bed ridden. Our son and his family get out groceries and whatever. I sit in my lift chair in the bedroom facing her in bed. We keep looking over at each other and smile. Life evolves and to be happy we have to go with it. As Bawanna knows, it is what it is yet life goes on. I enjoy our little, peaceful world without the hews feeds and violent media. I read over a hundred books annually and enjoy my favorite authors. All in all, we consider life has been good to us. I reayy enjoy keeping up with the forum and jump in and out occasionally. I've considered Bawanna a friend for many years now. He's a good man he is.

03-19-2022, 04:25 PM
OldLincoln, Thank you for sharing that. Very touching and I read your reply to my wife. 55 years is AWESOME. So good you two soulmates found each other. I often feel the same about my wife of 22 years and 6 years of dating. I believe I/we would have the same passion for each other that you two share, if one of us were to become disabled. You know you are with the right one when that has happened and you still love each other so much.
Yes, from what I’ve learned here, Bawanna seems to be a good man. Always eager to help and I've learned to try and emulate that, at least here on the forum.
I’ve seen some of your posts here over the few years I’ve been on here, as well as other discussing you, so you must be that kind of guy as well. Thanks again for sharing and best wishes to both you and your amazing wife!

03-19-2022, 07:02 PM
Old Lincoln is directly responsible for creating the grip emporium. His special needs 1911 grips were the very first post or a whole bunch on there now. They turned out real nice and I'm so glad they did.
I too consider Old Lincoln one of my bestest friends that I've never met in person.

Sorry to hear the missus is now quad. Last we chatted you had to hug her and pick her up to get over curbs and such.

As you say, it's a great life if you don't weaken. Never give up.

03-20-2022, 07:43 AM
I learned a long time ago [we been married 42 years] it's "cheaper to keep her"....


03-20-2022, 10:33 AM
https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/276078213_5651230254894232_6966037325914058175_n.j pg?stp=dst-jpg_p552x414&_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-5&_nc_sid=8bfeb9&_nc_ohc=pjGl7JA7qLoAX-mhoP2&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-2.xx&oh=00_AT8jkt_hq1LDATZiB4wIQoO-GzW76k6jyp_hixkFR2kQIQ&oe=623B4A91

03-20-2022, 12:15 PM
Old Lincoln, Bless you and your wife.
We are coming up on our 55th in June ourselves.

03-21-2022, 10:15 AM
https://www.1911addicts.com/attachments/c707585497ef4a9efb06c7187ce70737444ba0003921254e40 e1420da826ab4c-gif.954242/

03-21-2022, 10:57 AM

03-21-2022, 10:59 AM
He's now deaf in one ear. Good thing it was pointed up, it might have become another gun "crime" if someone else in the room was injured.

03-21-2022, 11:22 AM
He's now deaf in one ear.
For some reason, the gangster rap never sounded the same again!

03-21-2022, 03:32 PM
https://www.1911addicts.com/attachments/c707585497ef4a9efb06c7187ce70737444ba0003921254e40 e1420da826ab4c-gif.954242/ Get everything you need, get everything you deserve.............