View Full Version : I've joined the P365 club.

03-25-2022, 05:59 AM
I joined this forum in 2011. I acquired my Kahr CM9 in 2013 and have used it for EDC ever since. At 72 yrs old, my vision isn't good enough to use iron sights for any kind of precision shooting while wearing my everyday "street" glasses. I have a specially made pair of shooting glasses for iron sight shooting that work pretty well, but don't wear them otherwise. I've had some experience with red dot sights on hunting guns, going back over 20 yrs or so and find them to be very effective. Yesterday, I picked up a Sig P365X with a Romeo Red Dot to see if I can acclimate to using that as an EDC gun.
It should be an interesting experience.

03-25-2022, 09:20 AM
Hey Guido, I'll be interested in your impressions.

03-25-2022, 03:21 PM
Welcome to the Sig forum for Kahr owners. [emoji16]

03-26-2022, 01:22 PM
It will take a fair amount of practice before the dot aligns correctly with your eye. Lot's of dry fire (EMPTY GUN)

03-26-2022, 01:45 PM
Yet another trend Kahr is ignoring.

I’m EDCing my CM9 these days because 9mm is the only readily available ammo for practice.

03-27-2022, 05:27 AM
Since some have asked, here's a few first impressions after one range session and a good bit of dry draw-fire practice around the house:
1. The gun feels good in the hand
2. This was a new, unfired gun. Before heading to the range, I did a field strip and lube. Function with my handloaded training ammo, and a couple of different commercial brands of defensive ammo has been 100 %. No hiccups whatsoever from round #1..on.
3. the "irons" are spot on at the ranges I'm shooting ( so far)...25 yd and less.
4. Have not dialed in the red dot yet. For a first range session, it was close enough as received to shoot "clay pigeons" out to 25 yds and enjoy breaking them up.
5. I DEFINITELY need some kind of magazine loading tool. I'm 72, with a touch of arthritis in the hands and the 12th round was not going in without a tool. I already picked up an UpLula magazine loader. It works like a charm.
6. Trigger.....I'm not excited about the trigger pull. It's a bit more "mushy" (less crisp) than the aftermarket trigger in my CM9. That said...I LOVE the short reset of the Sig trigger.
7. For several years...I've been carrying my CM9 in a Don Hume OWB, JIT holster in the Crossdraw position. The good news is that the P365 works just fine in that same holster. I might look around for something else as time goes on, but for the moment..I'm not in the holster market which is nice since I accumulated a small box full of potential holsters for the CM9 before finally settling on the JIT, OWB carry.
8. Here's the big one....I have already learned that I get a much more "reliable dot image" upon drawing when I wear the gun on my strongside and may very well be transitioning to that. Getting a solid, consistent grip on the gun (so that I'm seeing the dot as soon as the gun comes to eye level) requires that I "jam" the web of my hand between the forefinger and thumb into the back of the grip, fully into the curve where the grip transitions into the slide, then withdraw the gun from the holster. When I do that...the grip is more consistent and I see the dot immediately. I'm not getting that kind of consistency from crossdraw.

03-27-2022, 09:26 AM
Good review Guido, thank you. I have a P365X that I have yet to get to the range with. I'm looking forward to doing so. It too fits in my Kahr holsters. I'm sure I won't like the trigger as much from a refinement respective, but coupled with the manual safety on my example I will like the shorter stroke of Sig.

03-27-2022, 11:46 AM
Loading the last few rounds definitely gets easier after the springs take a set. At first I could only get about 9 in. I too bought a reloader right away. Now though I can get the 12th back in if I'm unloading the gun.

03-27-2022, 02:49 PM
Nice thorough review.

The Uplula works great. My mags are now “broken in” and I can load them by hand.

I’m definitely in the minority here but I really like the trigger. It’s not a typical short take up with a hard wall and crisp break. Instead of the crisp break it’s what I call a “short soft pull through”. Others call that “mush”. Both of my 365s have the Sig flat trigger which I prefer to the stock curved one.

I have an XL slide with the red dot which is fun to shoot but I haven’t considered carrying it. I’m way too slow finding the dot.

Glad you like the 365.

03-28-2022, 06:45 PM
I agree, the trigger is nothing like a kahr but the guns positives far outweigh any negatives. Sig did a magnificent job with this gun.

03-29-2022, 05:56 AM
I'm not one who believes in "leaving it alone" when it comes to tools that can be improved to make them more efficient or more effective for their intended purpose.
I've made several improvements to my CM9 through the aftermarket since I've owned it.
After becoming more familiar with this new P365 and getting a significant number of rounds through it...I'll be investigating the aftermarket to see what folks have come up with for this tool.

04-03-2022, 06:49 PM
I went with the XL grip and a straight trigger. Everything else is stock.


04-04-2022, 06:14 AM
Mine came with the factory flat trigger. I've been carrying my CM9 with Galloway flat trigger for several years now and like it fine. I'm going to contact them about the trigger they offer for the Sig 365 soon, and possibly install that in my new gun. I won't be adding capacity. I got two 12 rd magazines that fit flush into the standard grip with the gun. I believe that with 12+1, in the sweet little P365 package...I've finally found the answer to the question: "how many rounds are enough" for EDC. FWIW, ever since adding the MagGuts conversion to my CM9 magazines, I've not been unhappy with 7+1 but going to 12+1 feels like I've "got enough" and don't need to go further. I admit, I do enjoy aftermarket upgrades. So far... Jury is still out on whether to try one of the Wilson grip frames. I'm looking for an opportunity to get one in my hand before ordering.

04-04-2022, 10:46 AM
An old coworker is really pleased with the Wilson grip frames. I'm not sure it really needs it as I'm fine with it as is but I too wouldn't mind seeing one in person. Also like to hold the XL frame as I never held one either, still ok with the standard. Not a love story really but we're still getting to know each other.

04-04-2022, 11:21 AM
An old coworker is really pleased with the Wilson grip frames. I'm not sure it really needs it as I'm fine with it as is but I too wouldn't mind seeing one in person. Also like to hold the XL frame as I never held one either, still ok with the standard. Not a love story really but we're still getting to know each other.

Your Sig is glad you gave up speed dating.

04-04-2022, 12:02 PM
I like the grip on my P365X, which has the same grip module as the XL. I have medium to large hands and I will say that with the flush fitting mags I just barely get a full three fingers on it. If my hands were larger I probably would not like it as much.
I've never held a Wilson grip module but I've heard nothing but good about them, for both the 365 and 320 families.

04-05-2022, 09:45 AM
I have two early P365's. One stock with CT laser and my hands down favorite is the one with a Sig straight trigger and Wilson Grip module.

https://i.postimg.cc/N0b562JP/Nana_s.jpg (https://postimg.cc/2qbkmyf4)

https://i.postimg.cc/rwT5Gqpc/WC_P365.jpg (https://postimg.cc/fJH3DnXg)

04-05-2022, 11:10 AM
Sig does their best to confuse us. The 365 family:
365 and 365X have the same length slide, different grip modules.
365X and 365XL have different length slides, same grip modules.

The grip modules also come in 2 or 3 different sizes depending on the variant.

I'd really like the chance to hold some of the Wilson grip modules for each in hand.

At least I am easily confused by this. And don't even get me started on the P320 family. They're all over the place, possibly because there are more variants.

My P365X. Same grip as the XL, shorter slide.

04-05-2022, 04:19 PM
Anyone tried the Hogue beaver tail grip sleeve on a P365x..??

04-05-2022, 04:39 PM
Anyone tried the Hogue beaver tail grip sleeve on a P365x..??

Not me. I’m a little guy so the stock XL grip is plenty big for me. I do have a Talon Grip on it.

04-05-2022, 04:39 PM
Anyone tried the Hogue beaver tail grip sleeve on a P365x..??

I have one on mine, works really well for me. I'm not sure I have the x? Think mine was called the tac model. Came with 3 mags, short frame?

04-05-2022, 05:13 PM
I have two early P365's. One stock with CT laser and my hands down favorite is the one with a Sig straight trigger and Wilson Grip module.

https://i.postimg.cc/rwT5Gqpc/WC_P365.jpg (https://postimg.cc/fJH3DnXg)
So I'm reading about Wilson Combat claiming that there is a gap when using a standard Wilson P365 (not XL) grip module with the Sig 12 rd mag installed. Anybody that has one care to show a pic of that, and any first hand comments?

04-05-2022, 05:28 PM
The X has a big X on the slide Colonel, as you can see in Post #18.

This picture below shows the 365 on top of the X on top of the XL. The grip lengths are all the same though it's a bit confusing because they're lined up to the left and the beavertail on the bottom two through the pictures off. Grip height of the 365 is shorter than the other two but the same in length, The grips on the X and XL are identical in both directions

04-05-2022, 06:11 PM
Ok, I just have a plain P365 then, and just noticed again that one has a safety, didn't know that was out there neither. Guess for the California and a few other places folks.
Should I feel left behind with just a plain P365?

04-05-2022, 06:12 PM
All of the grips and slides are interchangeable. The serialized part is the fire control unit which can easily be removed from the grip.

04-05-2022, 06:17 PM
That's a cool thing. I took an armorer class on the 365. That fire control module is a tricky little bugger and kind of tough a bit to work on being so small. Great platform though.

04-05-2022, 06:20 PM
That's a cool thing. I took an armorer class on the 365. That fire control module is a tricky little bugger and kind of tough a bit to work on being so small. Great platform though.

Now I know who to ask for help when my FCU comes apart.

04-05-2022, 07:17 PM
Now I know who to ask for help when my FCU comes apart.

I still have the manual and learned a few tricks. I can take pictures if needed. I'm certainly no whiz or expert by a long shot. I think some of these models, X's and XL's and stuff came out after the class but like you said they are all basically the same, just different lip stick.

04-05-2022, 08:57 PM
Ok, I just have a plain P365 then, and just noticed again that one has a safety, didn't know that was out there neither. Guess for the California and a few other places folks.
Should I feel left behind with just a plain P365?

Nope. Essentially the same gun with a shorter grip. Or slide. If it fits your hand that's all that really matters.

04-06-2022, 08:29 AM
In the interest of clarity...I have edited my original post. The Sig I have recently acquired is the P365 X. I doubt if I'll order the Wilson unit for it. I'll give the Hogue sleeve a try, for (around) $15.00..it's not a big deal if I put it on and don't like it. Some customizing on the Hogue sleeve with a Dremel tool might be an option to "tweek" it. It's worth noting at this point that my reason for getting into the P365 in the first place was to try a red dot on an EDC gun. I've been satisfied with my CM9 for many years but my vision issues are such that a red dot allows more precise shooting. I've also observed the incredible popularity of red dots on the guns of the best top shooters and figured there might be something to it. A lot of folks, myself included, have reported difficulty "finding the dot" when they first attempt to use a carry gun with red dot. What I've learned so far about drawing and firing the new pistol is that having the red dot in front of my eyes when I bring the pistol up is totally dependent upon having a consistent grip on the gun as I withdraw it from the holster. In my experience with my CM9, I found that a few wraps of friction tape over the factory grip greatly added to the integrity and consistency of my grip on the little gun and scores went up. A little experimentation to identify the best places to "build up" the grip based on my hands really helped the CM9. Looks like hell..I don't care. :)
(I'm not one of those guys who would put exhibition grade wood with a hand rubbed oil finish on a hammer handle either. )

06-17-2022, 11:56 PM
Guido, I bought the 365XL for the same reasons. I've carried K9 or P9 for almost as long as Kahr's been making pistols, and I find this Sig to be a fairly easy transition. Yeah, the trigger is different, but it works. I'm not having difficulty with the dot alignment, but I think your assessment of the need for consistent grip is spot on. And I agree that it's harder to accomplish this from crossdraw. But I'd bet that you have always been experiencing that, but it wasn't noticeable until you put a dot in play. I shoot the Kahrs pretty well for an old guy, but I was quickly shooting the Sig with dot better and faster. One bit of advice I was given that I think helps is to ignore the front sight. With the RomeoZero, you should barely be able to see it when the dot is in the screen anyway. Drawing from your strong side, as your hands come together your grip should be consistent. As you push the gun out, you should not see any of the top or sides of the optic sight, and the dot will be there. Don't worry about centering the dot in the screen. Instead, center the dot on your target and squeeze. Works for me anyway.

I'm so sold on this package that I'm eventually going to have at least one of my Kahrs (probably the P9) set up with an optic sight. Haven't settled on which way I'll go yet, but in the meantime, I have the Sig. I'm not worried about the difference in capacity. Just getting rounds on target as quickly as possible.