05-15-2022, 10:37 AM
This is the windiest spring I can remember in a while in my area. I shoot in my back yard, into a couple dead 45 ft. oak trees. Well, because of the winds, we have a slew of trees down. My shooting trees started making me nervous because they were leaning towards my poop field. So, the other day, I had them taken down and chunked. Now, I have to figure out how I'm going to stack them to remake my new shooting area. It's surprising how dead a tree can look, but how tough they still are on the inside. I found a couple chunks that we had been shooting in to. It was interesting to see. I dug out some of the .380 and .38 rounds pretty much intact. They had gone in about 5 in. until they hit harder wood, then stopped. I couldn't find any of my .40 cal. or .357 without having to chop up the piece to try to find them. :p