View Full Version : Do you prefer the Kahr trigger or have you learned to accept it?

08-05-2022, 03:05 PM
I'm new to Kahr pistols. I often see their triggers compared to long double action revolver triggers. However all of the double action revolvers I've shot have a wall that you can feel right before the hammer drops which signals to you that the gun is on the edge of firing. The Kahr trigger is of course very similar to revolvers in the long smooth pull, but different in that there is no wall to signal that the hammer/striker is on the edge of dropping. Maybe there are some revolvers out there with no wall like a Kahr, I'm not sure. The long trigger pull actually doesn't bother me. What I'm on the fence about is the lack of a wall at the end of the long pull to give a sensory feeling that the pistol is about to fire. Do any of you actually prefer no wall and prefer the Kahr trigger over a Smith & Wesson trigger or Sig trigger or Glock trigger? Or would you prefer a wall but have learned to do your best with the Kahr trigger as it is? I want to like Kahr pistols. To this day still no one else makes a nicer smaller micro 9mm than the PM9/CM9. Their lower ammo capacity doesn't even bother me - it's less weight and statistically you don't need more than their 7 rounds anyway. I'd like to make the CM9 my weapon of choice but haven't quite wrapped my brain around the trigger yet.

08-05-2022, 05:33 PM
I've owned and shot Kahrs, so I am familiar with the trigger. I also own and carry a revolver. In my personal experience, I loved the trigger pull weight and feel of the Kahr, but the long trigger take-up combined with no "wall" gave me the tendency to flinch. I could overcome it, and did somewhat, but after shooting a different firearm, it would sneak right back. Mind you, I am a DA/SA guy all the way and prefer this type over a striker fired firearm. I have my revolver set up, with some work, to feel just like a Kahr trigger. Only difference is that I can feel the spring tension reaching its peak right before the gun fires. So, it's like a "wall" albeit a light one. Personally, I think you have to practice quite a bit to get used to a Kahr trigger and possibly/in some cases, shoot Kahrs exclusively if you want to become proficient with that kind of trigger system. JMO.

08-05-2022, 06:29 PM
I’ve been a Kahr fan for years, and liken the trigger pull to my J Frame S&W wheelguns. Long, smooth & sweet.

08-05-2022, 07:45 PM
Excellent question. I think I prefer revolver triggers, but the Kahr trigger gives you the surprise break needed for precision shooting. Thing is, Kahrs are defensive guns, not competition guns, so that shouldn’t be a big factor. I may be weird, but I wish Kahr triggers had the pull weight of a DA J frame revolver for pocket carry. As for a wall or being able to stage a Kahr trigger, it would be great to try that, but the trigger is unique as it is, and perhaps the brand’s best feature.

King Rat
08-05-2022, 08:17 PM
I love the Kahr trigger. Smooth, gliding, controlled and deliberate. I also Love the Beretta Nano trigger and Ruger LCR's. The only other trigger I like is the Taurus GX4. A really unique trigger that is has a little take up and comes to a distinct wall. Yet the Wall is easy to break through. Actually kind of hard to describe. I honestly do not understand why this newer Generation like Light triggers for Carry like they do. In fact took one out last week and decided I am getting rid of it. Just no need for one and I do not do target shooting.

08-06-2022, 03:25 AM
I have to say that I do like the trigger on my PM9. I hadn’t shot it in about 5 years and took it to the range last week. I had forgotten how much I liked the trigger and also just how accurate the gun was. My wife was shooting her Glock 26 and asked to shoot the PM9 as she had also forgotten how it shot. On that particular day she said she actually preferred the Kahr to her Glock 😳

08-06-2022, 07:34 AM
I honestly do not understand why this newer Generation like Light triggers for Carry like they do.

However, my Shield Plus has a trigger I like. The takeup is not smooth, but it’s not bad. The wall is like a small speed bump that you roll comfortably over, not a snapping glass rod. It made me stop hating striker triggers. I can hold the gun pointed down (unloaded of course), balancing it only with my trigger finger and bounce it, and it doesn’t pull the trigger, so it’s maybe not dangerously light.

08-06-2022, 10:35 AM
I like the Kahr trigger. It works really well for training new shooters. You cannot feel the break coming, so less likely to flinch. Like others, I do a lot of revolver shooting, so enjoy the long smooth trigger pull.

08-06-2022, 07:57 PM
Same for me, as a long-time revolver shooter, the Kahr trigger always felt natural to me. I'm (apparently) not much of a trigger connoisseur, at least in DA handgun type triggers. I simply find the sight picture and trigger pull right through. A good DA trigger is smooth and does not require a yank so heavy as to drag my front sight off target.
Now if the talk moves to single action triggers and/or rifle triggers and I understand exactly all the thing you describe. If I have a DA revolver that I am hammer thumbing to shoot SA, I can relate there too...
But all my Kahrs and "DA only" handguns are purely SD and are judged on their safe carry (trigger at 5lbs or better) absolutely reliable with SD ammo and able to shoot "minute-of-mother-trucker" out to 25ft.
My Kahr triggers all shoot as smooth as my (slightly worked) S&W J frame triggers and that is my "gold standard". Truth is, I shoot the Kahr's a little better, but carry the 642 S&W a little more as it rides better in the pocket... and for no other reason.

Your mileage may vary.


08-06-2022, 10:37 PM
When the Sig 365 first came out I wanted one mainly because of the higher capacity and the Sig name but I pocket carry and after dry firing the 365 with it’s very short, light but nice target trigger I knew it wasn’t for me, way to easy to ventilate your leg with so I kept the PM9 and carry it every day, I also have a Smith 642 and after dry firing it many thousands of times I can feel when the cylinder latch clicks and then a slight pull releases the sear and the gun would fire but at the range I shoot the PM9 so much better for some reason, probably the better grip and sights but to me either pistol is the perfect pocket carry gun, the long trigger pull just seems right but to each their own……..

King Rat
08-16-2022, 08:39 AM

However, my Shield Plus has a trigger I like. The takeup is not smooth, but it’s not bad. The wall is like a small speed bump that you roll comfortably over, not a snapping glass rod. It made me stop hating striker triggers. I can hold the gun pointed down (unloaded of course), balancing it only with my trigger finger and bounce it, and it doesn’t pull the trigger, so it’s maybe not dangerously light.

That is interesting. And sounds like the same design as the GX4. And a trigger made IMO for EDC. However, I was listening to others talk about the Shield Plus Performance trigger and it seemed right back to that extremely light trigger that I do no care for. Man, looking at both the trigger's I would stick with the standard Shield.

Allan D
08-17-2022, 08:27 AM
I like the Kahr trigger better than any other striker fired pistol that I have tried.

I think that may be because I am an old DA revolver shooter for the last 50+ years.