View Full Version : CW9 or P365

08-06-2022, 08:21 PM
I have a p365xl that do not favor carrying over a cm9. I am wanting a full handled compact pistol like the cw9. I like how thin Kahrs are compared to even the Sig p365 series. Wud this be a wise buy over money towards a p 365?

08-06-2022, 08:31 PM
I would say it’s the trigger preference, some love a Kahr trigger some hate it…..Personally I love the long smooth Kahr trigger over the light short reset “crisp” 365 trigger but it’s a personal choice and both are fine, accurate pistols so maybe rent both at a range and see which one works for you and in less than 50 rounds you’ll know…….

08-07-2022, 04:27 AM
It’s really personal preference.

I prefer the 365X (short slide with long grip) to either the CM9 or the CW9. For me it’s more ergonomic and has a trigger that I prefer. I shoot it better and it has significantly more capacity. The only advantage I see for Kahr is that the longer trigger pull makes it more difficult to accidentally discharge the gun.

After buying a P365 I never carried a Kahr 9mm again and eventually sold both that I owned.

Ken L
08-08-2022, 07:52 AM
I've switched from carrying a CW40 to carrying a P365 SAS. I like the shorter grip, conceals better and is a bit more comfortable. 10 + 1 in the pistol and 12 round mag in my pocket is a full magazine's worth more than I carried with the Kahr (6 + 1 and 7)That being said, I didn't feel undergunned with the CW40.

Both are great shooters.

08-08-2022, 08:32 AM
I would say the standard 365 over the xl version, if you want small better concealable.

08-14-2022, 04:14 PM
Tough call. P prefer the original P365 to the Kahr PM9 but that is just based on MY ability to shoot accurately. Both conceal well but the PM9 does have a smaller oferall p[rofile and that gun I could carry in the front pocket of wool dress pants. Not possible with the Sig. In todays world capacity is king so the Sig won out in my house.

08-20-2022, 06:54 AM
I've been carrying my Kahr CM9 with a few modest aftermarket modifications since 2013. Very satisfied. With my "aging eyes" vision issues ( I'm 72) I decided to try a new pistol for EDC so I picked up a Sig P365X w/ red dot. The CM9 hasn't been out of the box since. That's not a knock on the CM9. If I still had the eyesight I had in my 20's, when I hunted big game in Africa and N. America with iron sighted handguns I'd wouldn't have made the change.

08-21-2022, 07:44 AM

08-21-2022, 10:06 PM
I pocket carry my PM9 or a 642 S&W J frame, but my choice is based on utter reliability (as personally tested) and weight. the Sig is a touch heavier but the extra eight rounds of 9mm is definitely heavier (10rds .38 vs 13rds 9mm vs 21rds 9mm for each gun with a reload).
I have a friend who love, love, LOVES his SIG. Nice gun, but comparing pocket rigs (without a scale) my PM9 and spare six round mag (+holsters) was decidedly lighter than his Sig combo. Also, his SIG combo stuck out the top of my jeans pocket and did not really seem "pocket sized" (in my opinion) and the owner also admitted he wears cargo/tactical/carpenter pants or shorts that have larger pockets when he carries it. For me, any weight extra weight is problematic. I also have absolute faith that I won't need even the second mag for the PM9, but I'll carry a spare mag everywhere I go just the same.
Of course, the 642 is about three ounces less the PM9 combo...

Your milage may vary...


08-21-2022, 10:45 PM
Yep ^^^^^ what Planedude said….My PM9 has always been 100% reliable and fits my Wrangler jeans pocket in a Sticky holster perfectly and is about the max weight I would want to carry everyday…….I put a spare mag in my left back pocket just in case and feel well armed and with the Kahr long trigger, very safe……

King Rat
08-22-2022, 01:23 AM
Of the two, I prefer the CM9. The Sig is not a good fit for my hand. And just love the Kahr. I have the Sig 365XL but will be getting rid of it, just does not do anything for me. . I have the GX4 which is perfect for me for a double stack, love that gun.