View Full Version : Polish feed ramp

09-20-2010, 09:08 PM
I take a Q-tip and turtle wax rubbing compound to buff the feed ramp. I'm wondering if something like Flitz metal polish would be better. I don't want to use too much abrasive since the feed ramp is plated. What do you use?

09-20-2010, 10:05 PM
I just use some polishing rouge and a felt wheel on my dremel. I then do a final hand polish with the flitz. It's not very aggressive. I used some 1000 sandpaper on one of them, then the polish and the flitz.

Kahrbon 14
09-20-2010, 11:59 PM
Despite the pressure of non-Polish administrations, who have often attempted to suppress the Polish, a rich luster has developed over the centuries.
They scream too much for me upon application, and it’s really difficult to get them back into the bottle, that which you don’t use.
I use Clover, as it is also the third most widely used.
It even smells Irish. :D

09-21-2010, 12:15 AM
OK, I had to read that four times before I was sure you're nipping tonight!! Smells Irish? A fine whiskey 'tiss it?

09-21-2010, 06:48 AM
What do you use?

Nothing. Kahr ramps come ready to use, IMHO, and need no extra attention. If a 20# spring and momentum of the slide aren't enough to push a bullet and case up the ramp, there are other evil forces at work not related to a polish job. If, on the other hand, you simply enjoy fondling and loving on your guns, then have at it.

09-21-2010, 07:01 AM
Ripley, what in all that is Holy's name is wrong with a little fondling? I kinda like to show my weapons that I still love them.

09-21-2010, 07:43 AM
I thought all Kahr feed ramps were made in the US of A. There are Polish ones?

And what's a 'tiss?? I've heard of 'tis, but the extra "S" version??

Every time I've seen this Polish Feed Ramp subject I've wanted to comment.:rolleyes:

I've taken the DLT diamond cutting tools to the feed ramp on my P380 trying to improve the angle. That was a real :eek: ! It wasn't very even and cut deeply too quickly! I wound up rolling some sandpaper around the round file I had been using as well and finally got some semblance of the slight groove that used to be there and then I polished the heck out of it. I thought I was going to be buying a new barrel!
My DLT is like the honored blade of a warrior... when unsheathed, it must be bloodied before being sheathed. DLT = Dremel Like Tool(~$24.95 at Costco)... for those of us who can't spend that much on a tool... it takes a lot to keep these beauties fed.:D

09-21-2010, 07:46 AM
Ripley, what in all that is Holy's name is wrong with a little fondling? I kinda like to show my weapons that I still love them.

Nothing...that's why I said it. I just don't believe the effort is rewarded with more reliability. I put ramp polishing into the "urban myth" catagory of gun lore. The chance of doing more harm than good outweighs any gain, IMHO.

09-21-2010, 09:09 AM
I guess I have missed alot in life but I have yet to read of damage ever done to anyone who polished his feed ramp. It is not rocket science to polish a feed ramp, most in the kahr line never need it but I certainly see no harm in polisihing a feed ramp on any gun. If it works OK out of the box, then one can assume no polish is needed and if it works good out of the box and yet one still polishs the feed ramp and it continues to work great, then one can assume he did no harm .. butmaybe added some even better rliability to the gun..

Kahrbon 14
09-21-2010, 11:36 AM
If’n ya install it backwards, that’ll Polish it up real good!

09-21-2010, 01:17 PM
I use a felt wheel on a Dremel and some of their polish compound to polish my entire barrel on ever Kahr I've had (3 total), I don't like the dull finish they have from the factory. the outside of my chamber looks almost chrome plated and I can see myself in my feed ramp.

09-21-2010, 02:04 PM
When I got my new PM9 last November I thought it was perfect. Then I shot it and my baby butt smooth hand hurt like I'd been spanking a truck tire. So I got a Hogue Jr slip on grip. It racked very stiffly and the action felt rough which is normal for a new gun. I found the metal to metal parts were digging on each other so I polished them and the action was smoother. When slow racking the carry round I saw where it hangs up so I polished the ramp. When I'd slingshot a full mag through the whole action smoothed out and felt good. The end result is I really do have the confidence my PM9 will perform if needed.

All of the time I was doing this I was getting schooled by my "mentors" here. They taught me how and what to polish, how to clean the unmentionable parts (spray what up where?!), what brands of stuff to buy, and in general transformed this old, used to be gun guy of 40 years earlier into a revitalized even older gun guy. I appreciate all of you so much and if the bad ever comes down, I hope I owe my life to you.

So, the next time you break down you Kahr, look for the rubbing parts and see if they are rough as mine were or smooth as mine are now. Slingshot rounds through it and feel the action, is it smooth or feel like it scrapes on concrete? Smooth is good.

Generally a lot of stuff said here is optional but worth considering. You don't get marked down for not polishing, you just don't get invited to the prom.

Bawanna, Streicher's just shipped 400rds of P45HST2, so we can stop looking :)

09-21-2010, 02:37 PM
Outstanding news buddy. I just got another negative response from a police supplier down in California about an hour ago. You better take at least half of that extremely rare ammo and put it in a display case. I may have to track down a box just to add to my cartridge collection. Put it in the rare section.

If the bad ever does come down I hope we can be there with ya covering 6. Nobody here has to fend off the bad alone.

09-21-2010, 03:03 PM
I toyed with buying 600 rounds and selling 400 at $1 ea to pay for mine, but the thought they may be able to fill 400 but hold my order for lack of 600 chickened me out.

I will sell the 60 or so rounds of the +P I still have though or trade it for something else like 2 8rd Wilson 45 mags for the Commander. I think you guys pretty much agree Wilson mags are the best, right?

OK Bawanna, times up.... did you get it?

09-21-2010, 03:38 PM
I GOT IT!!!:D:D:cheer2::cheer2:

I can't believe bawanna actually owns a Cbob. It's like a replay of getting my PM45. The seller is in Charlotte NC (aka Dietrichsville). I had my FFL and CC information to them in under a minute after closing. They were pretty impressed. Not impressed enough to ship today but they assured me it will go out tomorrow so maybe by the weekend we'll be bonding, me, Cbob and Tiny, aka the 3 stooges ride again.

09-21-2010, 03:42 PM
I toyed with buying 600 rounds and selling 400 at $1 ea to pay for mine, but the thought they may be able to fill 400 but hold my order for lack of 600 chickened me out.

I will sell the 60 or so rounds of the +P I still have though or trade it for something else like 2 8rd Wilson 45 mags for the Commander. I think you guys pretty much agree Wilson mags are the best, right?

OK Bawanna, times up.... did you get it?

I'm a devout Wilson fan myself, can't speak for the others. Some like the McCormicks. 400 carry rounds should last ya a long long time I'd think. I went thru a whole case of Gold Dots though (stupid). They were there and I just didn't compute how much they really cost, then they were gone and reality set in. Stupid......:32::32::32:

09-21-2010, 03:53 PM
Sounds like me and a bag of cookies. We got plenty so I can have a couple extra. Then it's an empty bag and I wish I'd only had 2 at a time. That's why we don't keep sweets on hand. If no ice cream I don't miss it, but if we have it I want it.

I intend to carry but not shoot the HST except for maybe a couple rounds now and then. Probably those I don't want to re-chamber any more. My intention is to not buy defense ammo in either 9mm or 45, ever again. I have 600rds of HST +P in 9mm and will have 400rds standard pressure in 45. I found I'm as good with HST as FMJ so it's a waste to shoot it.

09-21-2010, 03:57 PM
OMG!, I didn't notice your post re the Cbob!! Congratulations Bawanna. I can just see you in a couple weeks with parts everywhere and you fondling everything like a horny surgeon, "oh, my precious!". I can't wait to see your pics!