View Full Version : Early P45, but new member...

10-30-2022, 03:56 PM

I became interested in Kahr when looking for a compact .45. I purchased what was probably the first Glock 30 in the Northern California county where I lived in 1997 right after they were introduced. It never fit my hand and bonded with me like my Glock 19.

I read about the upcoming P45 from Kahr and bought one in September of 2006, shortly after they became available. By this time I'd moved from Northern CA to the SF Bay area and my shooting activities were curtailed quite a bit. Carry? Fuggedaboutit!! So, while it had been shot a fair amount, I'd not achieved the comfort level I have with the G19.

I've now retired and moved back to Northern CA and shooting a lot more. This is giving me time to get more familiar with my P45, what I like and what I need to fix.

For instance, I find it absurd that Kahr does not make a flush magazine for the P45. I'm back to carrying and every little bit helps in concealment. I've been doctoring up a few brands of Officer model mags which are flush (and hold 7 rounds), but have a bit to go before I'll rely on one to carry.

In a shooting session recently, I realized that the top, back corner of the slide stop was painfully sharp, poking my right thumb after a few rapid fire mags. Got home and filed that puppy & look forward to feeling the improvement next time out. I'd already filed some of the sharp edges off the front of the grip, not liking that when the gun was new.

Hard to believe I've had this puppy over 16 years now!

Hard to believe I've just now joined this forum. Looking forward to learning more.

Dave (kydave = Kentucky Dave, to distinguish me from two other Dave's I worked with when I moved from Kentucky to Northern CA many, many moons ago)

P.S. Apparently I'm too new to post any images yet, but will do so once allowed to. Either that, or I just am overlooking the "attachment" icon. LOL!

P.P.S. Meant to mention: My early P45 does not seem to have the disassembly marker on the slide. Is that unusual?

10-30-2022, 04:12 PM
You need 30 post in order to post pictures directly. You can post pictures from an outside source like postimage or tinypic etc.

10-30-2022, 04:27 PM
Thank you!

I'll see if this works... My P45 with a working (but not "bet your life" trust yet!) 7 round flush Officer's mag...

https://attachment.tapatalk-cdn.com/452/202210/29173_8074a56b3725126064a337d7c5d1bbae.jpg?Expires =1667424201&Signature=KHmwybvO6O4K-iHDoOsHPN7dEiAV6jnRliLV9tEwIs67h5bZWDhmprjOh2N6Hvp X7awfbnzqR-waf~Ilr1HoX-Mmle8IXVSR5Zn8pw3zlBmaU7DDniwE4~1RvikZEbt3czLkAC6m JHUQBcePm6hUt7z8s4QDNjxeoIi3Wm4hTrxABVYsDIBhSj2mVZ jdZcEMLRS8OClo~U~yvg1A9xx8Xg983qipHmGUAB4oDhgL2pt4 322ma1g0FPWuOteBktmKSZcm3JjxP01dRDYJuI5xICGQro4nG3 hxUUKBaqrvRI5L~PiIMNmVoBcaIp8SAjo71f2cGVobFbjGdsnX Qu2O2w__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJS72YROXJYGYDADA

And smoothed corner of slide stop...

https://attachment.tapatalk-cdn.com/452/202210/29173_0e33324eb6f5234c36ded32875a20028.jpg?Expires =1667424210&Signature=U5gDJHNVKoW~8r0e2VsewVWLo~2qAz3wz8IgbtJJ knOaTaify-pYQcn8PzTeg53wTcMmlT4LILrZR0daJfmNTJBUB3fT3z7G830A 0hS4mR0cQ6lBhKiRMsVPUUqIbCcZ9N-UWHv7B1u5zKBBTK4fAzWdvOFJJ5sy0DfHCEs3rt6~OIzcAEUTx sTOCnuBzELv~XDHlz~z5M9o~SJJKaoE4~p6tNmWrSVU3IoUMYO Qb~i8J1JqvX0eND9NSQGlzZzAhvJf~LQpG-Kvy9M6KzQXVWEBgVs4PUMUARtfGjSVTGAk0GXROusq5N-~8QMC0efV-F3QJHcfF0suJ9a87r4p6w__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJS72YROXJYGYDADA

10-30-2022, 05:40 PM
Welcome to the forum!

10-30-2022, 09:02 PM
Welcome kydave, glad you found us, come by often….

10-30-2022, 10:19 PM
Welcome Kentucky! My older K9 doesn't have the marks to line up the notch for disassembly either. You just have to put on your reading glasses and make sure the little half-moon shaped notch is over the pin in the right position. Or, if you look at Post #9 in this thread (http://www.kahrtalk.com/showthread.php?34220-Different-slidestop-takedown-lever-pin-on-K-s)that I started awhile back you can see a little jig that I made up that takes the guess work out of lining things up. Put the muzzle in the jig, push it down and tap the pin to slide it out. No muss no fuss.

10-31-2022, 10:26 AM
Dao - That is a great, yet simple jig you devised! Thanks!

11-05-2022, 10:50 AM
I have a MK40 and have a note on Tips and Tricks to remove the slide.
1) Insert an empty mag in gun.
2) Pull slide back to the witness marks and push the slide stop out.
3) Remove the mag, pull the trigger and remove the slide.

Note: Naturally you remove the mag and check the chamber
of any firearm to be sure it's unloaded before a field strip.

11-05-2022, 12:51 PM
The "problem" with some of the K9's Barth is that there are no witness marks...

Ky the depth of the top hole is 0.60". This the the depth needed so that when the barrel bottoms out in the hole the half moon notch will be centered on the take out pin's corresponding bump. Using one hand to push the gun into the hole with the right side facing you has the gun oriented correctly to allow the other hand to tap the pin with a non-marring tool to free it. And as Barth stated be sure the chamber is empty since the next step after removing the pin is to pull the trigger so the slide will come off the frame.

11-05-2022, 08:52 PM
Thanks. Yeah, my early P45 does not have a witness mark on the slide at all. The spring is stiff enough that it is a PITA to mess with it trying to line things up exactly. Of course, once you find that sweet spot, the pin pops right out. I should just get around to marking the slide. I don't mind filing it. The gun is not going anywhere.

11-06-2022, 12:03 AM
It's not difficult at all to use the back of the slide lock lever as a mark. No need to deface your gun. Once you get the hang of it, it's easy peasy.