View Full Version : Carry ammo shooting high, any recommendations?

Ralph III
11-14-2022, 06:46 PM
Hello All,
I've been using Federal HST 124g as my self defense ammo in my Kahr S9 but it shoots high. Whereas all of the practice ammo that I've shot it typically spot on, no matter the brand or grain. It's just the 124g HST that I find difficult to be highly precise with.

Has anyone else had similar issues and what did you do to correct this? I'm considering switching to a different self defense ammo otherwise trying a different grain of HST. Should I go heavier or lighter? I already shoot 6 o'clock for precision shooting, so there is no adjusting to be made with aiming. Your input is appreciated.

God Bless

11-14-2022, 08:12 PM
It’s been a while since I have done any Kahr testing but I settled on Hornady critical defense 115 gr. for my 9mm Kahrs and don’t recall any problems.

I do use HST 124 gr. in my glocks and Sigs and it seems to hit spot on in those. Just haven’t done any Kahr testing lately.

11-15-2022, 12:31 PM
I use their ammo almost exclusively. Never had an issue with it. Out of my former Kahr MK9, it always shot low.

11-17-2022, 05:42 AM
Are the HST's, +P? OR Just hotter loads.
In my opinion, some shooters don't handle the hotter recoil as well as they do the target ammo. So...the tip of the barrel moves more, just after the trigger is pulled, causing the ammo to shoot a little high.
On another note, high school physics, shows that a faster bullet fired from a stationary pistol. Will get to the target faster, and not drop as much due to gravity. Most people do not fire pistols at great enough range for this to make a difference.

Final question, does it shoot high when someone else uses the pistol, to see if it's ammo or user.

mr surveyor
11-17-2022, 04:16 PM
If you insist on the same brand of ammunition, I'd guess your best bet would be to try a lighter bullet first- NORMALLY the heavier bullet will be in the barrel a bit longer (dwell time) and be riding the bore a tiny bit longer during initial recoil.

I'm just a lifetime rookie so don't take my word for it. I may have overheard this idea at the barbershop .... naah, I haven't been in a barbershop in 25 years :)


Ralph III
11-17-2022, 09:15 PM
Hello and thanks for the input.

No, no. These are standard loads and it's not user error. I'm a very accurate shooter and manage 8in or better groupings from 90ft with my Kahr S9 with my best grouping at that distance being 5 3/4 in (7 rds). Paul Harrell actually did a video on this specific issue. So I'll try 115g in HST and a few other brands to see which offers the best POI. I'll let you know how it goes in a few weeks.


04-19-2023, 07:05 PM
I run almost exclusively Federal HST 147 gr standard pressure in all my 9mm guns.
Full Disclosure: Federal HST 150 gr Micro in my Ruger Micro 9.
Only Kahr I own is a MK40 Elite which loves anything 180 gr :)
Guns are like girls - they are unique.
What ammo they like is something you have to figure out for yourself.
Have a nice day :)

Truth be known - Federal HST, Winchester Ranger T-Series (Black Talon) or Speer GDHP all work :cool: