View Full Version : Happy Thanksgiving

11-24-2022, 10:00 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to all my Kahrtalk friends!
Be safe and enjoy your family.

11-24-2022, 10:09 AM
Gobble Gobble.

11-24-2022, 10:33 AM
This is my first one since my wife passed.
I did a cost/benefit analyses, and the whole turkey, stuffing, pie deal, is just to much work for one man and a standard poodle.
Charley and I are having baked ham, mac & cheese, and field peas with snaps.

Hope y'all have a wonderful day.

11-24-2022, 11:19 AM
Wish you weren't on the opposite side of the continent, always room at my table for you and your standard poodle.

11-24-2022, 11:48 AM
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Desiree and I are having our traditional dinner together at home.

The pie is done, but there's still a bit to do for me, being the cook. A picture of our pre-dinner:

https://scontent-atl3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/316828802_5891309490936651_6477961143955284048_n.j pg?_nc_cat=103&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=3QID8ydByJ4AX-V-CUU&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-2.xx&oh=00_AfDAeCCrA-oex49ykAUfOlcUO3M8enJyhG1ilc85nGiYAw&oe=63842870

11-24-2022, 12:02 PM
Happy Turkey Day to all of you. And may the memories of years gone by with loved ones who are no longer with us serve to add to what we have to be thankful for now.

11-24-2022, 01:00 PM
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope y’all enjoy the day…..Wife decided to do a Low Country Boil this year and pass on the turkey, so far it’s smelling really good…….Have a nice day and God Bless all the good folks here on Kahrtalk……

11-24-2022, 06:36 PM
First Thanksgiving in 29 years without our grandson Parker. It was not the same, but the family still had a good time in his memory.

This was the scene in our living room Wednesday evening after we called 911.
After two days of cooking & preparing, my wife almost collapsed yesterday afternoon from exhaustion.
I have been sick for two days from a stomach bug that has totally wiped me out, so I wasn’t able to keep up with my usual cleanup duties.
That made it harder on her and at 5pm she sat down in a near catatonic state unresponsive to my inquiries. I called my son to come over to help with her, and when he saw that she was barely communicative he called 911. I was afraid she was having a stroke.
After talking with the dispatcher explaining everything & answering her questions, it took only five minutes for the FD EMTs to arrive, quickly followed by the County paramedics.

After a very thorough examination they determined she was dehydrated and low blood sugar, compounded by exhaustion. Her BP was 196/97.
So they gave her some glucose and I had her start drinking a bottle of Gatorade. She improved very quickly, and after she declined transport to the local ER, they departed. An hour later she was pretty much back to normal but very tired.
It sure is comforting to know excellent lifesaving help is just 5 minutes away.
After a decent night’s sleep she was ready for the family to come over.
They brought their share of the food, then set it all out and cleaned up everything afterwards.
All’s well that ends well, and everyone had a good time.

11-24-2022, 06:59 PM
And someone please do their thing to rightside my pics up. Thanks.

11-24-2022, 07:40 PM
Don’t worry about that Army, take care of your wife! Glad she came around but that BP reading is nowhere normal at all……Time for a complete physical and blood work up for both of you…….Tell her to slow down some, we’ve all got some miles on us and even though we think we are going to live forever and have to do all the things we did 30 years ago we just can’t…….Very happy she’s doing better but get it checked out…….Prayers sent!

11-24-2022, 08:00 PM

11-24-2022, 08:16 PM
Thanks Barth!

11-25-2022, 07:54 AM
We need to drink a lot of water. Sometimes it's hard to drink enough water during the day. I know that I have to force myself to drink enough water. Hope she's doing better.

11-25-2022, 09:41 AM
First Thanksgiving in 29 years without our grandson Parker. It was not the same, but the family still had a good time in his memory.

This was the scene in our living room Wednesday evening after we called 911.
After two days of cooking & preparing, my wife almost collapsed yesterday afternoon from exhaustion.
I have been sick for two days from a stomach bug that has totally wiped me out, so I wasn’t able to keep up with my usual cleanup duties.
That made it harder on her and at 5pm she sat down in a near catatonic state unresponsive to my inquiries. I called my son to come over to help with her, and when he saw that she was barely communicative he called 911. I was afraid she was having a stroke.
After talking with the dispatcher explaining everything & answering her questions, it took only five minutes for the FD EMTs to arrive, quickly followed by the County paramedics.

After a very thorough examination they determined she was dehydrated and low blood sugar, compounded by exhaustion. Her BP was 196/97.
So they gave her some glucose and I had her start drinking a bottle of Gatorade. She improved very quickly, and after she declined transport to the local ER, they departed. An hour later she was pretty much back to normal but very tired.
It sure is comforting to know excellent lifesaving help is just 5 minutes away.
After a decent night’s sleep she was ready for the family to come over.
They brought their share of the food, then set it all out and cleaned up everything afterwards.
All’s well that ends well, and everyone had a good time.

Hope she’s doing better. Tell her my wife decided after last Christmas and a summer visit from our family that this holiday season that she was going to tell everyone that if they wanted to bring food that’s fine, but for her part we’re eating out or ordering delivery. The good cooking is reserved for me and her. The work was getting to be too much.

I told her it sounds good to me.

11-25-2022, 10:37 AM
Happy belated thanksgiving everyone. Glad your wife is doing better armybrat. I spent the day flying out to oregon where my daughter lives. Shes getting married on dec 4th. Pretty excited about it. Hoping to visit the coast and do a little hiking while here. Left sunny and 70 deg temperature in nc to 40's and combo of rain / snow in the forcast for here most of the next ten days. Going to take me awhile to get used to the time change as well. But its all good! Bawanna I can almost see your house from here.

11-25-2022, 02:28 PM
Well Grotman we'll leave the light on for ya. If you get a chance head North, if you get to where the people talk funny and a lot of metric stuff you dun gone too far.

Enjoy Oregon, pretty country, stay away from Portland, head on a swivel.

11-25-2022, 05:23 PM
Heads-up for anyone who would like a good deal on a CT9 for $289.99 plus tax & shipping…

https://grabagun.com/kahr-arms-ct-9mm-4-barrel-8-rounds-adjustable-rear-sight.html?trk_msg=QTMH8A2GGSA45E9O9FU9U5K1TS&trk_contact=0OVE4VT4E6LN8EAO7JADC11GNC&trk_sid=9B3PM4CFIVGE8CR21FF10FIKI8&trk_link=C6TJM87A5QUKJEVC2PNQTKT198&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Kahr+Arms+CT+9mm+4%26quot%3b+Barrel+8-Rounds+Adjustable+Rear+Sight+(image)&utm_campaign=🚨More+Amazing+Black+Friday+Deals+Just +Loaded!🚨Huge+Discounts+On+9MM+Pistols🚨AR-15+Rifles🚨Ammo+%26+

11-25-2022, 07:06 PM

11-25-2022, 07:35 PM
Heads-up for anyone who would like a good deal on a CT9 for $289.99 plus tax & shipping…

https://grabagun.com/kahr-arms-ct-9mm-4-barrel-8-rounds-adjustable-rear-sight.html?trk_msg=QTMH8A2GGSA45E9O9FU9U5K1TS&trk_contact=0OVE4VT4E6LN8EAO7JADC11GNC&trk_sid=9B3PM4CFIVGE8CR21FF10FIKI8&trk_link=C6TJM87A5QUKJEVC2PNQTKT198&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Kahr+Arms+CT+9mm+4%26quot%3b+Barrel+8-Rounds+Adjustable+Rear+Sight+(image)&utm_campaign=More+Amazing+Black+Friday+Deals+Just +Loaded!Huge+Discounts+On+9MM+PistolsAR-15+RiflesAmmo+%26+

Thats a good deal on a good pistol. I got one for about $300 a few years ago and my daughter promptly claimed it as hers.

11-25-2022, 08:56 PM
Hey everyone, and a belated Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Army, sorry to hear about what you have been dealing with, and sad to hear what happened to your wife. Please, if not already, get her on some good magnesium, L-Theanine and B-12. That trifecta does miracles for blood pressure and stress. I feel extremely calm, have lower blood pressure when I remember to take them. Without them, the blood pressure is up, I feel lethargic and just crappy overall. I sent those to my dad recently and he was amazed at how much better he has been feeling. He is 87 and has always had bouts like what your wife’s symptoms sounded like. God bless you and your wife and rooting for you two!!!

11-25-2022, 09:01 PM
Heads-up for anyone who would like a good deal on a CT9 for $289.99 plus tax & shipping…

https://grabagun.com/kahr-arms-ct-9mm-4-barrel-8-rounds-adjustable-rear-sight.html?trk_msg=QTMH8A2GGSA45E9O9FU9U5K1TS&trk_contact=0OVE4VT4E6LN8EAO7JADC11GNC&trk_sid=9B3PM4CFIVGE8CR21FF10FIKI8&trk_link=C6TJM87A5QUKJEVC2PNQTKT198&utm_source=listrak&utm_medium=email&utm_term=Kahr+Arms+CT+9mm+4%26quot%3b+Barrel+8-Rounds+Adjustable+Rear+Sight+(image)&utm_campaign=More+Amazing+Black+Friday+Deals+Just +Loaded!Huge+Discounts+On+9MM+PistolsAR-15+RiflesAmmo+%26+
Man, wish I could!