View Full Version : New to me PM9

03-17-2023, 10:16 PM
Last month I ran my K9 at a IDPA match. Was going to run my MK9 tomorrow. Change of plans. The replacement magazine catch and the slide stop lever came in the mail today for the PM9. It feels like the parts are doing the job so I’m going to take a leap of faith and shoot the PM9. Should be a challenge with lots of reloading. The MK9 will be my backup if the PM9 doesn’t work out.

03-18-2023, 09:05 PM
So how'd it go? I've found no difference in accuracy between K series and P series guns regardless of size, but my PM9s seem to recoil less.

03-18-2023, 09:41 PM
It went well. Gun ran flawlessly. One of the shooters said, damn that is loud. He asked if it was a 40. Nope. I’ve gotten the same reaction when I have shot my CW9 and my K9 from the SOs that have run me.

03-23-2023, 10:43 PM
Good to hear!