09-23-2010, 12:52 PM
I'm starting a new thread here to cover this problem and my "fix". I'll copy some previous posts... mine and helpers’ (edited for brevity and some spelling correction... for clarity...yeah, I'm sort of anal about spelling:rolleyes:) here and add before and after pictures.
I just copied this and moved it to a Word document so I won’t lose it going back and forth between posts/threads. I hate when that happens!
I was looking at older pictures of my PM45 trying to see if the slides had changed in the front... now beveled a bit, when I noticed the trigger pivot pin was backed out! I could see inside the left-hand side! I first noticed the right side was not flush and then thought what the heck??
I tried light tapping with a screwdriver handle butt, but didn't want to bend that retention pin or break the plastic!
Do you or anyone else know anything about this. I really don't know if the retention or retainer pin is inserted from the outside or from inside the frame.
I fired off a message and pix to Eoin this morning. I didn't even get to shoot it... which is probably a good thing. The left side isn't supported very much and I don't know what could have happened if I had fired it.
JOCKO said “it is put in from the outside. Wynn, my PM9 pin moved about what yours looked like and my retention pin was still way up there. Only thing I could figure was that the pin was not actually making contact with the pin even, so I pushed out my trigger pin a tad more and put some super glue on it and tapped it back in and it has never moved. I was not going to send it back for that unless my solution did not work. This has been about a year plus ago. Another thing that could possibly be but I doubt it is the trigger pin end is out of spec. I would bet if you returned it to Kahr, they would try replacing it with a new trigger pin and crossing their fingers. I don't think once that retention pin is inserted it can be taken out.
Thanks, Jocko. I tried driving it out a bit and then tried pushing it back in with a big pair of slip jaw piers with rubber guards but I can’t get the thing flush. I pushed it in or partially out so I could see the pin and if there was a way to get it out of the way, but the retention pin goes up into the frame and it couldn't scrape it down a bit to be able to grab the darn thing and pull it out of the way. I tried a little bit to use a plastic rod and my screwdriver handle to tap it flush but no go.
I finally just put it aside until I hear from Eoin.
That darn retention pin doesn't protrude very far into the pivot pin hole, but the pivot pin doesn't want to get back past the darn thing.
JOCKO: sounds to me like the retention pin is doing what it is designed to do. The trigger actually is pushed out by a pusher and it has to slide by the retention pin with some force to get by it. So if it was mine, then I would just lay the gun with the retention pin side down on a taped hard surface and then from the other side with a flat punch and tape on the punch head, give that trigger pin one hell of a rap and it will go back, then keep an eye on it to see what happens after that. You’re not going to hurt one thing Wynn by doing this, maybe to err on the side of caution push the trigger pin from the retention side a little further out and then set up the situation as I described and before giving the trigger pin that love tap, put some super glue on that right side area and then drive it home. I think it will stay put after that. MINE DID
Dang! What a PITA! I got a dowel and whittled down one end to the size of the right side of the pin that needs to go flush. I got a small hammer, but had to turn it sideways because the first whack missed... ouch! Worried about hitting the gun, too.
I've given it several good whacks... several times and it looks good on the left side, but then pops back inside the frame! The right side just won't go completely flush. I tried backing it out a bit and having a go at it, but it pops the back wrong way after a few seconds.
It's too oily to use my Permatex threadlocker and I don't want to completely remove the darn pin. No word from Kahr, yet. That's the problem with addressing a particular person... he might not be there! <sigh>
Wonder if you could move the trigger back and forth a bit while trying to push the pin in or perhaps a small c-clamp. I doubt threadlocker would do any good on a smooth pin, the super glue or something of that nature would be a better choice although I'm not warm and fuzzy with the permanent nature of that stuff if you ever have to change a trigger spring or something.
I'm wondering if the retainer pin end lines up with anything like a notch in the trigger pin? Never seen one out so not sure what it even looks like. Maybe the schematics here have a clear enough picture.
JOCKO: thread locker will not work and super glue will not prevent one from moving the pin if needed. The retainer pin is not a replacement part, as once in, unless it actually backs itself out, you can't get it out. I have seen that retainer pin back out also. My PM9 did that ONCE. Not sure a wooden dowel Wynn is the right thing to use as there is some absorption in the wooden dowel over a flat punch.
Actually moving the trigger itself back and forth IMO will do nothing, as the trigger pin is actually all the way through the trigger and both sides of the polymer grip. There is quite a bit of thickness in the grip area where that pin goes through on both sides. My suggestions to Wynn is merely a way in which I think will work as it has worked for my PM9 and if all else fails, then send it back to kahr. It will not void any warranty either and more than likely will solve the issue of the walking trigger pin. THREAD LOCKER will not work. Super glue will work and yet with a good swift hit on that pin, it will break loose of its glue status and allow one to remove it. I have yet to ever read of anything in that kahr trigger set up ever breaking where pin replacement is necessary...
I just copied this and moved it to a Word document so I won’t lose it going back and forth between posts/threads. I hate when that happens!
I was looking at older pictures of my PM45 trying to see if the slides had changed in the front... now beveled a bit, when I noticed the trigger pivot pin was backed out! I could see inside the left-hand side! I first noticed the right side was not flush and then thought what the heck??
I tried light tapping with a screwdriver handle butt, but didn't want to bend that retention pin or break the plastic!
Do you or anyone else know anything about this. I really don't know if the retention or retainer pin is inserted from the outside or from inside the frame.
I fired off a message and pix to Eoin this morning. I didn't even get to shoot it... which is probably a good thing. The left side isn't supported very much and I don't know what could have happened if I had fired it.
JOCKO said “it is put in from the outside. Wynn, my PM9 pin moved about what yours looked like and my retention pin was still way up there. Only thing I could figure was that the pin was not actually making contact with the pin even, so I pushed out my trigger pin a tad more and put some super glue on it and tapped it back in and it has never moved. I was not going to send it back for that unless my solution did not work. This has been about a year plus ago. Another thing that could possibly be but I doubt it is the trigger pin end is out of spec. I would bet if you returned it to Kahr, they would try replacing it with a new trigger pin and crossing their fingers. I don't think once that retention pin is inserted it can be taken out.
Thanks, Jocko. I tried driving it out a bit and then tried pushing it back in with a big pair of slip jaw piers with rubber guards but I can’t get the thing flush. I pushed it in or partially out so I could see the pin and if there was a way to get it out of the way, but the retention pin goes up into the frame and it couldn't scrape it down a bit to be able to grab the darn thing and pull it out of the way. I tried a little bit to use a plastic rod and my screwdriver handle to tap it flush but no go.
I finally just put it aside until I hear from Eoin.
That darn retention pin doesn't protrude very far into the pivot pin hole, but the pivot pin doesn't want to get back past the darn thing.
JOCKO: sounds to me like the retention pin is doing what it is designed to do. The trigger actually is pushed out by a pusher and it has to slide by the retention pin with some force to get by it. So if it was mine, then I would just lay the gun with the retention pin side down on a taped hard surface and then from the other side with a flat punch and tape on the punch head, give that trigger pin one hell of a rap and it will go back, then keep an eye on it to see what happens after that. You’re not going to hurt one thing Wynn by doing this, maybe to err on the side of caution push the trigger pin from the retention side a little further out and then set up the situation as I described and before giving the trigger pin that love tap, put some super glue on that right side area and then drive it home. I think it will stay put after that. MINE DID
Dang! What a PITA! I got a dowel and whittled down one end to the size of the right side of the pin that needs to go flush. I got a small hammer, but had to turn it sideways because the first whack missed... ouch! Worried about hitting the gun, too.
I've given it several good whacks... several times and it looks good on the left side, but then pops back inside the frame! The right side just won't go completely flush. I tried backing it out a bit and having a go at it, but it pops the back wrong way after a few seconds.
It's too oily to use my Permatex threadlocker and I don't want to completely remove the darn pin. No word from Kahr, yet. That's the problem with addressing a particular person... he might not be there! <sigh>
Wonder if you could move the trigger back and forth a bit while trying to push the pin in or perhaps a small c-clamp. I doubt threadlocker would do any good on a smooth pin, the super glue or something of that nature would be a better choice although I'm not warm and fuzzy with the permanent nature of that stuff if you ever have to change a trigger spring or something.
I'm wondering if the retainer pin end lines up with anything like a notch in the trigger pin? Never seen one out so not sure what it even looks like. Maybe the schematics here have a clear enough picture.
JOCKO: thread locker will not work and super glue will not prevent one from moving the pin if needed. The retainer pin is not a replacement part, as once in, unless it actually backs itself out, you can't get it out. I have seen that retainer pin back out also. My PM9 did that ONCE. Not sure a wooden dowel Wynn is the right thing to use as there is some absorption in the wooden dowel over a flat punch.
Actually moving the trigger itself back and forth IMO will do nothing, as the trigger pin is actually all the way through the trigger and both sides of the polymer grip. There is quite a bit of thickness in the grip area where that pin goes through on both sides. My suggestions to Wynn is merely a way in which I think will work as it has worked for my PM9 and if all else fails, then send it back to kahr. It will not void any warranty either and more than likely will solve the issue of the walking trigger pin. THREAD LOCKER will not work. Super glue will work and yet with a good swift hit on that pin, it will break loose of its glue status and allow one to remove it. I have yet to ever read of anything in that kahr trigger set up ever breaking where pin replacement is necessary...