View Full Version : H&K steps in it

05-18-2023, 07:16 AM
Looks like HK got bit by the wokebeetle.


05-18-2023, 09:16 AM
This “woke” and “virtue signaling” crap is a product of poorly educated ignoramuses and insecure losers who believe the louder they scream in your face, the more “powerful” they are.
Too many nowadays think they are destined to be “influencers”.
I’ll bet the marketing idiot who started the H&K ruckus wouldn’t make a dime if she tried selling herself with an Onlyfans account.

King Rat
05-18-2023, 09:27 AM
Lol, what a Stigma to get. Every time I see a HK now, well let's just say give me a Bud light.


King Rat
05-18-2023, 09:40 AM

05-18-2023, 09:55 AM
The issue was “gun bunnies” in ads, though, not alphabet people. It reminded me of another gun company’s “Thin is in” campaign :D

Aren’t “gun bunnies” a protected minority?

King Rat
05-18-2023, 11:08 AM
What If Gun Companies Were Honest?

05-18-2023, 12:06 PM
Now it appears that H&K have responded by disavowing that “woke” statement and possibly fired the person who wrote it without approval:

https://twitter.com/HecklerAndKoch/status/1658959377632559104?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5 Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1658959377632559104%7Ctwgr% 5Ed8ae7501bc00ef854d8f7dadf5f0bf8cfecfaadc%7Ctwcon %5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.foxnews.com%2Fmedia%2Fhe ckler-koch-disavows-identity-politics-day-representative-defended-woke-miller-lite-ad.print

05-18-2023, 12:18 PM
WTF cares? Somebody else who wants to be noticed. Still make some of the nicest/best firearms around, more expensive or not. Let's get everyone rattled before we hear the whole story, which we will never hear. He ought to learn how to wear a hat first. Then shoot a gun if he owns one. Can I sell some more coffee?

King Rat
05-18-2023, 06:32 PM
WTF cares? Somebody else who wants to be noticed. Still make some of the nicest/best firearms around, more expensive or not. Let's get everyone rattled before we hear the whole story, which we will never hear. He ought to learn how to wear a hat first. Then shoot a gun if he owns one. Can I sell some more coffee?

Relax, no one cares. Just a little fun, no big deal. Now go grab a Bud Light and chill out.

King Rat
05-18-2023, 06:42 PM
Remember this classic?


05-18-2023, 10:37 PM
I see that Miller brewing company went WOKE with a commercial saying that women are the reason beer even exists……What is wrong with corporate America, are they trying to aim for an iceberg to destroy their company? I like Miller Highlife and I hope it goes on sale 2 for 1 like Bud Lite which can’t be given away after their boo-boo……I don’t watch much TV and really don’t care about that stuff and will continue to enjoy Miller Highlife beer but I have to wonder what has happened to this country when less than 1 present of the population of LGBTQ+1LMNOP people demand such control of everything…….Guys say they are girls and girls say they are guys and want everyone to say, yeah that’s perfectly normal and get offended if anyone questions their misguided view of right and wrong………..I’m glad that I am old and won’t live too much longer to see where this country is headed to because right now I’m very confused

King Rat
05-18-2023, 11:37 PM
"women are the reason beer even exists" Now that is funny.

05-19-2023, 06:52 AM
But it’s true! Without beer, ugly women wouldn’t get taken home!

05-19-2023, 07:52 AM
This BS is coming from the fact companies are hiring based on checking a box not on the candidates capability.

05-19-2023, 08:22 AM
Relax, no one cares. Just a little fun, no big deal. Now go grab a Bud Light and chill out. Who are you, my mother? Take your own advice.

05-19-2023, 08:29 AM
I see that Miller brewing company went WOKE with a commercial saying that women are the reason beer even exists……What is wrong with corporate America, are they trying to aim for an iceberg to destroy their company? I like Miller Highlife and I hope it goes on sale 2 for 1 like Bud Lite which can’t be given away after their boo-boo……I don’t watch much TV and really don’t care about that stuff and will continue to enjoy Miller Highlife beer but I have to wonder what has happened to this country when less than 1 present of the population of LGBTQ+1LMNOP people demand such control of everything…….Guys say they are girls and girls say they are guys and want everyone to say, yeah that’s perfectly normal and get offended if anyone questions their misguided view of right and wrong………..I’m glad that I am old and won’t live too much longer to see where this country is headed to because right now I’m very confused It's the reason that Miller exists. Champaign of bottled beer. Started it to get women to drink beer. Personally, I wouldn't drink any of the watered-down swill myself. I prefer real beer. I guess if people are worried about calories, they shouldn't be drinking in the first place. :p

King Rat
05-19-2023, 09:10 AM
I loved my "Marketing" classes in college. Beer was a favorite example used so often, and we got into detail about Miller High Life. Look at the present gun culture and how they can convince you how you need more and more. It has become ridiculous. So over the top on everything.

"Advertisements for High Life at the time emphasized the champagne lifestyle as well. Before the High Life Girl was perched on a crescent moon, she was shooting out of beer bottles like a champagne cork.

“The Champagne of Bottle Beers” nickname followed one year after that 1905 ad. In 1969, the word “bottle” was dropped to become “The Champagne of Beers”.



05-19-2023, 01:04 PM
Easy to remember phone numbers back then...........

mr surveyor
05-19-2023, 01:23 PM
The girls get prettier at closing time ...... well, that used to be true .... not that I know myself, just remember hearing it


King Rat
05-20-2023, 03:47 AM
The girls get prettier at closing time ...... well, that used to be true .... not that I know myself, just remember hearing it


Reporter to Coach Vince Lombardi: Does having sex before a game hinder performance in football Players?

Coach Lombardi: No, it is staying out all night looking for it that kills them.

05-20-2023, 08:57 AM
The best beer IMO. Guinness Extra Stout

05-20-2023, 09:34 AM
The best beer IMO. Guinness Extra Stout I'm not sure it's the best, :) but Guinness makes a fine product. The thing about those stouts is after the first few sips, they're just as good at room temp. I used to drink Tooths Sheaf Stout Notice I said used to........one of the few beers I ever had that when opened, you could smell the alcohol, but not in a bad way.....................

05-20-2023, 12:05 PM
Widget can Guinness is my beverage of choice.

05-20-2023, 02:43 PM
The thing about those stouts is after the first few sips, they're just as good at room temp....

Ain’t that the truth. First room temp Guinness I ever had was over in England at my brother in law’s wedding reception.

Only been to England once but don’t care to go back. I guess I now know why my ancestors came here in the 1600’s. If I had got out of Southern England and went north maybe would have been nicer but I ain’t going to try again. Even my in-laws said there were a lot of places to stay away from. The freedoms we have are much better. And everyone there worked for the sole purpose of saving money to leave and go somewhere else whenever they could get away, like they didn’t like their own place.

mr surveyor
05-20-2023, 04:40 PM
Since the subject is beer (bier), I have to add my 1-1/2¢ since I was a home brewer for about 15 years in my previous life. The idea of room temperature beer (bier) just ain't good for American swill (budmillercoors) ... nasty. But, quality ales (not the cheap crap) are best aged/stored at cellar temps (about 55°) and served as such .... and have absolutely no taste degradation as they reach room temperature on the table.

As for Guinness and the "widget" .... it's a totally different animal. Actually rather that CO2, the "fizz", due to the widget is Nitrogen. If it's decanted into a glass you can see the difference. Most anything that's carbonated you'll see the bubbles coming from the bottom to the top of the drink. Normally, in Nitrogen charged beverages you can see the bubbles dropping.

It's a "chemistry thing" :cool:


King Rat
05-20-2023, 06:20 PM
Personally on a hot summer day, when I have work to do, take a break etc. I love a Ice cold non-alcoholic beer. Might even buy some Bud Light if it is cheap enough. When I am drinking beer after work I love a Blue Moon. And my favorite beer of all time is


05-20-2023, 11:06 PM
Y’all see this:


I love my Miller beer but I just can’t figure this commercial out…………I probably should drink more, that may be
the answer because I’m very confused about everything right now

05-21-2023, 05:34 AM
I don't always drink beer but when I do, I do and say stupid things...................PBR me asap............

05-21-2023, 07:45 AM
Now here's a drink ....:amflag:

05-21-2023, 08:38 AM
Ain’t that the truth. First room temp Guinness I ever had was over in England at my brother in law’s wedding reception.

Only been to England once but don’t care to go back. I guess I now know why my ancestors came here in the 1600’s. If I had got out of Southern England and went north maybe would have been nicer but I ain’t going to try again. Even my in-laws said there were a lot of places to stay away from. The freedoms we have are much better. And everyone there worked for the sole purpose of saving money to leave and go somewhere else whenever they could get away, like they didn’t like their own place. The wifey's sister married a guy from England. They go back to visit a couple times a year. He was a cop for a while but quit because he couldn't have a firearm. He said that there were many stabbings, baseball bats, etc., but not much gets publicized. He did have a shotgun, but it had to stay locked up at a shooting club. Loves the gun laws over here. The wife's sis says that the first time she went over the water, they went to a local pub. She got nothing but stares from the all-male patrons. I guess it's not proper for a lady to go in and have a pint or two. She said that the people are generally cold and many downright rude. I told her that when you live somewhere that's usually cold, raining and or cloudy 95% of the time, you get cranky. Personally, I wouldn't want to be there for a day. If you're of the Muslim faith, you can pray on every other corner :rolleyes:

05-21-2023, 08:47 AM
Y’all see this:


I love my Miller beer but I just can’t figure this commercial out…………I probably should drink more, that may be
the answer because I’m very confused about everything right now

The whole country is going to hell I tell you, literally.

I think it was last year that a lady H.R. manager at the USA Hyundai Motor’s plant decided on her own to issue a Memo to start a woke something or other, and she was gone in about 60 seconds. Hyundai is now facing a discrimination suit in court. Good for them for standing up for what they believe and not permitting foolishness at their plant.

05-21-2023, 08:51 AM
Y’all see this:


I love my Miller beer but I just can’t figure this commercial out…………I probably should drink more, that may be
the answer because I’m very confused about everything right now I guess they want you to know that even if you're a woman, dressed like a man, taking hormone therapy. having your time of the month, getting plastic surgeries, A sexual, etc., you too can own a Ford Truck, painted in many flavors, which will get you the attention that you crave, and allow you to drive free and hard, releasing all that inner anxiety and confusion figuring out who the hell you are. Comes with air......................

05-21-2023, 09:25 AM

05-21-2023, 12:19 PM
The wifey's sister married a guy from England. They go back to visit a couple times a year. He was a cop for a while but quit because he couldn't have a firearm. He said that there were many stabbings, baseball bats, etc., but not much gets publicized. He did have a shotgun, but it had to stay locked up at a shooting club. Loves the gun laws over here. The wife's sis says that the first time she went over the water, they went to a local pub. She got nothing but stares from the all-male patrons. I guess it's not proper for a lady to go in and have a pint or two. She said that the people are generally cold and many downright rude. I told her that when you live somewhere that's usually cold, raining and or cloudy 95% of the time, you get cranky. Personally, I wouldn't want to be there for a day. If you're of the Muslim faith, you can pray on every other corner :rolleyes:

Glad to know it’s not just me. Those were my exact observations when I was there.

King Rat
05-23-2023, 03:03 AM
Could Bud Light be a better gauge of how America is sick of the Crap that is going on with the Liberal Progressive cancer that has invaded the Soul of America, MORE SO, than any polls etc.
Bud Light is synonymous to BRANDON, A WEAK, SPINLESS ,WATERED DOWN JOKE. America is sick of him, woke, BLM, and everything this cancer has touched.

Product is sinking, quickly down 26%

Bud Light buying back unsold, expired beer from wholesalers as sales continue to suffer: report

Wall Street Journal reported Anheuser-Busch will try to help struggling wholesalers


05-23-2023, 05:48 AM
Disney is laying off 7,000 employees. That’s another data point in the go woke/go broke saga.

05-23-2023, 01:25 PM
Personally on a hot summer day, when I have work to do, take a break etc. I love a Ice cold non-alcoholic beer. Might even buy some Bud Light if it is cheap enough. When I am drinking beer after work I love a Blue Moon. And my favorite beer of all time is


Love Arrogant Bastard.
Love beer with flavor.

05-23-2023, 05:39 PM
I'm a simple man when it comes to my favorite beer...FREE!!

05-23-2023, 09:13 PM
I'm a simple man when it comes to my favorite beer...FREE!!

Ummmm... isn't your favorite brand COLD and free??


05-24-2023, 12:48 AM
I do prefer free cold beer first, but at times one cannot be to picky.

05-24-2023, 10:50 AM
Back when I could still drink beer this was my favorite

05-24-2023, 01:08 PM
H & K has never been interested in selling guns to the public, unless they
have suddenly changed their policy* That's one reason I won't buy any of
their firearms* They said in the past that they don't think civilians should
own firearms, which is one reason I don't buy any of their stuff!

05-25-2023, 07:11 AM
:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy: Yeah, must be why they built a 23-million-dollar plant in Georgia. They hate U.S. civilians. Only sold 17 million AR's. Don't know where you heard or read that nonsense. They're just not selling to non-Nato countries which sounds like a good idea to me. Must be why GB sells a ton of those damn HK's. :p

05-25-2023, 10:59 AM
Next company that gets shaken down by the alphabet gang, remind me to buy their stock after the price plummets.

05-25-2023, 11:01 AM
:crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy::crazy: Yeah, must be why they built a 23-million-dollar plant in Georgia. They hate U.S. civilians. Only sold 17 million AR's. Don't know where you heard or read that nonsense. They're just not selling to non-Nato countries which sounds like a good idea to me. Must be why GB sells a ton of those damn HK's. :p
It's on the internet, it has to be true. :o

Kinda the same as Bill Ruger hating standard capacity magazines, I guess.

05-25-2023, 04:26 PM
Supposedly, H&K is only selling arms to Nato or Nato-like countries. Some people are upset because Israel isn't a member of Nato, so won't be getting any H&K products. J don't know if this is highly upsetting to Israel because they have plenty of firepower and make some fine firearms themselves. Probably not an issue for them. Now, H&K is being called the first "green" firearms maker. :2eek: Maybe it's just me, but I've always thought that it's a good idea to keep arms out of enemy hands.

05-25-2023, 04:49 PM
It is rumored, that Flotilla 13 uses several HK products.

05-26-2023, 03:00 PM
H&K makes good guns. They should keep their ass out of politics.

05-26-2023, 04:54 PM
H&K makes good guns. They should keep their ass out of politics.

So should every other company out there.
I’m looking at you Budweiser.

King Rat
05-27-2023, 02:37 AM
https://guncraftbeer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/15168791_1824554227792190_1733620217096097180_o.jp g

05-28-2023, 08:44 AM
I'll drink to that...


https://guncraftbeer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/15168791_1824554227792190_1733620217096097180_o.jp g