View Full Version : CM9 Back plate cover from NDZ

07-12-2023, 04:59 PM
Hey guys, got this today put it in one of my CM9 is from NDZ, got it from EBay. (No economic connection with this seller)
There is a video on YouTube that explains how to do it.


07-12-2023, 07:07 PM
Nice. It can be a little tricky to remove that back plate. Many of us have done it to clean the striker channel.

07-12-2023, 08:32 PM
Nice. It can be a little tricky to remove that back plate. Many of us have done it to clean the striker channel.
Thanks, it was a pain to change it, will be doing some upgrades again. But once you do it, the rest of the time it will be easier.


King Rat
07-13-2023, 01:20 AM
Thanks, it was a pain to change it, will be doing some upgrades again. But once you do it, the rest of the time it will be easier.


Easy for some I guess. It is the one thing I detest about Kahr's. I have done it a number of times and dread doing iy on them. Learned to buy extra of those little retainer Pins that can go flying. I am a firm believer in a clean gun, especially the extractors and the Striker pin channels. They can get dirty fast and can be a serious cause for a failure IMO if neglected. Bought a stainless steel Striker guide and springs from Lakeline for my GX4 and was putting off putting it in.
Then tackled it. Well, Taurus got it right. Piece of cake to take down. Easy to clean frequently. Nothing like the Kahr's,Take's maybe 20 second to get off. Lakeline's replacement springs are cheap replacement as well. Their end cap is one piece and easy to replace the springs.

07-13-2023, 04:01 AM
Easy for some I guess. It is the one thing I detest about Kahr's. I have done it a number of times and dread doing iy on them. Learned to buy extra of those little retainer Pins that can go flying. I am a firm believer in a clean gun, especially the extractors and the Striker pin channels. They can get dirty fast and can be a serious cause for a failure IMO if neglected. Bought a stainless steel Striker guide and springs from Lakeline for my GX4 and was putting off putting it in.
Then tackled it. Well, Taurus got it right. Piece of cake to take down. Easy to clean frequently. Nothing like the Kahr's,Take's maybe 20 second to get off. Lakeline's replacement springs are cheap replacement as well. Their end cap is one piece and easy to replace the springs.

I hear you, I like to keep things simple, but that is not Kahr firearms. The Mossberg 9mm in order to take down de slide for cleaning, you have to take down the backplate and striker, that feature supposedly is for security. Not a fan of that, guess to each it’s own.

07-13-2023, 07:15 AM
I hear you, I like to keep things simple, but that is not Kahr firearms. The Mossberg 9mm in order to take down de slide for cleaning, you have to take down the backplate and striker, that feature supposedly is for security. Not a fan of that, guess to each it’s own.If you're an owner, how do you like the Mossberg?????

07-13-2023, 03:52 PM
If you're an owner, how do you like the Mossberg?????

Sorry, I do not own one(yet). I was doing research to buy one those double stacks micro 9mm. Considered the Mossberg and end up buying the Glock G43X.

Gunner Tactical
07-19-2023, 12:38 PM
I use a pick from a set that I bought at Walmart for $5 to compress the extractor spring and plunger and remove the backplate. I use the same pick to reinstall. The tip of it is small enough to fit inside the tiny access opening at top right of the backplate. It makes the job as easy as removing one from a Glock. I'm not allowed to post attachments yet so I can't put an image of the pick on here. They are in the tool section at Walmart. They have orange handles. They are also great for installing Glock magazine catch springs.

10-20-2024, 12:53 PM
I’m working on taking the backplate off now (on a used, new-to-me CM9) to install the NDZ replacement I purchased… we’ll see how it goes and post results of my efforts

10-20-2024, 03:43 PM
Couldn’t do it. I’ve taken off and reinstalled many… on various other guns. Couldn’t get the backplate off the Kahr CM9 slide. Watched all the videos, tried as many tools and techniques as I could… still a no go.

10-20-2024, 04:41 PM
While I could get the striker spring and guide held back adequately… and the back extractor pin depressed a bit… the slide plate would not budge. It’s like it is “stuck” due to being out of tolerance when installed and “hammered in” or some such thing. I have no idea why it would be stuck in the channel so firmly. If I use a small screwdriver to try and get it started… (by prying in between the plate and slide… I’m sure to mar the slide).

I give up

10-20-2024, 05:52 PM
The extractor spring can be deceiving. It looks like a good size hole to depress but it's actually smaller,like a little half moon. Getting the cover off the first time or too is hard, they are tight. I did use a very small thin blade screwdriver to pry a bit and once started off it comes. Just have to make sure the extractor spring is actually depressed or it just ain't gonna happen.
Don't give up.

10-20-2024, 05:52 PM
Welcome to the board!

You might try something like this. Then depress the extractor pin. If that doesn't make it easier, put the slide in a padded vise (gently), and use a thin screwdriver to pry on the coverplate while depressing the extractor pin. With your blade in the gap, move the driver down toward the bottom of the slide rather than up. That way the only thing you may mar would be the cover itself, not the slide. It's probably just gunked up.

10-20-2024, 06:22 PM
Yep… made one like it… it helps

10-20-2024, 06:25 PM
Yep… I used a tiny stout screw driver and it fit in the small hole (the half moon portion) and I can feel the spring being depressed

The problem is all about the tightness of the plate

I hate to mar the slide but I see no way to get it started without the use of prying… dang

10-20-2024, 06:26 PM
Will keep trying tomorrow and see what I can do

10-21-2024, 12:38 AM
Welcome to the board!

You might try something like this. Then depress the extractor pin. If that doesn't make it easier, put the slide in a padded vise (gently), and use a thin screwdriver to pry on the coverplate while depressing the extractor pin. With your blade in the gap, move the driver down toward the bottom of the slide rather than up. That way the only thing you may mar would be the cover itself, not the slide. It's probably just gunked up.

Aw yes....the Ripley Retractor (aka bent coat hanger tool). It works really well.

10-21-2024, 05:33 PM
Welcome to the board!

You might try something like this. Then depress the extractor pin. If that doesn't make it easier, put the slide in a padded vise (gently), and use a thin screwdriver to pry on the coverplate while depressing the extractor pin. With your blade in the gap, move the driver down toward the bottom of the slide rather than up. That way the only thing you may mar would be the cover itself, not the slide. It's probably just gunked up.

I'm pretty sure there's a post about this in the "detail stripping a Kahr slide" thread, but that thing's up to eleven pages now. Shouldn't it have its own locked sticky? It comes up so often....