View Full Version : Bad news

09-25-2010, 06:22 PM
Something bad happened this afternoon between 2:30 and 5:00 pm. I went to the restaurant for a cup of coffee. Since I was only going to be gone an hour, I left the garage door open, but the door into the house was locked. Vickie ask me to go to the food supply depot, and help with the food for the restaurant, so I was gone longer than expected. When I got home, I didn't notice anything right away, because my computer, laptop, big screen, etc were fine. I did notice a mark on the doorframe, so I looked around. My SIG P220, S&W 4586, Kahr PM45, S&W 9VE, and SIG P225 were gone - five loaded handguns with spare mags had been stolen.

What I don't understand, is that all the stolen pistols were out of sight - three in two nightstands, one in a cabinet in the living room, and the PM45 was in my desk drawer. There was an XD 45 in the gun case on a kitchen counter in plain sight - it was still there. There were an M&P 45 and 24/7 45 in a kitchen cabinet, and a 9mm carbine on top of a bookcase, all still there. I happened to have the CW9 in my pocket.

A lot of my friends know that I have guns, but NOBODY knew where they were kept.

All can be replaced except the like new nickel P220. I've never seen another one and they haven't made them in many years. The 4586 will be hard, but I can probable find another one. The rest are fairly common.

I've got to go and sit in a corner and cry!

09-25-2010, 07:33 PM
Man, what a sad thing. Many many years ago they broke into my house and got a Colt revolver and a Ruger Blackhawk and a cup with 50 real silver dollars my boss brought me back from Reno or someplace for watching over things. I was devastated and wanted to go door to door searching.
There seems to be no reasoning behind what they take and what they leave. They are in a big hurry, they miss em. Sounds like your burglars are on foot taking small easy to carry stuff. Hopefully the police will stumble onto something that will get them in the right direction and you can get them back unharmed.
I feel your pain, I wish I could do something to help ease it. Only thing I got on your list is the PM45 but I'll gladly send ya mine if it helps ease the pain.
Sorry this happened to you.

09-25-2010, 07:33 PM
Damn, O'Dell, I'm so sorry for your loss! It's strange that only those five were taken. I hope that you have insurance to help with the loss.

09-25-2010, 07:40 PM
Man that's weird...and I am sorry tohear about the theft.

On a side note...sounds like you have a serious stash of guns around the house.

09-25-2010, 07:50 PM
Thanks for the wake up call. I'm headed to the lumber yard to get a real door for my room. I gota couple safes but quite a few just don't fit or I leave ones out that I'm working on or carry alot. I'll be more vigilant about locking stuff up again. Wife and kids are always leaving windows and doors unlocked or open. We've never had a problem here before but there has to be a first time and while I wouldn't miss the tv or computer, guns gone walkabout would break my heart.

09-25-2010, 08:17 PM
O`Dell my heart goes out to you man.I hate to hear you were a victim of theft.I sincerely hope that the thieves are caught and punished.

09-25-2010, 08:55 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss O'Dell. Hope they catch the guys.

09-25-2010, 08:58 PM
Not to beat up on you, O'Dell, but it's safer to leave your front door open because everyone assumes it's locked, while an open garage door is an invitation to out of sight access and usually all the tools needed to defeat the door into the house.
Whoever stole your guns will probably think about returning for what they missed and your replacements. It seems that they found exactly what they wanted... high-value and easily portable guns... for use in their chosen occupation, or for resale.
I hope they get caught and punished and you get your guns back. Sometimes the cops get a lucky break.

09-25-2010, 10:38 PM
I've investigated burglaries going on 37 years. First as a deputy sheriff and detective and now CSI. I have found an experienced burglar will unerringly go for the places stuff is hidden. Just a matter of repetitive experience and an understanding of human nature . The officer get any prints or did he bother? Interesting the burglar left a pistol in plain view. That is odd. Sorry bro.

09-26-2010, 12:48 AM
OK guys, I think it's time to get a bit paranoid. I think I'm being targeted, but I'm not exactly sure what to do about it. Indulge me for a moment. A week ago Thursday I got into a serious verbal fight with a couple of 20 something ne'er-do-wells, one of whose GF and mother work at the restaurant. These bums never work, sit around their apartment all day smoking dope and popping pills, and generally cause trouble where ever they can. Last Saturday I was at the restaurant three times, and sometime during the day someone stole my Amex, Visa, and ATM card from my car. They were very careful to take the cards out of paper sleeves, and leave my DL, CC Permit, and Kaiser card alone. I can only think that they were hoping I wouldn't notice. However Sunday, I got an E-Mail from Amex about a suspicious charge, and discovered the theft. It only cost me an hour to get the cards replaced, but seven stores were out several hundred dollars.

The MO on today's incident was very much the same - take things out of sight and leave the obvious, and hope I didn't notice for a while. Well, I warned you I was being paranoid. I have no proof, but I did discuss it with Vickie tonight. Of course any accusations from me would only leave me open for slander.

I have lived in my neighborhood for seven years, and this is the first robbery that has happened in that time. Believe me, from now on I'll close the garage door, even if I only going to the mailbox.

Thanks for the offer Bawanna, but the PM can easily be replaced unlike the SIG. And Badge 4436, no, they did not take any prints. Two units responded, and since the police would be in the house, I unloaded my remaining guns, locked the actions back, and left them on the kitchen table. The two officers were more interested in talking about the guns on the table than the missing ones. Since they carried Glocks, they wanted to know about the XD and M&P.

09-26-2010, 01:39 AM
No CSI?? It does sound like you pissed off those guys and they are getting back at you.

There are some fairly inexpensive surveillance camera gadgets that look like security lights, but record onto SD flash memory cards that can be downloaded to a computer. Maybe you could wind up with photos of whoever is doing this if they continue to push their luck.
Here's one with good reviews. There are cheaper ones... the ones I had in mind, but they had bad reviews.
SecureSight 3-in-1 Digital Security Camera Light, Model#VL1 008631 (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=security+light+and+camera&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&cid=7242387929328931059#)

Here's the one with bad reviews... to avoid:
Stealth Cam Security Patroller Security Light Camera (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=Security+light+camera&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=8364191783062749127&ei=4OmeTPjbCIWClAei8rGrCg&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDEQ8wIwAA#)

You might could find a better one, but I just wanted to give you an idea of something to try to catch the culprits.


09-26-2010, 02:26 AM
No CSI?? It does sound like you pissed off those guys and they are getting back at you.

There are some fairly inexpensive surveillance camera gadgets that look like security lights, but record onto SD flash memory cards that can be downloaded to a computer. Maybe you could wind up with photos of whoever is doing this if they continue to push their luck.
Here's one with good reviews. There are cheaper ones... the ones I had in mind, but they had bad reviews.
SecureSight 3-in-1 Digital Security Camera Light, Model#VL1 008631 (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=security+light+and+camera&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&cid=7242387929328931059#)

Here's the one with bad reviews... to avoid:
Stealth Cam Security Patroller Security Light Camera (http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=Security+light+camera&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=8364191783062749127&ei=4OmeTPjbCIWClAei8rGrCg&sa=X&oi=product_catalog_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CDEQ8wIwAA#)

You might could find a better one, but I just wanted to give you an idea of something to try to catch the culprits.


Good thought Wynn, but what's to keep them from just stealing the camera?

09-26-2010, 04:37 AM
These are security lights with a built in camera... stealth. Sneaky.

09-26-2010, 06:52 AM
I was going to suggest that it seems like the burglars knew you but, I did not want to contribute to your worry. Since you have suggested such, it also seems odd they took only the most valuable weapons and left others less valuable in plain view. Wyn's suggestion of security cameras is one we should probably all take to heart. Good luck moving forward and resolving this case.

09-26-2010, 07:38 AM
I was going to suggest that it seems like the burlars knew you but, I did not want to contribute to your worry. Since you have suggested such, it also seems odd they took only the most valuable weapons and left others less valuable in plain view. Wyn's suggestion of security cameras is one we should probably all take to heart. Good luck moving forward and resolving this case.

Sorry to hear of you bad luck. I think Dusty may be on to something, and I've been thinking of the camera thing also. Someone got into my garage last year two days before Christmas and took some air tools. Good Luck !

09-26-2010, 12:06 PM
Remember the squeaky wheel gets the grease here. Where those cards of yours were used there may have been cameras. You will not be able to pursue but the officers can request the tapes or view the footage and ascertain if the neerdowells were involved.
You don't know at this point if the cards and the burglary are related but my spidey senses say they are.
With 7 business's having your cards presented, I'd saythere's good chance of cameras.
Wood be sweet to be able to identify the card thieves and tie them to the burglary, get them locked up and your guns all back to boot. Now that would be a happy ending.
As far as cameras I'd suggest a 2 headed Rotweiller, don't feed it much, and kick it in the head everytime you go out the door. Let it eat anything it catches and throw in a nice T bone as a reward in each case.
Maybe help bait the trap with some give peace a chance signs in the yard. Forgive and forget, when guns are outlawed the democrates will rule the world.
I want to come down there and go hunting right now!
I'm headed to the range right now to christen my Hi Power, my Cbob and run my PM45 a bit. I'll have no trouble focusing on the target as I'll be thinking of your thieves with each press of the trigger. I'm semi riled.

09-26-2010, 01:00 PM
Sorry to hear about your breakin and loss of pistols. I do not know if this is true in your case but I hear allot on the net how guys brag about how many guns they have in front of others. You never know who's listening or repeating. We used to have a saying in the Navy loose lips sink ships. I hope this is not true in your case.
One other thing that is important, when you purchase things Be careful how you throw away the cardboard box it came in. If you put it on the curb it's like taking out and add in the local newspaper that you have a new HD TV or something. I always cut the box open and fold it inside out so the lettering and pic's are now on the inside or hide it inside the other trash. I usually only have one or two pistols out of the safe at anyone time and one is on me when I leave the house. I have all my outside doors double locked with extra long screws in the hinges and keepers. Even with that at night or when I leave the house I still use a very old tried but true method of putting a piece of wood from the door knob to the floor. Using this method there is no way anyone is comming in that door quietly or easily.

09-26-2010, 04:00 PM
Sorry, man. It's a sad indicator of the type of world we live in today. I've been relieved of about $10K worth of stuff in 3 incidents over the last year, luckily none of it guns. Sad part is - the stuff is gone forever and the scumbags will never be caught. I know it, the cops know it and the scumbags know it.

Cameras and similar security stuff is cool, but by the time you realize you've been had, it's too late.

For the price of some security stuff, I can (and will) get myself a pretty good dog. I've hesitated because I just lost one awhile back, and it's heart-breaking. I've got some fencing work to do as well.

O'Dell, hindsight and all that - but had there been a growling dog on the other side of that door into the house, those bastards would have been long gone.... Adios, turds.

Sorry again.

09-26-2010, 04:24 PM
Like Bawanna, this is a wake up call for me and probably others just reading this. I have good door locks, locked pistol boxes, even a small safe. An expereinced burglar would have them all in less than 10 minutes. Bump key the door, cut the cables or break what they attach to, and carry out the small safe.

I looked at the good door brace but that only works when you are at home. If I'm home I might be able to stop then cold. Bump key defeats all but a few very expensive locks, but even then, if no door brace they kick it down - could even with a brace.

If you cannot keep them out, you gotta have a solid bolt-down safe. Make them work at it and the guys who can defeat a good safe aren't going to be bothering with my house.

My wife agrees with a safe so I may just do it. Since my collection is 1 long gun and 3 handguns I suppose there's room in there for a few pairs of her shoes. It really only has to look mean but not be a super good one.

09-26-2010, 04:27 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss. That's awful.

A couple of thoughts in reply:

I’ve read that successful home burglaries often lead to repeat visits. So you might want to be extra cautious over the next few weeks.

Second we protect our house with a monitored alarm system. The horn (which would go off immediately) is probably sufficient to scare off most kids and/or amateur burglars. However the alarm company will also notify the police, and based upon experience we know that they do respond (at least in our area). I also took the extra precaution of having the phone lines buried and the network interface device moved inside of our basement. That prevents the perps from cutting the lines before they try to gain entry.

Sorry again.

09-26-2010, 06:00 PM
Like Bawanna, this is a wake up call for me and probably others just reading this. I have good door locks, locked pistol boxes, even a small safe. An expereinced burglar would have them all in less than 10 minutes. Bump key the door, cut the cables or break what they attach to, and carry out the small safe.

I looked at the good door brace but that only works when you are at home. If I'm home I might be able to stop then cold. Bump key defeats all but a few very expensive locks, but even then, if no door brace they kick it down - could even with a brace.

If you cannot keep them out, you gotta have a solid bolt-down safe. Make them work at it and the guys who can defeat a good safe aren't going to be bothering with my house.

My wife agrees with a safe so I may just do it. Since my collection is 1 long gun and 3 handguns I suppose there's room in there for a few pairs of her shoes. It really only has to look mean but not be a super good one.

You have it exactly right, those who have the skills to by-pass all that stuff won't be shopping in your neighborhood. If some one wants in, the only thing that will keep them out is their total destruction. I am sorry about your loss, but remember locks keep the honest that way.

09-26-2010, 06:38 PM
If it's the guys you're thinking of, they know your routine and address... thinking of the coffee trips... predictability.

09-26-2010, 07:42 PM
Dude, hate to say it but it sure sounds like someone who "knows" you......

Did you say that you have folks who work for you that have scummy relations? It would be easy for the punks to ask "innocent" questions regarding your work schedule, etc. Hate to be paranoid but it all sounds too "convenient" to me....

09-26-2010, 07:51 PM
Sorry about your losses. It has happened to me too, so I know how you feel.

It sounds to me like they know you & are watching you. Maybe buddies on cell phones. Those times of day seem fishy without knowing where you are. Plus it sounds like they took their time in both cases. Be careful & observant.


09-27-2010, 01:08 PM
Oh you wicked wicked man. Theres a few legal ramifications to consider in your plan but its a good one and something I would probably do without thought.
Leave the shotgun in the closet but real handy, if it's in your lap you might have some explaining to do.

09-27-2010, 01:33 PM
For those of you who said that it was someone who knows me, in my second post I explained that. I'm 80% sure, but have no proof. I'm not that predictable, but on this day, I was unexpectedly gone with Vickie for two hours. My car was in the restaurant lot, and the cook, who lives in the same apartment as one of those I suspect, could watch it. She would know when we got back and when I headed home. My big mistake was leaving the garage door open. If I hadn't done that, they would have had to content with deadbolts and an alarm system.

I've considered driving off with the door open, parking on a different street, and sneaking back into the house. However, they might not show up, and if they did, I might have to deal with a shooting incident. I'm quite sure that that would be a MUCH bigger hassle than the stolen guns.

BTW, don't tell anyone, but I've already replaced the S&W 4586 with an H&K 45. I have also ask my LGS to locate me another PM45. I'm still looking for a P220 that I like, and will probably replace the S&W 9mm with a excellent used P90 45 I have found.

09-28-2010, 12:30 PM
You'll like that P90. I have P345 and love it. Over on the Ruger forum, people are torn between the two. Most agree that either is great.

09-28-2010, 04:03 PM
You'll like that P90. I have P345 and love it. Over on the Ruger forum, people are torn between the two. Most agree that either is great.

Well the collection is building back. Yesterday I got the new stainless H&K compact 45, and today I found a Certified Preowned P220 45 duo tone in South Dakota and bought it. It won't replace the nickel P220, but I got an excellent price. I think with the P90 and a PM 45, I'll be mostly restored.

09-29-2010, 02:55 PM
You'll like that P90. I have P345 and love it. Over on the Ruger forum, people are torn between the two. Most agree that either is great.

I took your recommendation. Today I went to my LGS and they had a like new, stainless P345 with box and three mags for $389, so I bought it. With the HK arriving tomorrow and the P220 on Friday, I'm now where I want to be except for the PM45. I hope they find one soon.

09-29-2010, 03:12 PM
Theres a few on Gunbroker both stainless and DLC. Bud's is all out right now. Theres a used one with claimed 300 rounds thru it in Selah Wa. Starting at 625, the rollmarks look kind of weak in the picture so I didn't look at that one much.
You hunting for DLC or stainless?

09-29-2010, 03:27 PM
Sorry O'Dell. I am new to this forum and new to the handgun world. I just ordered my first handgun, a PM40. Your experience teaches me to get a small portable fingerprint safe that can be cabled to something in my home or car, so I can secure my loaded pistol when I am not carrying it. I have a gun vault for the extra rifles and handguns unloaded and stored while not in use. As painful as your story is, I have heard worse stories (from Front Sight) about knowing a perp might be in your home with your handgun that you are not carrying and wishing it was on your side or locked up. Sorry for your loss. Sincerely.

09-29-2010, 03:46 PM
Theres a few on Gunbroker both stainless and DLC. Bud's is all out right now. Theres a used one with claimed 300 rounds thru it in Selah Wa. Starting at 625, the rollmarks look kind of weak in the picture so I didn't look at that one much.
You hunting for DLC or stainless?

Thanks Bannawa. I found a couple of new SS [what I want] ones on line in the $700 range. However, I have two pistols coming in to my LGS now from out of state, and I would prefer to buy directly from them whenever possible. They are looking for a new PM, and will sell it for less than $700 when they find it. The weather has turned cooler and I can carry my larger 45's right now. If I really need a pocket carry, I can fall back to my CW9.

09-29-2010, 03:52 PM
I agree and admire your efforts to buy locally at least once in awhile. I do so also as long as they play nice and don't try to make their retirement on me alone. Under 700 face to face from your local dealer is a good deal. Buds last price like when I got mine was 625 delivered. So 700 gives em a fair profit to keep the lights on and stock all the other accessories which is where they really make the money anyhow.
I'll discontinue my search in your behalf and focus on hoping the dealer comes thru for ya in a timely fashion.

I was thinkin of trying to make it rain down in Florida this afternoon so Wynn don't gotta do the watering. Give me something to do anyhow. Besides work, much to my leaders dismay.

09-29-2010, 03:59 PM
There ought to be a market for dye-pack setups for protecting guns and other high-value stuff... ya know, like the ones the bank tellers throw into the robber's bag. Kablooey and indelible dye all over them... just need to work out not having it explode in the house... hmmmm... maybe a dye-claymore....:rolleyes:

Oh, we've had lots of rain in the last two days... I wisely decided not to drag hoses Sunday and I won't have to do that tomorrow, either.:cheer2:

09-29-2010, 04:04 PM
I'll go over to the Sept anything goes thread and tell a true story about bank dye packs. It'll tear ya up.

10-01-2010, 10:37 AM
Well I'm happy to report that due to Odells bad experience I got my new real door to my treasure room installed last night. Put a keypad lock so even if I'm nekkid I can push the buttons and get in.
Installing a prehung door sitting in a wheelchair is a another thing to add to lifes challenges but we got er dun and it looks good. In my carpenter days I could have easily installed 6 doors in the time it took me to do this one but speed is no longer a factor when it comes to door hanging. A little trim and possibly some reinforcing and we'll be good. I just got a cheap door but it's steel skinned. It won't keep out anyone that really wants in but it'll slow down any semi honest people or if visitors or kids freinds etc are walking around they'll be blocked.
Thanks Odell in spite of your bad experience for motivating me to do what I should have done 15 years ago.

10-01-2010, 01:12 PM
Well I'm happy to report that due to Odells bad experience I got my new real door to my treasure room installed last night. Put a keypad lock so even if I'm nekkid I can push the buttons and get in.
Installing a prehung door sitting in a wheelchair is a another thing to add to lifes challenges but we got er dun and it looks good. In my carpenter days I could have easily installed 6 doors in the time it took me to do this one but speed is no longer a factor when it comes to door hanging. A little trim and possibly some reinforcing and we'll be good. I just got a cheap door but it's steel skinned. It won't keep out anyone that really wants in but it'll slow down any semi honest people or if visitors or kids freinds etc are walking around they'll be blocked.
Thanks Odell in spite of your bad experience for motivating me to do what I should have done 15 years ago.

Your welcome, I think. I'm glad my misfortune is of use to someone.

Actually, your idea might work for me. I have a spare bedroom that I never use except for the extra closet space and storing ammo. I'm going to look into having a secure door installed. There is a window, but I suppose that could be secured also. This would probable work better for me than a safe.

On a more positive note, I'm almost whole again. I picked up the new HK USP compact 45 yesterday to replace the S&W 4586. That is one classy pistol, and if it shoots as well as it looks and feels, I will be happy. I also got the CPO SIG P220 duo tone yesterday to replace the nickel P220. It's not as elegant as the old one, but it will have to do. Wednesday I bought a like new Ruger KP345 to replace both the 9VE and P225, which means I'm down 2 9mm's, but up one 45. That's fine because I seldom shoot 9mm. My 9's are down to the CW9, a carbine, and an old C9 in the glove box.

That leaves just the PM45 and nothing else will replace it. I talked to the owner of BullsEye Gun and Range, my LGS, yesterday, and he's still looking for one. I will get it eventually, and still have the CW9 for a fallback.

10-01-2010, 01:21 PM
I was fortunate enough that I put on an addition to the back of my mobile right before I got hurt. In fact it was just framed and weathered in, not finished. I had to have people come in and sheetrock and do finishing.
It created a little oasis (too small but they are never big enough) for me and a little hobby sewing room (separate from mine) for my wife.
I too still need to secure the window better. I originally didn't intend to put a window but county code insisted it was a bedroom so needed egress. There was an abandoned hose bib in the room from prior to the addition so I told them it was a laundry room. Almost worked but not quite. Anyhow for resale it can be a bonus room or a bedroom now.
It's the one place in the world I can lay something down and know I can come back a week or a month later and it will still be there.

10-01-2010, 02:02 PM
I was fortunate enough that I put on an addition to the back of my mobile right before I got hurt. In fact it was just framed and weathered in, not finished. I had to have people come in and sheetrock and do finishing.
It created a little oasis (too small but they are never big enough) for me and a little hobby sewing room (separate from mine) for my wife.
I too still need to secure the window better. I originally didn't intend to put a window but county code insisted it was a bedroom so needed egress. There was an abandoned hose bib in the room from prior to the addition so I told them it was a laundry room. Almost worked but not quite. Anyhow for resale it can be a bonus room or a bedroom now.
It's the one place in the world I can lay something down and know I can come back a week or a month later and it will still be there.

I Talked to Vickie's foreman [she owns a contracting company] a few minutes ago. He said he could put in a steel door, painted to match the other interior doors, and a steel plate behind the door frame for about $500. Just think, a 13x15 ft gun safe - I could put anything in there but my cars and motorcycle.

10-01-2010, 02:33 PM
You could get a motorcycle in there if you work the handle bars just right.

I might try to add the steel plate at the lock set now that you brought it up. Do it before I trim the door and it shouldn't be too difficult. That would surely beef up the lock set. I would have prefered to have my room door open out, much more difficult to kick but no room to swing it due to the ramp leading to it.

10-01-2010, 03:17 PM
You could get a motorcycle in there if you work the handle bars just right.

I might try to add the steel plate at the lock set now that you brought it up. Do it before I trim the door and it shouldn't be too difficult. That would surely beef up the lock set. I would have prefered to have my room door open out, much more difficult to kick but no room to swing it due to the ramp leading to it.

Yeah, but then you would have to use some form of reinforced hinges because they would be on the outside. If they're gonna kick it in, they will do so regardless.

10-01-2010, 03:20 PM
Damn, your good son, didn't think of that, must be why you get the big bucks? Back to the drawing board for me. Guess I'll beef up the jamb around the latch for now. I just hope I don't ever get a determined burglar in my house, would totally break my heart as I'm sure your more than familiar with. Still chaffes my backside you got ripped off. Get a rope.

10-01-2010, 11:44 PM
Damn, your good son, didn't think of that, must be why you get the big bucks? Back to the drawing board for me. Guess I'll beef up the jamb around the latch for now. I just hope I don't ever get a determined burglar in my house, would totally break my heart as I'm sure your more than familiar with. Still chaffes my backside you got ripped off. Get a rope.

Good and stupid would be more accurate. Vickie and I went out tonight, and when I got home I pulled the CW9 out of my jacket pocket to wipe it down. When I looked at it, it was the PM45. The two guns were in my desk drawer side by side, the PM in a nylon pocket holster and the CW9 in a suede one. The burglar swapped holsters, and took the $400 CW9 and left the $700 pm45. Now I have to amend the police report and insurance claim to reflect the CW being stolen instead of the PM. My only defense is that the grips look pretty much the same, and I never pulled the gun out to look. Boy, am I dumb.

10-02-2010, 02:04 AM
Boy, that's a good one. I can just see you going to the range with that, all loaded down with 9mm... and surprise, surprise!
Congrats on the good luck with the PM45. If you have a good one, you don't want to start over trying to find one and break it in.

10-02-2010, 11:33 AM
Boy, that's a good one. I can just see you going to the range with that, all loaded down with 9mm... and surprise, surprise!
Congrats on the good luck with the PM45. If you have a good one, you don't want to start over trying to find one and break it in.

It's a good one - almost perfect for 600 rounds. I did have the gap problem early on, but a hand rack would always load the round. Kahr took care of it.

Now I have to decide if I want to replace the CW. I haven't bought a 9mm in almost two years, but I really liked that little gun. At least if I do, they're cheap.

10-02-2010, 12:37 PM
I'm glad you still got your PM45 although I can't imagine not noticing the difference. I would have been hugging and fondling the ones that didnt get took myself but I guess I just have to personal a relationship with my boom sticks.
I'm working on beefing up my door jamb this morning. More wood, some steel, some really long screws. Its still not Fort Knox but they'll have to work a little harder to bust it in.
Kind of stuck for now, gotta wait for somebody with legs to help trim it out but we're secure and I'm here for the day.
Running solo today so guess I'll go do some outside chores and then maybe get some pictures on here. Not enough pictures lately. Maybe door porn, Cbob porn, I'll think of something, bet the camera battery is dead, what do ya bet?

10-02-2010, 12:57 PM
It seems like a big oversight and just dumb, that my camera isn't charging while plugged into the computer. I have to remove the battery and put it into a separate charger. I ALWAYS leave the camera plugged into the PC and ON after I upload pictures. I have two aftermarket batteries with a separate charger that must be used with them. They supposedly have more capacity and need more amperage for charging, but the factory battery seems to last longer and requires its own charger.:confused:
Most devices recharge while plugged into a USB port and have a USB port of some sort for charging.

10-02-2010, 01:11 PM
I took my front door down for painting once and replaced all of the screws involved with it, including the hinge screws which are usually about 3/4" or less. I wish our local code required the entrance door to be outward opening for strength, as does the Dade County building code down in south Florida... much stronger. My front door faces the brunt on unrestrained hurricane winds which would be strongest coming from the northeast.
I added three of those flip-lock security locks to the front door to help hold it against high winds. Otherwise, the only thing restraining the door on the opening side were the lock and deadbolt plungers, or whatever they are called. I used 3 or 4 inch screws to replace all of the standard ones in the door and the door frame, but one really good kick could tear out the door framing that is weakened by the cutouts for the locks.
Hopefully, I'll be backing up the door with Boomer or my 12-gauge with 00 buckshot, if someone wants to visit and try to "share" my stuff.
If I have to evacuate, all of my guns are going with me... I have a large van... and not too many guns.

10-02-2010, 02:41 PM
I'm glad you still got your PM45 although I can't imagine not noticing the difference. I would have been hugging and fondling the ones that didnt get took myself but I guess I just have to personal a relationship with my boom sticks.
I'm working on beefing up my door jamb this morning. More wood, some steel, some really long screws. Its still not Fort Knox but they'll have to work a little harder to bust it in.
Kind of stuck for now, gotta wait for somebody with legs to help trim it out but we're secure and I'm here for the day.
Running solo today so guess I'll go do some outside chores and then maybe get some pictures on here. Not enough pictures lately. Maybe door porn, Cbob porn, I'll think of something, bet the camera battery is dead, what do ya bet?

I didn't notice because they switched holsters. The grips sticking out of the pocket holster for the PM and CW look the same. Anyway, who would take a $400 gun when there's a $700 sitting next to it. I called the police today, but the detective handling the case won't be in until Monday. The officer I spoke to said not to carry the PM until I talk to him. If I got stopped I could be arrested for carrying my own gun.

I've changed my mind about turning my spare bedroom into a vault. The laundry room will work much better. There's no window and it's closer to my bedroom, so I could barricade myself in there in an emergency. It's still 8x13 ft, so there's plenty of room for whatever I want to secure.

10-02-2010, 02:47 PM
I'm glad you still got your PM45 although I can't imagine not noticing the difference. I would have been hugging and fondling the ones that didnt get took myself but I guess I just have to personal a relationship with my boom sticks.
I'm working on beefing up my door jamb this morning. More wood, some steel, some really long screws. Its still not Fort Knox but they'll have to work a little harder to bust it in.
Kind of stuck for now, gotta wait for somebody with legs to help trim it out but we're secure and I'm here for the day.
Running solo today so guess I'll go do some outside chores and then maybe get some pictures on here. Not enough pictures lately. Maybe door porn, Cbob porn, I'll think of something, bet the camera battery is dead, what do ya bet?

I didn't notice because they switched holsters. The grips sticking out of the pocket holster for the PM and CW look the same. Anyway, who would take a $400 gun when there's a $700 gun sitting next to it. I called the police today, but the detective handling the case won't be in until Monday. The officer I spoke to said not to carry the PM until I talk to him. If I got stopped I could be arrested for carrying my own gun.

I've changed my mind about turning my spare bedroom into a vault. The laundry room will work much better. There's no window and it's close to my bedroom, so I could barricade myself in there in an emergency. It's still 8x13 ft, so there's plenty of room for whatever I want to secure. The contractor is coming next week to install the reinforced door, door frame, and deadbolt.

10-02-2010, 02:49 PM
It seems like a big oversight and just dumb, that my camera isn't charging while plugged into the computer. I have to remove the battery and put it into a separate charger. I ALWAYS leave the camera plugged into the PC and ON after I upload pictures. I have two aftermarket batteries with a separate charger that must be used with them. They supposedly have more capacity and need more amperage for charging, but the factory battery seems to last longer and requires its own charger.:confused:
Most devices recharge while plugged into a USB port and have a USB port of some sort for charging.

The USB ports on the front of your box probably aren't powered. Try one on the rear of the case.

10-02-2010, 02:52 PM
oops, sorry for the double post. I wasn't finished and I think I hit enter.

10-02-2010, 03:29 PM
FYI and I believe it may have been mentioned, but still. Beef the door frames, as that is were a kicked door usually fails. I tend to use 6 in lag bolts and go to the surrounding studs. space the door latch and dead bolt at least 6 inches apart, then watch the fun when some one tries that door. I've seen people literally bounce off of that set up, and these folks were taught how to kick a door for professional reasons.

10-02-2010, 03:32 PM
They're powered... I'm charging another device now while two are plugged into the AC chargers. Nowadays, there are many AC adapters offering USB charging receptacles or plugs.
That's why it's stupid that I have to take the batteries out to charge them... otherwise, they run down while the camera is plugged in to the computer... just crazy. I always forget to turn the darn camera off.

10-03-2010, 02:50 PM
I'm glad you still got your PM45 although I can't imagine not noticing the difference. I would have been hugging and fondling the ones that didnt get took myself but I guess I just have to personal a relationship with my boom sticks.
I'm working on beefing up my door jamb this morning. More wood, some steel, some really long screws. Its still not Fort Knox but they'll have to work a little harder to bust it in.
Kind of stuck for now, gotta wait for somebody with legs to help trim it out but we're secure and I'm here for the day.
Running solo today so guess I'll go do some outside chores and then maybe get some pictures on here. Not enough pictures lately. Maybe door porn, Cbob porn, I'll think of something, bet the camera battery is dead, what do ya bet?

Well Bawanna, my vault is being built as we speak. He's already put in the reinforced door and frame, and is installing the deadbolt now. I guess it speeds things up when you date the owner of the company.

My peace of mind has already increased.

10-03-2010, 03:42 PM
I'm headed out to put the trim on my new door. I've decided I want to add a second deadbolt like lock in addition to the key pad entry but I'll want it to be coded or something too so I don't need to fish for a key. They had a similar lock like my door knob with less handle. Will have to hustle as it only allows so much time, so I'll have to punch it two codes, could easily be the same number and get them both turned before it turns out. Kind of a pain but more secure.
That will have to wait though, it was a little over a hundred bucks and the piggy bank ran dry awhile back. I'm 1000 times more secure than I was though. I'll take a pic later if the energy level allows.

10-03-2010, 05:11 PM
Well heres some in and out pics of my door. Must be a slow day when we get worked up over a door but I'm feeling a whole lot better and it beats the heck out of the venetian bi fold piece of garbage I had before.
Another lock in the future, jamb is well beefed up. Not good pics of that but I know it's there. Thats the wifes sewing hobby room outside my door. Don't tell her I shared a pic of it being such a mess.

10-03-2010, 08:17 PM
Looks good Bawanna, but I thought your gun room would look more like this:


10-03-2010, 09:50 PM
That looks like Charleton Hestons gun room. He had a pretty incredible collection and boat loads more money than me. I'm happy, I got most of what I need and about 20% of what I want. Does want create a need?

10-03-2010, 11:51 PM
Hmmm... spent all of your money on goodies and now you can't afford to protect them.

10-04-2010, 12:04 AM
I fear you are correct. Sort of like the African Safari guides. They claim you can always tell an American, they have a 3000 dollar rifle and a hundred dollar scope.
I'm pretty close to having this place all set up so guess it's time to move again. Always seems to happen that way. Been here close to 25 years and still a work in progress. Oh well.

10-04-2010, 01:07 PM
Well heres some in and out pics of my door. Must be a slow day when we get worked up over a door but I'm feeling a whole lot better and it beats the heck out of the venetian bi fold piece of garbage I had before.
Another lock in the future, jamb is well beefed up. Not good pics of that but I know it's there. Thats the wifes sewing hobby room outside my door. Don't tell her I shared a pic of it being such a mess.

Your room is bigger than my room/vault and your lock is fancier. Mine is just a plain old deadbolt. I moved some guns, jewelery, watches, cash, and my laptop computer in yesterday. I've still got three guns scattered around the house that I can get to in a hurry, but they are pretty well hidden. The ones outside the vault are my cheaper guns - 24/7 c 45, XD c 45, and Ruger P345.

10-04-2010, 01:16 PM
My room is also a work room, (thats why there's an inch of dust on everything) I make grips out there and wrench on guns and stuff. So I'm in and out of there frequently. Between work and home it seems I spend about half of my waking hours fishing for keys. I wanted to avoid that at all cost. Sometimes I'd leave the door open and forget, usually my wife would notice and close it but not always. With the keypad theres no reason to leave it open ever. Even if I'm just refilling the coffee cup, it's easy to get sidetracked and the next thing ya know you left your secure door wide open. It's also just a few steps away from my shower area and close to my kids rooms so even if I'm nekkid I can get in. It even lights up so I can see in the dark. Sitting full time, I carry nothing in my pockets so have to route thru my little front bag for keys, or my backpack for bigger stuff. Never get locked out since they are attached to my ride but takes valuable time.
The lockset worked great for me, fit in the standard door knob cutout and installed very easily even for a simple minded person such as myself.

10-04-2010, 06:59 PM
I don't know whose gun room that is - read it being Heston's was a myth, but yours is far and away better than I'll ever have. I have 1 long gun and 3 pistols, hardly need a room, but would like a bolt down safe of sorts for the handguns. The rifle is a Marlin model 97 (.22) mfg in 1904, my first gun - no I did NOT get it new from the factory!! It was my first gun though and it's pretty worn out.

10-04-2010, 08:13 PM
I love old guns, they just seem to be loaded with history. While some aren't shiney and new looking I still love em alot.
Most of the old stuff I've gotten was inherited or given to me by friends parents or grandparents who decided that I appreciated them and would enjoy them. None are like the mint collector items you see in like the Cody Museum, stuff right from the factory without a scratch. They are sure fun to look at and thank goodness none are for sale but I enjoy looking at and holding the few beauties I call my own.

Old guys and old guns rule.

10-06-2010, 02:42 AM
Well, I just went to my insurance company's site and insured all of my guns. They don't do ammunition, though. For about $121 a year I insured my guns and magazines... pretty cheap... beats out of pockets if they're stolen.

10-06-2010, 06:07 AM
Well, I just went to my insurance company's site and insured all of my guns. They don't do ammunition, though. For about $121 a year I insured my guns and magazines... pretty cheap... beats out of pockets if they're stolen.

Is it replacement cost or depreciated value insurance?

10-06-2010, 12:12 PM
Since I started this thread, I'll mention that I filed a $3350 claim on my Home Owners policy yesterday. From talking to the claims rep and adjuster, I'm expecting to collect that amount less the $500 deductible.

10-06-2010, 12:23 PM
You guys are gonna give me ulcers. Now I best check with my insurance company again and make sure my toys got coverage. One more thing to add to the list.

10-06-2010, 12:26 PM
Is it replacement cost or depreciated value insurance?

I'm not sure... I figured about $4,500 in guns and magazines for $121 a year with USAA.

I'm bleeding on the keyboard... tried to use a sharp hooked pick to push down the magazine follower and next thing I know, it's hooked into the tip of my left index finger... too lazy to walk into the next room and get one of the aluminum cleaning rods with the "O" handle on the pushing end... good for .45 mags.
Not wanting to waste an opportunity... or blood... I checked my glucose... over 340! I just ate a few hours ago and that hasn't dropped yet.
I'm trying to get ready to go to the range and test my PM45 and the various magazine combos for increasing the capacity.
At least I didn't injure my trigger finger.

10-06-2010, 12:30 PM
Over 340. What should it be? I'm not up on those numbers either. Best put some duct tape on that finger, ya don't wanna bleed all over Boomer and gum up the works.
I'll cross my fingers and hope she just runs fine from here on out, she's about due thats for positive sure.

10-06-2010, 12:33 PM
Yeah, some of you guys have ARSENALS and inventory must take a while! Like my just-retired-from-California Corrections brother who has never parted with a gun. He doesn't even know how many he has... or what they're worth.
I haven't run out of fingers to count mine... yet. I might be able to squeeze in one more for this Christmas.
Since we've paid all of our bills except for the mortgage, Wifey wants to save a lot more money. Dang! I want to spend more... time's running out and I want to get everything before I have to cross Bawanna's "river" empty-handed.:(
Is that the Styx?? I forget how much the boatman charges... one gold coin??

She...?? My Boomer is a "he" since I started from the beginning thinking of him as male... and the name... Boomer for a girl??


10-06-2010, 12:44 PM
I'm not sure... I figured about $4,500 in guns and magazines for $121 a year with USAA.

I'm bleeding on the keyboard... tried to use a sharp hooked pick to push down the magazine follower and next thing I know, it's hooked into the tip of my left index finger... too lazy to walk into the next room and get one of the aluminum cleaning rods with the "O" handle on the pushing end... good for .45 mags.
Not wanting to waste an opportunity... or blood... I checked my glucose... over 340! I just ate a few hours ago and that hasn't dropped yet.
I'm trying to get ready to go to the range and test my PM45 and the various magazine combos for increasing the capacity.
At least I didn't injure my trigger finger.

Wow, 340 is pretty high. Are you on insulin? Mine's never been above the low 90's.

10-06-2010, 12:54 PM
Mine gets up there the first few hours after eating and then plummets... into hypoglycemia after 2 to 3 hours, where I need a sugar fix!
I take Glucophage (metformin) 1000mg x 1 1/2 AM and 1/2 plus Glucovance(combo 1.25mg/250mg metformin) in the PM. Lots of drugs.
I don't leave home without drinks and snacks with sugar.

Dang! I need to get ready and go to the range. I gotta cook tonight since Wifey';s off one more night.


10-06-2010, 12:58 PM
I'm thinking about replacing the CW9 with a PM9. My LGS has a used one , but for once, he's too high - $579. I know that Bud's has new ones for $606, but My guy wants $689 for a new one. I've already had two transfers through his store in the last week, and I really hate to do another. What do you all think about the PM9? I'm wondering about the pinky dangle with the 6 rounder.

I also found a pretty nice S&W 4566 for a decent price, and I love those 3rd gen Smith 45's. But with the P220 and P345, I really don't need another large heavy 45 that I can't carry.

10-06-2010, 01:24 PM
For some reason I have trouble assigning gender to guns and dogs. I have a female beagle named Odie? For some unexplained reason I always refer to guns as "shes". I guess its cause all guns are sweet and I dont associate guys as sweet. Well I did think Dietrich was sweet once, actually I still do but we should probably leave that in the closet or start another thread.
Never cross the river empty handed. Take your toys with ya. My son always tells me my box is gonna be one heavy son of a gun. I'm thinking of only taking one or two and leaving the rest for posterity if posterity still exist when my canoe comes in.

Yeah, some of you guys have ARSENALS and inventory must take a while! Like my just-retired-from-California Corrections brother who has never parted with a gun. He doesn't even know how many he has... or what they're worth.
I haven't run out of fingers to count mine... yet. I might be able to squeeze in one more for this Christmas.
Since we've paid all of our bills except for the mortgage, Wifey wants to save a lot more money. Dang! I want to spend more... time's running out and I want to get everything before I have to cross Bawanna's "river" empty-handed.:(
Is that the Styx?? I forget how much the boatman charges... one gold coin??

She...?? My Boomer is a "he" since I started from the beginning thinking of him as male... and the name... Boomer for a girl??


10-11-2010, 09:07 PM
I know I'm late getting in this reply, but wanted to say I'm sorry to hear the bad news O'Dell. It's really a wake-up call to me as I know it is to others. I'm sorry to hear it happening to a nice fella, but in the times we're living, it doesn't surprise me.

10-12-2010, 07:33 AM
I'm thinking about replacing the CW9 with a PM9. My LGS has a used one , but for once, he's too high - $579. I know that Bud's has new ones for $606, but My guy wants $689 for a new one. I've already had two transfers through his store in the last week, and I really hate to do another. What do you all think about the PM9? I'm wondering about the pinky dangle with the 6 rounder.

I also found a pretty nice S&W 4566 for a decent price, and I love those 3rd gen Smith 45's. But with the P220 and P345, I really don't need another large heavy 45 that I can't carry.

Forgot to mention, don't dry fire that P345 with out a magazine. The magazine disconnect safety doesn't like that. It will eventually lead to a click no boom every time kind of situation. The fix for that part is a trip back to the mother ship. You can use snap caps or an empty magazine though.

10-12-2010, 10:52 AM
I am sorry that you had your guns stolen. Burglars, especially experienced ones, know where people put their guns. Nightstands, dresser drawers, etc. They learn quick. An open garage door, to a burglar is an open invitation.

I would recommend to everyone, to get a good safe, like a Liberty safe, for your guns. I don't leave guns out for any reason. I keep one fully loaded, that I can access in a few seconds in my safe. I have push button open safe.

"Harden" your home:

1. keypad alarm
2. lay a bar in the tracks of any sliding glass door
3. Place a bar on the side of the frame of vertically opened windows(lock them too)
4.Close and lock your Garage always.
5. (optional) Get and train one or two large guard dogs

Most burglaries in homes, happen in the daytime, when people are at work. If you go on vacation, have someone house sit, or gather your mail and newspapers. Make sure your lawn is cut.

Most local Police departments will do a courtesy residence check, when your on vacation, but I would not count on this. A close relative that house sits, or checks on your house is best.

I know this is more than what you probably wanted to read, but I do it only out of concern of a fellow gun owner and all gun owners reading this thread.

10-12-2010, 02:57 PM
I am sorry that you had your guns stolen. Burglars, especially experienced ones, know where people put their guns. Nightstands, dresser drawers, etc. They learn quick. An open garage door, to a burglar is an open invitation.

I would recommend to everyone, to get a good safe, like a Liberty safe, for your guns. I don't leave guns out for any reason. I keep one fully loaded, that I can access in a few seconds in my safe. I have push button open safe.

"Harden" your home:

1. keypad alarm
2. lay a bar in the tracks of any sliding glass door
3. Place a bar on the side of the frame of vertically opened windows(lock them too)
4.Close and lock your Garage always.
5. (optional) Get and train one or two large guard dogs

Most burglaries in homes, happen in the daytime, when people are at work. If you go on vacation, have someone house sit, or gather your mail and newspapers. Make sure your lawn is cut.

Most local Police departments will do a courtesy residence check, when your on vacation, but I would not count on this. A close relative that house sits, or checks on your house is best.

I know this is more than what you probably wanted to read, but I do it only out of concern of a fellow gun owner and all gun owners reading this thread.

I turned a room into a vault. All of my guns are always loaded. I now keep three less valuable pistol out for easy access, but they are much better hidden than before.

1. Got it
2. No sliding glass doors
3. Covered
4. My admitted mistake
5. I'd rather have a burglar in my house than a dog

I'm in and out during the day on no regular schedule. The reason they had time to break in before was that I was being watched. Not a lot I can do about that. I don't take vacations, take no newspaper, and my yard is always cut regularly by my yard man.

01-18-2011, 01:45 PM
I felt the need to resurrect this old thread partially because it was a good one and a reminder to not let your security guard down.

Also a fella my son works with had his house broke into and they took his whole gun safe as well as 2 or 3 guns that he kept around the house. Nothing else touched, only guns. My son mentioned he couldn't believe they took the whole safe and wondered how they did that without damaging the guns inside. I had to remind him that thiefs don't care about the guns inside, they don't have sentimental or monetary value to them. Hence Jocko's saying shoot it like you stole it.
I suspect it's obviously once again a case of someone he knows and they narrowed down the time frame but had enough time and a truck and at least 2 or 3 strong backs.

Secondly over the weekend I was reminded of a design flaw in the addition to my house to create my man cave. Anyone who is designing a house or adding on or whatever, always make sure that if theres anyway possible do not and I repeat do not have a laundry room between the living area and your man cave. Countless times I've went to enter or exit only to find a mountain of clothes destined for the washer. Yesterday I decided the freezer needed defrosting since there was so much buildup the door wouldn't stay shut. Course it wasn't on the wifes itinerary so she was ticked all day even though I planned to attack the project myself. Anyhow after the floods began with the requisite towels, pans, buckets etc etc etc I was no longer able to reach my man cave with projects in process. Now me and the wife were both ticked.
I just offer this info to maybe prevent this from happening to others.

01-18-2011, 02:17 PM
When we had our tire business and gun business. we had an ol time safe upstairs in the office. We were broken into over my 40+ years 5 times. We left the safe unlocked with $50 one dollar billsx and a mess of cancelled checks to make it look rich looking.

An we kept all of our money in one of 50 cardboard small boxes stacked on shelves and they had headings on the outside of the box such as bow strings. bow wax, gloves size 5 to 10 each in differnet boxes but all boxes were the same size. One box was our designated money box and checks box. every time they broke in they went to the safe,(which was 5 feet from the safe even in full view) which had we had locked they would have problaby damaged our upstaairs trying to get the damn thing out, so we left it uinllocked like it might have been accidental that it was left unlocked. They always took the money and checks A(that were worthless) but never once was every smart enough to consider the obvious.. Safes are a thief magnet, alittle dolly can move about any gun safe that is not totally bolted down, and I have found that most do not bolt them down enough or at all . I keep a few of my nice pistols in some of my wifes 250 longaberger baskets. did that with our jewelry and fine watches. I have a few Pateks that I have on watch winders under my sink in the kitchen plugged in.

Now please don't google me up and come visiting, for I did not tell you about "killer" my 350# shepard,and " suicide" my 250# doberman. They are also hidden and just waiting and waiting and waiting!!

01-18-2011, 02:32 PM
I feel kind of stupid again but a Patek must be a watch? One of the detectives let me wear his Rolex for a little bit one day. It's way cool, bloody heavy and bulky but pretty cool. I think I'm destined to being a takes a lickin and keeps on tickin guy all of my days.

This was kind of a reminder to me to bolt my safe down, I don't know how heavy it is full but it was like 800 empty. Still gonna bolt it down.
I also have many hanging on the wall in my man cave and I'm thinking of another safe and lock em up. Kind of sad cause I like to look at them but I can't look at them if some dirt ball takes them someplace else.

Give my love to the puppies, I won't be in your neighborhood, you can be sure of that. Unless you need backup of course, then duty calls.

01-18-2011, 02:41 PM
own 7 rolex's. mechanical watches are a passion of mine also. More complicated the better.. Bawanna, rolex's are tank watchs by the way.

01-18-2011, 02:49 PM
Another unknown side of the Jocko. Your a man of many facets to be sure.

Tank watch, that mean they last a long time too or just heavy and bulky?

01-18-2011, 03:45 PM

01-18-2011, 03:56 PM
Since you two are here, I wanted to say that I just won an auction on Gunbroker and hope to add this Springfield Champion 1911 to my "collection" soon. I haven't heard from the seller, yet, but I'm excited... a 1911 with night sights... post on the rear, though, not my favorite.

I just had to tell someone!

Wynn :D

01-18-2011, 03:59 PM
nice gun wyn, nice buy for 6 grand u got a real mean deal. Did u know that gun was Bawanna's???

01-18-2011, 04:16 PM
The seller is in Virginia. My total cost should be $600 after paying my FFL dealer $25.

My wife is taking this well, but her eyes rolled into the back of her head when I tried to show her what a good deal it was... "almost new". She asked what is this for OUR 25th Anniversary (March) or my birthday in June. I said OUR anniversary gift. Yeah, sure...
I did wonder if it's someone on Kahrtalk selling this.

Wynn :)


01-18-2011, 04:41 PM
Looks darn nice Wynn. That's my favorite sights right there. I like em alot.

You done good and I'm glad the missus didn't beat ya up too bad, if she did please post some pics, we can compare bruises etc.

Get used to that indexed trigger finger outside the trigger guard, jocko recommends keeping it up your nose.

I'm happy for you. I'm gonna add you to the list of handles to make. Those on it are nice but I think we can do even better.
I did own that and he misprinted it wasn't 7 rounds it was 7000 but they were highway rounds so it should be good for at least another 500 or so.

I'm happy for you.

01-18-2011, 05:17 PM
Dang! I've been doing all kinds of chores today... almost finished with the wash, trying to get the wife in a good mood. It seems to have paid off, BUT I need to get to cooking supper... grilled steelhead trout and steamed oriental-type (in a bag) veggies.
Later, guys.


01-19-2011, 01:19 PM
Since you two are here, I wanted to say that I just won an auction on Gunbroker and hope to add this Springfield Champion 1911 to my "collection" soon. I haven't heard from the seller, yet, but I'm excited... a 1911 with night sights... post on the rear, though, not my favorite.

I just had to tell someone!

Wynn :D

Just to let you know that SA will take care of you. I bought a new SS Ultra Compact 1911 three weeks ago. I've put 250 rounds through it and it runs perfectly. However there was a scratch on the slide that bothered me. Now, probably this is not Springfield's fault, but I called them about it yesterday. They immediately sent me a pre-paid shipping label, and said they would handle it. Good CS!

01-19-2011, 01:50 PM
Sorry to hear of your loss O'Dell. Having been victimized in the pass I can really feel your pain. In a couple of the cases, it was a friend of a friend type of deal, so they knew my schedule. Since then I got married and moved and severed contact with those low life type of "friends", and haven't had any problems.
I don't have any suggestions other than what's already been posted, so good luck in the future.