View Full Version : Hitting CW9 mag release when shooting

10-14-2023, 10:41 AM
Hey, gang!

Odd issue... short story...

I had a P45 for a while, one of the reasons I decided to NOT use it as my carry piece was that the pistol's geometry, and my hand's geometry... hit the slide release during fire. It just fell under my thumb... and I kept hitting it, causing a FTF. Never really had that issue with my CW9's, which I DO carry every day.

I was out in NV a few weeks ago, and did some draw n shoot drills with my trusty CW9. Shooting single-handed... draw, present, fire... all of a sudden, I'm hitting the mag release. Never happened before with the CW9.

So, this is with one of my 3 CW9's, but I didn't have another one with me. I've always thought the mag release was kind of mushy, anyway, at least on this pistol. That got me wondering...

Is spring fatigue an issue with the Kahr pistols, or the C-series in general? How hard is it to replace the mag release spring/bar thingy... it's buried up in there pretty good. Is there an aftermarket option (doubtful,) or some other hot setup for managing the mag release?

Using the search function, I see that most people have the problem with a too HARD mag release... so I'm wondering if 10 years of use and perspiration may have gotten to my spring...?

10-14-2023, 12:23 PM
It's not terribly hard to get it out. It's a leaf spring set up much like a Glock. You have to push the release a bit and take a pick or a small screwdriver and pry it out of the little slot in the release. Once it's out the release with just slide out.
Then you take a needle nose and pull up on the spring and it should come out. I've not heard of them weakening but doesn't mean it can't happen. I don't have a C only K's and my PM45 but I'm sure the C is the same as the PM.
Keep us posted.

10-14-2023, 07:50 PM
Have you considered that maybe your thumb shouldn't be on or near the mag release?



10-15-2023, 06:04 PM
I never had that problem with my CM9; in fact I had to drill/tap the mag release and added a 8-32 sight base screw for more length so I could reach it with my thumb (short thumb); I have some course grip tape from falcon grip used in a experiment where my short thumb rests, so it knows where it is. maybe that may develop some thumb (?) memory ?



10-16-2023, 10:02 AM
Your problem may be with the mag catch it’s self. I bought a used Kahr and evidently the previous owner liked to slam the mags home and sheared the “shelf” pretty much off. Replaced the mag release problem solved. It’s a plastic part with embedded steel to hold the mag in place.

10-16-2023, 10:33 AM
Your problem may be with the mag catch it’s self. I bought a used Kahr and evidently the previous owner liked to slam the mags home and sheared the “shelf” pretty much off. Replaced the mag release problem solved. It’s a plastic part with embedded steel to hold the mag in place.

Could have a Bingo here. Could very well be the solution. Easy fix too, don't have to remove the spring, just release it from the mag release and put in the new one, snap it back in place. Definitely worth a shot.

10-16-2023, 01:24 PM
Your problem may be with the mag catch it’s self. I bought a used Kahr and evidently the previous owner liked to slam the mags home and sheared the “shelf” pretty much off. Replaced the mag release problem solved. It’s a plastic part with embedded steel to hold the mag in place.

Plastic part? Not in any of my Kahrs - including the CM9. Are you talking about the mag follower? That has nothing to do with releasing the mag.

At the risk of being undiplomatic, this sounds more like an operator error. See my post above.

10-16-2023, 03:14 PM
I remember reading here many MOONs ago about plastic magazine catch on some very early Kahrs. Da factory was replacing them gratis. Don’t recall da model.

10-16-2023, 06:33 PM
Metal or plastic, the catch was a metal insert. If that was worn or broken somehow it could still be the culprit. If it is indeed plastic, a contact with Kahr might get you a new one.

10-17-2023, 04:29 PM
I remember reading here many MOONs ago about plastic magazine catch on some very early Kahrs. Da factory was replacing them gratis. Don’t recall da model.

Would've had to be first year steel frame models. Mine go back that far. Unless it was the first plastic frames? Mine with plastic frames aren't that old. I've never seen anything other than a one-piece steel mag catch/release. Probably MIM on later productions though, so there's that. It would be easy enough to see if the ledge is broken or out of spec without disassembling more than removing the slide.

10-18-2023, 07:07 AM

10-18-2023, 07:14 AM

10-18-2023, 07:17 AM
And yes there are more references to plastic even on CW models. Who would have thunk it. I may have to pick one up. Will resolve the rust prone catch on my PM9.

10-18-2023, 08:46 AM
Wow. I'm glad I missed that experiment!

10-18-2023, 12:12 PM
And yes there are more references to plastic even on CW models. Who would have thunk it. I may have to pick one up. Will resolve the rust prone catch on my PM9.

Might be worth a try although most people that had the plastic opted to switch to the metal versions. As FreeMe mentioned I think those were only on the very early Kahrs.

11-02-2023, 12:41 AM
Sorry, gang... been away dealing with Things.

The pistol in question, my first CW9, so it's quite old, and I bought it second hand, has seen a lot of use.... it's my favorite carry piece.

I swapped my carry piece for one of my newer ones, so it's setting upstairs waiting for a teardown and clean anyway. I'll have a look at the catch when I have it apart. Again, the mag release tension is not as strong as it is with my other 2 CW9's, but there could very well be some wear issues there, too.

As far as the comment about where my thumb is... you must have missed the part about shooting the pistol single-handed. I shoot a 1911 thumb-over... but you certainly can't do that with a Kahr CW9, and my natural single-hand grip puts my thumb right there.

11-02-2023, 11:06 AM
Sorry, gang... been away dealing with Things.

The pistol in question, my first CW9, so it's quite old, and I bought it second hand, has seen a lot of use.... it's my favorite carry piece.

I swapped my carry piece for one of my newer ones, so it's setting upstairs waiting for a teardown and clean anyway. I'll have a look at the catch when I have it apart. Again, the mag release tension is not as strong as it is with my other 2 CW9's, but there could very well be some wear issues there, too.

As far as the comment about where my thumb is... you must have missed the part about shooting the pistol single-handed. I shoot a 1911 thumb-over... but you certainly can't do that with a Kahr CW9, and my natural single-hand grip puts my thumb right there.

Not trying to criticize, just trying to help....I used to hold my K9 the same way. I even released my mag unintentionally a time or two when doing so. Subsequent training has taught me to not do that. The proper grip (as taught by modern trainers) doesn't put your thumb over the mag release....ever. But it's not just about avoiding the mag release, it's a better grip for accuracy and speed of recoil recovery. It's worth looking into even if your mag release spring needs replacing, because it's transferable to any pistol and it works better.