View Full Version : Connecticut has stopped private gun sales/transfers between permitted individuals

11-14-2023, 01:36 PM
On 9/11/2023, the Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection, formerly known as Connecticut State Police sent notification to dealers that any transfers on any firearm in the state has to be handled by a FFL and that the state is no longer allowing (banning) private sales amongst permitted individuals. Prior to 9/11/23, if I wanted to buy or sell there were state issued forms that were required to be used. They were essentially another "4473-like form", and a registration form that needed to be be signed by buyer/seller and a copy sent to local PD and one sent to DESPP. Prior to the transfer the Special Licensing and Firearms Unit (SLFU) was called telephonically and a request was made for a transfer, you gave both permit numbers and would be put on hold, the state did a NICS and when they came back they gave you a transfer # that had to be put on all copies of the transaction. I have never heard of any issues, abuses, etc. I called the NRA and they know of it but are not sure if they will engage. I sent emails to our local CCDL.US, no reply. The democRat controlled legislature took away our ability to open carry, they are not approving pistol permits as they have changed the training requirements and no one knows what to expect. I am an NRA Pistol Instructor as well as a Range Safety Officer, we cannot do classes as they will not be accepted. Sadly, no one seems to have any answers.

11-14-2023, 02:34 PM
They did that to us on the transfer deal a couple years back. We still can open carry and permits are still being issued, although they are pretty much worthless as now we have to wait the 10 days even with a permit.
Since they banned AR's and put a 10 round mag requirement (Again) it pretty much killed our gun shows.
Hopefully thing will turn around. (Again) Hopefully the Supreme Court will recognize all these constitution violations and fix it.

11-14-2023, 03:18 PM
Yeah, they gave us a 3 gun a month limit, no open carry, no carrying in a restaurant that sells alcohol, and they changed the safe gun storage rules. They changed the requirements to obtain a pistol, rifle or ammo permit and no one knows what wil be required to comply. I honestly believe that the state will take to training. They did it with hunting licencing, when I was a kid I got my hunting license through an NRA Hunter Course, now the state runs it and it is an absolute joke, no capacity and long waiting times, just like they like. I see this being the future here in the former Constitution State

11-18-2023, 08:38 AM
The no carry in a restaurant that sells alcohol really sucks. Here in SC our original carry permits, was something like cannot carry in any establishment that servers alcohol. But luckily about 5-6 years ago, they changed it to, can carry, but cannot consume in an establishment whose business is at least 50% food. ( no bars). aka restaurant carry.

Before then, any decent place to eat was forbidden. We are slowly heading in the right direction, still working on constitutional carry.

11-18-2023, 11:50 AM
Prior to recently, we were allowed to carry in a restaurant as long as the carrier was not intoxicated, in CT it is .08% bpa. We were allowed to open carry with a pistol permit and we were allowed to conduct private sales, permit hold to permit holder, after calling the state to get a transfer authorization #. Connecticut is run by one party and they do not care about their opposition or the Constitutionality of their newly enacted tyranny. There are nightly shootings in the large cities, the law abiding are not the problem, it is the criminal who carries with no regard for the law as they know they will get a slap on the wrist as is the current policy of "equity".

11-23-2023, 08:17 AM
We all know that if " officials " would concentrate all of their energies into who is carrying illegally, who was committing crimes etc., instead of focusing/worrying about who is legally protecting themselves, there would be less crime. The Constitution has lost its luster over the years. Smart legal people who find ways to bend certain parts of it to their liking.

11-23-2023, 06:28 PM
Yes, you are so correct. They will pick a few criminals that used guns, especially if there is a "ghost gun" involved because they can and it fits their narrative. When a real first responder uses a gun to stop a crime, being the armed person on the spot, we are minimalized and generally no news coverage of a armed citizen stopping a crime. Sad state of affairs, I did not vote for it, and will have to deal with it a bit longer. A complicit editorial media in CT also damages our rights, they are constantly espousing their opinions and not the facts. My best friend comes up from FL in the spring and he cannot believe the bias in the news in blue states.

12-01-2023, 05:30 PM
I'm sooo glad I live in Florida

12-06-2023, 01:36 PM
I'm sooo glad I live in Florida
Yes, I am glad that you too live in Florida you have minimal infringements, presently. Key word is presently. Your state is receiving some of the most liberal/progressive voters from CT, NY, NJ, MA, NY, etc. They screwed their home states up and now will try it in your states.

12-30-2023, 12:14 PM
Probably a lot of guns still privately sold with the sale date of 9/10/2023.