View Full Version : New Revolver By Diamondback

01-16-2024, 11:20 AM
Nice look to it and I like the sights. MSRP is up there. I’ve not heard good things about their little semi auto’s. Wonder if this is any good? I’d try one out if I could get it at a steal. Really do like how it looks! The cylinder release, the Kimberish barrel and the deep fluted cylinder that reminds me of a Ruger LCR cylinder. I’d polish it and put the same grips as on my SP101 “project” ;)


01-16-2024, 11:37 AM
I kinda like it.

01-16-2024, 12:08 PM
Nice sight picture. With a 2" barrel, that would put the range at what? About 7 feet? :D

01-16-2024, 12:17 PM
Lol! You may be right. Maybe side of barn worthy. I do like the color varied front/rear fo sights though. That and the fact that the fo rods are encased to protect them.

01-16-2024, 01:54 PM
I am not a fan of fiber optic sights on carry gun. To fragile. Give me Big Dots or Trijicon HD sights.

01-16-2024, 02:42 PM
While I agree with the fragile statement, those look encased well enough. I too have had them break in the past, so fully understand why you’d say that. Put rods in my buddies Judge multiple times as he is a clutz. I’ve seen other fo sights (like attached pics) that were encased well like that. I would not be against them on a carry gun if like that. For the range guns, I LOVE the fo’s. I think the combo tritium/fo’s are the best of both worlds. Just my opinion though. :o