View Full Version : Extended Mag Catch/Rease

02-29-2024, 03:01 PM
SO I have a Kahr CT40 and I'm one to never settle for stock, AND, I HATE MIM parts, so I set out on a journey to find forged parts for my CT. Well, I got as far as a forged slide release from a CM. SO, I also had front serrations put on the slide and a Big Express Dot front sight.

NOW, I'm not happy with the mag release, so I set out looking for an extended mag release- NONE- more rare than the Dodo bird, Bigfoot, or a unicorn. SO, the next best thing is to modify existing, right?

SO I took the mag release button out and tried different things- I tried super gluing a pencil eraser onto it the end of it- THAT didn't hold. Then I tried flux core welding a blob of metal onto the end of it-THAT didn't hold. Finally I think I've found the ticket- JB Weld. I tried a straw and hose on the end of it, but no go, so I wrapped a piece of tape around the end of it and packed some JBW in there and let it set for a couple of days. Viola! After some sanding down to fit the hole, it works perfectly. No more jacking the pistol out of my firing grip to fish for and firmly press the almost flush mag release. That puppy sticks out there and I can get to it with ease. Been a week of carrying it (appendix), and NO issues. YMMV

02-29-2024, 04:57 PM
Glad it worked out. I find myself relieving the grip area around the mag release for a bit better access. I generally don't have an issue with it but a tad bit of extension would be a nice thing.

02-29-2024, 07:19 PM
I relieved up under the beavertail, until I hit metal. I also super-glued a palm swell (a S&W M&P part), onto the back strap. I wish I could find forged parts for Kahr, like the trigger and transfer bar, etc.