View Full Version : SHTF Choices
Ok, since a lot of us here tend to not be fan boys of any particular maker I figure I can ask this without the conversation spiralling down the drain.
With all things being considered, such as weight (of gun and ammo), capacity, potential inability to keep a weapon as clean as we might now, and potential ammo matching to a long gun, and you had one extremely fast and stressful choice of each type to make what pistol and long gun would you take if you had to hit the road?
I ask because I enjoy the 1911 platform for looks and history. But then I also l enjoy other makes. With the few that I have I would be torn between taking an HK, a Sig, or a 1911. Of those the first two have a greater capacity. And I would expect would perform more reliably if dirty and/or dry (yep, I know that the venerable 1911 helped with two world wars in battle conditions). In a hectic grab and go I think I would probably narrow it down to one of the first two, and likely settle on an HK. I'd likely couple that with a 9mm carbine.
How about you?
03-25-2024, 10:03 AM
For's 3 guns if I am able to take 3 guns. My Sig P226 which shoots 3 calibers,9mm, 40 and 357Sig, next it is my Ruger Mini 30 in 762x39 and then my Mossberg 940 Pro 12 gauge.
03-25-2024, 10:21 AM
Well, these are not my favorites by any means, but they fit the circumstances, and I shoot both well.
My Beretta M9, and CX4 Storm. Both use the same magazines, and I have a lot of mags.
03-25-2024, 10:38 AM
I like the 1911, but it's heavy and limited in capacity. I'm approaching 78 and ain't planning or able to bugout 'cause I don't have a remote cabin in the woods... or a bunker somewhere... or a vehicle that might run after an EMP or solar flare.
I would opt for my Glock 21 and have many mags and boolits for it. My Kahr P45 could be a backup. You definitely would want a popular caliber... 9mm or .45 for ammo availability, and .556mm, 7.62x39mm, or 7.62x51mm rifles for the same reason.
Everyone talks about bugging out to the woods and living off the land. Well good luck with that... you and 10's of millions of others will be vying for the soon scarce resources, and the worst will come out in most people... even the "good" ones when they and their family get hungry.
What is it... the HK 416, or something like that that's highly thought of as a dependable rifle. I keep seeing this in the novels. Glocks ar popular, too... 9mm's and .45's.
I have plenty of ammo for all of my guns and don't shoot anymore since COVID... just got out of the monthly practice. I still carry all of the time... even now at home, but it's my P380 and the night sights still work after 14 years! I got it 1 April 2010... and had to send it back to have the DOA front sight replaced. I was thinking that I needed new sights, but I can still see them across the room on my nightstand when I got to the bathroom at night. My G-21 and my wife's G-43 are close, too.
My usual carry of my Kahr P40 with ported barrel has become a carry-along in the car safe gun for trips as my shorts/pants got a bit tight and the P380 was smaller and more comfortable. That little pistol is always on my hip or by me at home... everywhere.
I hope that the S--- never hits the fan, but who knows with all of the illegal, invading "immigrants" which could include whole armies of Islamic and Chinese terrorists as well as just the MS-13 and other criminals, so keep your powder dry and stay prepared.
I have my PSA PA-10 with mags and ammo, and a nice PA-15 with much ammo, too, but don't plan on carrying anything.
My favorite genre for reading since I got Kindle Unlimited years ago is apocalyptic scenarios after EMP's, solar flares, or biological warfare attacks... or combinations of those... and earthquakes... fun reading.
Don't forget toilet paper and decent hiking shoes/boots... so much to think about... especially water purification and food preparation... keeping warm. Light decent body armor might be appreciated, too. My IIIA+ steel stuff weighs 23 pounds and isn't the easiest to put on, and I'm not hiking in that, either. :D
03-25-2024, 11:25 AM
I SHOULD own a rifle, but I don't.........that being said, I would take my HK in .40 cal., and for a rifle, I would take either a bolt action Ruger .22 takedown. or a Springfield M1A Tanker or Scout in .308.
03-25-2024, 12:11 PM
I took this scenario rather seriously and went to my room to bug out, actually had to go to the bedroom on the way. I grabbed my Tisas commander carry in (don't tell nobody) 9 and my Ruger PC9 carbine and two ammo cans stuff full of 9 ammo although I wish more of it was carry ammo and not ball but it'll do.
Since my MRI Officer 45 is already on my hip do I get to bring that too? If so I need to grab another ammo can. All my mags are organized in one drawer so grabbing a bunch wouldn't take no time at all.
I'm kind of with Wynn on that I most likely wouldn't actually bug out but hold the fort. We're pretty country although lots of close neighbors. Not far to unpopulated woody area's but like he mentioned, lots of folks will be heading there, at least the ones that have a clue how to live that way. Hopefully the day never comes, living off the grid in a wheelchair ain't no picnic.
03-25-2024, 12:29 PM
A 4x4, maybe tracked, ATV with a little trailer...? This guy is kind of prepared...21062
And this guy ain't getting far with this load, though impressive, but not in a good way. Sorry, but had to inject some humor:
03-25-2024, 04:39 PM
Mini 14 and T9
Humor is good Wyn, thanks :)
Since I'm making the rules Colonel, if you already have one on your hip I don't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to grab two more.
I think the rifle part is the toughest. It would be hard to pass up my shotgun for my carbine. But then unless you're real, real good at hunting it's unlikely you're gonna get close enough to bring down much with a 12ga. Then again a 12ga is more likely to stop a bad guy, at least one that's close by. But I'm with the Colonel on this one, I'd take my PC9. And the idea of having the same caliber for the pistol and carbine simplifies things. Also doesn't hurt to have a common caliber, regardless of what you take. My .45Colt would stay behind.
All good answers though. But as has been said, we're getting kind of old to be living off the land. It is said you should be 5 miles as the crow flies from a freeway. I'm close to that, and fairly remote but I'm sure I'd end up having to defend my property and supplies from scavengers before all was said and done. Bottom line is that it's a scary thought. Sometimes I feel bad for bringing my kids into this crazy old world.
03-25-2024, 05:05 PM
The thought of my 45 Colt Lever gun and a couple six guns entered my mind after the fact. The revolvers of course are stone cold reliable and the lever gun isn't far behind. But 45 Colt might be next to impossible to scavenge if the need arises. I'm well over 5 miles from a freeway although the nearest highway is about 8 miles away but it's the only route east west for quite a distance. All it would take is one panicked idiot to crash or ball up the road and things would come to a stand still. My daughter is about 11 or 12 miles east on that highway. Might be difficult for them to get here preferable, or me to get to them if I have to.
03-25-2024, 05:27 PM
Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.....
I have about 20 EMP/Post apocalypse book series on my Kindle. Love 'em.
03-25-2024, 10:45 PM
Most recently my choices would be my new to me G22 and a slew of loaded mags because I shoot it well, and my recently built AR-15 because it only weighs just over 6 lbs., has a red dot and irons, and I can hit a 8 inch gong at 100 yards most every shot with my bad eyes. I’m pretty comfortable with that and the wife can manage both of them too.
03-25-2024, 11:40 PM
I'm lucky I guess, as I don't have to choose. I'm already at my bug out location. Kind of live here year round.
03-26-2024, 07:35 AM
“Sometimes I feel bad for bringing my kids into this crazy old world.”
The sole reason why my son almost does not exist. We were not going to have kids. I did not like the way this world was going and did not want to be responsible for bringing someone into a place that might equal misery one day. He came along though, and we’ve been blessed that he did. I’m confident that he can handle anything as good or better than I could, but still have the concern about what he may face.
SHTF set up is 3 compensated G17’s (police trade in’s) and 3 AR9’s that take the G17 mags. Many (mostly police trade in’s) 17 round mags and a few 22 and 33 round mags. My AR9 folds and will be in a backpack, unless in an urban area. I will be slinging my dad’s old 270 for reaching out and touching from a distance, while we actively try to stay at a distance and evade in such an instance.
I have another, less cohesive set up for my brother in case he can make it over, and high cap 22 set up’s (pistols and Vortex scoped Ruger 10/22’s) for my two elderly neighbors who we’ve discussed bunkering down with as a team if not fleeing.
The prepping trend has mostly come and gone, at least from the top of the mind of most. But it's good to see that people are still preparing, just in case. Heaven help us if it comes to pass.
03-26-2024, 09:23 AM
I am not a prepper, but know one. He has two of everything.
However, I am set up for a short term disaster. I keep enough food for a month, and drinking water for 2-3 weeks. (And lots of striking paper, Covid did not catch me unprepared).
I have a small 2000 Watt generator, which will keep my fridge running, and a 1000 watt hot plate for food prep. Plus a couple of small 1500 watt space heaters.
I can disconnect the fridge long enough to make coffee :-), or run the heaters if needed. Plus being an old timer, I always have a little cash on hand, and, a right good bit, of ammo.
I always heard, when the Shtf, you need God, Gold, and Guns. But, I think ammo may be more valuable than guns.
03-26-2024, 10:10 AM
I wouldn't be going anywhere. Go down with the ship, I guess. I know the people in my area. They're a hardy bunch. Lots of guns which could be good or bad. Lots of people who know how to use them. Sometimes I don't think people get enough credit. I believe that my community would for the most part, band together and help each other, rather than freak out and try to take from others.........Like I tell the wife, if all hell breaks loose, we live close to 2 air bases. We'll just have to bend over...............
03-26-2024, 10:21 AM
The prepping trend has mostly come and gone, at least from the top of the mind of most. But it's good to see that people are still preparing, just in case. Heaven help us if it comes to pass. I'm sure you know, it's very expensive to properly prep these days. I think you'd automatically have a large advantage living away from the city. Cheaper to prep.
03-28-2024, 01:46 PM
If I had to pick two "go to war" weapons then the pistol would be one of my HKs. Probably the P2000sk because I have the most mags for it. The rifle my Colt AR HBAR. It's the most accurate and highest quality. That's a 9mm and a 5.56. I'd be tempted to grab the CX4storm to have only one ammo need and because it is very reliable but it lacks the range of the Colt.
03-28-2024, 11:01 PM
Just finished reading the last two books from William R Forstchen in the “One Second After” series and all are very good and eye opening….. One second after is the first then there is “One Year After” and the last two are “The Final Day” and then “Five Years After”…….Highly recommend reading in order but all are great books and really make you think about how bad things would get if we lost power, transportation, food and water…..I’m not a prepper but after reading the Forstchen series books I’ve stocked up on canned goods and enough water to last several weeks……We have a cabin in the north Georgia mountains in Blairsville and I suppose we would head up there if things got too crazy in Atlanta like 9 shootings and 6 dead last weekend isn’t crazy enough……
As for bug out guns I would of course have my PM9 in my pocket and my S&W M&P 9 in a belt holster with all the mags and ammo I could grab in a bag…..I would throw several boxes of 12 gauge in there with as much .223 and 30-30 I could carry and I would sling my trusty Mossberg short barrel shotgun on one shoulder and my Marlin 336 lever action 30-30 on the other shoulder and my AR-15 slung over my head in front……Slings are absolutely necessary for any useful long gun to be able to keep your hands free…….I would first try to hold down the fort as long as possible but in a war zone like Atlanta or any large city if SHTF it would soon become not worth it to stay…….
03-28-2024, 11:06 PM
You only get two pal. And the hardest part in your location would be getting out of Atlanta. I'm sure brigands and bad dudes would be hitting on everyone trying to leave.
Ok your in Atlanta so we'll let you have 3.
03-28-2024, 11:18 PM
Damn, must have misread the rules, happens to me all the time, so I’ll leave the AR and take the lever gun to hunt with and the shotgun for the two legged vermin……PM9’s concealed so it don’t count and M&P is holstered so that’s my three but you’re right we wouldn’t get far in this crazy place so might as well hole up and fight it out from cover…….
03-28-2024, 11:42 PM
Damn, must have misread the rules, happens to me all the time, so I’ll leave the AR and take the lever gun to hunt with and the shotgun for the two legged vermin……PM9’s concealed so it don’t count and M&P is holstered so that’s my three but you’re right we wouldn’t get far in this crazy place so might as well hole up and fight it out from cover…….
I'd offer to help but probably be just as hard to get in as it is to get out and your a far piece away. Be gosh durn tough getting there.
03-28-2024, 11:43 PM
CZ Scorpion Micro suppressed 9mm & Galil ACE 7.62x51 NATO :cool:
03-29-2024, 05:43 AM
We have a cabin in the north Georgia mountains in Blairsville.
Never been to Blairsville, but I have been to Blueridge, so might be able to find it, if I had to.
Don't forget to pack your cleaning supplies Barth. You're gonna need 'em.
03-29-2024, 11:16 AM
I’m ready….
03-30-2024, 08:53 AM
Alright just one.....
03-30-2024, 12:22 PM
Beretta APX 9mm. Seems some others have missed the part about the handgun and rifle has to match. I don't really see the point in PCC outside of a 22lr, so I'd save on weight by just carrying the handgun and extra ammo. The ammo capability stipulation wasn't there, I'd take an AR15 in .223/5.56.
03-30-2024, 12:50 PM
Something tells me Army is going to be able to outrun us all! 😁
03-30-2024, 01:13 PM
Beretta APX 9mm. Seems some others have missed the part about the handgun and rifle has to match. I don't really see the point in PCC outside of a 22lr, so I'd save on weight by just carrying the handgun and extra ammo. The ammo capability stipulation wasn't there, I'd take an AR15 in .223/5.56. Reading is fundamental. I missed that same caliber stuff. I wouldn't be bugging out anyway, so I'd be using all available.........IMHO, I don't think that many of us would be going anywhere. Can you imagine bugging out with a 9mm handgun and rifle, only to have some slob pillage everything you own? All your time, money, labor, memories? I don't think so............:laser:
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