View Full Version : How to Polish???

09-30-2010, 10:12 AM
Hi Folks,
I am new to the forum and Kahr. Ordered a PM4044N and waiting delivery. Reading about break in rounds and/or polishing internal parts. Is there any detailed, step by step information out there or videos for idiots like me on how to polish the internal parts? I'd like a good experience with my new Kahr, hope for no problems and want to optimize my new pistol. Thanks a bunch.

09-30-2010, 04:25 PM
Kahrs seem to come with a few sharp edges here and there. They wear off with use but you can speed the process by smoothing them early in the process. The barrel is the first suspect so look for a sharpness or burr on the ledge the top where the flat part drops down to the round barrel. It needs to be square but not burred or sharp. That spot rubs along the inside of the slide as a normal action with the recoil. After shooting a bit you will see the inch or so on the slide. It should show some wear but not gouges.

You can smooth out the surfaces carefully with sandpaper (600 or higher) then polish. I tried doing it by hand and gave up. You need a rotary Dremel like tool with a polishing felt wheel to make it work for you. Dremels are expensive but you can find other brands for under $20 - I got mine at Harbor Freight for $14. Use a rough polish first like should comer with the tool, then go to something like Mothers Mag & Aluminum polish or Fitz for the finish shine.

When you polish the feed ramp, go lightly to polish not change the shape. Be sure and do the chamber entrance all around. The bullet enters the chamber toward the top and slips along the roof of the chamber to settle in.

There are several posts regarding the subject.

As a new Kahr owner, be SURE to read and follow the Prepping the new Kahr (http://kahrtalk.com/kahr-tech/1521-proper-prep-new-kahr.html), Kahr Lube Diagram (http://kahrtalk.com/kahr-tech/308-kahr-lube-diagram.html). For instruction, look at "Reloading the Kahr" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjLbFOw8sow) video that covers the right way to hand rack (slingshot) the Kahr. Many new Kahr owners don't get this right at first and blame the gun.

Now to answer your question, yes there are video's showing how to polish. This search (http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=How+to+polish+the+feed+ramp&aq=f) popped up with a few.

10-01-2010, 09:18 AM
WOW! Excellent HELP. Thanks a boat load.