View Full Version : Octobers The Great Pumpkin Speaks Free For All

09-30-2010, 06:05 PM
Hard to believe it's October already. Time to look for bambi, whittle pumpkins, and rack leaves. Gosh I hate racking leaves, sure pretty till they fall off the tree.

I've been thinking we need to set a new record for the most members logged in at once. I don't recall what the number is but seems like it's 184 or something? It's on the home page.

Maybe we should set a date and time in the future and get the word out and everybody log in. Unless of course JohnH says this will like overload the system or something. He's had enough grief this month with the attack malicious megabytes hitting our USB gigobytes and hard drives with Foxes and fireflys all over the sky like dog fights over the river Quey. Wasn't pretty there. We need to let those still laying low know that the coast is clear again and they can crawl out of their fox holes and play again.

ok bye

09-30-2010, 06:24 PM
I don't understand all this fang dangled computer stuff anyway, to me it's all magic that it even works...I really think it should be a death sentence for anyone to hack or create a virus to infect and destroy other folks computers and data...I bet a couple of public hangins would be enough to stop that kind of crap....Anyway I saw something last night that had me scratching my head...I feed the critters behind my small backyard fence and watch um when they come out about 10:00 pm or so...There are about 5-6 raccoons and several huge possums and they don't seem to bother each other so long as there is enough food to go around...Well last night I looked out and saw what I thought was an albino raccoon but after getting a better look it was a giant white cat but it had the raccoon mask and I'm not making this up, it's tail was a raccoons striped bushy tail...:eek:...I have heard that cats and raccoons get along pretty good but do you thing they get along good enough to make a frankencooncat???...Maybe I better lay off a few of those malted beverages at that time of night but I swear that was either the biggest cat on record or it was a cooncat combo...:der:

09-30-2010, 06:30 PM
Sounds like maybe some strange goings on over your back fence. Maybe you could get one of them game cameras and hang on the fence to catch this obamanation on film to share with the huddled masses.
I seen a few albino deer, but never laid eyes on no albino ****.

09-30-2010, 09:15 PM
Hmmmm... are you sure you aren't seeing the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland... the old Disney version... after a few brewskis??
Maybe yours was PINK??


10-04-2010, 01:45 PM
RADIO FLYER CAR: Valley couple's Radio Flyer car turns heads - ktuu.com

Just so everybody knows, I want one of these. Way cool.

10-04-2010, 07:58 PM
That wagon would be a blast to drive, but you will need to watch out for low bridges.


10-05-2010, 02:07 PM
Another victory for Bawanna. I have a nice Galco ankle holster that worked well for my K40 as well as an officers size Para. My PM45 just wouldn't quite go in it. It fit but the thumbreak just wouldn't quite make it. I got a cheap Uncle Mikes ankle rig (low priced not necessarily junk or cheap) It worked well but is nylon and the thumbbreak is nylon so not real positive in the unsnap category.
Any how I kept shoving my PM45 into that Galco for the last month or longer, not forcing just wishfully pushing and alas last night I was able to drive er home and with some effort got the thumbbreak snapped. Got er a couple times so I loaded it up and left it, wearing it today. Much nicer and more comfy, now I just hope it still fits the K40 ok. I suspect it will.

Actually its a double victory. I got a rig from MichaelW here and it was tighter than heck also. I could get the PM45 in but barely get it out, not good for quickdraw contest. I used a bit of 6% silicone and did the in and out routine and finally got it to working too. Wore it a bit over the weekend and it seems to work pretty well also. Its a Wolfe I believe.
Another happy holster story to be sure.

mr surveyor
10-05-2010, 04:12 PM

Last year I bought a Bianchi belt holster out of the "bargain box" at my favorite boy toy store that was made for the PM9.....hoping it would be the same general frame dimensions as my CW9. It wasn't, but I made it work. I used to work leather a bit during the 70's and decided I wouldn't totally ruin a perfectly good holster by using a DIY fix. First, I soaked the holster in warm water for a couple of hours, then oiled my CW9 and thoroughly wrapped it with thin saran wrap, and forced it into the well cased (wet) holster. After it was all in place, I took a small spoon (too lazy to dig through the closet to hunt for my old leather working tools) and "boned" the holster around the trigger guard. The only complaint about the Bianchi is the silly rubber O ring "thumb break"....it really doesn't fit well on the back of the slide and tends to hang on the rear sight. I don't use it much anyway since the holster has pretty good retention anyway. Also, without a sight tunnel, the front sight tends to drag a bit more than I like.

The point is, if there's enough leather, and the holster was designed for a gun of similar geometry and size, they can often be re-shaped to work without stressing the leather too much.... although it's always best (in my opinion) to use the holster actually designed and shaped to the gun of choice.


10-05-2010, 04:33 PM
Yup, I didn't wanna ruin this holster and I was even scared to get it wet. The body of it was pretty close just a bit tight so it was just a matter of stretching the thumb break. If I was a bit braver I probably should have got it wet a little but I think we're gonna be ok. If it was a belt holster I'd probably just use it without since it fits tight. But on my leg, even though the leg don't move much I didnt want to take the chance of pulling up my pant leg and the gun with it.

10-05-2010, 08:12 PM
The best accessory for a Galco ankle holster is Evening in Paris perfume.The older guys will remember young girls wearing it.I think it cost about 25 cents for a gallon of it forty or fifty years ago.Now it`s 35 cents a gallon.Inflation ya know.

mr surveyor
10-05-2010, 08:38 PM
and the only to combat the smell of your girlfriend's perfume was a shot of fifty cents a gallon Brute

10-06-2010, 03:18 AM
and the only to combat the smell of your girlfriend's perfume was a shot of fifty cents a gallon Brute
I always preferred Hai Karate or Bay Rum.

mr surveyor
10-06-2010, 09:22 AM
Golly, D, you spent the big bucks on the HK stuff... what, that was a dollar a gallon wasn't it? And, at the same time, almost all old men wore Old Spice

10-06-2010, 10:10 AM
Gosh darn, I gotta switch smelly stuff. Don't want my Old Spice to profile myself.

10-06-2010, 04:09 PM
Memorable Words of Politicians

As we near this special time in our nations history, let's take a look back at what our politicians have said as an indicator toward answering the question "Are we getting the best and brightest, or are we only getting what we deserve?"

In the old days -- the time of our parents and grandparents -- politicians said memorable things like "We have nothing to fear but fear itself" (FDR) and "You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." (Winston Churchill).

What do our generation's politicians give us? Well....

"I haven't committed a crime. What I did was fail to comply with the law."
--Mayor David Dinkins of New York City, answering accusations that he failed to pay his taxes.

"They gave me a book of checks. They didn't ask for any deposits."
--Congressman Joe Early, at a press conference to answer questions about the House Bank scandal.

"I was under medication when I made the decision not to burn the tapes."
--President Richard Nixon

"Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country."
--Mayor Marion Barry of Washington, D.C.

"The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history... this century's history.... We all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century."
--Dan Quayle, then Indiana senator and Republican vice-presidential candidate during a news conference in which he was asked his opinion of the Holocaust

"The streets are safe in Philadelphia. It's only the people who make them unsafe."
--Frank Rizzo, ex-police chief and mayor of Philadelphia

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
--President George W. Bush

via : Laugh IT Out (http://www.laughitout.com/#ixzz11cBY1vX3)

10-06-2010, 04:27 PM
Q: Who has the right of way when four cars approach a four-way stop at the same time?
A: The pick up truck with the gun rack and the bumper sticker saying, "Guns don't kill people. I do."

10-06-2010, 05:53 PM
Golly, D, you spent the big bucks on the HK stuff... what, that was a dollar a gallon wasn't it? And, at the same time, almost all old men wore Old SpiceOuch!! I started using Old Spice when I started shaving 52 years ago. I stopped when I could no longer get the original scent. Now I blend my own after shave and it beats them all - cheaper too.

10-06-2010, 06:49 PM
Ouch!! I started using Old Spice when I started shaving 52 years ago. I stopped when I could no longer get the original scent. Now I blend my own after shave and it beats them all - cheaper too.
I chucked it all and now I use vanilla flavoring for cologne.It`s not bad in winter but in the summer the flies blow me.

10-06-2010, 06:58 PM
Didn't see that one coming. I expected something like I use the expensive stuff cause I'm worth it, like the hair coloring commercial Larryall or Lorry all or something.

Truth be told I like your version better.

For me a few drops of hoppes #9 applied does the trick. I started to say applied liberally but I'm not even going there.

mr surveyor
10-06-2010, 07:08 PM
I alternate between Pine-Sol, WD-40 and Hoppes. Come January I will have been married to mrs surv for 38 years.... I guess it works:)

10-07-2010, 11:00 AM
That brake cleaner Jocko espouses works and cools for a short time as well... dang, what's this rash and itch??:eek:

10-08-2010, 09:25 PM
Today I found Brake Cleaner at Walmart for $1.97 a big can!

Now here's to all us older folks....

While on
a road trip, an elderly couple stopped at a roadside restaurant for lunch.
After finishing their meal, they left the restaurant, and resumed their trip.
When leaving, the elderly woman unknowingly left her glasses on the table,
and she didn't miss them until they had been driving for about forty minutes.

By then,
to add to the aggravation, they had to travel quite a distance before they
could find a place to turn around, in order to return to the restaurant to retrieve
her glasses.

the way back, the elderly husband became the classic grouchy man. He
fussed and complained, and scolded his wife relentlessly during the entire
return drive.

The more
he chided her, the more agitated he became. He just wouldn't let up for
a single minute.

To her relief,
they finally arrived at the restaurant. As the woman got out of the
car, and hurried inside to retrieve her glasses, the old geezer yelled
to her, "While you're in there, you might as well get my hat and the credit

This coming
week is...


You can do
your part
by remembering to contact
at least one...
to show you care.

My job is done....

10-09-2010, 11:36 AM
Only in Canada would you see a sign like this!
Read the whole sign. Fort Steele is near Cranbrook

10-10-2010, 10:02 AM
It's 10-10-10! Any significance?? :confused:

SO FAR... no hurricanes down here... may get a good kickback from USAA on our insurance.

It's nice and cool... dang... heating up... over 72°.

Today's project:
I'm swapping out my old irrigation well pump today. Measured, studied, and measured some more... trying to figure out how best to set up the new one. I'm finally going to hook it up to allow for the 5-6° angle that the well pipe comes out of the ground. I had lots of problems with that strain in the past. I didn't have the pump and pipe lined up perfectly and the 1 1/2" check valve would break or pull apart. the last time, I added epoxy around the parts and metal strapping to help with the strain.

I used a plastic/fiberglass dog house for its shelter... which presented a problem the first time the pipe broke and flooded the dog house and immersed the pump. :( I had to add drain holes and screen to keep pests out. The pump has been in decline from rust since that happened a few years ago. Sometimes I would have to poke a coat hanger in the fan housing and poke the blades to get the pump running.

The FAN in there is because the pump would overheat and quit for an hour or so until it cooled down.

For years I've been watching this shallow well pump combo go on sale at Harbor Freight. I finally broke down and got one a few months ago while it was on sale and I had a 20% off coupon... under $100 out the door. My last pump cost almost twice that plus I had to buy a pressure tank and pressure gauge. This is all in one and kind of neat... compact. I just have to remove the old one and cut and glue PVC... I got extras of everything from Lowe's... plus 10% off military discount.

Pictures! This pump is so cute! Of, course, it's made in China, but I priced an air tank in Lowe's... from $66 to over $80 for a 5-gallon one... almost what my whole setup cost.

I hope it works and lasts a long time.

[ Danged Attachment manager is still scrunching down my correctly sized pictures. :( ]


10-10-2010, 07:16 PM
Looks good Wynn. As for the offset well angle, would a short radiator hose fit in there to separate pump vibration from the PVC parts? It would have to be short or it would collapse, but just thinking - always trying to engineer something.

10-10-2010, 08:12 PM
Many times I've thought about that, but worried it would rupture or more likely collapse.

What a PITA this has been today.. just a SNAFU... I had a bunch of parts but forgot to get any more 3/4" elbows, but I had all kinds of half threaded, half slip fit stuff and cobbled things together... using a few more parts, but did the trick.

I had to wait... supposedly 2 hours, depending on temperature, to test the setup with pressure up to 180 PSI! :eek: The Pump's supposedly set to cut off at 50 PSI and kick back in at 20.

I cleaned up the area, put tools away, and cleaned up the garage... killing time. Okay... first I oped the valve from the well line... big ball **** that I added... there was nothing to shut the damn thing off and the pump was being plugged into an outlet in the garage, using a power cord made out of ROMEX!! They just ran it under the door... real idiots.

I ran a line from the outside light using plastic conduit and put a weatherproof box with a GFI outlet switched from inside with an indicator light. I added the valve the first time I had a bad leak.

Did I forget to mention the well is 732 feet deep and it's artesian!!! A shut off was nice. The flow is only 2 gallons a minute without the pump and it adds up quickly into a flood.

Okay, I turned the well valve on and watched for leaks. I knew I didn't have to prime the danged thing 'cause it's artesian. I felt something hitting me on the legs lightly... a leak... tiny, but coming from the pressure gauge. I check and you need a wrench that's no thicker than 1/8". I have UNUSED bike wrenches... perfect! It took me half an hour and a lot of cussing to find them. Worked perfectly. Removed the PG and noticed not a lot of Teflon paste or whatever they (Chinese) used for thread sealant. I figured I had better use the Teflon tape. A roll came in the bag the instructions were in... 5 minutes cussing and tearing up my piles... until I remembered I had put my eight .45 magazines in the bag and put it in a cabinet next to the table. Okay, trying the wind some tape the correct direction... keep having to figure that out, 'cause the danged tape twists every which way. Three or four attempts and pieces of that #$@*& tape later, I had the thing really wrapped. I screwed it in... TIGHTLY. Turned on the water again.

WTF? Another leak... from the stainless steel 1" intake where the threaded aprt is welded to the housing... tiny leak shooting down and draining into the danged pressure switch... gonna ruin that one!

I turned the power on and the leak... tiny... stayed the same, but I had put several pieces of stiff plastic between the leak and the back of the pressure switch and the wires going into it.

Let me save this and see if I've exceeded the limit for yakking.

Dang! I had to log in again. I have to water tonight and it's not as much pressure as I would like, but I'm tired and tired of feeding the mosquitoes, too. I'll be dragging hoses all night... starting so danged late. We can start at 4 PM and have to stop at 10 AM.

Tomorrow I'll see if there's something I can do to fix that tiny pin hole leak. I need to get the pressure up, too. On hand I have silver solder and a torch... never used... don't know WTF I'm doing with that, for sure. I also have some Water Weld epoxy putty and some QuickSteel stuff, too. It's stainless and I don't want to have to cut PVC and carry that sucker in to get another one. What do you think would be best. I don't have a welder and would make a bigger hole if I did. I wonder if I empty the water, rough up the area a little bit, and use a torch and rosin and silver solder that tiny hole??
Or should I use some of that Water Weld Marine epoxy... the doughy stuff you kneed to activate?

Well, let me try a few pictures here and then go get something to eat!

Dang! The pictures get shrunk so much after I sized them for upload. #5 is the best picture of the leak. Maybe you can figure those tiny things out after it. The inlet is 1" and should be horizontal like the others, but I didn't rotate it.

Dinner! Alone. :(



10-10-2010, 08:53 PM
I recommend against trying to wield stainless unless you have done it before. It's not your average spot or braze weld item. If it were me, I'd cut the PVC in convenient repair places and exchange the unit. I suspect trying to patch a leak in a stainless joint like that one will just delay the trip. But if you do patch it....

With 50lbs pressure you aren't going to seal the leak by putting goop on the outside of it without a 50lb pressure seal pushing against that. If both parts are stationary you might put a hose clamp over a rubber piece over "Goop" or similar product. Put the Goop on trying to smooth it over the leak as it sets up hard. Let the Goop dry then put bicycle tube, etc., all the way around so not to cause corrosion. Tighten it down pretty tight. Go have a beer, then test it.

Of course it probably won't leak until the worst possible time - a couple days after the warranty is up on the pump unit. But odds are eventually it will leak. Maybe next trip in you can get one of those sump pumps they have on sale.

10-10-2010, 09:26 PM
It's at the bottom of the inlet... shouldn't be high pressure. Adding a hose clamp to the possibilities should let me come up with something. If that stays the only problem, I should be able to fix it tomorrow... and increase the pressure. I'm running two long hoses... all night long.:(

I'm on my second New Castle Brown Ale... kept in my wine cooler at 54-55° and poured into a room-temperature mug... Ahhh... just as it should be drunk.
With some Restaurant Style Tostitos and Pace's Medium Picante.

Wifey will be home in about an hour and we'll watch Dexter, our favorite show on Showtime. He's my kind of serial killer... gets the bad guys that the law is having trouble getting enough evidence on.


10-10-2010, 11:53 PM
I'm all aquiver. I held a piece of history last night at a birthday party for my former police chief and one of my best friends. The party was at a retired commanders house who is also a very good friend. First time I'd been to his house.
He took me to his "Man" room. He's always been into marshall arts, karate, and all that stuff. He had a genuine japanese sword in a sheath, along with for lack of a better description a neckerchief that they always wear. I thought thats cool. Then he told me a story the summary of which is the sword was given to a sailor on the deck of the Missouri during the japanese surrender ceremonies. It wasn't like the top guys or anything, sounded more like a lower ranking officer. It's a bit shorter than their traditional large swords and he had a name for that which I forgot but will ask again.
I gently asked him to prove it and he had a bunch of paperwork written in japanese as well as some US military documentation. I didn't see enough to prove providence but he says its there.
Totally knocked me over just being in the same room with it. He had several swords but of course this one was a center piece fitting it's historical value.
Just had to share the news.

10-11-2010, 01:31 PM
Awful quite and boring around here this morning. Not a single post all morning long. Did I miss a big party last night that everyone else is recovering from or what?

10-11-2010, 05:00 PM
Dang! That was a piece of history. That day ended the war and let my dad go home. Nine months later I was born... the first of the baby boomers. There's a connection.:D

Today we celebrate Columbus Day, but not that much. The Market was open and a lot of people had to work... no mail, though.

Yes, about this time in 1492, Columbus stumbled across some islands and the Caribe Indians, not sure, just know that everyone pronounces Caribbean it as though it was Spanish with two "R's" instead of two "B's". Anyhow, he's credited with "discovering" America, though there's evidence some Vikings beat him to it. I'm sure the Native Americans revere this day, too, being as they were ignorant to the fact that it was "lost" to begin with.:rolleyes:

To continue with my little saga about my new well pump from a few posts ago, I decided to use some QuickSteel that's supposed to cure in an hour. I lightly sanded the area (stainless steel) with fine sandpaper and then cleaned it with an alcohol swab. I cut some of the QS putty and kneaded it to activate it. Then I wrapped it completely around the base of the inlet and over the tiny leak. I immediately wrapped that with my Emergency Silicone Tape to keep pressure on it. Both are supposed to be permanent fixes and good for plumbing-type repairs and safe for drinking water, though mine is for irrigation. In another half hour or so, or after dark, since it's no longer MY day to water, I'll test it and hopefully finish up my watering.

I did get a little sleep... drifting off while watching TV.
I saw the last half of the search for America's lost hydrogen bomb (again)... lost back in the late 50's(?) 1.5 MT "special weapon". I'm glad we didn't have to fly around for 24 hours with those on board. I know there were 3-4 or more "accidents" where we scattered those things about... found most of them, though. Spain and Greenland were other places bombers flying "Chrome Dome"(maybe) missions went down with nasties on board or jettisoned them.

Just a' rambling.... Quiet day and all.


10-11-2010, 06:20 PM
Well/pump Saga update: The "fix" seems to have worked. No leaks and I was able to set the pressure to go just above 50 PSI and come on just below 30 PSI... much better.

10-13-2010, 08:59 AM
Just out... GUNS December 2010 Digital Edition... FREE!

GUNS Magazine December 2010 (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=l8d4sucab&et=1103767773104&s=74385&e=001cl7IbJ0eBRMS7K1nEFa4ulNEcbyXAPPOdo4JHwABPPWsY oyULtgtkOleV0lnnUh4v8KLseRAyfARt0Fxs5OhtBGMHSXw0iE P_bGxXIF_NAwykQVw9vJ9UhiTpoCA8Bw-BpwHuSbjKu5tGBpfDZ7YkQBBkcAWAjvGN2HMzfOLLSghRyDtz2 e8tQ==)

Sign up for these free digital subscriptions... great!

Gun Safety, as we were discussing here recently.... Check out page 12 by Massad Ayoob... :eek:


10-13-2010, 07:48 PM
Time for a Funny THE WEDDING TEST

I was a very happy man. My wonderful girlfriend and I had been dating for over a year, and so we decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering me...It was her beautiful younger sister.

My prospective sister-in-law was twenty-two, wore very tight miniskirts, and generally was bra-less. She would regularly bend down when she was near me, and I always got more than a nice view. It had to be deliberate because she never did it when she was near anyone else.

One day the 'little' sister called and asked me to come over to check the wedding invitations. She was alone when I arrived, and she whispered to me that she had feelings and desires for me that she couldn't overcome.. She told me that she wanted me just once before I got married and committed my life to her sister.

Well, I was in total shock, and couldn't say a word. She said, 'I'm going upstairs to my bedroom, and if you want one last wild fling, just come up and get me.'

I was stunned and frozen in shock as I watched her go up the stairs. I stood there for a moment, then turned and made a beeline straight to the front door. I opened the door, and headed straight towards my car.

Lord... and behold, my entire future family was standing outside, all clapping!

With tears in his eyes, my father-in-law hugged me and said, 'We are very happy that you have passed our little test. We couldn't ask for a better man for our daughter. Welcome to the family.'

And the moral of this story is:

Always keep your condoms in your car.
Colt Commander with Tucker (http://rlcompanyusa.stores.yahoo.net/index.html) Answer IWB (http://forums.1911forum.com/showthread.php?t=260095) Holster; PM9 with Tucker Silent Thunder (http://kahrtalk.com/holsters-gear/663-got-silent-thunder-my-mk9-pic-heavy.html#post5137) IWB holster.

Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

10-14-2010, 03:57 PM
Now that my sides have quit hurting after reading the wedding test I find myself in search of new employment.
I'm not on the chopping block as yet but 6 good friends and co workers were shown the door today due to budget shortfalls, IE poor highly paid management, mayors and city council (I wanna say people but it don't fit). Family and friends are shocked that I've survived this long in the public sector and I've reached a point where I've had a belly full of it.
Since my new job will probably be my last I've decided to really put some thought into it and hopefully make it the best one and wisest one yet. Some criteria are in order.
1. I don't want to commute more than 15 minutes and would prefer to just work from home.
2. I've always started at the bottom and scratched my way up, not good, so I've decided I want to start at the top and just hang out there.
3. This works well with being deaf since I can't hear orders or instructions so if I'm the top dog, I can give the orders and crack the whip, not receive it which is totally different that anything I've ever experienced.
4. Also since management never seems to know their head from their big toe, I wouldn't have to learn anything. It would be perfectly natural.
5. Gotta be private sector (I know this is contrary to all the above) but I've gotta stay away from mayors, politicians, council members and anyone that looks or acts in a position of authority whether they deserve it or not.
6. I'm being conservative but I think a starting salary of 250,000 a year plus benefits, bonus's, maybe a car and maybe a smokin hot secretary (which of course goes against my own believe of no women in the work place) but exceptions have to be made to maintain political correctness. I think 15 weeks vacation the first year and add 2 each following year.
7. Since I'm the head man, there'll be no issues of me carrying my favorite weapon on my hip like the above mentioned man even if I only classify myself as half man, half wolf or half derelict. It's the drool cup that throws everybody off, what would a wolf do with a drool cup. Derelict it is.
8. A relocation is of course fine long as it's Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, select area's of Oregon or even far eastern Washington. I would expect of course moving expenses and aproximately 250 acres to move to. Fenced of course to keep out unwanted undesireables.
9. NO STEPS in the new residence for obvious reasons.
10. Shooting must be allowed anywhere on the property. (goes without saying) and lets add unlimited supply of ammo under the employment considerations.

Any offers welcome. Look forward to many many options. Available immediately.

ok bye.

10-14-2010, 06:50 PM
Well Bawanana, at least you know what you want. And, if you don't ask, you won't get it. Best of luck in your new endeavors. I'm positive your email will be bombarded with offers. :D

10-14-2010, 06:57 PM
That must be why I aint received no offers yet. I forgot to put the contact number on my craiglist add under hole punches.
You can be my assistant, you think of all the important stuff. Well it's Miller time, I'm out of here.

10-14-2010, 07:21 PM
I think someone's been listening to the Everly Brothers recently, perhaps "All I Have To Do Is Dream?" Either that or drinking Kool-Aid? Why not go for the gold and ask for unlimited ammunition for your friends and family and friends at KahrTalk, and your very own gun store and gun range too? :hippie:

10-14-2010, 08:13 PM
I'm sorry to hear that Bawanna. You must know if they "wanted" to get rid of you it would have been before now so at least your ego should survive in tact. Since you know a few folks in different departments, etc., suppose they can time share (part time) you in multiple depts?

Often they have to cut headcount but that doesn't mean they can't contract the work to you. Make "Bawanna & Co." their source for guns & ammo & gunsmith. A few months after I took early retirement I contracted back making 3X's the money for 3 years. It does happen, so leave on the best most positive terms you can.

If not that, perhaps you can take gun projects like fluff & buff, minor adjustments, grips, sights, etc. You will have unemployment up to 99 weeks based on pay so something like that can supplement.

Tip: when thinking about what can I do, think in terms of the skills you have not the titles you held. Things like planning, organizing, budgeting, scheduling, assembling, etc. It really does help when discussing duties in an interview.

I was in a group interview once where 6 managers took turns asking me questions and the others followed up each time. It was fun because they talked about what was broken in their shop and I could relate how I fix a similar problem in another job. I got the job and fixed an awful lot of their problems.

So, keep thy chins up Bawanna. You're a tough old bird and things will be okay in the end.

mr surveyor
10-15-2010, 10:09 AM
it sounds to me like Bawana is planning a run for the White House

10-15-2010, 10:17 AM
The standards are certainly low enough that I could certainly qualify. If I do that I'll make you all ambassadors, or create some catchy title for sure.
In rereading my post I sadly note that I do sound like a gosh darn democrat.

To be clear, I still have a job, while they say more may have to be sent packing it probably won't be me. I'm just burned out and sick of the wasteful ignorant upper level of city government. As usual the little people give up tons and the big 6 figure income folks give up nothing and want more.

I've actually never left a job (well that one where the wall fell on me I kind of left suddenly) without having another job all lined up. If I lose this one I'm confident I'd have no problem getting another. I don't have high standards, don't expect or anticipate big money, and just do what they want me to do. I did make a decision to no longer work at a job I hated. I did that many years ago, lifes just too short to go someplace and be miserable every day.

I seem to have a 10 year job life expectancy and I'm at 13 here so I'm overdue I reckon. We'll see how it all shakes out. I like the white house run though, it's such a mess at that level I'm not sure I could even fix it but I bet I could do a far sight better than what they're doing now.

mr surveyor
10-15-2010, 02:40 PM

When we thrust you into the White House for your first four years of uninterrupted vacation time (at the expense of all the little people), will you appoint me to the title of Kahr Czar? I know that my qualifications are extremely lacking as compared to the vast pool of experience we have here on the forum, so that makes me the ideal candidate for such a high ranking administration position.

Thanks in Advance

Your Obedient Servant

10-15-2010, 03:02 PM
Consider it done! I'm ready to be thrust. Get the fumigation crew on site immediately, roll down the windows on the limo to air it out and sell air force 1 on ebay. I ain't flying no place.
No worries about me putting my feet up on that historical desk if he doesn't try to steal it on his way out.
Imagine the secret service actually protecting someone they like again. We'll get along fine me and the secret service, probably carry the same guns. Have a indoor range at the White House. Gonna be some wicked good barbecues on the east lawn for sure. Of course your all invited to visit with the Kahr Czar too.

All Hail Mr. Surveyor the new Kahr Czar.

mr surveyor
10-15-2010, 03:10 PM
Of course this means that we will be required to unveil the new "Bawanna Special" .45 cal for public release.

10-15-2010, 03:15 PM
Gosh darn it, your making this commander in chief so darn proud already. Lets make that special 45 on the K or MK frame if its not too much trouble. We gotta get back to our roots in this country and we might as well start with steel and wood handled guns. Perhaps tupperware is the root of our current demise.

I'm sure this will please Wynn, slated to be my new Secretary of Defense. He's been hankering for a steel 45 for sometime. Perhaps we should name it in his honor as I'm not into this for the glory. Just the money and saving my country.

Oh and you military guys especially active duty. A blank check, ask and you shall receive.

mr surveyor
10-15-2010, 04:04 PM
Dang, Chief

You just made my day! I was thinking a brushed stainless frame with blackened slide (with stainless "show through" engraving). I guess I'd go for the wood grips, but I had my heart set on some nice, slim, black hard rubber grips....with the presidential seal implanted on the right side of your personal model of course.

We have to come up with some campaign slogans in the next couple of months, and I think we can be upwardly mobile soon.

Your Obedient Servant

10-15-2010, 04:15 PM
Well your in charge. If hard rubber lifts your skirts then run with that. I am fond of the presidential seal on the one side of course. That would be just special. I of course will pay for that one as the tax payers shouldn't foot the bill for my personal enjoyment. Do feel free to accept one for yourself at my expense since your doing such a fine job already I'm sure I speak for the taxpayers when I say your worth it.
My door is always open, do wipe your feet before entering the oval office. I might change that however, maybe thats the reason we seem to go around in circles. Maybe if it was pentagon shaped that would help.

10-15-2010, 04:18 PM
Imagine the secret service actually protecting someone they like again. We'll get along fine me and the secret service, probably carry the same guns. Have a indoor range at the White House. Gonna be some wicked good barbecues on the east lawn for sure. Of course your all invited to visit with the Kahr Czar too.

All Hail Mr. Surveyor the new Kahr Czar.
I know, you can turn that useless bowling alley into a pistol range! Whenever some liberal senator wants to give you a bad time, set the meeting place down there and shoot some "Liberal Senator Silhouettes." Keeping telling him you can't hear him so speak up! Then when he pauses, let him know what you think by how fast you shoot at him - no I mean the target.

10-15-2010, 04:31 PM
Oh and you military guys especially active duty. A blank check, ask and you shall receive.I want an all titanium PM45 (TM45?) with the holes in the barrel like Jocko has!! Shouldn't weigh over 10oz dry.

10-15-2010, 04:33 PM
You mean I got a freakin bowling alley in my White House? Shooting range here we come. That's easy. Tell me what you want to be and your it. Speaker of the house, "Rangemaster" at the modified bowling alley? You do the graphic stuff right, hmmm maybe we can use that to provide some positive output to the American People.
Do I got the power to veto state senators and such. I mean like first day in pack your bags Pelosi, Harry Reid, report back to your village, their idiot is missing.
It would be in defense of the nation so there has to be a way.
Thanks for letting me know on that bowling alley deal, I had no idea. Ill have to take a tour when I arrive and see what else needs to be modified for the better.
Just remember it's not what America can do for Bawanna, it's what Bawanna can do for America and mostly his Kahrtalk pals!
Gonna take a good solid couple of weeks to get things happening, there's so much to do.
ryoung, much as it troubles me due to your unstableness I'm putting you in charge of the Secret Service, Numero uno el capitan! That will also be the last words spoken in a foreign language on American soil too by presidential proclaimation. Dig!or Chief of Police in Nashville, your choice. Do let Reba know that I'd like a meeting with her asap. I'm giving her the noble piece prize and any other awards I can think up. Arizona, it's all good, we're right behind ya.
Dang I'm tired, might have to get me some of them energy drinks. But not to fear I can lead tired. I will not falter.

10-15-2010, 04:37 PM
I want an all titanium PM45 (TM45?) with the holes in the barrel like Jocko has!! Shouldn't weigh over 10oz dry.

Done. And I'll assign Jessica Simpson to carry it for you so you needn't be concerned about all that weight. She can also be your body guard and personal secretary unless you need someone that knows how to spell or if you feel you need additional personnel.

I kind of had Jocko penciled in as VP but maybe he'd be better suited as press secretary, let the lib media figure out what he's trying to say in writing. Naaah, he's overqualified for that spot.

10-15-2010, 04:46 PM
PLEASE NO Jessica Simpson!! Maybe Marge but not Jessica. Actually, Wynn's friend in his avatar would be nice on my personal security team.

As for taking over the states, just force each of them to accept a Federal bailout with the condition you take over. It worked for GM and the banks so why not the states. Hey, you can even appoint John the "Czar of Individual States Recovery and Reformation." He won't require confirmation but will have the authority of the President to do whatever the hell he wants.

10-15-2010, 04:57 PM
PLEASE NO Jessica Simpson!! Maybe Marge but not Jessica. Actually, Wynn's friend in his avatar would be nice on my personal security team.

As for taking over the states, just force each of them to accept a Federal bailout with the condition you take over. It worked for GM and the banks so why not the states. Hey, you can even appoint John the "Czar of Individual States Recovery and Reformation." He won't require confirmation but will have the authority of the President to do whatever the hell he wants.

Sorry pal, gotta veto this one. Wynns avatar is already earmarked to be my secretary. You can have your choice of any other. I don't know Marge but that's ok. I don't want to take over the states either, not at all, just the opposite but I do need to educate them so they dont send idiots to my neighborhood. I mean would you want Pelosi or any of them morons in your bowling alley, I mean indoor shooting range. Hmmm, perhaps I need to think more on that. Maybe that would be a good thing.
Actually I'd do away with czars all together if that work you you all.

10-15-2010, 05:17 PM
You don't know Marge Simpson??? Well, I really wouldn't want her either. Well, maybe I can get Steven Seagal to head up the team. He can teach us how to shoot the eye out of a gnat at 50yd, but even better, teach us how to walk so funny and be so laid back.

If some foreign dude wants to talk tough, I'll just grit my teeth, mostly close my mouth and pretend I'm saying something by sluring all the words together. It'll sound tough and with him in the room I know he's got my back. Iran. no problem. "By the time we get through with you, your name will be Nari and you will be so backward you'll be learning how to make fire." Only it will sound "Ugnrumphillaannddg."

10-15-2010, 05:21 PM
Theres definitely a place for Seagal in my administration without doubt. I gotta research Marge. I don't want to look dumb not knowing who she is.

10-15-2010, 05:27 PM
Marge Simpson, dude you are soooooo funny. I did not see that one coming. I got run over by the bus on that one. Note to self, never turn back on Old Lincoln, he's one wiley coyote.

Oh by the way, you get the Lincoln bedroom whenever you come for sleepovers. I'll move my reloading stuff into another room when you visit.

mr surveyor
10-15-2010, 05:28 PM

Do away with the czars???????

I guess I'm back in the soup line already:confused:

Tossed Out Like So Much Garbage

10-15-2010, 05:34 PM
Guess that was a bad choice of words. Your still da man, it's just that the czar word is just not acceptable. Actually the word itself is ok but the all powerful capabilities it implies are not.

Read up on the constitution when you find the time. That will be our play book.

We're getting out of the bank, car, and medical insurance business. We're also getting out of the saving every other country before we save our own business as well.

Anyone out of work, head south and work on the fence. 3 squares a day, a fair paycheck and found. Be polite to the ranchers in those parts, I'm sending them lots and lots of toys and bullets.

mr surveyor
10-15-2010, 05:44 PM
Thanks Chief

I was having a hard time arranging my card board box under the bridge to accomodate my guns and ammo. The dumpster diving thing wasn't working out too well either.

It's nice to be back on the public dole....I mean employed list

Your Obedient and Faithful Servant

10-15-2010, 05:49 PM
I hear ya, that dumpster diving from a wheelchair sucks big time. I look for those ones that open on the end so it's easier to crawl in. Sadly most of the food joints use them open on the top models. Take some real ingenuity and physical prowess just to get in, and if they are empty, well your pretty much toast far as getting out.
But one does what one must.

10-15-2010, 06:51 PM
Just remember, you promised me the assistant job. :D How soon do I start? I need to give notice at my current gig. :cool:

10-15-2010, 07:00 PM
I better start written this stuff down, I dont recollect that but if you say I said it then we'll make it happen. Better wait for the polls before you give up your day job. I'm sure it's in the bag but we got a little educating to do.

10-15-2010, 08:04 PM
Two men went bear hunting. While one stayed in the cabin, the other went out looking for a bear. He soon found a huge bear, shot at it but only wounded it. The enraged bear charged toward him, he dropped his rifle and started running for the cabin as fast as he could.

He ran pretty fast but the bear was just a little faster and gained on him with every step. Just as he reached the open cabin door, he tripped and fell flat. Too close behind to stop, the bear tripped over him and went rolling into the cabin.

The man jumped up, closed the cabin door and yelled to his friend inside, “You skin this one while I go and get another one!”

10-16-2010, 12:50 PM
That's cute. I think I have the Iwannanewgun bug again. I was looking at Bud's and there are a pair of Rugers that I would love to make mine. An old Vaquerro in 44 mag with the 5.5" bbl, and a spankin' shiny new SR40. I can afford one of the at the end of the month, but I want both. I think I need professional help.

10-16-2010, 01:40 PM
The doctor is in. The solution to your problem is in short. Creative financing. The anxiety caused by getting only half of what you really want will cause major health problems later in life. A little interest and finance charges are a small price to pay for good health maintenance.
If the missus complains make it perfectly clear that it isn't all about you. Refer to the hers, yours, and ours, which ultimately means hers in the long run.
Since this is your first visit, I'll waive the charges as a contribution to the purchase of your new pair. I do this as a public service. No need to thank me.

10-16-2010, 03:16 PM
Thanks but I just remembered that I also have to buy her one too. She starts the process for CHL this coming week, and I like a ******* told her I'd buy her a rig. The good news about that is, that she is on her own after the first rig, but means I may have less money to play with mine. I was hoping to acquire a couple of more rifles, and call that good enough, maybe a few more cases of ammo. What have I done?

10-16-2010, 03:40 PM
I wanted to buy me... er, my wife a 7-shot revolver in .38 S&W +P or .357, but she didn't want another gun. She has the 9-shot H&R with Stingers at the head of her side of the bed. I have my old S&W 645... with the dead night sights.
Dang! I wanted another gun... a revolver... maybe a ported stainless Taurus. S&W's cost too much. I kind of wanted a centerfire revolver to shoot and for defense at home... for my wife, of course. She trained with the .38 S&W in the Air Force. She's not used to autos, and they require too much care to shoot well.
Anyhow, I couldn't sell that deal. I'll have to think about Christmas... for me... she might hit me with it, if I bought it for her.:rolleyes:
Dang... got to get after yardwork... at least it's cooler... about 73° now. Gotta water again tomorrow. Pump's working great!

10-16-2010, 04:07 PM
Thanks but I just remembered that I also have to buy her one too. She starts the process for CHL this coming week, and I like a ******* told her I'd buy her a rig. The good news about that is, that she is on her own after the first rig, but means I may have less money to play with mine. I was hoping to acquire a couple of more rifles, and call that good enough, maybe a few more cases of ammo. What have I done?

I hate to dump the snow ball effect on ya, but that 3 year old little girl is about due for a Ruger Bearcat too. They don't give those away anymore but she's worth it. I think one of the anniversary models would be just right for her. Man it never ends.

10-16-2010, 04:41 PM
You can always buy your wife what you want and if it's too much for her you take it and get her another. The thought and attention is what matters, right?

10-16-2010, 08:34 PM
I was thinking about that Lincoln. For my daughter's first, I'm going with a Crickett rifle. I need to decide between the purple laminated stock, and blued finish, or the classic walnut and blued finish for her. The 22 pistol will come later. As for my wife, I may get the SR 40 and hope to high hell she doesn't like it. Unfortunately for me, she like my guns.

10-16-2010, 10:44 PM
Crickett has some that have blondish, pinkish stocks also but I'm pretty sure they are still wood. I got a Cricket for a friends daughter without ordering anything special and it turned out to be a very blond pretty piece of wood. Perfect for a girl.
Good idea on the cricket, they are great little starter rifles. The handgun can come later, like next month.

10-17-2010, 07:23 AM
I had a 22 Chipmunk, until the old man sold it for a fix. I wanted to pass that down to her, but will have to get a Crickett. I think that is a great way for the little ones to learn the basics, and do so in an inherently safe manner. Most kids need a bit of help to pull that striker back, I know I did until I was old enough to know proper safety. The pistol for my daughter will come, but not anytime in the near future. I just don't trust a child with multiple rounds right now. In time absolutely, but not right now.

10-17-2010, 10:51 AM
I've gone thru 7 Chipmunks. Gave them away to good little boys and GIRLS. Does that put me on the same status as Santa Claus? No, not even close, but I'm not done yet I hope. I still have 2 for my son's to pass down even though if I'm breathing long enough the little ones won't be lacking for toys that go bang.
When I said Crickett I was really thinking Chipmunk, or Rogue River Arms now I believe. Great little rifles.
I still love to have a table at our local gunshow fill with nothing but trick Chipmunks for about 50 dollars each so young parents could afford them for their kids.

10-17-2010, 12:01 PM
That would be cool. Crickett, Rogue Rifle, and Chipmunk are all under the same house these days. My old Chipmunk was from the time that they were hand made in S.C. got it for my first birthday. That table idea at the gun show would be pretty cool, though the going rate on them is about 120-150, and that leaves the dealer some too. I will buy hers in the near future, like I said just have to decide which stock, of course being me I might just get both, then life is really good. I may just do that.

10-18-2010, 01:25 PM
Ever take a moment to ponder what you want to be when you grow up? If you have a job, do you feel this is it?
If you find yourself getting older but not growing up (I'm sure theres one or two of those around here) does it matter what you want to be when you grow up or are you stuck in purgatory for eternity?

I think I've found the true meaning of being greased up and tossed over a penetentiary fence. Thanks Dietrich, I owe it all to you.

10-18-2010, 01:34 PM
I'm stuck in purgatory, but I have ideas for what I'll do when I finish school.

10-20-2010, 04:34 PM
Good grief, we lose June Cleaver and Mr. Cunningham in the same week. A sad deal all around.
Sorry Ward and Mariam for your loss. Both class acts to be sure.

10-21-2010, 05:11 PM
Ok, I just noticed Kahrtalk 1k Member under my name. What does that mean? Is it a good thing or a bad thing? Help.

10-21-2010, 05:21 PM
Now I see it under Jocko's name so it must be a really bad thing I guess. Probably a secret code hit list of some sort.
Already got the force fields up and body armor on so I'll try to weather the attack.

10-21-2010, 05:48 PM

But, I mean that in the best possible way.......LMAO !!!

Well now I can take all that slanderish sticks and stones talk but you call me unabashed again and I'm coming down there.
I better look that up, gotta be a mean word if there ever was one.
Sound it out. un=no, didn't happen. Bash= Harley / Icecream?? Big dent?
ed= the talking horse. Well maybe it ain't so bad after all.

10-21-2010, 05:50 PM
Ever take a moment to ponder what you want to be when you grow up? If you have a job, do you feel this is it?
If you find yourself getting older but not growing up (I'm sure theres one or two of those around here) does it matter what you want to be when you grow up or are you stuck in purgatory for eternity?

I think I've found the true meaning of being greased up and tossed over a penetentiary fence. Thanks Dietrich, I owe it all to you.

I've always said that I may have to grow old, but I'll never grow up.

I drove all the way to Knoxville last weekend for a HS 50th anniversary party. [not a reunion- that was in June and I missed it on purpose] The party started at 6:00 with dinner at 7:00 Friday night. In the first place I hadn't seen any of these people since Graduation night 50 years ago, so I really didn't know anyone, but I'm usually pretty good at interacting with strangers. Not this night! Most were from Knoxville and saw each other regularly, and they were clannish. I wasn't exactly a shrinking violet in HS - football, track, class VP, Key Club, Beta Club, Honor Society President, School Newspaper editor, but none of this mattered. I was ignored. I finally found a couple to eat with, and they were nice, but left right after dinner. And then the party ended at 9:00 o'clock - 9:00 on a Friday night!

I came home Saturday and everyone ask if I had a good time. NO! these people are OLD. Everybody laughed, and said I'm the same age. NO, I'M NOT.

I could have bought 300 rounds of 45 ACP for what I paid for that motel, not to mention a 500 mile wasted round trip.

BTW, I am 2 years younger than the rest of my class - I graduated at sixteen.

10-21-2010, 05:58 PM
Those class reunion parties can be double edged swords. I had a ball at the first 3, it was like everyone that wouldn't give ya the time of day wanted to be your new best friend. Later in the evening the little clicks and clans all started reforming and it was same old stuff. I never qualifed for any clicks or clans so I was just a roamer.
Kind of fun to see all the ladies. Some that were gorgeous in school were treated unkindly by the ravages of time, others that were rather plain and homely grew into smokin hot pretty ladies. Fortunately I was polite and kind to all of them so even the pretty ones still talked to me.
I probably won't go to anymore, not being able to hear just makes it too darn frustrating. I actually enjoy my wifes reunions just as much as mine, she graduated a year later than me and most of my girlfriends were in her class. She's usually upset with me by the end of the evening but nothing unusual about that really either.

10-21-2010, 06:44 PM
My wife's class was one year ahead of me and most of my friends to this day are from there...My class never had any reunions that I know of so I just enjoy her class....Last one was 2002 and it was a blast...We were doing the dirty gator to the song "Shout" and it was great but it was a little hard getting up off the floor but after a few more brews we wern't feeling no pain....I still think of myself as a kid and still want to have fun...I really want a Harley but with a bum hand and hearing what happened to Jocko I may have to rethink that although I watched one of the last few American Choppers TV shows and Paul Senior built a trike chopper that can be used by someone in a wheel chair...You just roll up the back ramp, close the tailgate and lock in your chair and you are ready to blast off...I'm surprised nobody has marketed something like that before so Bwann there you go, now you can go ride with Jocko and not even fall over in the ice cream slick...By the way if you have ever watched the chopper show before you know Paul senior was a huge body building guy with arms like tree trunks but now he looks awful and I read he has prostate cancer...Well I always liked what Bill Engvall says about looking good in a casket...He said to heck with that, he wants everyone to look at him and go WOW HE PARTIED HARD.!!! Thats how I want to go out...:cool:

10-21-2010, 06:58 PM
You think Jocko would ride with a mere mortal like me? I'm thinkin not. I used to watch that chopper show alot, just don't see it as much lately. Your right he was a muscle bound dude and I loved how he and jr always fight. Build some really cool scooters too.

10-21-2010, 08:17 PM
You think Jocko would ride with a mere mortal like me? I'm thinkin not.

I absolutely think Jocko would ride with you, why wouldn't he!? :confused: I think he'd love to have you as a side-kick on those long rides - maybe he could even jimmy up a side-car to one of his Harleys for you? He with his PM9...and you with a whole arsenal in the side-car!

10-21-2010, 08:41 PM
I absolutely think Jocko would ride with you, why wouldn't he!? :confused: I think he'd love to have you as a side-kick on those long rides - maybe he could even jimmy up a side-car to one of his Harleys for you? He with his PM9...and you with a whole arsenal in the side-car!

Boy I don't know, it would be like riding with Moses or John Browning a whole higher plain you know what I mean. Plus riding in a side car with his crash record?? I don't have nearly the recouperation speed or luck that he obviously has either.

10-21-2010, 09:17 PM
No, really, that's a really cool idea. You could carry the left wheel and a nose gear and be ready to roll when you get there. If there's room, a power unit for giddyup, a tiller for steering, and look out ladies here he comes!!

10-21-2010, 09:41 PM
Boy I don't know, it would be like riding with Moses or John Browning a whole higher plain you know what I mean. Plus riding in a side car with his crash record?? I don't have nearly the recouperation speed or luck that he obviously has either.

Yes, it would be a higher plane - but I think Jocko would disagree with you about Moses and John Browning. He seems like a level-headed, common sense, normal, no nonsense kind of guy - with one amazing 30,000+ round PM9 that's been through it all and then some! Plus, that way, he'd have an additional set of eyes to look out for melting dairy products! (sorry Jocko, I couldn't help it!).

I'm not sure if I'm the only one, but I try to visualize things I read on here sometime, and try to picture people doing the things they talk about here - and I must say, the visual of you and Jocko riding along into the sunset would be a classic visual! Probably a bit more macho and apropos for a gun site than riding along in your van, no offense. :yo:

10-21-2010, 09:47 PM
Yeah, sho nuff ain't nothing macho riding no where in that van. Been thinking about rigging it up like the A Team. Hopefully someone here is old enough to remember that. Push bar on the front, lots of extra junk added on. Maybe not worth it. I don't got the making for a proper mohawk, look nothing like George Pepard although I do have a mini 14. Maybe I best just ride with Jocko and call it good. I best pet him first he sounds kind of gruff sometimes, pull the release button on the side car, hmmm side Kahr, and not good news for bawanna.

10-23-2010, 07:30 PM
Just a quick "off-topic" entry:

Direct Quote from 'Larry, the cable guy':

“Even after the recent Super Bowl victory of the New Orleans Saints, I have noticed a large number of people implying with bad jokes that Cajuns aren't smart. I would like to state for the record that I disagree with that assessment. Anybody that would build a city 5 feet below sea level in a hurricane zone and fill it with Democrats is a damn genius”.

10-24-2010, 11:29 AM
Uh, is this about us?? Cartalk too close to Kahrtalk??



10-24-2010, 08:15 PM
Uh, is this about us?? Cartalk too close to Kahrtalk??



Us, politically correct? Never. We will never say comrade around here. That's funny Wynn, us PC.:tongue:

10-25-2010, 02:04 AM
Hey, I see you got the 1K Member designation now. I was wondering if it was really 2K, since you were omitted for a day or so.

Dang, I swear JohnH was at about the same point as now when I remarked that I was about to overtake him and set off that Turbo BM buddy of ours. He went into afterburner and hasn't let up... except when he was playing sheeple on the Alaskan cruise.


and http://kahrtalk.com/general-discussion/1589-leaders-loquacity-7.html#post20913


10-25-2010, 03:20 PM
I noticed that too. I at least have an excuse for the slowing of the bucketmouth. I have a full time job where OT is the rule, and a full load at school and a soon to be 3 yr old. I still get here when I can, but not so much time anymore. I saw the new designator the other day, and thought about it for about a second. I'm like a bunch of other people on here and could really care less about the count or even a title for that matter. Thanks to JohnH all the same; there is a man with plenty of bubble gum to chew, and he has my respect as well.

10-25-2010, 06:41 PM
And a big warm howdy to sxshep who just signed up. Glad you found us. Say hi to the fellas.

11-05-2010, 12:17 PM
Yum, bacon-flavored soda. Just in time for the holidays:

Bacon-Flavored Soda Sizzles Onto Shelves (http://www.aolnews.com/weird-news/article/bacon-flavored-soda-sizzles-onto-shelves/19697827?test=latestnews)

11-05-2010, 02:07 PM
Yum, bacon-flavored soda. Just in time for the holidays:

Bacon-Flavored Soda Sizzles Onto Shelves (http://www.aolnews.com/weird-news/article/bacon-flavored-soda-sizzles-onto-shelves/19697827?test=latestnews)

Crispiness... in a drink?? I guess this will be another thing backpackers and hikers carry into the woods... bear country. They'll really like the bacon flavored lip balm... eat your lips! :eek:


11-05-2010, 02:10 PM
I didn't want to believe that President Obama was taking 3,000 people to India with him, so I waited for a correction but instead got confirmation.

I wondered why would he do that and thought it through pretty hard. I don't like the answer but I'm laying it out here for your consideration.

Could it be that the 3,000 businessmen are going to open markets to receive US goods increasing our exports? No, that doesn't make sense as India is a poor nation and in no position to buy our high priced goods, especially when they can get them much cheaper from neighboring countries.

What else would 3,000 US businessmen want to talk to India about? Ah, they want to buy cheap goods from India as they do China! India doesn't currently have the factory base, so US companies will likely build factories in India and buy goods they produce.

Wait a minute, those 3,000 businessmen aren't brand new start up companies, and they currently manufacture goods so the only remaining conclusion I can fathom is they will build factories and hire Indian labor to import goods into the USA and shut down US factories laying off thousands of US workers.

I suppose Obama is working on raising employment, however it's India's employment rate he wants to raise, and in turn lower the US employment rate even more.

11-07-2010, 12:21 AM
As my dad used to say, don't believe everything you read. hear or see. The US side of the argument spoke up saying those numbers are ridiculous. They originated from a newspaper in India and from what I could gather reading the English article, they don't make a distinction between their people's involvement and the US. I also read they are taking very strong protection measures even to removing coconuts from the trees (huh?).

Now about my statements regarding business men going there to open factories in India and outsource even more, Obama's people say it's to promote increased trade on both sides. Those of you with a good memory probably recall then Ex-President Nixon going to China to improve two way trade. So ask yourself how has THAT worked out for us.

So I stand by the premise that we will be buying a lot more than selling in trade with India. Remember China borders up to them and from what I hear China makes a lot of cool stuff. Why buy it from us? I couldn't help but chuckle when somebody posted that Indian kids need an iPod just like our kids. Yeah, but why buy a made in china iPod from the US when you can buy it from China a whole lot cheaper.

The part about India having no money is incorrect. Their economy ranks 13th worldwide. I don't recall how China ranked 15 years ago but they are #2 today and forecasted to be #1 in 2050 beating the US by 30%. So you should write it down that India ranks 13th in 2010 and check back in 10 years.

If I wanted to create jobs, I would make permanent tax cuts for business, fund new factories to get us making stuff again, stop the "Prevailing Wage" requirements on Federal contracts, and buy everything we can from US manufacturers (NO unnecessary imports).

Prevailing wage requirements means that the contractors MUST pay union wages on all contracts, even it the contractor is non-union. Trust me it amounts to billions annually and is what has led to the union retirements out of control. Unions do not have to compete money wise so the higher the wages the more money they rake in (and contribute to campaigns).

No unnecessary imports means the money saved by eliminating prevailing wage can fund higher cost materials to get us working again. When factory workers are going strong the rest of the economy will also.

11-07-2010, 06:27 AM
Important Notice!

Did everyone set their clocks back... FALL back??

End of Daylight Savings Time, if applicable.

Official US Time:



11-07-2010, 11:32 AM
Lincoln, the best way to jump start the US economy is still the FairTax. This would bring home the trillions of dollars of US money residing overseas right now because of the corporate taxes. [2nd highest in the world] That money would certainly put millions of Americans back to work. Of course the Washington politicians are against it, because it would be the largest transfer of power from the Federal Government to the people in history. They will have to be forced, kicking and screaming, to the table to vote for it, but it has happened before.

For me, it doesn't matter that much, because I've outrun the problem, but I do have a 43 year old son to consider.

11-07-2010, 12:11 PM
+100 on the Fair Tax, especially bringing the money back from overseas. We should stop doing to businesses what California is/has been doing... driving the businesses away!! Now California is really doomed... they re-elected Jerry Brown... the one who gave them the state government unions that have overburdened them and overwhelmed their budgets with pension costs... just like Massachusetts re-elected the architect of most of the housing woes... Barney Fwanks... <sigh>.
I'm glad I don't live in any of those states. California ought to be allowed to fail... and my brother and his wife just retired this year from the corrections department out there. If "we" bail those irresponsible idiots (CA Gov't) out, where will it stop... and when will politicians learn to stay within their means... or their constituents' means??

We, personally, have gotten out of debt, except for our mortgage, but all of my "income" comes from the government... "entitlements"... which pisses me off. I fulfilled my contracts with them for my retirement and Social Security, but it's lumped in with welfare and other "entitlements", as is my wife's retirement, and "they" talk about cutting entitlements. We already got no increases last year or the coming year and they are buying back debt with the freshly printed money off the presses, which is inflationary and pissing off our creditors like China.
Weimar Republic tactics....
:eek: Emergency... low sugar... need food/sugar fix... danged diabetes 2!


11-07-2010, 01:57 PM
I certainly agree on California - let them fail. They brought it on themselves. I love it when these idiot house members say that there is no unnecessary spending to be cut. Then they spend 3 mil on a turtle tunnel or some other such nonsense. I'm going to put a magnifying glass on the new house too, and yell loud and long if they try to continue this foolishness.

I'm with you on the personal debt thing - all houses and cars paid for, and my income exceeds my outgo, even with all the $'s I spend on guns and ammo. I do draw about $28,000 from SS, but that's the only government contribution. I could probably do without it if necessary, but there would be no more SIG's or H&K's and fewer trips to the range.