View Full Version : I am seriously dissapointed with my bland new T-9...

09-30-2010, 11:50 PM
Bought bland new T-9 yeasterday.
Serial number is PA101x. Not sure of exact manufacture date, but print on night sight says 2010.
Haven't made it to the range yet. As far as I know, gun was test fired at the factory only.

And this is what my bore looks like after hours of cleaning!


Gents, I know its hard to see, but that is a pitted bore on bland new gun!!!
I have been cleaning this barrel for the past 3 hours. Its not coming off.
(Im going to run over to my gunshop tomorrow to confirm, just be certain)
This is beyond dissapointing. Im darn right pissed!
This bland new, almost $1000 weapon needs to go back to them, I believe I have to pay both shipping BTW, and wait 2 to 3 weeks for them to send this gun back to me.

I sold off two of my guns so that I have enough money to order one. I havent even shot the stinking gun yet:mad: WTF?!

(Sorry for the rant. But Im little upset right this very moment...)

10-01-2010, 12:51 AM
Um....how are you cleaning? With what solvents? With a new brush or old? Tight fitting brass jag?

Could be anything from a pitted stainless steel barrel (not likely) or a ****** cleaning method being employed.

10-01-2010, 01:26 AM
I used Hoppe's #9, M-Pro7 Copper remover, and No.10 Copper cutter by kleenbore.

I used somewhat used Phosphor Bronze Bore Brush made by Kleenbore for .38/.357/9mm.
When that didn't do the trick, I opened new pakage of same brush, but that didn't do the trick either.

Jeep, your right. Pitted stainless steel barrel is not likely(I got cooled off a bit after I posted my orignal post, and thought about how unlikely that really is).

There is definatly something there tho. I used Hard Nylon pick I use to scrape off residue off of bleech face which has 90degree bent tip on it, and I can feel through that(and I also tried to scrape whatever off with it as well with no luck)

I'm gonna hit up local gunsmith tomorrow morning, and have him look at it. May be my cleaning method isn't working(although I never had any issue cleaning all my other pistols). May be he have something better that he can try?
After if everything else fails, then I'll contact Kahr CS...

10-01-2010, 05:42 AM
It does look like shooting residue. I wouldn't ship the barrel back quite yet. Bores, even polygonal, can be hard to get spotless. My HK bores also will streak and they are beautifully finished, shiny and mirror like when new.

Hoppes new Elite cleaner works well in bores. I've been using it for a few months now with very good results. I spray some in the chamber, run a brush through a few times to dispurse the chemical and let it alone for a few minutes to work. Then I brush it again, swab it and run a final jag. I've gotten bores more streak free than I've seen in a long time.

Shoot your new T9 before you decide anything. It won't matter warranty wise one way or the other.

Jim K
10-01-2010, 07:47 AM
These barrels are nickel plated. The pitting that you see in the bore is most likely problems with nickel adhesion. I guess that Kahr sends the barrels out of house for plating and therefore cannot control the quality of the product.

Contact customer support. I think they will fix the problem quickly. They are nice folks.

I understand your frustration with this problem and I wonder how Kahr lets this kind of thing slip past their QA or QC. You have a right to be pissed and I hope someone who counts reads your post. We all expect more from Kahr and do not accept a few lemons to slip through while comparing to a lesser brand. You paid top dollar for your pistol so you should get top quality pistol that works 100% right out of the box.

Hello Kahr, anybody home?

10-01-2010, 09:54 AM
I am going to shoot it before I do anything. As mentioned, it wouldn't matter in term of warrenty anyway

I did speak with Kahr CS about this few min ago, and they basicaly said that I can just send barrel in for warrenty. No RA needed. And guy at CS said once they get it in their hand, inspect it, send either new or fixed(? guy did say being its so new - he said date of manufacure is mid September of this year. Its less then few weeks old - They'll likely just send me a new barrel) barrel back to me should take no more then week or so.

So at least it doesn't look like I have to wait too long if I need to send it back in case my gunsmith is unable to remove it.
Jim K is right tho. I understand that sometimes things like this happen to any manufacture, but the level of frustration goes through the stratosphere when it happened to YOUR firearm that you just paid alot of money for. Specialy if its such a low volume production gun...:(

10-01-2010, 10:09 AM
I too agree with JimK. I also believe it won't cost you one thin dime to get the problem corrected except for maybe some Tums for upset stomach which is understandable. I'd be seeking a return pickup from Kahr and send er back. Let them install and fit the barrel properly and check for any other quality control snafus.
This is hard for me to say since I'm the king of impatience, I'd likely be driving east to stomp somebody but it's the correct thing to do.
I hope it all gets fixed up quick like and your back on track and loving that thing.

10-01-2010, 07:41 PM
well, my gunshop inspected it, and confirmed that it is infact pitting inside of barrel.

They called Kahr(hoping to persuade someone to send him a new barrel, and send mine back when it shows up so that I have no down time), but they are now saying I have to send the complete gun back, so that tech can inspect, and fit the new barrel in the gun or something like that.
I thought Kahr barrel is drop in?

In anycase, gun I had for a 2 days that I didn't have chance to shoot is on its way back to Kahr. And who knows how long its gonna be before it comes back....

I'm beyound frustrated now...

10-01-2010, 08:54 PM
I'd wager a small sum it won't be long. It's a simple fix and should be pretty quick to get headed back.

10-01-2010, 09:03 PM
Bought bland new T-9 yeasterday... that is a pitted bore on bland new gun!!! ... This bland new, almost $1000 weapon...

"Bland" new? :confused:

10-01-2010, 09:19 PM
Chinese pronunciation??

10-01-2010, 09:59 PM
"Bland" new? :confused:

I thought maybe it was a new model. :confused: :D:D

10-01-2010, 10:26 PM
I thought maybe he thought it was too plain looking.

10-02-2010, 01:30 PM
I think you did the right thing sending it back before being fired. Look at it this way, if their QC missed a pitted barrel what else might they have overlooked? As for fitting the barrel to the slide, I recently read about a pistol that locked up due to barrel/slide lug peening. On another forum I read about checking out stuff I took for granted and I'm not talking about Kahr. Most gun mfgs have a few slip through.

I've heard nothing but praise for Glocks, they never break and will shoot after squishing around in mud and so forth. Then I found a forum that reads out all the documented problems they have had and brings reality into the picture.

On the 1911 forums, even names (read $$$$) you would not believe have issues once in a while. So consider Kahr fallible and when you get it back check it over real well, then shoot the dickens out of it. It's masochistic and loves to be spanked. The more it's shot the smoother and more reliable it becomes.

10-17-2010, 02:07 AM
"Bland" new? :confused:

+1 on "bland". What it has no flavor or something? :rolleyes:

10-17-2010, 08:46 PM
mity2, any update yet on your T9? Have you received it back yet from Kahr?

10-17-2010, 10:22 PM
Not to worry, my wife bought me a new CW9 last Christmas and it came from the factory with a badly plated barrel. So far I've got about 1500 rounds through it with no problem. I noticed the plating chipped off to a point and it seems to have stopped now. I could send it back but it shoots well so far so I just kept it.

10-18-2010, 06:46 AM
Chinese pronunciation??

goes very well with FOOKING pm9!!

10-18-2010, 10:30 AM
mity2, any update yet on your T9? Have you received it back yet from Kahr?

Nope. It was sent out 10/01/10, they recieved it on 10/04/10. I was told week and half at the most.
Its now 10/18/10, and I've heard of nothing.

I've delt with 2 manufactures with warrenty in the past(S&W and Ruger). Sent my 686 in for cylinder locking up after few rounds, sent my M&P9 in for FPBS sticking, and Sent my P85 in for recall.

S&W told me its gonna be about 2 weeks for both guns. Gun came back to me in 6 days for 686, and 8 days for M&P.
Infac, I got letter from their service department via snailmail stating that the they have recieved firearm in for service AFTER gun came back all fixed for both guns. My M&P even came back with extra magazin as promo.
Ruger took little longer. It took about 10 days(but they paid shipping both ways). May be I'm spoiled by these past experience, but Kahr's service dept so far has not won me over in anyway.
No communication(I had to call to find out if they got the gun or not) really bothers me. Both S&W and Ruger sent me a e-mail saying they got the gun(I asked them to do so in letter I sent along with it. As with my Kahr, but they gracefuly ignored it appearently...)

I'm guessing I going to have to call to find out whats up...:(

10-18-2010, 12:10 PM
goes very well with FOOKING pm9!!

+1 on "bland". What it has no flavor or something? :rolleyes:

I thought maybe he thought it was too plain looking.

I thought maybe it was a new model. :confused: :D:D

Chinese pronunciation??

You guys are a tlip. I was raughing so hald I almost peed myserf. :D

10-18-2010, 12:31 PM
It trakes a reel man to admit this. My hats off to ya dude. I did pee myserf but didn't want to admit it. It's apparently the old piss and tell syndrome I grew up with.
Sad that we produce humor over mity2's less than enjoyable ordeal, but know that we're laughing with you not at you, well maybe at you but it could happen to anyone, so no need to develop a stutter or any long lasting mannerisms.

10-18-2010, 03:39 PM
Well, I just got off of phone with them.
They said that the barrel will be replaced, and are waiting for barrel to be "machined" is what they told me.
Kahr barrel is made by Lother Walther right? So that means I have to wait for them to produce the barrel, then ship it to whoever does coating, then ship it to Kahr to install it in the gun, then ship it back to my gunshop, right?

sounds like i'm not gonna get my gun back for sometime, doesn't it?

ya ya... go ahead and pick on me. My spelling sucks, and I'm aware of that.
You think my spelling is bad, you should see my hand writting!
Oh, and Im not Chinese guys! I'm Japanese. Which would explain some of my bad spelling...

10-18-2010, 04:02 PM
That ok kid, I can't say chevolay.

10-18-2010, 04:06 PM
Oh, and I'm sorry that it's probably gonna be awhile before you get your gun back. It won't help much but try to focus on the fact that it will be all good when it gets back and will hopefully run well forevermore.

10-18-2010, 06:06 PM
Well, I just got off of phone with them.
They said that the barrel will be replaced, and are waiting for barrel to be "machined" is what they told me.
Kahr barrel is made by Lother Walther right? So that means I have to wait for them to produce the barrel, then ship it to whoever does coating, then ship it to Kahr to install it in the gun, then ship it back to my gunshop, right?

sounds like i'm not gonna get my gun back for sometime, doesn't it?

ya ya... go ahead and pick on me. My spelling sucks, and I'm aware of that.
You think my spelling is bad, you should see my hand writting!
Oh, and Im not Chinese guys! I'm Japanese. Which would explain some of my bad spelling...

Well, at least it should be right when you get it back. Kahr's initial QC sux in my opinion but once the gun is right, its right. It will eventually be what you wanted it to be when you boughtit. It's just a shame that they can't seem to get it right out of the box more often.

As for the spelling... all in giid fon :)

10-19-2010, 12:00 AM
So that means I have to wait for them to produce the barrel, then ship it to whoever does coating, then ship it to Kahr to install it in the gun, then ship it back to my gunshop, right?

Shouldn't have to worry about coating since it's bare stainless steel.

And, Frank, are you the same Frank Drebin with that freaky avatar on Glocktalk? :eek:

10-19-2010, 11:08 AM
And, Frank, are you the same Frank Drebin with that freaky avatar on Glocktalk? :eek:

I think it's kinda cute. Took me almost 15 minutes to make it. :)


10-19-2010, 02:06 PM
I agree with Seahawk. More then likely the nickel plating has come off in a few spots. I do not think you will find pits in a brand new Lothar Walther barrel. The plating issue is cosmetic and will not bother the accuracy of the gun. There is a long thread about plating on barrels somewhere on this forum. If I recall, Kahr did have a vendor issue a while back.

Hopefully, you will get the gun back soon and enjoy it. I am told the KT9 is a sweetheart of a gun

10-20-2010, 06:57 PM
Eventho service rep over the phone told me yeasterday that its gonna be a while, because they are waiting on new barrel to be made by Lother Walther, for some odd reason, my gun showed up to my gunshop today.

Infact, I went there to tell them what they have told me day before, and while I was shooting chit with the gun shop dude, UPS showed up with it. LOL

Anyway, I take back EVERYTHING I had said about Kahr and their service.
Yes, it should have barrel inspected before it left the factory, and yes, it shouldn't have taken no more then few days for it to comeback from service, but in the end, I'm happy.
And here is why.

They Jeweled the barrel hood! Pretty!

I specialy love this...

in case you cant tell, because of my poor camera skill, thats a 11 degree target crown my new barrel is given!

And here is the letter it came back with(sorry, i couldn't get my scanner to work right).

I'm happy as hell. And I now knows that when people say Kahr does take care of their customer, they mean that.

So i can now recommend Kahr to all my shooting buddies again with confidence:D

10-20-2010, 07:10 PM
Hey mity2, glad to hear the good news. It's always nice to see CS done right and have a happy ending. Have fun shooting the "jewel", and make sure to let us know how things progress.

10-20-2010, 07:11 PM
Very cool. I'm jealous, my T9 is jealous, my cat is jealous :D ... enjoy. :cool:

10-20-2010, 07:19 PM
I surprised they jeweled the barrel hood without asking first. Not everyone likes that look.

10-20-2010, 07:40 PM
Wow, that doesn't look bland anymore. :D

10-20-2010, 07:56 PM
Wow I'd say the Gold Star is back in Kahrs corner on this one. I agree it was risky for them to jewel the hood but who wouldn't like the jeweled look. I think it looks awesome.

10-20-2010, 08:17 PM
I agree it was risky for them to jewel the hood but who wouldn't like the jeweled look. I think it looks awesome.

To each his own... I think it looks gaudy/cheesy. I would not appreciate their "extra effort" without asking first, especially on a carry gun where I like everything subdued...and it came from the factory that way. ANY "custom" departure from factory issue should be addressed first on BOTH sides of the owner/manufacturer equation.

If anything, I'd be highly suspicious (if I were that guy) of getting a "parts" barrel they had sitting around that had been "jeweled" for whatever reason. Especially since the turnaround time was so quick.

Come on... A "jeweled" barrel hood just for free? Just 'cuz? That's a pretty damned esoteric "feature" to randomly give someone. :rolleyes:

10-20-2010, 08:47 PM
Could be all true but quite often we hear of them throwing something extra in when something takes too long or whatever.
With the stuff they got I'm sure a jeweling job especially on a Kahr would be a 5 minute job. There's very little that could be hidden or covered over with a jewel job and I seriously doubt they would do that either. The barrel crown would also be pretty quick with the right stuff to do it on.
I'd say if he's happy I'm not gonna rain on his parade. Again to each his own. I run into this on grips all the time, some guys are into subdued funtionality. Others like flashy contrast. Zebra wood versus Ebony.
I lean towards flashy myself, I no doubt have some indian blood and would trade shiney beads for blanket anyday. Chrome, jeweling, duo tone, all music to my ears. Well quiet music unless the hearing aid is working exceptionally well and it's a good day for ear brain communication.

10-20-2010, 09:21 PM
Come on... A "jeweled" barrel hood just for free? Just 'cuz? That's a pretty damned esoteric "feature" to randomly give someone. :rolleyes:

You never sent anything back to Smith and Wesson since the acquisition by Saf-T-Hammer, have you?

I have gotten free mag, free cases, Pinky rest magazine bottom plate, and some free parts(to fix some broken parts that was my doing - and I told them flat out I screwed it up) before.

I for one think this jewel looks sort of cool. I never jeweled barrel hood before, but I think it look good on the gun.
And I sort of thought it was nice jesture on their part..

So.........a KOREAN guy ( Justin Moon )
Starts a gun company, for which he chooses a GERMAN name (KAHR).
Which he locates in AMERICA. (yes MASS. is still AMERICA. In spite of John Kerry )
Then he sells a gun to a JAPANESE guy. ( mity2)


You forgot to mention that he he is son of Unification Church founder Sun Myung Moon. It is owned by the Saeilo Corporation (pronounced say-low), a subsidiary of Tongil Group, a subsidiary of the Unification Church International holding company.
Only in America can Church sponsers Firearm company(indirectly, but non the less), and get away with it!

10-21-2010, 01:42 PM
I have gotten free mag, free cases, Pinky rest magazine bottom plate, and some free parts(to fix some broken parts that was my doing - and I told them flat out I screwed it up) before.

I've had this happen as well, but it's completely different. That stuff does NOT change the look of the gun and turn it into something different from what the customer bought because he, presumably, LIKED it the way it was. I've gotten free mags from Kimber and Kel-Tec. TONS of spare parts from Kel-Tec and two complete guide rod assemblies from Kahr for my PM9. Many people consider the metal framed Kahrs more desirable than the polymer ones, but I'd be pretty pissed if they sent me back an MK9 instead of my PM9, for example... They need to ASK before doing something like that. But, to each his own, as I said before... I wouldn't be happy about having my barrel hood "jeweled", either. I would highly appreciate their kindness if they offered it for free as a token for having to send it in for repair, but don't send to me something that permanently alters the gun, even cosmetically, as a "surprise".

10-23-2010, 10:58 AM
My guess is they had this "jeweled & crowned" barrel already and sent it to you to get you one quickly. They did you a solid and I give em a thumbs up for it but I doubt very seriously they did this as they stated.

10-23-2010, 11:09 AM
My guess is they had this "jeweled & crowned" barrel already and sent it to you to get you one quickly.

Yes, that's what I thought as well, as stated in post #36. I honestly can't see a gun manufacturer doing a warranty return repair just up and saying, "Hey, let's go ahead do a free jewel job when we don't even offer it on any of our stock guns in the first place!" Doesn't make sense...

They did you a solid and I give em a thumbs up for it but I doubt very seriously they did this as they stated.Yes, I bet they did have that "parts" barrel lying around for some reason and just said to "Git-R-Dun", send it out, close the ticket and "hope" he likes it...which he did...and that's fine. But, that wouldn't be satisfactory for everyone.

10-23-2010, 04:02 PM
kahr barrels come to them in blanks already rifled by lothar and then kahr cuts the barrels to a length and does the maching on it such a chambering etc. to see a lothar blank before kahr does anything just looks like a 3 foot long peace of steel with a polygonal rifled hole through it.
Once all that is done it goes to the nickel plater vendor : after that it goes into a new gun or replacement for a customer. They have to keep well ahead with this production. I am sure their barrels are nickel plated by the hundreds not one at a time.

What you got was a dandy barrel that IMO the kahr techs do get bored at times with no service to do, so they take a barrel and rework it such as u got in the mail. Nice job to say the least. The engine turning on the chamber though will soon wear off, as mine did on my PM9 .

10-24-2010, 08:23 AM
Regardless of how/what this barrel is, I'm extremly happy with it.
I can see the point which others are trying make, but in the end, barrel look new, and bore is perfect, and as long as it shoots straight(I haven't had a chance to head out to range yet), I have no issues.

I hope tho that jocko is right about techs gets bored, they starts to tinker with stuff that they have in their shop.

10-24-2010, 11:50 AM
According to my records Jocko was only officially wrong once and that was in 1928 or maybe 38, I can never remember the date.
As long as your happy with it, far as I'm concerned we're all happy.