View Full Version : Barrel swap

08-15-2024, 08:43 PM
Hi all
Will a CW9 or K9 barrel drop in a P9 ?
My P9 shoots horrible groups, it's reliable no malfunctions.
I can do some fitting if needed


08-16-2024, 04:18 AM
Have you tried different brands/weights of bullets? Has anyone else shot it, and got the same results?

I don't know if the barrels are swappable, I doubt it. BTW, I think the K9 and P9 are octagonal and the CW9 is traditional lands and grooves.
If you truly do have a bad barrel, why not contact Kahr and see what they say.

08-16-2024, 04:40 AM
I haven’t tried it but I think a CW9 barrel will fit.

Lots more info is needed before the experts here can help diagnose the issue.

08-16-2024, 09:57 AM
Hi all
Will a CW9 or K9 barrel drop in a P9 ?
My P9 shoots horrible groups, it's reliable no malfunctions.
I can do some fitting if needed

Kahr website gives the following SKU's: 002K9S for K9; 002P9 for P9; and 002W9 for CW/S9, with the disclaimer that "Fitting may be required."


08-18-2024, 02:14 AM
As @kenemoore suggested, all someone else who is a good shot to shoot it and try different ammo. 99.99% of the time it's the shooter or the ammo in these cases. Also, explain what kind of groups are you getting and at what distance. Have you tried shooting from a rest? Have you inspected the or looked down the barrel to see if anything is off?

08-18-2024, 09:56 AM
I recall the MK9 we retrieved from the bottom of Puget Sound after about 3 weeks. Ended up sending it back to Kahr for inspection (after my inspection), I was concerned about springs. The replace everything, polished it up like new and returned it in a factory box with 2 new magazines. (No Charge). BUT we used it as a pass around gun in the department so everyone could play. After a while nobody wanted it, couldn't hit a paper plate at 3 yards. It got back to me and I shot it, couldn't hit nothing.
Barrel looked fine, no corrosion, pits or anything at all. I contacted Kahr and explained situation. They sent a new barrel again no charge and the thing was a tack driver. I never got it back again except to whittle grips several times. Sadly the guy that ended up with it sold it for more than I had or I would have bought it.
Moral of the story is sometimes a barrel can look good, but it could be jivin too.
Maybe send that puppy back to Kahr and see what they say if the above suggestions don't pan out.

08-19-2024, 04:42 PM
Thanks Bawanna.

08-20-2024, 06:22 PM
A K9 barrel will not fit in a polymer slide. CW should.

08-23-2024, 09:27 PM
A K9 barrel will not fit in a polymer slide. CW should.
