View Full Version : New CZ P-09 Noturne

08-16-2024, 10:21 PM
Recently picked up a P-07 to go with my P-10C. I go a good deal used. I have been transitioning to optics-ready guns lately, but I have wanted a P-07 for years. Now that I have one in my hands, less than a month later they announce an updated P-09. Damn you CZ. So the new guns are the P-09F Nocturne and P-09C Nocturne. It appears that the P-09C Nocturne replaces the P-07. This appears to big a pretty big update including a Holo-K optics cut. (I conveniently have and EPS Carry looking for a gun in my safe) new slide serrations and texture. Looks like I will be buying a P-09C Nocturn.
One additional thing I noticed is it looks like the magazine base plates have been updated, making the new mags incompatible with older P-07, P-09 & P10C, but the old mags are compatible with the new P-09


08-17-2024, 12:51 AM
I've just recently discovered CZ handguns.
75 Compact, Shadow 2 Compact and a discontinued all stainless 75 B.
They are all keepers.
The addiction is strong :)