View Full Version : So how often are you guys cleaning your KAHR's?

10-02-2010, 02:53 AM
I'm on my second KAHR P9 now. Sold my first, missed it and bought another one.

I have probably 1,000 rounds threw it. I've never cleaned it. It's my daily carry gun. I think I've oiled the barrel and a few other spots twice and I wipe it down with a silicone rag ever few weeks.

That said in the 1,000+ rounds I've NEVER had a failure to feed, extract or go BOOM!

They seem to be damn reliable pistols.

10-02-2010, 05:24 AM
1000 rounds without cleaning. Hmmm.... I have 300 rounds now without cleaning and I feel guilty. Thanks for reminding me to clean my K9 today. :D
Usually for me, it's after every range trip. I at least field strip and clean the barrel. But that's just me.

10-02-2010, 09:26 AM
I can't imagine not cleaning a gun after it's been fired. I wipe mine down every few weeks from just carrying it. Just me though, taught that when you handle or fire a gun it needs to be cleaned.:behindsofa:

10-02-2010, 09:32 AM
1,000 rounds without cleaning; your firearm still works flawlessly and you bet your life on it everyday? You better call Ripley because the carbon buildup alone on the feed ramp would effect performance.

10-02-2010, 11:57 AM
I don't get it. Several guys have bragged about not cleaning their EDC. What's the point? Are you waiting for it to fail to fire before you clean it?? :confused:

Since the mid-70's I've used the best synthetic oil in my vehicles and still change it at the the auto manufacturers recommended interval... the mileage. Regular oils break down and bad compounds form from oxidation and heat, but much less with the synthetic. I've never had any engine problems from friction wear. I don't wait for the engine to fail before changing the oil and filters because that would be expensive and probably inconvenient as well.

You guys who don't clean and lube your weapons after every range trip are letting the "by-products" of firing your weapons build up. For each cartridge fired you have unburned powder, soot, and all kinds of tiny bits of metal blasted throughout the gun. If you get enough of this stuff in the wrong place, especially the striker channel, you'll get your "wish" and maybe your dirty gun will fail to fire when you most need it. You are playing "You bet your life" by neglecting your gun. These bits of copper and brass are NOT good lubricants, either, and cause increased wear and friction.

What I don't get, is that some of you seem to be daring your gun to fail to fire and BRAGGING about it? Outside of a torture test at a RANGE where your life is not at risk, you should be wanting your gun to continue to work and be reliable, especially when you might call on it to defend you or your loved ones' lives.

Maybe you guys aren't slackers, but you're impressing us... negatively... most of us, I think. This is just my own humble opinion, but I value my tools and take care of them so they'll work when I need them.

Wynn:yo: :hippie:

10-02-2010, 12:20 PM
1,000 rounds without cleaning; your firearm still works flawlessly and you bet your life on it everyday? You better call Ripley because the carbon buildup alone on the feed ramp would effect performance.

I know I'm the wrong "Ripley", but I just had to post. ;)

Whereas I would not let a carry gun go long without cleaning, just for aesthetic reasons if nothing else, many modern firearms can go many thousands of rounds without a gunk caused failure. There have been many well documented threads of people intentionally seeing how far a gun can go without cleaning. One of my favorites is here;
Project: Break my P2000 (http://hkpro.com/forum/showthread.php?51749-Project-Break-my-P2000/page23)

Page 23 of 38, is where Mr. Bell states he ran 4000 rounds without cleaning or lube. This is a long but entertaining, as well as instructional post if anyone is interested.

Nobody should abuse a firearm they daily depend on, but it's nice to know they will take a fair amount of abuse and not fail.

10-02-2010, 06:22 PM
Umm for the OP, after every ****** trip to the range, or every month or two if I don't get to the range. As a Marine Corps armorer, I CANNOT STAND a dirty weapon. If nothing else it's a pride thing. There is no point in carrying a filthy weapon, and the only time I have not been most diligent in my cleaning, was during a couple of firefights in a little place called Bosnia. As soon as we were done though the first thing I did was clean my weapons, before ANYTHING else, to include ****, shower, shave, food, etc. Why give Mr. Murphy or his relations and minions something to come **** with you over? Yes I know that under all but the most extreme circumstances (think fall into a well used outhouse hole) that most modern firearms are much more durable than we think, but why challenge fate?

P.s. haha mods, got it before you had to.

10-03-2010, 12:10 PM
Some weapons and perhaps some Kahr's may go thousands of rounds without a cleaning. However, the design of a Kahr is very different than most guns. The distance of the ejection/reload sequence of a Kahr slide is shorter than other brands of guns. This greatly effects performance and is probably the reason why so many people complain of FTF's. The gun must be held such that maximum recoil energy is directed to the ejection/reload process. If a slight variation in holding the gun can cause a problem there is no doubt that dirty parts can also cause problems. Think of a Kahr as a finely tuned sports car. A fouled spark plug may not be noticeable in your old pre-computer chevy pickup but the same spark plug in your Lamborghini?

10-03-2010, 02:28 PM
I clean often certainly every time they are fired. I drool on my babies alot and I can't stand a gun with drool all over it so they get cleaned even when they ain't shot. This works well for safe queens also, I still drool so the get cleaned too even though they dont get to go out as much.

10-03-2010, 02:44 PM
I clean mine everytime I shoot them or every 4 months or so if they're just sitting. Clean my carry gun when it starts showing lint or any dust shows in the barrel, so about every other week.

10-03-2010, 06:45 PM
Just the thought of not cleaning my firearms after a range trip gives me the vapors.The OP is welcome to do as he feels best and I wish him nothing but good luck but as for me and mine,our guns will be cleaned and lubed every time they are used and periodically if they aren`t.If I have a firearm fail to function as it should it will not be because of a lack of maintenance.

10-11-2010, 09:32 PM
Thorough cleaning after every range trip whether I shoot 5 rounds or 250 rounds. Lube every 2-3 weeks using the awesome lube chart in the Kahr-Tech section. Quick wipe down as needed for my carry weapon.

10-12-2010, 06:50 AM
To clarify my previous post. The 300 rounds without cleaning I put through my new to me K9 was prior to using it for everyday carry. The rounds were fired in just two range sessions spaced about a week apart. Kind of a test of my first Kahr and different ammo to see how the gun performed. Satisfied with no failures or issues after 300 rounds through a dirty gun, I cleaned her up really good. My previously ordered holster was delivered and I now wear it everyday in my silent thunder holster. I've been to the range twice since the promotion to everyday duty and clean after every range trip. Since I am betting my life on this gun, I fail to see how keeping it clean and in top shape would not be benefical. It gets field stripped and wiped down very two weeks. Daily wipe down without field stripping otherwise. I also do not store it in the holster everynight but leave it out of holster so any sweat/condensation can dry. Everyday carry is serious business and I try to be as diligent as possible about the condition of what I am carrying. Whew, don't know why I'm so long winded this morning. Too much coffee I guess. :D

10-12-2010, 09:15 AM
November/December issue Digital COP Magazine available free -- Gun Cleaning importance and tips on page 28:

American COP Nov/Dec 2010 (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=l8d4sucab&et=1103753669670&s=74385&e=001NxqX40XdOJEaJs97dpAB-cBOzXNzNBArV5ucmrZzBTnr4v9B9lPMsJcLj6u_yAVoUCNOLrx sx_boswbAjParPt_cvfoWwUyy7j6xhz9MOkBS_pWmtt1fOMNSZ alrPmlMiHy0URaIQrKrgTZgeN8SA5JtIlA6TT31QtyAONw7x18 DHS9G7vukU5i1mzXjPzfR)

Get FREE subscription.


10-12-2010, 11:34 AM
I find cleaning them after every range trip is almost as relaxing as the firing part was exciting to begin with. It's like a cold beer after a hard day at work. And absolutely agree with any and all previous people who feel that if you are responsible enough to carry a lethal weapon to defend yourself then a person should also feel the same responsibility to keep it in working order. Just like you wouldn't drive 80 on the highway with a busted windshield at night you would get that fixed first.

10-17-2010, 10:59 PM
I don't understand putting your life on the line by not cleaning a carry weapon regularly. I, like a lot of others, clean my guns after every range trip or once a month if not used. I look forward to breaking down and cleaning the weapons and it also gives me the opportunity to inspect them for breakage or wear.

10-18-2010, 06:52 AM
I remember back when glock first introuduced the G17 and in my gun business, we took a new G17 ouyt of the case and proceed to shoot it over 20,000 rounds, never cleaned it , lubed it or nuttin, used our reloades even and ever had one failure. Now I didn't carry this gun either, it was at the time a test gunf or us to kinda show customers what this new polymer gun at the time could actually do, as glock back then was a no body and certainly thieir pastic gun was not overly praised either back then.BUT its reputation grew as we all well know. Sure glocks have had their growing pains to but bacially stillone of the finest working semi's ever made. their sales has to prove that also.

I shoot my G19 today 10X more accurate than amy of my kahrs to be honest about it, but I credit that to the glocks trigger system to, certainly not the quality of the gun being better etc etc. I am just one of those kahr shooters who loves his kahrs to death but can'thit jack sh-t with them...

10-18-2010, 11:43 AM
I finally finished cleaning the PM45 last night, after getting the new recoil assembly. I treated the pistol with Tetra.. lubricants... oil and grease.

I used the "old" spring, which isn't very old... "Franken Boomer". IT IS VERY, VERY STIFF! It has 13 coils compared with the new one's 14 1/2! I would definitely trim that sucker before using it. 13 is plenty. I still need to test this new recoil assembly and see if it's as forgiving as the one that lost the nut... the one on the recoil guide rod... not the one holding the pistol. :D I was able to shoot the PM45 with a relaxed grip again, and even shot with each single hand a magazine full... with only one malfunction on the last round, left-handed.

I think that it's imperative that your EDC be capable of being fired with ONE hand without malfunction!! Otherwise, you're in a world of hurt if a situation arises where you can't use both hands. Murphy is always ready to lend a hand... not a helpful one, though. If you're really fortunate, he'll be lending a hand to the bad guy... but he can do both! :D

I have the pistol next to my TV chair now with the 6+1 setup and a 7-rounder in a Kydex magazine holder for a reload... all stock Kahr mags with extended grips. I'll save all of the testing mags for the range.

The P380 with Winchester Ranger Talons is my EDC until I stop wearing shorts... outside... maybe.


10-18-2010, 11:50 AM
I was going to say wynn, why do you need to test yourself, but then I read were you weren't talking about the nut holding the gun. What kind of tests were ou going to give yourself regarding the gun? On another note, I think I may have created a monster with my wife. She has the new gun bug too now. I think my daughter is catching it too. This could be a problem.

10-18-2010, 11:59 AM
Ha! Ha! I remember when wife#1 and I and the kids used to go to the range... outdoors... together.
The family that shoots together... wait... we got divorced and she took the kids with her halfway across the country. At least we're good friends now. We go out together when I go up to Illinois to visit the kids. I like to tell the waitress/waiter about being there with my two wives. :D Dang, though, that gets me a punch in the shoulder from #1 and a deathray look from the current wife. I think it's neat!

Yeah, I'm interested in making sure the PM45 is still forgiving and easy to shoot as it was until the replacement replacement slide.( I edited the previous post while you were responding).


10-18-2010, 12:02 PM
Eh if the old lady's happy you're not doing your job. Just make sure you shoot that little howitzer a bunch to make sure you two have mended the fences. As for Illinois, well I'm sure most of us around here are quite happy anywhere but there.

10-18-2010, 12:04 PM
Ever wonder how splendid life would be without wives or democrats?
I'm gonna clean my Cbob now, on duty time, they can like it or go for a dunk shot on the moon.

10-18-2010, 12:07 PM
Which one the wife, democraps, or the boss dude? Bawanna I dare not even dream of a utopia like that, not even in my wildest dreams. You have fun with that CBob, and remember, if you don't like it I'll give it a home.

10-18-2010, 12:12 PM
Illinois sucks for gun rights and big boy rules definitely apply there. I usually try to play by the rules, but I may not in the future. I like being able to protect myself and my loved ones and feel really naked and vulnerable at the mercy of any yahoos that come along... though I would be worried about LEO's, too, 'cause Illinois doesn't have a great reputation there, either. At least it's not "Crook" County. The P380 is much easier to hide than the K9 on my last visit, AND more capable and comforting than the .22 LR TPH... AND it weighs less!!


10-18-2010, 01:37 PM
Never mind the nimrods that come out of there. Just look to DC to see what I'm talking about there.

10-18-2010, 02:19 PM
I wish we had a better system for citizenship and voting. Both should be earned... by honorable service in our armed forces. The non-producers on the "dole" shouldn't be allowed to vote. We are about to reach the point where the non-productive will be in the majority and demand more and more until there are NO producers, because it will be easier to sit on your butt and wait for the government to take everybody else's stuff and give you a share... until the GOVERNMENT has the TOTAL control they are seeking. Everyone will work for the government and when you start costing them more than they're having to spend on you, they'll get rid of liabilities and cut their losses. We'll be at the point where the government will make all of the decisions and we'll all be living under the system that the Soviet Union had prior to Gorbachev. Several generations don't remember anything about the "Iron Curtain" and the lack of consumer goods for the populace. Without private property and capitalism, there was no incentive to work hard... or even work. Emphasis was on the state and things like defense weapons were the priority... that and the Party Elite... the kind of people in the White House now who want to control every aspect of our lives.
Those who are on the dole and not productive now, think that it will only get better for them. To the contrary, once the government has taken everything from the "rich" and there's no private property or capitalism to enable someone to get ahead and provide for themselves and their families, there won't be anything being produced in enough volume to satisfy the demands. And the quality will be crap... when you can find anything.
How many people remember that the Communists were the BAD people and the people living under those governments were just serfs with nothing of their own? Does anyone under 30, or 40, even, remember the long lines the Soviet "citizens" had to wait in for every necessity and this was for EVERY item... no supermarkets full of consumer goods?
I got to drive my new Audi to Berlin with my wife-to-be in late 1985. She was stationed back in the States by then... D.C. at Andrews AFB in the command post there, helping control/direct or whatever, the government transportation, like Air Force One and so forth.
Anyhow, we drove through East Germany to Berlin, and while there, we went through Checkpoint Charlie and spent a whole day in East Berlin driving my Audi, too. That was pretty sobering... seeing all of the people who would have to risk death and imprisonment to try to get to the West. I just had to wonder what those people were thinking when they saw us... freely walking about in our uniforms... as required by treaty... our military had free access to the Soviet sector, originally for patrolling, but now we could be tourists while in uniform.

We did a little shopping and it was like time traveling back about 30 years... very dated and crappy electronics... mostly produced in other Communist nations. There were no CD's and they still had cassette tape players for the top of the line... which was worse than the cheapest crap at K-Mart or the "Dollar Stores".

The exchange rate was good and things, such as were available, were cheap to us. The dollar was worth over 3 West Marks and the West Marks were worth about 4 East Marks, though the official rate was supposed to be one for one on the Marks. The guard at Checkpoint Charlie told us to change our money before crossing over and having to use the "Official" rate, so we got about 12 East marks to the dollar. Prices in the East were the same as in the West, but the marks were worth 1/4 as much. Meals were a really good deal! I kept receipts for souvenirs and I'll have to post them sometime.

What the heck was this thread about and how did I get to East Berlin??:rolleyes:

Dang! I can ramble.


10-19-2010, 10:37 AM
To answer that question, I do.

11-27-2010, 06:27 PM
Agree with the fellow marine. USMC taught me to always maintain a clean weapon; if my platoon has 2 weapons that fail to fire in a firefight that could be close a 10% loss of firepower and could be fatal to the operation and men. A failure if you are by yourself - you can figure that out!

11-27-2010, 07:07 PM
As for cleaning my weapon, 30 years of military duty taught me to clean it often, at least when it's been shot, and sometimes just to fondle it.

11-30-2010, 10:53 PM
I was taught from my earliest memories of going hunting. When you get home from the hunt, clean the guns. I can't imagine firing mine 50 rds and not cleaning, much less a thousand !

12-01-2010, 09:00 AM
It is part of my shooting experiance to clean my gun. When i go to the range or to the event, I shoot. When I ma done sometimes if a place is provided I will clean my weapon right there. If not when I get home and unpack, I clean it before it goes away or back in my holster.

I will sometimes clean all my guns when I am just cleaning the 2 or 3 I shot that day. I truly enjoy cleaning them and it gives me an oppotunity to look them over for any peening or unussual marks or dings. My SP-01 gets cleaned a lot but I put a ton of rounds through her. Your gun can't be too clean but it can be too dirty!!!!


12-12-2010, 09:03 PM
i clean it everytime i shoot it, since i carry it everyday im not going to loose my life when i draw and it malfunctions because of some grim i didnt feel like cleaning.

12-25-2010, 11:13 PM
Military and LE experience taught me to keep my weapons clean. Sure would hate to get into a gunfight and have the weapon fail because I didn't see the need to clean it. From what I have seen, the tighter the weapon, the more important cleaning it becomes. Kahrs are some of the tightest weapons I've ever seen.

03-28-2011, 12:13 AM
I was trained to clean my weapon after firing. That's what I've been doing for (God I hate to admit it) 45 years. It just makes sense to me to keep something I depend upon clean, slippery and happy.

03-28-2011, 06:10 AM
Dunno about the 9mm's but the "extended ejection port" on the PM45 is like an open door for crap to get into the action. Just last weekend I was talking to a mold making friend of mine about how hard it might be to build disposable, snap on port covers, that "fly off" upon firing.