View Full Version : Why married men live longer.

09-03-2024, 11:06 AM
As some of you know, my wife of 34 years passed away in 2022.

About 10 days ago, I started having a little trouble breathing normally. I assumed it was hay fever, and bought some Claritin. Was a little better. Then started coughing up lots of junk, so got some Mucinex.

Breathing got slowly more difficult.

I have a standard Poodle, and we typically walk a mile in the morning and a mile in the evening. This past Sunday, I could only do about 1/4 mile with a lot of breaks.

Broke down and went to one of those emergency med places. After a long wait, finally got to see someone. Tested negative for Covid. I have Pneumonia. If my wife was alive, she would have me going to the doctor much sooner. They said I was one day away from a long hospital stay.

So now, I'm on the road to recovery. They estimate 3-4 weeks.

Moral of the story; seek medical attention at the first sign, don't self medicate.

09-03-2024, 11:13 AM
Good advice. Hope you feel better soon.

09-03-2024, 11:52 AM
Get Well soon Ken. And I didn't know about your wife. Sorry for your loss. Can't imagine.

09-03-2024, 11:20 PM
I've been going to doctors for over four years now trying to get my not to hurt. Going to see another tomorrow. Not a one of them can figure out why my back hurts. MRI doesn't show anything, did two sessions of physical therapy each three months long, tried a number of different drugs, shots, needles in my back hooked up to electric current, etc. Nothing works. My regular doc is trying to get another drug approved by insurance. I'm not ready to just sit on my backside the rest of my life. Too much work to be done, places to go, but not many people I care to see.

09-04-2024, 07:34 AM
Have you tried a good chiropractor?

09-04-2024, 07:46 AM
It's as if the industry doesn't want to cure anything, just keep collecting insurance payouts.

09-04-2024, 08:47 AM
When my wife was going through Chemo treatments, one look at the bill, and I knew they would never cure cancer. Too much money to be made. The treatments were 25000-35000 per, going every 3 weeks.

09-04-2024, 09:56 AM
When my wife was going through Chemo treatments, one look at the bill, and I knew they would never cure cancer. Too much money to be made. The treatments were 25000-35000 per, going every 3 weeks.

Bingo! I've felt for years the cure is already there, but the big pharma buys it and keeps it under wraps. I'm with AJ too, I've been to 3 or 4 different Gastro docs and they all write me off as IBS. Things seem to be getting worse so hopefully one of these days I can convince them there's something else going on and they can fix it. They probed and prodded and all kinds of stuff and claim they find nothing wrong.
Also BS that the supposedly best docs have months long waiting list to see them, so you see their side kicks.

09-04-2024, 12:36 PM
Bingo! I've felt for years the cure is already there, but the big pharma buys it and keeps it under wraps. I'm with AJ too, I've been to 3 or 4 different Gastro docs and they all write me off as IBS. Things seem to be getting worse so hopefully one of these days I can convince them there's something else going on and they can fix it. They probed and prodded and all kinds of stuff and claim they find nothing wrong.
Also BS that the supposedly best docs have months long waiting list to see them, so you see their side kicks. I have some of the same issues. About 3 yrs. ago, I started taking a digestive enzyme in the morning before eating and again before dinner. It helped a lot. I then eliminated most dairy, oils, fat, meat, and condiments. I also eliminated my favorite spice, pepper. It's in everything. I mostly just eat ham or the occasional burger, drained and dried. Lots of veggies, fruit, eggs, toast, pancakes, rice, soups, stews, pasta, pickled stuff. Still use whipping cream with my coffee but use oat milk if I have something that needs milk. I
try not to have anything with whey in it. It's also in everything. Did this all with some research and no doctors. Compared to where I was 3 years ago, my issues are 85% better. It's not easy to change your diet and quit eating foods that you like, but you get used to it and it's worth it. You start getting creative with food and try different things. I started out with dairy first. Hard to digest and I had to quit eating my favs right away, cheese and pizza. Enzymes are a cheap start.You have to try to get rid of antagonists. Only can be done through the process of elimination. Keeping track of what bothers you and when.Oh yeah, PIMA................

09-04-2024, 12:43 PM
When my wife was going through Chemo treatments, one look at the bill, and I knew they would never cure cancer. Too much money to be made. The treatments were 25000-35000 per, going every 3 weeks. My wife's friend went through breast cancer treatments. Chemo and radiation. The total cost was over 2 million....................she is still alive, but chemo and radiation just fry your heart. Now has major heart issues............

09-04-2024, 01:07 PM
I have some of the same issues. About 3 yrs. ago, I started taking a digestive enzyme in the morning before eating and again before dinner. It helped a lot. I then eliminated most dairy, oils, fat, meat, and condiments. I also eliminated my favorite spice, pepper. It's in everything. I mostly just eat ham or the occasional burger, drained and dried. Lots of veggies, fruit, eggs, toast, pancakes, rice, soups, stews, pasta, pickled stuff. Still use whipping cream with my coffee but use oat milk if I have something that needs milk. I
try not to have anything with whey in it. It's also in everything. Did this all with some research and no doctors. Compared to where I was 3 years ago, my issues are 85% better. It's not easy to change your diet and quit eating foods that you like, but you get used to it and it's worth it. You start getting creative with food and try different things. I started out with dairy first. Hard to digest and I had to quit eating my favs right away, cheese and pizza. Enzymes are a cheap start.You have to try to get rid of antagonists. Only can be done through the process of elimination. Keeping track of what bothers you and when.Oh yeah, PIMA................

I've been doing same. I cut out dairy long ago, tried Gluten free (whatever the hell a gluten is), even quit coffee for a while, decided I'd rather die that give up coffee. Lots of things seem to help for a week or so and then no longer work.
They had me drinking this junk it was a powder you add to water, taste like bad orange juice mixed with sand, horrible, awful stuff. 144 to a pack and I went thru 2 packs and it didn't help.

I'll have to look into enzymes. I tried lots of fiber and other supplements, not sure any were enzymes. Sure, be nice to be normal again. I ain't giving up meat neither, just not doing that.

09-04-2024, 01:14 PM
I have neck and back pain. My Dr. told me it was because the channel in which the nerves pass through is restricted in my spine....it therefore causes nerves to get pinched/chafed depending on movement. He said basically there is nothing that can be done. I trust him, he is not for pushing drugs or even having me run off to see specialists. During the China Flue he also did PUSH the JAB.

Watch this documentary for info on big pharma:


09-04-2024, 08:29 PM
EAT MEAT Try the carnivore diet. All of the stuff the doctors tell you will kill you seem to make you healthier, and the stuff they say is good for you does kill you. Allzimers is caused by a lack of cholesterol and fat in the brain. The majority of people that die of heart issues do not have high cholesterol. The statin medicine they want us to take lowers our testosterone. Vegetable oil makes us fat. The same combinations and amounts of food they recommend for us is the same as they use at feed lots to fatten up cattle and pigs. WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO.

09-04-2024, 09:30 PM
Went to an ortho doc today. Xrayed my back from a few different angles and showed them to me. He said my back doesn't look bad, other than the three lowest vertebrae are degenerating. But not bad. He put my back through it's paces bending this was and that and then asked if I have any pain shooting down one or both legs. I asked him why every doc I've seen asks that, as there is no shooting pain. He just said that he can't do anything for me as he only works on folks that have that shooting pain in the legs. So he is referring me to a pain management doc to see if I am a candidate for spinal simulator implant thing. If whatever this next doc does shows I'm a candidate for it, then I get referred to another doc to do the implant. I told the doc I will try anything as surgery is the last thing I want. We'll see how this turns out. My hopes aren't real high. Thankfully, I've got Tricare and I just pay $37 copay when I go see a doc off base.

09-06-2024, 09:19 AM
Went to my regular doctor, gave me an inhaler to use instead of a nebulizer. Said at my age, recovery would be 1-2 MONTHS!
I liked the 1-2 weeks much better. Walking puppy 1/3 mile in the morning ad 1/2 mile in the evening. Have to make him stop a few time, so I can catch my breath.


09-06-2024, 11:42 AM
Went to my regular doctor, gave me an inhaler to use instead of a nebulizer. Said at my age, recovery would be 1-2 MONTHS!
I liked the 1-2 weeks much better. Walking puppy 1/3 mile in the morning ad 1/2 mile in the evening. Have to make him stop a few time, so I can catch my breath.

PNEUMONIA SUCKS! Puppy???? Did I miss something??????

09-07-2024, 05:44 AM
I say puppy, but he is 2.5 year old Standard Poodle, goes by Charley.
21567 21568

09-25-2024, 09:31 AM
Well, was doing marginable better, but then things got worse. Back to the Doctor yesterday.
Initial round of antibiotics did not kill the beast. Shortness of breath, fatigue are my new friends.
Another 10 day round of antibiotics required. X-rays show no new infections, but old one still hanging around like a rusty fish hook.

Worse thing that's happened to me in a long time.

09-25-2024, 12:13 PM
My doctor who is actually a Physicians Assistant buts been taking care of me for years once told me that all antibiotics are not the same.
I used to get a virus almost annually about the time everyone was getting colds and flu's. I assumed I got it too but mine never went away. Saw him and he said I have a bacterial infection, not a virus.
He gave me antibiotics but told me if I didn't feel a bunch better in about 3 days to call and he'd get me a different one. First didn't work but the second what killed it quick.
I probably did that 7 or 8 years. Got the same stuff and it worked everytime.
One year I got it and my doc was away for some reason. Went to the walk in and told the doc exactly what I needed. I think he gave me the first stuff that didn't work, got the right stuff when my guy got back and fixed me right up.

I've gotten to where I feel the more I stay away from doctors, especially specialist, the better off I am. I'm sure I'll pay the ultimate price for that one day but oh well.

09-25-2024, 10:26 PM
We were up in your neck of the woods last week Colonel, went on an Alaska cruise out of Seattle, fantastic vacation except for last Monday night when my wife woke me up saying that her heart was beating way too fast and she was feeling very weird so I took her pulse and sure enough it was super fast so she used her phone to take it and it was 170 beats per minute so I called the ships emergency number and they sent about 8 guys to our state room and took her to the ships ER…..They did an EKG and gave her an IV drug which dropped her pulse down to 100 bpm……They were very professional and did several blood draws to check for enzymes that show up if it’s a heart attack and all were negative…..We were there from midnight until 2pm the next day and she was stable with 75 bpm pulse so they released us from the ER and so far she has been fine…….When we got the bill from the ship for 14 hours in sickbay it was $12,546 dollars and we both had a stroke……She’s got an appointment with a cardiologist to see what might have happened but the moral of this story is, don’t get sick on a cruise ship but if you ever get the chance to see Alaska go, it’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever seen……Incredible!

09-25-2024, 11:22 PM
We went on an Alaska cruise a few years back. It was really good. I loved Skagway and the train ride the gold hunters hiked up.
I'd probably do it again. You should have looked us up on your way thru coming or going.

09-26-2024, 08:25 PM
My Dad was stationed at Fort Richardson, Alaska 1940-42. Mom & oldest brother loved it, and my middle brother was born there in 1941.
However when the war started things changed for the worse when the Japanese occupied the Aleutian Islands of Attu & Kiska.
So Mom & my brothers were evacuated Stateside with all the other military dependents.
Dad spent most of 1943 with the Army taking the islands back.
The Battle of Attu (lasting several weeks) was exceptionally nasty and miserable, and cost us 500 KIA, and lots of wounded & sick.
Luckily the enemy had secretly withdrawn from Kiska, but dozens of US troops were still killed in the landing and by “friendly fire”.
Dad wound up living in a tent in that desolate place for 7 months.
He took these photos….

10-11-2024, 03:38 AM
Hope you get well soon.