View Full Version : Ammo heads up, fail to feed.

Sgt 127
09-27-2024, 09:07 AM
My Kahr K9 jammed 8 times out of 50 rounds at my retiree qualification.

I still scored 100 on the timed qualifications. (to be fair, the times were extremely generous). And, the rangemasters complimented me on my stoppage clearing drills.
Lord knows, they had plenty of opportunities to see me.

So, there’s that. 🤣

I handed the gun to a Rangemaster with 2 mags of regular ball and, it ran fine.

That gun has never burped before.

Winchester 115 gr flat point.

It hit the bottom of the feed ramp and stopped dead. I don’t think it moved a fraction of an inch out of the magazine.

I hope it runs in my other guns. I have a case of it.

Just a heads up if you see it on sale. It may run fine in others. But. Not mine.

09-27-2024, 12:14 PM
Sure looks like it should have worked. Bullet seems tapered enough. But guess not.

09-27-2024, 06:52 PM
Try setting one on a flat surface next to some other 115 brand ammo. I had that issue once and found that the ammo I was shooting was a tad longer than any other ammo I was using. Just a guess..................

09-29-2024, 10:22 PM
I've never tried any of the flat points in my K9. Guess now I never will. Everything I have tried (HP and ball) runs perfectly. Thanks for posting.

09-30-2024, 09:03 AM
Never ran flat points in 9mm, but run .40S&W through my K40 all the time. Flat points seem to be poplar in that caliber. Never a hiccup. Like others have mentioned, I would suspect the OAL is off (over all length).

10-01-2024, 08:33 AM
I can’t remember seeing a 9mm 115 grain bullet with a flat nose. 124, 147 flat nose yes. With the tarnish on the pictured round I would think it’s very old ammunition. Maybe a call to Winchester with a lot number might be in order.

10-02-2024, 10:36 PM
Looking at the photo again....is it my imagination, or does that round show signs of the case mouth catching. Are these factory loads or commercial reloads? What kind of other jams were you experiencing?

The only loads My K9's have ever failed to feed - including all hollowpoints with a similar profile - were out of spec loads that ran fine in my HiPower (reloads that came with the HP and the bell hadn't been properly crimped down). Which says something about the HP. The Kahr chamber is famously on the tight end of spec. BTW - the bullet looks tarnished. Is there tarnishing on the cases?

Sgt 127
12-24-2024, 01:55 PM
That round was out of the box. Never chambered. Factory ammo. It runs fine in my P365. And my Sig P239.

But, my Springfield EMP doesn’t like it either. Just hits the feedramp and stops dead.