View Full Version : New Son
10-13-2024, 10:29 AM
Missing our dog Maggie, I thought that volunteering at the local shelter might help. I wish I could rescue or find homes for all of the dogs, but the shelter seems to be able to home animals pretty quickly. We donated some food and items to the shelter. Adopting a dog in the past from a shelter, we knew that if we did again, there are always behavioral issues to deal with. That, and shelter volunteers really don't know anything about dogs or how they think or respond. They just end up teaching them things/bad habits that you have to untrain them from. Call us foolish(ahem), this is Micah. Born 5/24/24. A little hellion. I call him FPH (friggen pecker head) We've had him since the 7th. Have to get his jeepers snipped next month. Hopefully. it will take out a bit of piss and vinegar. He's super smart and trying to find his position in the pack. He's already listening well with me, but is challenging mom, so we're both working with him constantly. He's getting more vocal and letting us know when he has to go out or he's hungry. He also is sassy and knows how t LTk2YzAtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADW6LB0g4vDU2TXPhdidq46AcASk m9ujic2E%2BRNfoAzSompwAAAgEMAAAASkm9ujic2E%2BRNfoA zSompwAHm8OL9QAAAAESABAAnsaK7LtEsUeGZyVqvBOcbA%3D% 3D&thumbnailType=2&isc=1&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6 IjNBVWJwZzRxN01vNjhucDVQVTYyaWtjMkxhZz0iLCJ4NXQiOi IzQVVicGc0cTdNbzY4bnA1UFU2MmlrYzJMYWc9Iiwibm9uY2Ui OiJRaW9mNHJ2cEF2alV5U3ZXQ25lZU1lOHZnLU43aXQ1R1NrY2 l5Zjdja19VSjRNNTlhZ2pHSnJvMkRzTEhyZ01YdnYzbTZUakNk dmFST3VmdkE0cWw1emNQbDZfejRkSUZTdUFvNnh5eXNkMnQwZG FNenNkSTBONnRzVGk4ejZCTlE4aTA3cF9ob1pURUZUa3ZvYnVK TXozUnlOLVRQS2hFZUVScldXYlJOYU0iLCJpc3Nsb2MiOiJEUz BQUjAyTUI4OTk3Iiwic3JzbiI6NjM4NjQ0MTY5OTE5NTY3Mjcx fQ.eyJzYXAtdmVyc2lvbiI6IjMxIiwiYXBwaWQiOiJhZjNlYmJ iYS1jMjNmLTQ5MmEtYWE5My04MzQyMTY5NmVjNGIiLCJpc3Nya W5nIjoiV1ciLCJhcHBpZGFjciI6IjIiLCJhcHBfZGlzcGxheW5 hbWUiOiIiLCJ1dGkiOiI1ZWUzM2JmOS03OWZhLTRjOTAtOGVlN y1iOTlmMjE3NTQ2YjYiLCJpYXQiOjE3Mjg4MzIxNjksInZlciI 6IlNUSS5Vc2VyLkNhbGxiYWNrVG9rZW4uVjEiLCJ0aWQiOiI4N GRmOWU3ZmU5ZjY0MGFmYjQzNWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYSIsInRydXN 0ZWRmb3JkZWxlZ2F0aW9uIjoiZmFsc2UiLCJ0b3BvbG9neSI6I ntcIlR5cGVcIjpcIk1hY2hpbmVcIixcIlZhbHVlXCI6XCJEUzB QUjAyTUI4OTk3Lm5hbXByZDAyLnByb2Qub3V0bG9vay5jb21cI n0iLCJyZXF1ZXN0b3JfYXBwaWQiOiIxNTdjZGZiZi03Mzk4LTR hNTYtOTZjMy1lOTNlOWFiMzA5YjUiLCJyZXF1ZXN0b3JfYXBwX 2Rpc3BsYXluYW1lIjoiT2ZmaWNlIDM2NSBFeGNoYW5nZSBNaWN yb3NlcnZpY2UiLCJzY3AiOiJPd2FBdHRhY2htZW50cy5SZWFkI iwib2lkIjoiMDAwNjdmZmUtZDkyNC05NmMwLTAwMDAtMDAwMDA wMDAwMDAwIiwicHVpZCI6IjAwMDY3RkZFRDkyNDk2QzAiLCJzb XRwIjoibGVzc29uc3dpdGhzdXNhbkBob3RtYWlsLmNvbSIsInV zZXJjYWxsYmFja3VzZXJjb250ZXh0aWQiOiI0ZWI1ZDE4NDMxZ WM0OGRhYmZjMjgzZmU1NmQ2MTM3NyIsImVwayI6IntcImt0eVw iOlwiUlNBXCIsXCJuXCI6XCI1UFdSZXRXal9oUTZ5TGdNZnVSe VBCMGpFSkwxWDBVbnlQRE5sYVpVMXFDYlc3eVVkdDNXMm1NOVo wLUQ2djJ6cjBvamxFMkNteE9IT2VfeXpCY2J0VjVSSjAzdGhEM zB2REEzc3N2dnlucE5yakRzcFpGVHhyanllMVAyYzJwMHhvRnR PUHhndUdlWFdsb3lsRVdNOGlST0VQQnBRbVlmbHYxR2ttNzZHN F9zTEZJWDVLeHhiXzJPX0xKeHJidU00cERBdUVvR3AzQzhMYjJ TU2ZTemVSSGJ2YUtkSE1tU0ljNXVNa0R3c3ZSZWVpVDZRYWxzS E1FSm9waTlBS1VvVFJoRFhYWTJxRE9zVTdpWndtc2tnTXlxeDB USGpsRThlMGk1RmlDUDJzRnNUQUpEU1VIVEhnbUpJOVE1V1dJM GNrVmpfMlBMMGdKSTZ3c1R3RDZaRVFcIixcImVcIjpcIkFRQUJ cIixcImFsZ1wiOlwiUlMyNTZcIixcImV4cFwiOlwiMTcyODkyM jAxNVwiLFwiZXhwX2RpZmZcIjpcIjg2NDAwXCIsXCJraWRcIjp cIm5QZFdvR3ZZcXdSWWhKLUlFVkpjaWZUdHdMd1wifS5ESisxM zZGK0hUV1o5VE1WLzFKWlBXaC9DTVpxRFd0dGRQaTdYK0NlRTh 4SGppMWNicmtHMC9OUnpFZDhweTZIS0gvQWNyRmhjUHlTZ2Fob 0UvYWhJanFFYVo2QWxlSFFwTFd6VVBJVFBpQ1lLUkhpd3d4UVR RR0JQQ09HNG8vWXVnRjczY3BubmY1bDY3QXN0cDdacXFvNm9MM FdwbVNna1huV0c0dkllMmlaQjI3aXllT3oxV1QwWW5jZXZpUkd jUU56STlha2o1cXp1d1plRmhZc3FzRTU5Y0ljUmJ0Y3dlcE1zN kZFUGxTS1hVMXdSQjE4RzBPWkFIdytxNXhmYytiU1VKRjFJcXN jbGJZemhGbzRKOVBHOGVIeWRwYnhCbkdCNWVjazdGaDIrM0ZZZ 3d1VkZZVTRnSXkvdWdGb0V1eC9OZlV1MHZrOWRwK0xLTjgyd2c 9PSIsIm5iZiI6MTcyODgzMjE2OSwiZXhwIjoxNzI4ODM1NzY5L CJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3N1YnN0cmF0ZS5vZmZpY2UuY29tL3N 0cy8iLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL291dGxvb2sub2ZmaWNlLmNvb SIsInNzZWMiOiJDNS9vbmVqWkVnbzVSNlpBIn0.oJHeGHR5y00 DUbScjBmfFVlciH0EbvA78sWAmsN56lEba7K0hFHDJeI1ZnBIA SlbdsgBTucG_1jFv_mtc2JPOTvP3LnapsHKWKWtr3d-uEhD5zKTCkXsUBUCSWzWrmMaqcaWs9O07oOSUTE6OEQmOJQcmK PeY-vzLlhGWh8t-Pw_YXmgqRmdGJ38yqBo6us6XMtVA2WRqg9bGNHbszE9M7RqCM0 2NeOAIye55-KDioVFphCerr3oUG2Uq5zW4ZYNO5cmPZCgdS41R4Uzg6qpUGCW C_OC9HtFK6ddYIGtjMoFMI8oCYtsbMLhNjqhCUcIJAMi_By7Yu VKjdPEuvAg4Q&X-OWA-CANARY=X-OWA-CANARY_cookie_is_null_or_empty& work a room.................................
10-13-2024, 11:57 AM
Your killin me here pal, I can't see no picture? Love the FPH name.
10-13-2024, 05:20 PM
Congrats, but pics needed!
10-13-2024, 05:58 PM
Can’t wait to see pics of FPH!
10-13-2024, 06:05 PM
Congrats on the new pup! Can't wait to see the pics Xhowever many other folks have already said it.
10-13-2024, 06:14 PM
I'll say it again and I'm getting mighty tired of waiting and I don't mind sayin so. Come on man!
10-13-2024, 08:15 PM
Congrats Bone, glad ya found you a new pal, love the name by the way…..Long time back I had a mixed hound I called PITA and at times he was one but I still miss him………Good luck, love and cheese go a long way to make them happy!
10-14-2024, 04:46 PM
10-14-2024, 05:09 PM
Gosh durned if that ain't a fine looking pup. Awesome coloring.
10-14-2024, 06:09 PM
Soooo cute! :photo:
10-15-2024, 03:23 AM
I cannot see anything, how come?
10-15-2024, 10:05 AM
I cannot see anything, how come?
Same here!
No pics showing.
10-15-2024, 11:01 AM
That's strange, I could before but now I can't.
10-15-2024, 11:04 AM
Guess I’d better eat some carrots.
10-15-2024, 12:52 PM
I don't know what happens to my postings. For whatever reason, I've always had trouble posting on this site. I went in and edited the postings bt changing nothing. We'll see what happens. :rolleyes:
10-15-2024, 02:44 PM
10-15-2024, 02:46 PM
It's gone! I think perhaps we have a photo thief on the loose? :behindsofa:
10-15-2024, 04:51 PM
It's gone! I think perhaps we have a photo thief on the loose? :behindsofa:
I’m sure it’s a fine looking pup, I couldn’t see it either but any dog is much more preferable than most humans these days in my eye………
10-15-2024, 08:23 PM
I’m sure it’s a fine looking pup, I couldn’t see it either but any dog is much more preferable than most humans these days in my eye………
Truer words have never been spoken.
Oh, and I can't see the pictures either.
10-16-2024, 08:53 AM LTk2YzAtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADW6LB0g4vDU2TXPhdidq46AcASk m9ujic2E%2BRNfoAzSompwAAAgEMAAAASkm9ujic2E%2BRNfoA zSompwAHm8OL9QAAAAESABAA72H4a1fUu0%2BJt%2B%2F2InU5 Xw%3D%3D&thumbnailType=2&isc=1&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6 Iks5SzAvZGZQY25MRFY1V0FRSnBGTXVpVk5nND0iLCJ4NXQiOi JLOUswL2RmUGNuTERWNVdBUUpwRk11aVZOZzQ9Iiwibm9uY2Ui OiJ4Sjkyd21fQ3lCbUhyVVJfZFVhQWhsUHU0c3ZXNmk2N0VCMV ZxcVFtSGxQdThLZUQ2MUxVV1hXc1hzS1dRNjVYRm9tNHJvTnVE VC1fYk9YWXVIWUF1QVBST1RNVkxJeDdpbWx4Yy1Za3AwQ0tBVT NhTmxlazRudjA1WGI5V2hoMHZsSXAtcEZCSXJzaGowYy1oTXlf VGRSRXFwaTBuLUdwY3NDMVBrcEVyazgiLCJpc3Nsb2MiOiJEUz BQUjAyTUI4OTk3Iiwic3JzbiI6NjM4NjQ2NzM3MTk1NDgwMzY0 fQ.eyJzYXAtdmVyc2lvbiI6IjMxIiwiYXBwaWQiOiJhZjNlYmJ iYS1jMjNmLTQ5MmEtYWE5My04MzQyMTY5NmVjNGIiLCJpc3Nya W5nIjoiV1ciLCJhcHBpZGFjciI6IjIiLCJhcHBfZGlzcGxheW5 hbWUiOiIiLCJ1dGkiOiIxMGZmM2ZiOC00NTNkLTQyNWEtYTJiY i03N2Q3OGEyYjlkYTUiLCJpYXQiOjE3MjkwODY3NTQsInZlciI 6IlNUSS5Vc2VyLkNhbGxiYWNrVG9rZW4uVjEiLCJ0aWQiOiI4N GRmOWU3ZmU5ZjY0MGFmYjQzNWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYSIsInRydXN 0ZWRmb3JkZWxlZ2F0aW9uIjoiZmFsc2UiLCJ0b3BvbG9neSI6I ntcIlR5cGVcIjpcIk1hY2hpbmVcIixcIlZhbHVlXCI6XCJEUzB QUjAyTUI4OTk3Lm5hbXByZDAyLnByb2Qub3V0bG9vay5jb21cI n0iLCJyZXF1ZXN0b3JfYXBwaWQiOiIxNTdjZGZiZi03Mzk4LTR hNTYtOTZjMy1lOTNlOWFiMzA5YjUiLCJyZXF1ZXN0b3JfYXBwX 2Rpc3BsYXluYW1lIjoiT2ZmaWNlIDM2NSBFeGNoYW5nZSBNaWN yb3NlcnZpY2UiLCJzY3AiOiJPd2FBdHRhY2htZW50cy5SZWFkI iwib2lkIjoiMDAwNjdmZmUtZDkyNC05NmMwLTAwMDAtMDAwMDA wMDAwMDAwIiwicHVpZCI6IjAwMDY3RkZFRDkyNDk2QzAiLCJzb XRwIjoibGVzc29uc3dpdGhzdXNhbkBob3RtYWlsLmNvbSIsInV zZXJjYWxsYmFja3VzZXJjb250ZXh0aWQiOiIyNzRkOTNhZDUyZ Dg0MGQ0OWNiNmVmNWM1MWFlMTFkMyIsImVwayI6IntcImt0eVw iOlwiUlNBXCIsXCJuXCI6XCIwNDBoaUw1ZGVjU0xlb1d2TExUc kRMRUpiNmVodFVXanJ2aTFtN3RXNlZNNTlxUkZ6Y2huenAxRlV NN2xfTk9aeFRrRzR5S3NvWG95Zm1OOXBBa0M4WGRweHpBNEx1V 1hzYV9YX0wzY2UtTDMwVG91Q3pSdmxlRWc2Smtod25UMlQ2dE9 COUhmdTlfRDNwd1VpbkU1QlNnLWNSeHZoY3JHVWx1NnJjTXRGS EdCM3JyR2JQaC1vVjBlTUIzYXpPdDVVdGNNZ05ZWVVPcGtLUnI 0UmlJSkFUZUtoRWVEelJpeGtFS181OWNoa1RrN2hzSW5uVm93e npNaG1iTkxSNjItdC14REFBQmx3S1hkbDhmRWloRU5IMDA0Vkd vS09ycXA3d0JEUTNRY18xUWlQX2lSSld2UGdyaV9iaUxlMXd1S 1MtYXBJX3FuMEljR1pUUE1wYzExLVFcIixcImVcIjpcIkFRQUJ cIixcImFsZ1wiOlwiUlMyNTZcIixcImV4cFwiOlwiMTcyOTE3N TkyMlwiLFwiZXhwX2RpZmZcIjpcIjg2NDAwXCIsXCJraWRcIjp cInZVRHZsR09EWWR6SlB3bTZLcXIwRGhRWS1LMFwifS5pdEZEb E1XRTdITGEzei9jekNvUnFWMjJjOVJwVjRRRFRaRnp1NnNUMGp qcTErS1diQ2hhOHJ1N1FUVWlFRUhmOWZobERPQ1lDSDMvYTlkT S9va21RdmYrL0pENUh2YlpUYTZDV3Fad2FaQ2hnVzNVVHZQVVF SYVl3aTc2RU04dUF5aWdZbGE2ZERqQi9HZnRILzVCeHNTam9OU XpQdlBSMVRZRmJEbU1UTDA3dngzbHNCTFhtZWYvVCt0NVdNNUZ lZ2JQakF3TU5WTDZWQk5nMmU4ODcycnJYS292bncrYnEwV09mc 3VsMG40V3RKTFhKZ05ZaFVDODhDblk4OEhIRTNJdlhVc0hYaXh LcmNyN09rZFRudFFDY2dpUlh3WnVTQ05idmdwdzVCYzBXK3Bqb TladnpZNXZKUXl5NGM5b1BqU0duY0pUSFRLaTc2a2cxUXczSlE 9PSIsIm5iZiI6MTcyOTA4Njc1NCwiZXhwIjoxNzI5MDkwMzU0L CJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3N1YnN0cmF0ZS5vZmZpY2UuY29tL3N 0cy8iLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL291dGxvb2sub2ZmaWNlLmNvb SIsInNzZWMiOiJDNTZ6MFdHVjd2NVFVSmhHIn0.H9sHr-e_k6pq8xleWs9fBO4vjSZ9WfAaRO8a-8sObiCMaXz90mMkUU_dbukOu_hwHkNQf3upkjdl8MZ4Ibpc5xh 6fRP6qLWbcYJVSCOFBDl_7rq2sIl7RkkjUdMLrFwnnQSK185KZ zJlh5WT_cU7KkmTe4Rnvj0COXv0g-STsng7pk35JXUhEFGaIgs9lwaAIy4Cx9l1IJWmGJro-iJKjcrgA8XQXzFRfudmAoel5TcKFgVsXiQPGXPsHAMy1Zz60_E D4IT8ouxkMwueAvgP906Jj4ra1aL0kllxY5hGV8rz0BFjJ_5El yaFB2corSRHC9thzXVq0WBLIKA3n_4wAQ&X-OWA-CANARY=X-OWA-CANARY_cookie_is_null_or_empty&
10-16-2024, 08:53 AM LTk2YzAtMDACLTAwCgBGAAADW6LB0g4vDU2TXPhdidq46AcASk m9ujic2E%2BRNfoAzSompwAAAgEMAAAASkm9ujic2E%2BRNfoA zSompwAHm8OL9QAAAAESABAAnsaK7LtEsUeGZyVqvBOcbA%3D% 3D&thumbnailType=2&isc=1&token=eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6 Iks5SzAvZGZQY25MRFY1V0FRSnBGTXVpVk5nND0iLCJ4NXQiOi JLOUswL2RmUGNuTERWNVdBUUpwRk11aVZOZzQ9Iiwibm9uY2Ui OiJ4Sjkyd21fQ3lCbUhyVVJfZFVhQWhsUHU0c3ZXNmk2N0VCMV ZxcVFtSGxQdThLZUQ2MUxVV1hXc1hzS1dRNjVYRm9tNHJvTnVE VC1fYk9YWXVIWUF1QVBST1RNVkxJeDdpbWx4Yy1Za3AwQ0tBVT NhTmxlazRudjA1WGI5V2hoMHZsSXAtcEZCSXJzaGowYy1oTXlf VGRSRXFwaTBuLUdwY3NDMVBrcEVyazgiLCJpc3Nsb2MiOiJEUz BQUjAyTUI4OTk3Iiwic3JzbiI6NjM4NjQ2NzM3MTk1NDgwMzY0 fQ.eyJzYXAtdmVyc2lvbiI6IjMxIiwiYXBwaWQiOiJhZjNlYmJ iYS1jMjNmLTQ5MmEtYWE5My04MzQyMTY5NmVjNGIiLCJpc3Nya W5nIjoiV1ciLCJhcHBpZGFjciI6IjIiLCJhcHBfZGlzcGxheW5 hbWUiOiIiLCJ1dGkiOiIxMGZmM2ZiOC00NTNkLTQyNWEtYTJiY i03N2Q3OGEyYjlkYTUiLCJpYXQiOjE3MjkwODY3NTQsInZlciI 6IlNUSS5Vc2VyLkNhbGxiYWNrVG9rZW4uVjEiLCJ0aWQiOiI4N GRmOWU3ZmU5ZjY0MGFmYjQzNWFhYWFhYWFhYWFhYSIsInRydXN 0ZWRmb3JkZWxlZ2F0aW9uIjoiZmFsc2UiLCJ0b3BvbG9neSI6I ntcIlR5cGVcIjpcIk1hY2hpbmVcIixcIlZhbHVlXCI6XCJEUzB QUjAyTUI4OTk3Lm5hbXByZDAyLnByb2Qub3V0bG9vay5jb21cI n0iLCJyZXF1ZXN0b3JfYXBwaWQiOiIxNTdjZGZiZi03Mzk4LTR hNTYtOTZjMy1lOTNlOWFiMzA5YjUiLCJyZXF1ZXN0b3JfYXBwX 2Rpc3BsYXluYW1lIjoiT2ZmaWNlIDM2NSBFeGNoYW5nZSBNaWN yb3NlcnZpY2UiLCJzY3AiOiJPd2FBdHRhY2htZW50cy5SZWFkI iwib2lkIjoiMDAwNjdmZmUtZDkyNC05NmMwLTAwMDAtMDAwMDA wMDAwMDAwIiwicHVpZCI6IjAwMDY3RkZFRDkyNDk2QzAiLCJzb XRwIjoibGVzc29uc3dpdGhzdXNhbkBob3RtYWlsLmNvbSIsInV zZXJjYWxsYmFja3VzZXJjb250ZXh0aWQiOiIyNzRkOTNhZDUyZ Dg0MGQ0OWNiNmVmNWM1MWFlMTFkMyIsImVwayI6IntcImt0eVw iOlwiUlNBXCIsXCJuXCI6XCIwNDBoaUw1ZGVjU0xlb1d2TExUc kRMRUpiNmVodFVXanJ2aTFtN3RXNlZNNTlxUkZ6Y2huenAxRlV NN2xfTk9aeFRrRzR5S3NvWG95Zm1OOXBBa0M4WGRweHpBNEx1V 1hzYV9YX0wzY2UtTDMwVG91Q3pSdmxlRWc2Smtod25UMlQ2dE9 COUhmdTlfRDNwd1VpbkU1QlNnLWNSeHZoY3JHVWx1NnJjTXRGS EdCM3JyR2JQaC1vVjBlTUIzYXpPdDVVdGNNZ05ZWVVPcGtLUnI 0UmlJSkFUZUtoRWVEelJpeGtFS181OWNoa1RrN2hzSW5uVm93e npNaG1iTkxSNjItdC14REFBQmx3S1hkbDhmRWloRU5IMDA0Vkd vS09ycXA3d0JEUTNRY18xUWlQX2lSSld2UGdyaV9iaUxlMXd1S 1MtYXBJX3FuMEljR1pUUE1wYzExLVFcIixcImVcIjpcIkFRQUJ cIixcImFsZ1wiOlwiUlMyNTZcIixcImV4cFwiOlwiMTcyOTE3N TkyMlwiLFwiZXhwX2RpZmZcIjpcIjg2NDAwXCIsXCJraWRcIjp cInZVRHZsR09EWWR6SlB3bTZLcXIwRGhRWS1LMFwifS5pdEZEb E1XRTdITGEzei9jekNvUnFWMjJjOVJwVjRRRFRaRnp1NnNUMGp qcTErS1diQ2hhOHJ1N1FUVWlFRUhmOWZobERPQ1lDSDMvYTlkT S9va21RdmYrL0pENUh2YlpUYTZDV3Fad2FaQ2hnVzNVVHZQVVF SYVl3aTc2RU04dUF5aWdZbGE2ZERqQi9HZnRILzVCeHNTam9OU XpQdlBSMVRZRmJEbU1UTDA3dngzbHNCTFhtZWYvVCt0NVdNNUZ lZ2JQakF3TU5WTDZWQk5nMmU4ODcycnJYS292bncrYnEwV09mc 3VsMG40V3RKTFhKZ05ZaFVDODhDblk4OEhIRTNJdlhVc0hYaXh LcmNyN09rZFRudFFDY2dpUlh3WnVTQ05idmdwdzVCYzBXK3Bqb TladnpZNXZKUXl5NGM5b1BqU0duY0pUSFRLaTc2a2cxUXczSlE 9PSIsIm5iZiI6MTcyOTA4Njc1NCwiZXhwIjoxNzI5MDkwMzU0L CJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3N1YnN0cmF0ZS5vZmZpY2UuY29tL3N 0cy8iLCJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL291dGxvb2sub2ZmaWNlLmNvb SIsInNzZWMiOiJDNTZ6MFdHVjd2NVFVSmhHIn0.H9sHr-e_k6pq8xleWs9fBO4vjSZ9WfAaRO8a-8sObiCMaXz90mMkUU_dbukOu_hwHkNQf3upkjdl8MZ4Ibpc5xh 6fRP6qLWbcYJVSCOFBDl_7rq2sIl7RkkjUdMLrFwnnQSK185KZ zJlh5WT_cU7KkmTe4Rnvj0COXv0g-STsng7pk35JXUhEFGaIgs9lwaAIy4Cx9l1IJWmGJro-iJKjcrgA8XQXzFRfudmAoel5TcKFgVsXiQPGXPsHAMy1Zz60_E D4IT8ouxkMwueAvgP906Jj4ra1aL0kllxY5hGV8rz0BFjJ_5El yaFB2corSRHC9thzXVq0WBLIKA3n_4wAQ&X-OWA-CANARY=X-OWA-CANARY_cookie_is_null_or_empty&
10-16-2024, 09:53 AM
Good lookin’ boy!
10-17-2024, 06:48 PM
This all I see.;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAD0AAAAqCAYAAAA AsVPKAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJc EhZcwAAEnQAABJ0Ad5mH3gAAAOHSURBVGhD7VlNj9tUFD3PH0m caeY7MylQMVLLQLuYRcVUtHzMoArEhgUbdqxY8gP4B2zZds2KD RKb7pBACKkqRSmathIwmm9VFGY6IYljY8f263m2BRWVKhYPS4N 9pKN733v2dY7fffcmigjDUKJkMHJbKlSiy4JKdFlQiS4LKtFlQ SW6LCilaK0/OL699xA3dvrY/t3DKIgg/xmZ47ot0JmsY3VpBu uLsAyRb5YHLSK/vT6Nq6uLKBZN5FQcRr48ej0wzjBXi/Exn6AZxwbH6zNwSxYuNb0vv/Hn5hq2jDsBqTZBKyMiekgEg34sg7HcXD 2Wmcbk/gYBji8 OEcfa3vu/glbRXhAzpSXGsYEgEgjGAj6tTzsaA24ArglMNy2c60zg3JkW9o cBvr5zmEcoBlpFR3lKG8xWlbGPWwMCgjZOeEUSY2nG5Lluctfr GrjBItOQU07Q2CT3HYz7o4EDnyB3wLaEbDVi9HzY14scKHTwK/9MLu3IOgVTcFqp7vHEt8fAbeOgR/I2z3g7kBg0zPxy9BA96GBWw8k7h7GLGIGDEv/u38atD5NCVZsOwY6EyY6TQOL9Nu0sw0DU3UDp0jHNtm6LLYri9 erj8C8LxDaRasju74o8PZp4Cqt4ptt4I15iVdmEqxMAsunJJaa Eh0nqwFP9PP/GFr79IfXNvDxe8v48n4DA1ZrZm76EpSoVJxi7odsU9M1iffPjP HJFz/js49WVIhCoHWnM4EyPae2acK2TNR4Xm1bkeOUmV rWVzj2OR9UR6gIOgVTdVK GttpvSiSmlgjf4603u9LbHGFFdzr89l/hWuWexnUaQqeXHQK5qfXX393Bkm2Bwk2HJJ ltDia2BxDat4o7LMef3uK7SPR4neYRioFV0zO/Varf32ItVb973BHY9 ors07sc7/kgM/ A8zJJEIUneaejhMKBs5MCL00ZWG4JvDhp5BRYTmnghXz bCt7fMz7ioRW0QZTVQiJl2fZnuZjrM4muJQyxuW5BK 2E1yZpyXXFxNc5rm3WPRqJ/lX1kKrBt PcNwf4rA3wFGvT6s4QI9zI9eFP3IReiPIwEPkexi4IZ6bd/IIxUBrn75 8wG fEIPx246HvjtKil Mv8/Si1ty3HwoXnW3jr4gLeudTJFgpA9VdtWVCJLgtKKfqphazb7eb e/wtV9S4LKtFlQQlFA48AG2uH5FMAcmMAAAAASUVORK5CYII=
10-17-2024, 07:34 PM
This all I see.;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAD0AAAAqCAYAAAA AsVPKAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJc EhZcwAAEnQAABJ0Ad5mH3gAAAOHSURBVGhD7VlNj9tUFD3PH0m caeY7MylQMVLLQLuYRcVUtHzMoArEhgUbdqxY8gP4B2zZds2KD RKb7pBACKkqRSmathIwmm9VFGY6IYljY8f263m2BRWVKhYPS4N 9pKN733v2dY7fffcmigjDUKJkMHJbKlSiy4JKdFlQiS4LKtFlQ SW6LCilaK0/OL699xA3dvrY/t3DKIgg/xmZ47ot0JmsY3VpBu uLsAyRb5YHLSK/vT6Nq6uLKBZN5FQcRr48ej0wzjBXi/Exn6AZxwbH6zNwSxYuNb0vv/Hn5hq2jDsBqTZBKyMiekgEg34sg7HcXD 2Wmcbk/gYBji8 OEcfa3vu/glbRXhAzpSXGsYEgEgjGAj6tTzsaA24ArglMNy2c60zg3JkW9o cBvr5zmEcoBlpFR3lKG8xWlbGPWwMCgjZOeEUSY2nG5Lluctfr GrjBItOQU07Q2CT3HYz7o4EDnyB3wLaEbDVi9HzY14scKHTwK/9MLu3IOgVTcFqp7vHEt8fAbeOgR/I2z3g7kBg0zPxy9BA96GBWw8k7h7GLGIGDEv/u38atD5NCVZsOwY6EyY6TQOL9Nu0sw0DU3UDp0jHNtm6LLYri9 erj8C8LxDaRasju74o8PZp4Cqt4ptt4I15iVdmEqxMAsunJJaa Eh0nqwFP9PP/GFr79IfXNvDxe8v48n4DA1ZrZm76EpSoVJxi7odsU9M1iffPjP HJFz/js49WVIhCoHWnM4EyPae2acK2TNR4Xm1bkeOUmV rWVzj2OR9UR6gIOgVTdVK GttpvSiSmlgjf4603u9LbHGFFdzr89l/hWuWexnUaQqeXHQK5qfXX393Bkm2Bwk2HJJ ltDia2BxDat4o7LMef3uK7SPR4neYRioFV0zO/Varf32ItVb973BHY9 ors07sc7/kgM/ A8zJJEIUneaejhMKBs5MCL00ZWG4JvDhp5BRYTmnghXz bCt7fMz7ioRW0QZTVQiJl2fZnuZjrM4muJQyxuW5BK 2E1yZpyXXFxNc5rm3WPRqJ/lX1kKrBt PcNwf4rA3wFGvT6s4QI9zI9eFP3IReiPIwEPkexi4IZ6bd/IIxUBrn75 8wG fEIPx246HvjtKil Mv8/Si1ty3HwoXnW3jr4gLeudTJFgpA9VdtWVCJLgtKKfqphazb7eb e/wtV9S4LKtFlQQlFA48AG2uH5FMAcmMAAAAASUVORK5CYII=
They’re gone for me again!
10-24-2024, 01:46 PM
It's a sad day.............After having Micah for 19 days, much discussion, and talking to the shelter, we decided to return him to the shelter. Over the 19 days, he proved himself to be a very smart boy. We taught him and he understood sit, stay, down, out, lay down, and no, repeatedly, and he had a real sweet side. He always looked at your face for direction and had no food aggression or touching issues. Over time, he started biting and nipping. We tried everything we knew to stop the biting, but to no avail. Then he started picking on the wife. Jumping, biting, nipping, etc. Probably trying to find his place in the pack. He was good on walks, and I had him not trying to sniff anything, and just cruising down the road. Cars weren't bothering him. All of a sudden, he started jumping and biting the wife towards the end of walks. Flipping and jumping. He was also grabbing the leash. Most of the time, it's because they want attention, but the biting after walks became harder bites. He started fixating on cars and wanted to go after them. The wife was black and blue on her arms and legs. Work probably thought I was abusing the missus. He was also occasionally starting to chew furniture. Then yesterday, he started doing this behavior to me. I know that he was a higher energy dog, so we thought that he was frustrated and needed more exercise. Every day, the wife walked him 2 miles in the morning. I walked him 2 miles in the afternoon. We played with toys for a while, and we had been outside numerous times. One of us got up every night at 3:30 AM to take him out. It wasn't enough. The "experts" say that they need 5 minutes of exercise per month of age. He's 6 months old, so 30 minutes a day. With walks and playtimes, he had about 3 hrs. and it wasn't even close to enough. You don't want to exercise them too much as pups to let their bones develop properly. With these behavioral issues escalating still at 6 months and the energy level needed to keep him calm, we just couldn't supply his needs. We believe that he wanted to be alpha, along with whatever habits he picked up at shelters, and his life's journey so far, he needed more training and exercise and other help that we just don't have the energy for. He needs to be on a large property or farm, and or with a younger single male, no young kids................I hope that the shelter works with him and doesn't adopt him out right away. The intensity is too much for most people right now. I'll follow the shelter's website and see what happens. I told the wife that I feel guilty, and I gave up, but I couldn't have him injuring the wife or the house. I hope he finds a happy landing. I still think, under the right circumstances, he could be a great dog.
10-24-2024, 10:06 PM
Definitely don’t beat yourself up over it. You did the right thing for your family and as a result, Micah.
The shelter may find the perfect fit for him.
You can now find the perfect fit for you and your wife. I wish you the best of luck in your search for a replacement.
11-20-2024, 09:41 PM
Good on you brother! Have had my “rescue” since he was 1.5 yrs old. He’s getting old & grey now. Best thing I ever did was to make the 3 hour drive to meet him and bring him home.
12-30-2024, 08:16 AM
UPDATE:................Well, Micah is still at the shelter. Looks like he's doing ok. We've got a feeling he may be a resident for a while. He's going to need a special home with a special person who likes his type of dog. 24/7 hell on wheels.............We've been looking for a bit and found a dog at a different shelter. German Shepard mix. Went and spent a couple hours with her inside and out and in a closed situation. Seems like a real sweetheart. Liked her energy and her calmness. Needs some work but not at all like HOW. She has to be spayed and unless you get a dog privately, they all have rules about spay and neuter. It's kind of up in the air as far as if to spay and neuter and at what age. Dogs are prone to different health issues when they are fixed, and others if they're not. Crapshoot. I think they are doing dogs at too young of an age these days. It doesn't give them time for their hormones and bones to develop. She's a bit over a year old so the puppy days are not as strong. She's only going to be about 50-60# so a bit easier for the wife to handle. Beautiful markings on her head and a great face. Smart as a whip. She's got the basic commands and the people at the shelter were amazed after they gave me a few treats. I put a treat on my leg and just with my finger, I got her to leave it alone until I gave her permission to have it. They never taught her that so we could tell that she's a good listener. Takes things gently from your hand. She's alert but not overly so. Walked well on a leash. She'll have to spend 3 days at the shelter after spaying to make sure she's doing well. Worse than waiting for a gun to arrive. We can't wait to start a new dog adventure. Bad part is we wish we could take them all home. Lots of dogs get brought here because we don't kill them up here. Down in the southern states, they have mostly kill shelters. 6.5 million shelter dogs and only about 1.5 get adopted. Sad state of affairs. You can't fix stupid or irresponsible. So now we wait.............................
Good luck with her bb. And good on you and your wife to rescue her!
12-30-2024, 02:29 PM
Good luck with the new GSD mix!
I didn't see the image, what breed(s) was Micah?
I believe Micah needed more boundaries and limitations set at that early age, including restrictions on access on up to crate training if needed, but I'm guessing (you're correct in that Micah was looking to be Alpha)?
One typical issue with regards to fixing females at an early age is incontinence later in life, which can be controlled via Proen, though it's best to wait until after the first heat to fix them if possible, which of course hard to do for rescue organizations.
How about some GSD mix pics!
12-30-2024, 02:53 PM
Price in this area on spay and neuter have gone through the roof. Our local vet gets around a grand for the procedure. Just take that into consideration. You may do better getting dog from private party. I am mixed on it having it done. Breeder I got my dog from says wait till over 18 months, it helps prevent health issues to wait.
12-30-2024, 04:10 PM
Price in this area on spay and neuter have gone through the roof. Our local vet gets around a grand for the procedure. Just take that into consideration. You may do better getting dog from private party. I am mixed on it having it done. Breeder I got my dog from says wait till over 18 months, it helps prevent health issues to wait. I'm on the fence about having it done at all, but she's over a year old. Another advantage of adopting is the fee is $250 dollars total for all vaccinations, deworming, microchip, spay surgery, 30lb. bag of food and anything else you may need. I don't know how they do it, but I know they receive lots of donations on a regular basis.
12-30-2024, 04:33 PM
Good luck with the new GSD mix!
I didn't see the image, what breed(s) was Micah?
I believe Micah needed more boundaries and limitations set at that early age, including restrictions on access on up to crate training if needed, but I'm guessing (you're correct in that Micah was looking to be Alpha)?
One typical issue with regards to fixing females at an early age is incontinence later in life, which can be controlled via Proen, though it's best to wait until after the first heat to fix them if possible, which of course hard to do for rescue organizations.
How about some GSD mix pics! Micah was and still is listed as a collie mix but he is pretty much all heeler. Micah had nothing but rules, boundaries, and limitations. The wife and I are always in sync with that. He was pee trained, and crate trained. Heelers and mixes are nonstop 24/7. Tasmanian devils. The only time they're not moving is when they're sleeping. I've never seen such a high energy dog in my life. Got walked 4 miles a day unless it was below zero plus plenty of indoor playtime and chew toys, and it wasn't enough. The wife's legs were black and blue from him jumping and biting her. He does spend most of his time with women at the shelter so maybe that's understandable. :rolleyes: He started biting me towards the end. He was asserting himself and wanting more exercise than we could possibly give him. We had a shepherd so it's not like we didn't understand energy and exercise. Unfortunately, many shelter dogs are ball/toy obsessed because that's the only exercise they get. He needs to be on a farm or with a single person who has similar energy habits.
12-30-2024, 04:43 PM
My dog is 3 now and I have not had him fixed.
12-30-2024, 07:07 PM
My dog is 3 now and I have not had him fixed. I don't blame you........Studies suggest that not neutering/spaying brings on a higher incidence of certain specific health issues/risks, vs doing it and having a different set of health issues/risks. That's why I'm on the fence about the whole thing.
12-30-2024, 08:02 PM
My dog is 3 now and I have not had him fixed.
I got fixed in 1980.
12-31-2024, 06:02 AM
Charley turned 3, on the 28th. Still not broken, so no need to fix.
12-31-2024, 10:43 PM
Micah was and still is listed as a collie mix but he is pretty much all heeler. Micah had nothing but rules, boundaries, and limitations. The wife and I are always in sync with that. He was pee trained, and crate trained. Heelers and mixes are nonstop 24/7. Tasmanian devils. The only time they're not moving is when they're sleeping. I've never seen such a high energy dog in my life. Got walked 4 miles a day unless it was below zero plus plenty of indoor playtime and chew toys, and it wasn't enough. The wife's legs were black and blue from him jumping and biting her. He does spend most of his time with women at the shelter so maybe that's understandable. :rolleyes: He started biting me towards the end. He was asserting himself and wanting more exercise than we could possibly give him. We had a shepherd so it's not like we didn't understand energy and exercise. Unfortunately, many shelter dogs are ball/toy obsessed because that's the only exercise they get. He needs to be on a farm or with a single person who has similar energy habits.
Interesting! I train GSD's and Belgians, don't know much about Heelers aside that they're in the herding group (had a girl friend with one once, great dog but stubborn!)?
I've found that mouthy dogs need a firm no and a quick redirect into obedience, say some sits, stays, downs, and heeling exercises with stops, circles, and turns etc, and chew toys are only given as a reward for performance. As to jumping, a quick knee to the chest when they jump, and/or a light step on the rear feet will discourage unwanted contact, being careful to not knee or step too hard of course.
To me he was asserting himself by herding you guys LOL, just as my current Belgian Tervuren/German Shepherd mix does to us (though without the mouthiness). It sounds to me that the dog really needed a lot of running to drain some energy, and you thoughts about ball/toy obsession is spot on as it's quite common in shelter dogs (as my Belgian/GSD mix is another prime example, and it's something we have to manage, especially around other dogs excepting her 100lb GSD boyfriend).
It sounds like a farm with some real herding work would be the ideal situation for Micah, hope it works out for him!
Happy New Year everyone!
Rapunzel the Belgian Tervuren/German Shepherd mix and her big German Shepherd boyfriend, Data... (
Hey, that sounds like the same farm my mom gave a couple of our dogs to when I was little. What are the odds? :D
Good looking dogs. Here's our current companion. We lost our beautiful black shepherd a couple of months back to a sudden illness. They sure grow on you.
01-01-2025, 04:03 PM
I guess I didn't realize how many Shep lovers/owners there are on the forum. Sheps and their variants are some of the best dogs. They surely have increased in popularity since 2020. Some good-looking faces on here.................
01-01-2025, 04:17 PM
Interesting! I train GSD's and Belgians, don't know much about Heelers aside that they're in the herding group (had a girl friend with one once, great dog but stubborn!)?
I've found that mouthy dogs need a firm no and a quick redirect into obedience, say some sits, stays, downs, and heeling exercises with stops, circles, and turns etc, and chew toys are only given as a reward for performance. As to jumping, a quick knee to the chest when they jump, and/or a light step on the rear feet will discourage unwanted contact, being careful to not knee or step too hard of course.
To me he was asserting himself by herding you guys LOL, just as my current Belgian Tervuren/German Shepherd mix does to us (though without the mouthiness). It sounds to me that the dog really needed a lot of running to drain some energy, and you thoughts about ball/toy obsession is spot on as it's quite common in shelter dogs (as my Belgian/GSD mix is another prime example, and it's something we have to manage, especially around other dogs excepting her 100lb GSD boyfriend).
It sounds like a farm with some real herding work would be the ideal situation for Micah, hope it works out for him!
Happy New Year everyone!
Rapunzel the Belgian Tervuren/German Shepherd mix and her big German Shepherd boyfriend, Data... ( I applaud your patience........they're not for everyone. Once you own one, and understand the breed, it becomes a little easier. They'll take all the input you want to give them.
01-01-2025, 11:20 PM
I applaud your patience........they're not for everyone. Once you own one, and understand the breed, it becomes a little easier. They'll take all the input you want to give them.
Yes indeed!
Rapunzel is our fourth GSD/BSD, while her boyfriend Data is one of the GSD rescues I helped adopt out to a close friend of ours. Rapunzel was/is a Belgian/GSD mix with serious issues that I took in as she needed an experienced handler due to dog aggression, plus noise and separation anxieties (mostly cured now, but still there at times, so situational awareness is key!). On the other hand Data is likely the best GSD I've ever worked with, just the best German Shepherd in every way (though he was likely an outside dog as a pup I'm thinking seeing his only flaw is that he's a sloppy water drinker LOL!).
I will continue to work with them via the GSD Rescue as long as I'm able, love them till death do us part.
01-02-2025, 02:49 PM
And here is my HOME DEFENDER
Prowlers beware.....
01-02-2025, 06:48 PM
My favorite dog was a Doberman named Nikki.
She was the best.
Got her at 6 weeks old about the time my first son was born.
Their first Christmas we had a little xmas tree and put presents under it.
My son was too young to get the whole thing.
Nikki got a rawhide bone that she normally loved.
But she wouldn't touch it!
My wife asked - "what's wrong with Nikki"?
I realized our presents were wrapped and hers wasn't.
Wrapped her bone and gifted it to her.
She was so happy to tear the paper off the present and enjoy her bone.
Anyone that thinks dogs don't think and have feelings are flat wrong.
01-02-2025, 08:54 PM
And here is my HOME DEFENDER
Prowlers beware.....
That's what I'm talkin' about, GSD's are always on the job LOL!
Great pic!
01-11-2025, 08:30 AM
Our new addition....
01-11-2025, 08:34 AM
Cute. And will be a handful of energy I'm sure. Congrats bb!
01-11-2025, 03:53 PM
Good looking pup!
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