View Full Version : Anyone with stovepiping

Triple B
10-14-2009, 02:19 PM
I have a new 1911 that has stovepiping issues. anyone with the same problems and any suggestions to prevent or fix the probleb

10-31-2009, 09:31 AM
In response to "Anyone with stovepiping":

Just curious - what kind of M1911 is stovepiping - who made it, is it new, what kind of ammo are you shooting through it...reman/reload? Brand? Bullet type and weight (HP, hardball)?

I have an AO m1911, bought it 11 months ago, and during the first 500 rounds, the slide wouldn't close all the way after firing the weapon and it had 2 stovepipes our of about every 100 rounds, and the slide wouldn't always close. The failure of the slide to close was happening about 2 rounds out of every 10; I could tap the back of the slide with my thumb and it would close after firing a round so it wasn't jamming, but this was very aggravating.

Checked around a bit and was told to buy Colt brand magazines, and use them instead of the A-O mag that came with my m1911. Not Wilson, Kimber or anything else - original Colt mags. Bought two of them and amazingly, both problems have disappeared since I began using them. Have put 3000 rounds through it since, always shooting with the Colt mags, and it hasn't had a single stovepipe and the slide snaps shut just like it should after each round is fired and ejects. Note that the only ammo I have fired or will fire through this weapon is 230 grain hardball, and I've used a lot of the different brands out there plus some reman and it works just fine...taking it back to the range next week to see how it does with the dreaded CCI blazer stuff.

This is interesting because lots of people were telling me I had to "tweak" the weapon, replace stuff like the ejector rod, etc. And I had one gun smith tell me my weapon is so new that it just needs a "ton" of ammo shot through it and he agreed I should try the Colt mag trick, so I did, and it was a success. Cost of the mags (March of 2009) was something like $15 each at a local gun show...very cost effective.