View Full Version : This is why we carry

10-07-2010, 07:45 AM
We often times get caught up in the hobby portion of guns and shooting. The fact that most of us here own Kahrs means that we are looking for CARRY guns. Well, this video shows how quick things can happen. I "assume" it's real but the initial attack is very surreal. The video is a little graphic but so is life. This is why we carry. This is the real reason we arm ourselves.
LiveLeak.com - Brutal knife attack (http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=f3b_1286227189)

10-07-2010, 08:45 AM
It's interesting how inefficient a knife is at quickly subduing someone. In this case, of course, that was a good thing. The shop worker is stabbed twice in the torso, cut on the head, and it looked like he was injured at least a few more times, but he kept going and maintained enough composure to place a shot on target. Good for him!

10-07-2010, 09:06 AM
notice how the "unloaded gun", contrary to common belief, was far more effective than the average rock. hell, by the way he is holding it im not even sure if he is hitting the perp. i suppose he might have lucked out and spined him but my guess is the insta-drop is more a matter of psychology than anything else.

good video. hope all involved -1 recovered.

10-07-2010, 09:20 AM
Arg, work filters. :(
I have to wait till I get home to see that video.

10-07-2010, 09:25 AM
here is the same video @ youtube - your corporate firewall may allow you to see it there:

YouTube - Brutal Knife Attack 2010 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIuHXtLUYrg&feature=related)

10-07-2010, 09:53 AM
Man, that must have been a very dull knife and the guy pretty inept in its use... good things... for the limited amount of serious injury the guy seemed to have caused. That attempt at cutting the first victim's throat was pretty brutal.

The cashier/owner(?) was pretty lucky, but he didn't use the best techniques with his pistol... not on his person, not a round chambered, and the "gangster-type" shooting technique... with ONE shot.

Had I been in his shoes, the gun would have been LOADED... one in the chamber... and holstered on me... and I would have fired two to three shots two-handed, probably as the guy was charging me. But that's just me... the perpetrator's cutting the first guy's throat would have alerted me to the possibility that this guy had ill intentions towards me.
I hope the perp' was DRT and the first victim was okay.

10-07-2010, 10:14 AM
Its strange what a gallon or two of adrenalin will do to your defense techniques. That guy could be an expert, qualified shooter (probably not) but when real life comes knocking at his door he falls back to gangsta one handed shooting. It happens. Training and muscle memory, and just habit will save the day when the elephant stands before you.
As good as modern day training techniques are though, no one knows until the real deal goes down how your gonna react, or if you'll react at all.

10-07-2010, 10:48 AM
As good as modern day training techniques are though, no one knows until the real deal goes down how your gonna react, or if you'll react at all.

This is a fact. Predicting how one will react is like picking a lotto winner... all but impossible.

Many people also underestimate the sudden and unexpected nature of the typical civilian attack. I recently read on another forum this statement "...you will almost always see a threat approaching." This is a foolish way to look at the real world. The real world is a coward that sneaks around, hides in the dark and preys on the weakest target available.

I've always carried a gun because I know the world can be a dangerous, deadly place. I've lost seven co-workers to violent death, (one a vicious knife attack), and several others wounded.

The outcome of this event was dictated by two factors;
First, the store had two people. Had there been one, I fear the worst would have resulted.
Second, the means to defend oneself was present...whether a gun or a baseball bat, the outcome was good because they had a weapon handy.

10-07-2010, 11:23 AM
On the YouTube posting, I see the cashier fired twice... neither time were the shots aimed or the gun brought up to line up the sights at all . It was almost shooting from the hip, and proximity and luck were on the cashier's side, fortunately.

10-07-2010, 04:31 PM
I remember reading about point shooting after getting my Seecamp .32. They recommend it because under the stress of battle, you never know exactly how you're going to react. All your carefully practiced drills at the range may dessert you, and you may very well start shooting 'gangsta style. Or, perhaps your assailant incapacitates one of your arms making a 2-handed grip impossible. It's interesting stuff.