View Full Version : Just used clever excuse to order new K9

10-12-2010, 02:16 PM
So I really wanted a shiny new K9. I advised my wife that it will be so much easier on her to shoot in case of intruder because it is heavier than the P9 she already has and will absorb more recoil. Is this some made up BS or have any of you actually experienced this phenomenon? Thank you for your input.

10-12-2010, 03:08 PM
yes that the 8 or so oz weight difference in a K9 vs a P9 will have a noticeable impact on the felt recoil. Obviously a heavier gun will have less recoil but I didn't know exactly how much of a weight difference there had to be before the effect was noticeable. That's all, was just wondering if anyone had actually noticed a substantial difference between the P9 and K9.

10-12-2010, 05:43 PM
Whatever you have to tell her to get your new gun is fair. Yes, the heavier gun will have less recoil so, it's not total BS. That should help your conscience some. Post pics when you get it home. ;)

10-12-2010, 05:51 PM
Tell her we requested pics of her holding it or better yet shooting it. We got your back brutha.
Tell her ole bawanna will build her some totally awesome, whats a better girl word "pretty" wood grips special just for her.

10-12-2010, 06:07 PM
I didn't have any issues with p45's or p9 but dealer says they can't find all black K9's. I believe I have read other people having trouble finding those too? Or was it the stainless elite that was hard to find? Able ammo.com said the black ones were in stock but the dealer gave me a hard time about ordering through them I guess cause he will profit less but is the black k9 the same one people have waited 9 months for or that is a different one?

10-12-2010, 06:25 PM
Tell her we requested pics of her holding it or better yet shooting it. We got your back brutha.
Tell her ole bawanna will build her some totally awesome, whats a better girl word "pretty" wood grips special just for her.
I think the proper girl word is "cute".[And I think you`re just yummy Bawanna.]

10-12-2010, 07:11 PM
I advised my wife that it will be so much easier on her to shoot in case of intruder because it is heavier than the P9 she already has and will absorb more recoil.

I can load up 15 seven round mags and 7 eight round mags, so I can go through a bunch of ammo pretty fast. I honestly can't tell much difference untill I've shot a lot of rounds. Then the K9 begins to feel better and the lighter P9 starts to get me a bit sore. The P9 has more recoil and the K9 less, yes, but if you really want a soft shooter move up to the larger T9 or TP9. In these I feel a dramatic decrease of recoil regardless of the round count.

I tried the "Honey Bunny, I bought it just for you" excuse when I brought home a Daewoo DH40. She thought it was funny. She knew the truth.

10-12-2010, 07:31 PM
I didn't have any issues with p45's or p9 but dealer says they can't find all black K9's. I believe I have read other people having trouble finding those too? Or was it the stainless elite that was hard to find? Able ammo.com said the black ones were in stock but the dealer gave me a hard time about ordering through them I guess cause he will profit less but is the black k9 the same one people have waited 9 months for or that is a different one?

Kahr Arms Pistols and Revolvers (http://www.budsgunshop.com/catalog/index.php/cPath/21_51)

Here ya' go. A black K9. Good price too. Have I told you how much my wife likes mine? ;)

10-12-2010, 09:15 PM
She actually bought that? You are definitely going straight to hell in a hand basket. I'll save you a spot.....

10-13-2010, 11:50 AM
My wife quit listening to me when I try to talk to her about getting a new gun. Now it's turning into our guns :eek: which I haven't yet decided if I like that or not.

10-13-2010, 05:40 PM
My wife quit listening to me when I try to talk to her about getting a new gun. Now it's turning into our guns :eek: which I haven't yet decided if I like that or not.

Better it be our guns than no new guns at all. :angel:

10-13-2010, 06:43 PM
At least I've so far avoided the dreaded pink gun. Yet I'm running out of excuses why that idea is just plain bad without resorting to insults.

10-16-2010, 07:50 AM
I don't mind it as long as it does what it is supposed to do, bring in some more ladies to the shooting and carrying ranks. As for the our guns bit, I'm thinking I'll keep it my guns and her guns. That is the arrangement that I think I prefer.

10-16-2010, 09:15 AM
It's marriage dude, the rules are already in place. Whats hers is hers and what's your is hers and what's ours is hers.

Any questions.

I laugh when we fill out loan apps for just about everything, they'll have them at the grocery store soon enough. Would you like to put your wifes name on also. I usually say put her name on first and not even add mine if we don't need it. Its hers.

10-16-2010, 09:23 AM
It's marriage dude, the rules are already in place. Whats hers is hers and what's your is hers and what's ours is hers.

Any questions.

I laugh when we fill out loan apps for just about everything, they'll have them at the grocery store soon enough. Would you like to put your wifes name on also. I usually say put her name on first and not even add mine if we don't need it. Its hers.

You're real close, but it's like this...

1. what's hers is hers;
2. what's ours is hers; and
3. what's mine is ours... see 2 above.

This is a little more exact.

My first wife was like that, especially when it came to property division.

My wife (present and forever) isn't possessive like that. She's not into material collecting... except for work clothes, shoes, and makeup. :D She's wanting to SAVE more money, though... I want to spend it and get stuff so I can enjoy it now. The grasshopper and the ant.


10-16-2010, 09:27 AM
Sho nuff.

10-16-2010, 09:28 AM
I edited and added a bit more.