View Full Version : SmartCarry & PM9

10-20-2009, 11:22 AM
Someone already posted about the SmartCarry so I ordered one and once I got over the fear of "what if this thing goes off", I've found this to be an amazing way to make my PM9 disappear, and my CW45 for that matter.
I'm giving my Alessi a rest for now in favor of this rig.
It really works well with any small or med. size gun and is comfortable to wear with jeans or pleated pants.

Thought you all might want to give it a look.
Be sure to look at the pic's. of Charlie standing there in his drawers--LOL. :eek:

SmartCarry - Concealed Gun Holsters (http://www.smartcarry.com/)

10-20-2009, 01:37 PM
Thanks 500KV, that is truly amazing. Charlie must have a great sense of humor.