View Full Version : Couldn't take it anymore

10-15-2010, 12:07 PM
I've been wanting a 1911 for awhile now, looked at a lot of different manufactory's offerings and kind of narrowed it down to either Colt or Springfield.
Then I read about the C-Bob on here and realised I hadden't looked at D.W. Looked at them on line and kind of put the 1911 thing on a back burnner. Saw D.W. cco up close and said yea thats the one.

Tried a couple of D.W. dealers and was told it would take about 5-6 m
months to get one.
I went to Davidsons site and they had 1 cco. The only D.W. they had.
It's mine now. Supposed to pick it up in 3-5 days.:D

10-15-2010, 12:33 PM
I'm all tingly with anticipation. Can't wait for you to pick it up and send us some pictures. I like my bobtail so much that I couldn't wait for my usual prerequisite 350 rounds fired prior to carry. It's my new constant companion.
I'm trying to find some buckeye burl to make some pretty handles for it but the factory grips are pretty nice already so for once I'm not in a rush.

Happy new gun to you.

10-15-2010, 02:59 PM
didn't want to start a new thread for my comment on this, so I have put it with this thread. Hope it is not the wrong thing to do.

Today I took my trusty PM9 out for a little workout. Shot about 50+ rounds and I must say it was the worst episode I have ever had as far as hitting anything. At 7 yards, I was just terrible, groups no better than 4 " and to the right all the time .( I am a lefty_)

Very dissappointing to say the least, as I read so many threads here of you guys shooting super groups with your kahrs and some even saying they shoot their kahrs better than their glocks. Which for me is the exact opposite. I can hold 1" groups at 7 yards all day long but not a chance with my PM9. It's me, I know that but one would think after 30,000 rounds out of the gun I could be posting better results.

Anyway I came home after the diseaster and decidced I would give it a great cleaning job. While taking the magazine all the way down, a small peace of plastic fell out the bottom. Low and behold it was part of my magazine follower. It had cracked off in the front portion of the follower. This is the second follower in over 30,000+ rounds that has done this. Not a complaint either but the plus side of all this was that the gun never failed either and had I even taken a second to check over my magazine I could have seen the broken area in the follower. I did not pay attention to my gun like one should.

Still all in all my PM9 is by far the best gun I have ever had, ,,,WHY because even though I don't shoot the eyes out of a cat at 7 yards, it is my 24/7 carry peace that is 100% totally reliable. It is the most fun gun I have ever owned, I just envy you good kahr shooters.

10-15-2010, 03:10 PM
I think your entitled to do whatever blows your dress up there Jocko and few would complain. Course you could chop the legs off some at the hip and they would still kick.

Several have inquired as to the condition of your aforementioned PM9 following the Harley vs Icecream disaster. I trust it came out unscathed. I seriously doubt the crash contributed to the broken magazine follower but we could always say it did regardless.

If your out shooting again, that's surely a good milestone in your recovery process and I don't want to hear anymore about it being slow cause your older than dirt which of course you might be but you still got attitude and you recovered pretty darn fast, hasn't been that long.

Just to connect this back to the original post, Kramm, that CCO hasn't been out very long and is much sought after. Many many report waiting for one and comment that it's very concealable, some even believe more than the bobtail. You scored a terrific coup in finding one and are no doubt the first one on your block to own one! I think a celebration block party is in order.

10-15-2010, 06:12 PM
Dang I'm Glad Jocko's back and shooting again, and I didn't go to the range last weekend because I had a cold and this dude does an Evel Knievel at Caesars Palace landing and is back shooting in two weeks....I gotta man up some to keep up with Jocko....Good to have you back again guy and lay off those milkshakes for a while ok...:D

10-15-2010, 06:40 PM
Congrats on finding and buying a Dan Wesson 1911 CCO. I have their Bobtail Commander (aka CBOB) and it is far and away the most accurate pistol I own. For everyday carry though, my best friend is my recently purchased Black K9 Kahr. For my style of dress and active occupation, it is easier to conceal than my CBOB. Please post pics of your new CCO along with the target after your time at the range. Congrats again, Dusty

10-15-2010, 09:20 PM
Good to have you back Jacko.
I got lucky on finding it. Was more accident than anything. Got an E-Mail from Davidsons, said it shipped today. Should get it Mon. or Tue. I dont plan on useing it ccw I'll keep carrying pm45. Haven't had any problems with it in the last 400 or so rounds. I got it to have it.

10-16-2010, 12:55 PM
You'll fall in love with new gun. Congrats. Jocko, it's said that you can't teach an old dog new tricks, and I hate to say this, but you could do with a couple.

10-18-2010, 02:20 PM

If you have the XS big dot site on your gun, that may explain the lack of surgically placed shots. My big dot on my PM9 makes it very quick to get target acquisition and (when practicing shooting quickly) all rounds will be within a 6 inch circle in the sternum area. That is what I am looking for. With the stock day sights, I could punch one hole all day (taking my time siting of course). Glad to hear you are up and about.

Didn't mean to change the thread, just wanted to respond to the big J's post.

10-19-2010, 12:25 AM
What's this PM9, Harley, ice cream thing with Jocko?

10-19-2010, 10:15 AM

Heres the original story.

10-26-2010, 09:04 AM
I picked up the DW cco on the 13th. I wasn't able to go to the range untill yesterday. My wife went with me,the first time ever. We took a couple of 9mm and a 380. pm45 was there also. I let the wife have the first go at the dw. Then I ran a mag. through it.
The wife shot the two 9's and the 380. Said she liked the dw best. She then proceeded to run about 90 rounds through it. It worked without a flaw. I really can't say too much about it myself as the wife thinks it's hers now. I tried to get some pics. on here but seems that a glitch has come up with my camera download and I'll have to get that fixed.
Put a few rounds through the pm45, no problems there. We had a good time.:p

10-26-2010, 11:17 AM
Here we go again, whats hers is hers, whats yours is ours. Guess now you gotta go and get one for yourself. You really got lucky finding that one, another might be a personal challenge.
Work on those pictures, aching to see em.
I'm glad your wife liked it anyhow, maybe she'll let you shoot it more next time.

10-26-2010, 02:31 PM
Need to make a correction on my last post. I picked it up on the 20th.
Bawanna,I had mentioned that to her. About getting another, she didn't go for it. :confused:

10-26-2010, 02:39 PM
Here we go again, whats hers is hers, whats yours is ours. Guess now you gotta go and get one for yourself. You really got lucky finding that one, another might be a personal challenge.
Work on those pictures, aching to see em.
I'm glad your wife liked it anyhow, maybe she'll let you shoot it more next time.

Here we go again, whats hers is hers, whats yours is ours.

Should be what is hers is hers and what is yours is also hers, ask any divorced man..:75:

10-26-2010, 03:02 PM
didn't want to start a new thread for my comment on this, so I have put it with this thread. Hope it is not the wrong thing to do.

Today I took my trusty PM9 out for a little workout. Shot about 50+ rounds and I must say it was the worst episode I have ever had as far as hitting anything. At 7 yards, I was just terrible, groups no better than 4 " and to the right all the time .( I am a lefty_)

Very dissappointing to say the least, as I read so many threads here of you guys shooting super groups with your kahrs and some even saying they shoot their kahrs better than their glocks. Which for me is the exact opposite. I can hold 1" groups at 7 yards all day long but not a chance with my PM9. It's me, I know that but one would think after 30,000 rounds out of the gun I could be posting better results.

Still all in all my PM9 is by far the best gun I have ever had, ,,,WHY because even though I don't shoot the eyes out of a cat at 7 yards, it is my 24/7 carry peace that is 100% totally reliable. It is the most fun gun I have ever owned, I just envy you good kahr shooters.

Jocko, what you described is the EXACT reason that I no longer have my PM40. My CW40 hybrid corrected all of that for me. I can shoot my CW40 every bit as good as I can my G27. It made all the difference in the world for me and I can carry it every bit as easy as I could my PM. Even uses the same holsters.

10-26-2010, 03:11 PM
Need to make a correction on my last post. I picked it up on the 20th.
Bawanna,I had mentioned that to her. About getting another, she didn't go for it. :confused:

Kind of selfish ain't she. Maybe she could sell some of her jewelry to fund another one. (like that's gonna happen)
I'm sorry for your loss, I can't imagine buying a new gun and having my wife throw her meat hooks on it and call it her own.
Just to be safe I'm not inviting her to the range anymore. I'll take my mistress's instead.