View Full Version : CW9 gouged breech face

10-16-2010, 08:54 PM
Was doing a deep cleaning on my CW9 tonight and noticed some alarming gouges on my breech face. I'm sure I have been through much less than 500 rounds and all have been factory brass rounds. How could soft brass casings possibly scar up a hard solid SS piece like this?

Took a closer look at my PM9 and it shows a very small area similar to this. I've probably got 1,000 rounds through it.

I also noticed that when I took a bronze brush to clean this area up real good, it ended up looking like I burnished the face. This metal can't be that soft. Can it? Anybody else have breech that looks similar to this?

The pic does make it appear worse than it is, but I got an angle that didn't just show a discolored area.

10-16-2010, 11:35 PM
Are you positive those are gouges? I ask becuase that looks like lead/powder residue to me. I've seen it before on breech faces and it can be quite stubborn to remove at times.

10-17-2010, 01:53 AM
I agree. Don't seem possible to gouge in that area. Lots of pressure driving junk into the metal right there. I've seen it like that also.
I'd try a little solvent and a good stiff brass or steel toothbrush.

10-17-2010, 06:02 AM
if it is working Okk stop worrying about it and yes stainless is not the hardest metal out there either. My breech face looks similar and it has never given me one issue . I think bawanna has a good point, that area like all metal is still pourous and quite possable it is just compatced material in the breechf ace and mauybe a damn good scrubbing will clean that area up better ..

10-17-2010, 06:31 AM
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind these are etched depressions, not stains or residue. I can see it with a magnifying glass and feel it with my fingernail and a pick.

It runs OK now, but with all due respect, I am concerned. Should I wait 'til it blows up in my face? Less than 500 rounds?

Here's a picture of a Glock with a cracked breech face and all the fracture marks follow the outline of a casing.

Talking about it won't make it better, just wondering if anyone else has seen this. And got it remedied? Guess I'll have to send it back. Anyone at the factory I could send the pics to and discuss? But I'm sure they will say they have NEVER seen anything like this and I must have abused it by running titanium cased rounds through it....?!?!

10-17-2010, 09:19 AM
The closest one of my Kahr's breech face comes to the one pictured is in my TP9. It has the vertical tool cut mark on the right side but nothing else that resembles a gouge. The impact area around the hole is polished and a bit stained or discolored, but very smooth. This is pretty much true for all the Kahrs I own.

I don't think I have any pistol with a breech face that looks like that. I'm having a hard time orienting myself with the picture because the pistol in post #1 looks different than what I'd expect. It has non-Kahr features on the right side of the slide that I can't identify. I am puzzled by the photo. The rear of the ejection port and extractor area look different. It it just my poor photo interpretation?

10-17-2010, 09:33 AM
That's a clip draw Ripley. I had a snubbie with one once, it eliminates the us of a holster, and is an aftermarket part. For the OP I have never seen a breech face gouge without seriously hot loads and a steady diet of them. I think that the fingernail or pick test may be a bit inaccurate as it's really hard to tell if you are going up or down. I think it may be impacted residue, and try a good cleaning with a steel brush, then if you still see them, call Kahr.

10-17-2010, 10:01 AM
My PM45 was lying apart on the table, so I tried to figure out the orientation and things still didn't look right... like the extractor is missing?
you might try light scraping, chisel-like, with a flat jeweler's screwdriver of the appropriate size to see whether it's a build up or a gouge.

10-17-2010, 10:11 AM
for no more than it will cost call kahr ans ask to send just the slide back for their inspection. I doubt if they will pick up the tab for proabalby a $5 postage charge, but if you have serious doubts, don't depend on us to answer your questionsas you can see already, you are getting different answers from different owners. All they needis the slide, so regular mail will get it there pronto.

As one poster started just be dxarn sure before you send it in that it is indeed not a hard buildup of something, so as to not have egg on yourface when kahrs tells you .

I can't believe it is the brass or hot rounds doing it either. Stainless is harder than brass casings for sure,so IMO those marks were probalby there when you bought it and you ar enow just noticing it more or possable residue buildup.

Picutres only do so much justice and if in doubt, let kahr look at it..

10-17-2010, 10:20 AM
Based on the shadow orientation in the first picture, it does look like it is gouged. It may not hurt anything but I would definately call Kahr and make arrangements to send it back for inspection. It is normal, after extensive firing, to get a ring on the bolt face but it won't be deep and irregular like the picture shows. Never hurts to get it checked out.

10-17-2010, 11:18 AM
Pic is looking down from the top front. Correct, jlott, that is a clipdraw. I mentioned in original post, I was doing a deep clean so the extractor, striker, springs, etc are removed. The extractor would be sitting on the right where that fat semi-circular machining is. That's the stripper lug top center.

10-17-2010, 11:21 AM
If it is indeed a gouge, just the slide won't do as fitting is required for a new slide to the barrel AND the frame . Talk to Kahr Customer Service.

Top front?? With the slide upside down... the "stripper" is at the top or up in orientation.


10-17-2010, 12:34 PM
I'll call, I'm sure the ordeal will be painful.

As I recall, I have never shot any hot loads through this gun. I have shot some +p and +p+ through my PM9 and 4 times the total rounds and the face on it still looks pretty good.

12-24-2010, 04:48 PM
Has been returned from Kahr. Got the bigtime runaround. Any of my concerns were answered with "oh, it's normal" or "what kind of solvent do you use", "nothing to worry about"

Huh? Asked about the peening you can see on far right of pic. "normal" was the answer. really? 150 brass rounds can beat up a stainless slide like that?

Disappointed in both product quality and CS.

12-24-2010, 06:17 PM
wait and see what kahr tells you before getting to far bent out of shape. Once in their hands they might change their minds to. I tried to see the peening you talked aobut in the photo but it was not very clear to me to form any opinion..

12-24-2010, 06:30 PM
I just told you what they said - Jason @ 508-635-1426

12-24-2010, 07:33 PM
I just told you what they said - Jason @ 508-635-1426

about that, I took that conversation as maybe happening over the phone and not seeing the product. I didn't read your comment correctly..

Just trying to help if possable. forget I even asked...

12-24-2010, 08:04 PM
I took a really good look at mine and saw the vertical lines and what I thought was something similar in looks. Put the wire brush in the Dremmel and it polished right out. polished it with the felt brush and scrubbed it several times with Gunzilla and it looks good.

I can see the vertical machining and the circular over it. Tom's looks like a machining error where the two meet. The circulare part looks good and that's the critical part so it most likely is good to go, it just doesn't look perfect. Problem is they likely cannot stone that area without risking the face, so best leave it alone.

I do hate hearing the reply Tom got from Jason. If it's normal they must know what it is and I would think they would at least run the wire brush over it with solvent. If they did all that and it is still considered normal, why aren't all of ours the same way. If it won't affect the performance of the pistol over 30,000 rounds like Jocko they could say that.

12-24-2010, 08:39 PM
It runs fine, no problem. My concern is the gouging getting worse, a catastrophic failure happens, then the factory blames it on me and I'm out 2 round trips back plus a broken gun that's worth nothing in less than 8 mos.

I sent them pics in advance but they insisted I send the whole thing back. $$$. They, like some who looked at the pic here, assumed the circular pattern was just caked on carbon. Come on, man.

Then, to make it worse, when I took it to a smith to send it in, he put it back together with the recoil spring in backwards, so the factory people probably thought I was a numbskull and were quick to point this out.

Put 50 flawless rounds through after getting it back, so I have no issues now (or ever, really). But if it gets worse, I'll insist they replace the slide and pick up the freight both ways.

And also, If I ever wanted to sell it, a prospective buyer would look at it and think I abused it. I certainly wouldn't buy it.

I've got 2 other Kahrs and a closet full of other shooters so this ain't my first rodeo...

12-25-2010, 12:50 AM
no one can tell you what to do here, as we don't have it in front of us to make this determination. If you are indeed worrying about this type of failure, then peddle it. Not sure why kahr told you that other than in their determination, it is Ok and will give no issues. Yo have a paper trail with kahr over this issue, so for me I would keep the gun . it is running fine you stated and indeed what you see might just be as far as it is going to go with looks etc.

We can cuss and discuss this on this board till hell freezes over but the bottom line is , that the decision rests with you. If your totally not comfortable with it, then it is time to move it and never look back.

I am wondering if possably this was this way from the git go and that you might not have noticed it and then with some rounds down range some discoloring has occured on the breech face which pronounces it alot more, even though maybe it was there in the beginning.