View Full Version : How many rounds of carry ammo??

border bandit32
10-21-2009, 07:32 PM
Just curios how many rounds of your preferred carry ammo do you fire thru your PM9 before you give it the nod?

I finally found some Gold Dot SB 9mm for the PM9, (thanks to this forum) expensive but worth it!:eek:

10-22-2009, 03:43 AM
How I decide I'm ok with a new carry round is I'll practice with 100 rounds just to see how they are, then I load all my magazines, for my PM9 (8) and if there's no problems I'm good to go with the new round, so to make a short answer long
my answer would be 49 rounds.

border bandit32
10-22-2009, 08:37 AM
Yeah, ~50 rounds of Gold Dot SB gets expensive, but I guess carry ammo in not the place to try and save a few bucks:confused:

10-22-2009, 02:50 PM
I would prefer running at least two mags full from each mag of my carry ammo before being certain. Trouble is I have three Kahrs and 7 mags and was only able to aquire one box of what I want to carry...

10-22-2009, 03:43 PM
everyone has their own way of deciding what to carry and thier own test methods. I am sure all are good. Mine is this way

I decide what defense round I want to carry and buy 50 rounds. I test 25 and they must be 100% reliable, then I magazine load the gun with my defense rounds and carry it that way. About every two or so weeks, I will shoot that magazine up and reload with new carry rounds. If all is still Ok, I continue with this method of keeping fresh rounds in the gun about 2-3 week intervals. Works for me. My carry gun is always clean as a whistle also, and lubed and ready to go. My range guns I tend to abuse more in a way that I don't clean but ever 200 plus rounds or as needed. I have at times shot my PM9 250 rounds without cleaning and then through in a defense loaded magazine but this is seldom and although they worked every time, I am more comfortable with my defense gun being clean and ready to go.

Again each to his own and if ur method works for you ,, stick with it..

I have over 25,000 rounds through my PM9 and trust me when I say kahrs can shoot till the cows come home before cleaning to. They are not finicky guns after 200 our so rounds, but why chance it.

10-22-2009, 05:36 PM
I carry Golden Saber and Speer Gold Dot both in 124 grain +P. I tested 100 rounds of each for my PM9, my Glock 19 and my Browning Hi Power. One failure of any round would have disqualified it as a carry option. I ordered some Speer short barrel and it will go through the same test but just for the PM9.Thank God,a guy could go broke just running tests. I probably overdo it but I like to be thorough and I`m a stickler for cleaning and lubricating too.If my gun fails to operate correctly, it won`t be because it wasn`t well maintained. When I`m out and about I carry an extra magazine of ammo for whatever gun I`m carrying or a speed loader if it`s a revolver.

10-22-2009, 07:10 PM
Speer Gold Dot +P 124 gr 50 rounds and Federal Hydra Shok 147 gr 50 rounds went through the gun initially. And I carry the PM9 with one or the other. When I am just shooting it for fun, lots of handloads. It has no problem with any of it.

10-08-2010, 01:01 PM
Agree with Jacko, always, always shot some, dpends on group, feel,etc., every time you practice with carry piece. Weekly or by-weekly seems ok once proficient. I like to rotate Mags every week,
Tap,Gold dot, etc are expensive----BUT---What is your life worth

10-08-2010, 02:44 PM
"What is your life worth"[/QUOTE]

I'll have to get back to ya on this. I asked my wife and she said she'd have to check my insurance policy. I'm sure it's enough to do her griefing in the Bahama's. I won't go there but I'm sure she would.

10-08-2010, 02:48 PM
Agree with Jacko, always, always shot some, dpends on group, feel,etc., every time you practice with carry piece. Weekly or by-weekly seems ok once proficient. I like to rotate Mags every week,
Tap,Gold dot, etc are expensive----BUT---What is your life worth

LOL, a thread resurrected from the graveyard. :) After a year, I'm betting the guy figured things out.

Since I'm here, I'll pitch my $.02 in. ;) I get 100 rounds and save out however many rounds the mag holds plus one for the chamber, then shoot the rest for reliability testing.