View Full Version : ?'s About Plating

10-24-2009, 11:20 AM
Why are the feed ramps and chambers plated in the first place ?
I guess it's an attempt to make the rounds feed and chamber better, but none of the other high end gun mfg.'s plate there's do they ?
I know Glock, Sig, Colt, Kimber, etc. don't and they obviously work with very few problems.
Aren't the barrels stainless ?
Looks like that would work without plating if they're properly polished.
Just curious.

10-24-2009, 11:43 AM
not sure about other mfg-er plating. Normally it is an added caviet to a barrel, not a liability. In this case kahr got some bad vendor plated barrels. they have been nickel plating their barrels since day one, so this is a very very rare occurance indeed.

Karh will replace any barrel that the plating is coming off. I would think a plated feed ramp and chamber would only enhance proper feeding...

10-24-2009, 12:38 PM
I would think a plated feed ramp and chamber would only enhance proper feeding...

Yeah I agree.
It should do that, but that chamber and feed ramp really take a beating.
They obviously got some good plating on other barrels or they'd all be peeling.
Guess we'll just have to keep an eye out for the problem.

10-24-2009, 01:11 PM
just because it doesnt look like a barrel is nickel plated does not mean it is not either. There have been posters who have stated their kahr barrels are not plated when indeed kahr states they have nickel plated them since day one. My bet many other brand also nickel plate.

I certainlyh am not loosing any sleep over it. I have a pm9 with 25,000 rounds through it and it looks news. My K9 has around 4500 and looks new. If the vendor doesn't do a good job of plating, then kahr will step up and take care of it and work the cost issues out with the vendor no doubt.

Just shoot it like u stole it and don't worry about it, One cannot realy do anything about it...