View Full Version : IFinally Got It!!!

10-24-2010, 07:15 PM
It's been a long time planning, saving and alot of twists and turns (another story).
I just got my k9 elite 9mm reg. sights and Jocko preped it. Just a few thoughts on it preshot (next weekend).
1.Very good feel to it. I like steel guns.
2. Looks Great and eludes Quality. Tight fit (no slide play),simple (doesn't look like alot of parts) and I like the Extra Nickle finish. Inside of the barrel lookes extra bright and polished (to me I noticed this).
3. Disassembly and assembly was alot easier than I some lead my to believe (I was scared). Next time should be a breeze. 4. Trigger pull is Sweet. Definetly less than the 7 lbs. advertised more like 5 (guestamet) long and smooth. Great Pistol and thanks to you all!

10-24-2010, 08:28 PM
Congrats!! I had a K9 Elite 98 for a long time. Like a fool I traded it away. It was very sweet shooting gun. I like carrying the polymer ones, and they serve me well, but there is something special about the feel of the steel Kahrs.

10-25-2010, 04:17 AM
royaluno... Congrats, you finally got Kahr's best in my opinion. Here's a couple pics of mine. Funny, just had it at the range today and it performed as accurate and flawless as ever. Enjoy!



10-25-2010, 06:46 AM
2. Looks Great and eludes Quality.

Let's hope not. :D
I can tell you're excited.;) Great gun, the K9 Elite, you are going to love shooting it. Enjoy.

10-25-2010, 10:42 PM
It's been a long time planning, saving and alot of twists and turns (another story).
I just got my k9 elite 9mm reg. sights and Jocko preped it. Just a few thoughts on it preshot (next weekend).
1.Very good feel to it. I like steel guns.
2. Looks Great and exudes Quality. Tight fit (no slide play),simple (doesn't look like alot of parts) and I like the Extra Nickle finish. Inside of the barrel lookes extra bright and polished (to me I noticed this).
3. Disassembly and assembly was alot easier than I some lead my to believe (I was scared). Next time should be a breeze. 4. Trigger pull is Sweet. Definetly less than the 7 lbs. advertised more like 5 (guestamet) long and smooth. Great Pistol and thanks to you all!

There, I fixed it for ya'.