View Full Version : Accuracy--PM9

10-26-2009, 02:54 PM
Here are a series of target pictures. I keep my old targets for learning purposes so I can see how I am improving or getting worse.

The yellow pics are from the 2nd time out. Most of the hits are about 2 to 3" left of point of aim (bullseye).

The other black silhouette target shots are from the 3rd time out---a few shots dead center but a lot to the left.

Shooting about 25 to 30 feet

10-26-2009, 02:57 PM
The 4th time out is when I got in the zone. Dry firing revealed a wicked trigger jerk to the left. So I practiced squeezing, and here are the results of the 4th shooting--25 to 30 feet

10-26-2009, 03:03 PM
5th time out to the 400 round count-

My shots have moved from hitting 2 to 3" left to dead center point of aim after about 4 trips to the range.

This time out, all my shots are high :o

I was not using a 6 O'clock hold, and I had the front sight up a tad.

10-26-2009, 03:33 PM
Deadhead,it seems to me that you`re more than capable of fixing any problem you might have right by yourself. A few more trips to the range and you`ll be driving nails with that thing.

10-27-2009, 07:27 AM
shooting IMO. another great way to keep testing your trigger discipline is to buy about a half dozen snap caps and put them in loose with about 25 rounds of 9mm and have some one load the magaznes for you.

Guarantee you that works even better than dry firing. Dry firing is good practice but for good trigger discipline that " bang" thing is definitely needed. It is the "bang" thing that causes flinching mixing up a few snap caps in with a magazine of live rounds will sure show u alot.

11-17-2009, 07:47 AM
Here are some picks from the 6th outting with a new Karh barrel (replaced under warranty). This was indoor shooting compared to outdoor for the others. Distance was about 25 feet. About 165 rounds were fired this time.

new barrel--- 165 rounds
frame & slide--585 rounds

11-17-2009, 11:50 PM
Congrat!!!!! The tighter the fit, the tighter the group :D

Wayne's World
11-19-2009, 07:03 AM
Question.... what was the reason for the new barrel? What was happening that you were concerned about the barrel?

11-19-2009, 07:14 AM
Good question. Here is your reading assignment. Be sure to read both threads. The nickel plating inside the barrel was peeling or flaking off. Several of us had that problem, and I suspect many more have not even noticed it yet.

The first link talks about the flaking problem. And the second thread talks about the replacement barrels sent to us that did not fit the slide.



Wayne's World
11-19-2009, 07:45 AM
Thanks D.H.. I'm still kind'a new at this.

11-19-2009, 08:28 AM
I am only aware of this barrel issue on the PM9.

03-08-2010, 08:24 AM
Here are targets from using the LG 437 Crimson Trace for the first time. This was about 30 feet. I did not use the iron sights at all.

For the very first few shots (maybe 12), it seemed to hit near the red dot. After that I was all over the place. After about 100 rds, I was hitting left and noticed the laser was knocked out of alignment. After that everything seemed to hit high. I am hoping I will get better with practice but I left not pleased at all. I did not feel I could sight the thing in.

I shot 204 rounds this time, and I have noticed my shooting started out ok but goes downhill. I don't get tired but I think I start to anticipate recoil. I may have limp wristed some which may have caused the shots to go off the mark. One thing, I pressed the trigger with the very tip of my index finger. After the session, I dry fired and using the tip of my finger, and it seemed to move the gun a little. I then dry fired using the first joint to press, and the gun seemed to hold more steady. I blame this session on poor trigger technique. With over 1,000 rounds, I am still trying to figure this gun/trigger out. :o

I used pearce grips the whole session on the 6 round mag. They gave me one huge pinkie blister so I now have them off. Up to that time, I had shot 985 rounds with no blisters. The pearce grip did blister.

Ok. I shot 200 rounds of ball ammo 115 fmj (federal and remington). The laser lens was fine and did not need cleaning. I then shot 4 rounds of pow'r ball +p 100 grain, and it fouled the laser lens really bad. So as long as I have that laser attached, my carry ammo will be standard pressure gold dots. Pow'r ball ammo is not good for extended shooting with a laser due to the need for more lens cleaning.

To date--1189 rounds through the slide and frame (no noticable wear or tear)
764 rounds through the new barrel--no nickel flaking
only 2 ftf so far, and that happened between rounds 200 and 300.

03-08-2010, 10:24 AM
Very nice shooting indeed. In fact your pics serve to prove a point that we've been talking about for a while. If you just get out and practice you will get used to the trigger and more accurate with the gun.

Love the pics and the reports. It really helps.

03-08-2010, 05:40 PM
Nice shooting deadhead!

Here is a target of mine from the last time the PM9 was at the range. The target is the standard target used at Front Sight. I love this little pistol!


03-08-2010, 06:47 PM
Kool shooting arizona98tj.

I have seen that dog before, yes the one in your avatar?

03-09-2010, 07:44 AM
Nice shooting deadhead!

Here is a target of mine from the last time the PM9 was at the range. The target is the standard target used at Front Sight. I love this little pistol!


Nice shooting. Looks like you cleared out his sinus problems for sure.

03-09-2010, 08:27 AM
nice shooting Arizona. What ammo are you using?

03-11-2010, 08:22 AM
I was anxious to get some rounds through my new PM9, so at last nights IDPA style match everyone shot my PM9 for 5 rounds to start the stage. 75 rounds(50 115gr magtech and 25 of my 147gr IDPA reloads) went downrange. At roughly 25 ft the average was 3 of the 5 rounds were in the down zero and most of the rest were in the down 1. I would say this is pretty good considering most had never shot a Kahr before and it was "on the clock".


03-11-2010, 08:39 AM
Nice consistant improvement. That is some good shooting. Shooting is just plain fun I like it a lot!


03-11-2010, 09:17 PM
Kool shooting arizona98tj.

I have seen that dog before, yes the one in your avatar?

Perhaps so....she's been my avatar on a couple of different forums. If you happen to be a Jeeper, then you've most likely seen her on those forums or perhaps on my site. She's been a some of the video we've shot.

03-11-2010, 09:19 PM
Nice shooting. Looks like you cleared out his sinus problems for sure.

It's a bunch better than Vicks NyQuil, as far as I'm concerned! LOL!!! :D

03-11-2010, 09:27 PM
nice shooting Arizona. What ammo are you using?

Those are the same I use in my XD9 4".....a 115 gr. Berry Mfg TMJ over 5 gr. of Unique. They clock 1017 FPS out of the PM9 and 1152 FPS out of the XD9. It's my standard 9mm range reload. I'm very happy with them as they reliably run what they are shot from and the accuracy is there.

04-05-2010, 08:31 AM
Update. On page 2 of this thread, I had posted what happened with the first session with the crimson trace LG 437. I did not think it went all that well. Go look at the photos—shots all over the place.

I went out 4/3 and shot another 250 rounds. I now have 1,439 rounds through the PM9 slide and frame and 1,014 rounds through the "new" barrel. There is no nickel flaking as of that number. I did have 1 ftf with some remington 115 fmj. The bullet got caught on the ramp, and I just gave it a bump, and it chambered. I will say this was around the 245th round. After the first 100 rounds, I ran a cleaning patch through the barrel and a little on the ramp. So the ftf was around 145 rounds after that, and the ramp and inside was quite dirty with black soot. I think this totals 3 ftf since I have had the gun.

I shot with the LG 437 Saturday. I did not use the iron sights at all--just the red dot. I can't explain this but every shot was dead center POA. I have the red dot aligned with the gun's sights, so I guess the sights are dead-on. The first time with the laser, discussed on page 2, was no where as good/accurate as this time. I have noticed that when I go shoot, it's either gonna be a good session or a sucky session. If it's a sucky session, then usually the next following session will be good and so on. So since this session went well, the next time should stink. :)

Here are the photos. Shooting was at around 20 to 25 feet. The black silhouette target was shot at varying distances from 25 feet to 50 feet. I was at an indoor range that goes to 25 yards, and I had the black silhouette pushed back at almost that distance on a few of those round NC targets stuck to the silhouette.

The only difference between this time and last—the pearce grips were off, and my trigger finger was in a slightly different position. Last time, I used the tip of the index finger on the trigger, and the shots seem to go left; this time I used the first joint on the trigger. Any time I go to the indoor range with the laser, I am always a celebrity. Folks kept coming up behind me and asking about it. Most folks don’t have lasers, but I have seen a few folks that do.

04-05-2010, 09:35 AM
dakmn deadhead, that is some excellent shooting. The LG437 really makes a big difference as it so shows to. I had a set ot CT on my Smith model 342 and I cold shoot 4" groups all day at 30 feet, couldn't hold them on the paper with out those CT sights at 30 feet.

Really nice group. that one FTF could be alot of things, so don't worry about it either. I willPM you with a suggestion.

Nice grouping for sure.

04-12-2010, 09:29 AM
Shot another 200 rds last Friday.

Up to 1,639 total for the PM9, 1,214 rds for the new barrel and still no flaking. No jams or fail to feeds this time. Guide rod spring has about 854 rds on it. It was changed after the first 785 for no reason other than I just did it.

Here are the "best" targets from about 25 to 30 feet. This was a mediocre session. I was tired from yard work so my aim was not as steady as the previous time. I also jerked low and left a few times to anticipate recoil. So there are some "bad" targets I am not showing here. :)

This was with the crimson trace LG 437. I did not use the iron sights at all this time either.

04-17-2010, 06:42 PM
It never ceases to amaze me how accurate these little pistols are; Good Shooting.

mr surveyor
04-17-2010, 10:11 PM
hey... don't waste the "little man" on the silhouette target... always save your last magazinie for him:)


04-18-2010, 07:29 AM
DEADHEADF; that is really good shooting, don't care if uused crimson trace or not, still excellent groups. I wish I could report to you that I can do that but I can't and I have 25,000+ rounds out of my pM9. Ihave resolved to the fact that Ijust don't shoot my PM9 good at all. I do well (not great) wityhmy K9 and super with my P380, which one would think should be the exact opposite.

But with your big silhouette, I still can keep every round inside the 7 ring with ease at 10 yards, so I have felt like I am Ok in a defense situation.

again a tip of the ol hat to you and to all those that can do the same. I have always felt kahrs are more difficult to shoot than about any other semi, but I am thinking that refers nly to me as this forum has some super good shooters. I do with my tuned G19 shoot the eyes out of that target at 10 yards. best shooter I have ever owned.

04-19-2010, 02:51 AM
My latest Kahr was my 7th and also the most difficult to reach the level of accuracy I am accustomed to. My problem is I keep on buying pistols and I'm getting to about one half of my collection are 380's, 9mm's and 45's and the other half are 1911's. Well, I have been spoiled accuracy wise by my 1911's which is unfair to the rest of my pistols like the Glocks, H&K's, Kahr's, Sigs, Rugers and CZ's. I know it's not a fair comparison especially for the likes of the Kahr's and the LCP because of barrel size and them being DA. I should of been happy just to put all the rounds from my PM9 in the 5.5 inch Bullseye target @ 21feet, but I wanted more just because of how well I shoot my EMP and my K9 Elite. Yesterday I finally shot a 4 shot group worthy of hanging up in my garage. I was to chicken ass to try a fifth shot. How do you like that.:eek:


04-19-2010, 05:57 AM
damn that is very very good. Never did that ever, no doubt the 5th shot would have beenin there to. you were certainly one, frame that one. I bought a frame to do that for my pM9 , still "waiting"...

04-19-2010, 07:17 AM
Great shooting GOOFA.

There is no 4+1 syndrome (first shot flyer) with my PM9.

04-19-2010, 09:25 AM
My PM9 is rare, every shot is a "flyer" for me!!

groups like GOOFA's kinda shoot my theory of kahrs being hard to shoot accurately "right square in the ass".!!!

04-19-2010, 10:45 AM
Great shooting GOOFA.

There is no 4+1 syndrome (first shot flier) with my PM9.

Often my first shot is the best of that string... going downhill after that, but at least I'm not throwing most of them into a fist-sized group 3-4" at 7:30 to 8:00 o'clock... even with the PM9. I shot that better last trip after all of the shooting with the .45 and .380.
I really need to tighten up my 15-yard rapid fire, though. Trying to shoot at the head area, I'm all around that and a little high. With a poster-sized target, I managed to hit the clamp center top several times and a few real close to that.
I need to stick to COM at that range.

05-20-2010, 09:48 AM
Update. Up to 1,945 rds through PM9. I shot 306 rds yesterday with no jams or FTF. Of this 306 number, 6 were 124 gr +P speer gold dots which shot and fed just fine.

Pics below from 30 feet with laser..

I have a magazine base extension on the 6 rd magazine (not Pearce Grips which I took off because it was too big for pocket carry)

See here-- http://www.kahrshop.com/cgi-bin/itemdetail.asp?itmid=2068

05-20-2010, 09:55 AM
Here is a comparrison between the Pearce Grips (left) and the Kahr base plate (right).

06-01-2010, 09:53 AM
shot 250 more rounds.

PM9 total 2,195
New barrel total 1,770 (no flaking)

I was shooting federal 115 fmj. This is the cleanest ammo I have used. I shot 250 rounds without having to clean the laser lens. With other ammo, the laser lens gets dirty after 25 rounds or so.

Anyway, around 195 rounds this past session (or 2,140 total for the PM9), I had a failure to eject. The gun went bang, and the empty shell stayed in the chamber while the next round tried to load right behind it. My guide rod spring was at around 1,400 rounds so I changed that out with a new spring and shot another 50 rounds with no problems.

My PM9 has not been flawless, but it has excellent reliability. If I have a problem, it is just a one-time thing that happens about once every 500 to 700 rounds. I will have to go back and look through this thread, but the last problem I had was a failure to feed way back several hundreds of rounds ago.

08-05-2010, 10:26 AM
After about a month, I was able to shoot yesterday--250 rds federal 115 fmj.


2,445 rds total
2,020 rds through replaced flaking barrel (no flaking)
300 rds through recoil spring

Attached are some pics using the LG 437 crimson trace. Distance was 30 feet. I shot 250 rounds. I had 1 fail to feed (stuck on ramp using 7 rd magazine). I also had 1 instance where the slide locked back on a loaded magazine.

My PM9 has not been perfect, and I seem to have 1 to 2 issues every 500 rds. The last 100 rds I shot yesterday were flawless.

08-05-2010, 11:08 AM
Good thread. I thought I'd contribute my own targets. These are from my first outing with my PM9 shooting some of my buddy's 115 grain FMJ re-loads. As far as Kahr accuracy goes ... I watched a guy in my CC class shoot the Q out of a Q Target with his CW9. These guns are very accurate.

While these two targets are certainly not some of my best shooting I'm fairly happy with them for a first outing with a pocket gun.

7 Yard Aimed Shooting, 15 Rounds (The three in the X were toward the end of the 15 rounds) :D

7 Yard Rapid Fire, 6 Rounds

08-05-2010, 11:22 AM
BG will be in deep sh-t with groups like that. And you willget better with more rounds to.

Nice photos.

at 10 yards with my eye sight, I cannot even see the Q on the Q targets, so more than likely it is very SAFE.

08-05-2010, 11:32 AM
Mudinyeri--go back to the very first page and first post of this thread and see my yellow targets. This was my first time with the PM9. I assume you are right handed. Me too. Look at how my hits are left of the bullseye, just like yours. My first reaction was the sights are off and need to be moved. Not so. You will get better, and your hits will move to the center as you figure out the trigger pull. For right handed shooters, there is a tendency to jerk or pull to the left with the trigger finger.

08-05-2010, 11:42 AM
Mudinyeri--go back to the very first page and first post of this thread and see my yellow targets. This was my first time with the PM9. I assume you are right handed. Me too. Look at how my hits are left of the bullseye, just like yours. My first reaction was the sights are off and need to be moved. Not so. You will get better, and your hits will move to the center as you figure out the trigger pull. For right handed shooters, there is a tendency to jerk or pull to the left with the trigger finger.

observation deadhead. I being a lefty, my groups are low and right, most all the time. Once one realizes that it is shooter error and not the gun, he can then get serious about proper grip, sight picture, trigger contril etc and those groups will tighten up big time.

Some times we refuse to admit that we are at fault and it is always the GUNS fault, for as u know a gun can't talk but it can show you what your doing wrong. it to me takes a good shooter mentality to admit that it just possably could be you.

If one is consistent low and left or vice versa and the groupls are all pretty decent to, then it is easy to correct, but it is very hard to correct when your shots are all over the target, high, low, left, right. Kahrs are just not the easiest guns to shoot great IMO. The gun can do it, just IMO most shooters can't or won't apply themselves enough to get better. Shooting once a month IMO just won't do it with 95% of the kahr shooters. a gun and the shooter must mate up and be a team to produce good results.

again deadhead, nice observation . How does the saying go? BEEN THERE DONE THAT!!

08-05-2010, 12:05 PM
And bloody fast too deadhead. I picked up on the drifted pattern but hesitated to run in thru my brain vault which usually doesn't take lone in lieu of its small capacity. You nailed this one for sure.

Must be the gun?

08-05-2010, 12:21 PM
Most of the time when I go shoot at the indoor range, I am the only one with a laser. The guy with the laser is the celebrity. I am always asked about it--the laser not the gun. Yesterday, a guy asked if "it" was attached to the guide rod. I said "nope, it's on the trigger guard" [editor's note: it's hard to carry on a conversation with ear plugs and in a shooting range "bang" "bang" "bang" and then the guys with the magnums "kaboom"]. I originally got the laser as a gaget toy, but I have left it on the PM9 because it really improves accuracy.

08-05-2010, 01:49 PM
Mudinyeri--go back to the very first page and first post of this thread and see my yellow targets. This was my first time with the PM9. I assume you are right handed. Me too. Look at how my hits are left of the bullseye, just like yours. My first reaction was the sights are off and need to be moved. Not so. You will get better, and your hits will move to the center as you figure out the trigger pull. For right handed shooters, there is a tendency to jerk or pull to the left with the trigger finger.

Yup. If you check out my (Kel-Tec) PF9 vs. PM9 thread you'll see quite a bit on my left-shooting tendancy with the PM9 and the PF9. It only shows up when I shoot two-handed.

After considerable analysis over the last several months I believe it is my "fault" as it is consitent, to varying degrees, across all of my handguns. My main theory at this point is that my support hand places pressure on a disfigured finger (badly broken a while back) on my strong hand which, in turn, puts pressure on the rear/left side of the grip moving the barrel slightly left and downward. This is particularly pronounced in guns with smaller grips where my strong hand fingers are not wrapped as tightly around the grip.

I'm working to find a grip that remedies the problem as opposed to moving my sights. Maybe I just need to re-break the finger and strap it to the grip of one of my guns while it heals. :D

08-05-2010, 02:05 PM
Crap I forgot your the guy with the mangled finger. Maybe we should start a mangled finger shooting club? I ran my strong hand thru my table saw first week of january, blade didn't cut me real bad but the kick back of the tiny little hardly worth mentioning board I think broke, my trigger, hawaiin good luck sign and ring finger. The nails have all grown back finally but they still hurt a bit from time to time, I think I can predict the weather. Other than not being able to shoot much for a couple months it hasn't effected my shooting. Course I was never too good to start with so maybe not a good comparison. AT least they don't hurt when I shoot which is a great thing.
Maybe we need a picture posted of ''The Finger" and a couple shots of your grip. I can send Wynn over for a straight down the barrel shot (he's not afraid) and maybe a side shot. We can all study (can't spell anylise) and evaluate and work at possible solutions. No pop quizes or homework!!!

08-05-2010, 02:19 PM
Yup. If you check out my (Kel-Tec) PF9 vs. PM9 thread you'll see quite a bit on my left-shooting tendancy with the PM9 and the PF9. It only shows up when I shoot two-handed.

After considerable analysis over the last several months I believe it is my "fault" as it is consitent, to varying degrees, across all of my handguns. My main theory at this point is that my support hand places pressure on a disfigured finger (badly broken a while back) on my strong hand which, in turn, puts pressure on the rear/left side of the grip moving the barrel slightly left and downward. This is particularly pronounced in guns with smaller grips where my strong hand fingers are not wrapped as tightly around the grip.

I'm working to find a grip that remedies the problem as opposed to moving my sights. Maybe I just need to re-break the finger and strap it to the grip of one of my guns while it heals. :D

with solving your shooting groups. I have over 30,000 rounds through my PM9,my best gun but for me my worst shooter and still wtih allthose rounds, I don't shoot 4" groupols at 10 yards. I just dn'thave what it take sto do that, no excuses either, just was never a good shoot in the past 50 years either, but I do love to hear that BANG thing alot though, so i keep plugging along.
These littlle kahrs are a handful, no pun intended. The bigger the gun, the bigger the grip, IMO the better you will show. As u well know your hand doesn't fit great around a PM series kahr, like it would on a glock 19 or sig. again just the nature of the beast to. I shoot my PM9 far better than I used to but IMO nothing to really brag about, although a BG at 10 yards willeat every round I shoot at him. they might be from head to toe but they willbe in there somewhere. Where as with my G19, I will cover his front shirt pocket consistently.

keep the faith, keep putting rounds down range and it will come to you. It did for me, I just hope it doesn't take you 30,000 rounds to find it:7::7: question: did you shoot your kel tec PF9 better than the PM9??/I would think not as 50 round sout of a PF9 starts to work on a shooter "big time".. It is as they say on the kt forum a gun that is made to carry often and shoot seldom...

08-05-2010, 04:11 PM
Bawanna, that's a funny idea ... here's my finger. :ohmy: Since you described your accident, I should probably tell my story.

I work on 4X4 vehicles quite a bit and was moving a heavy manual transmission and transfer case out of a 1 ton pickup with my shop crane. I had a chain wrapped around the transmission and transfer case and was attempting to swing them onto a cart to be able to roll them around my shop. As I swung the shop crane the transfer case bumped into the cart. I had my right hand on top of the transmission, near the chain. As the transfer case bumped into the cart the cart flipped upward and hit me across the bridge of my nose. The transmission and transfer case rotated in the chain and dropped to the shop floor. I noticed a slight pain in my right hand but was mostly concerned that I had broken my nose. I reached up to the bridge of my nose to see if it was still straight and noticed that my right ring finger was bent at a 90 degree angle across my middle finger. It had gotten caught in the chain and was broken completely in half midway between the first and second joints. I used to have photos of the X-rays because it was a pretty impressive break.

jocko, I certainly hope it doesn't take me 30,000 rounds to get 4" groups. If you saw my targets in the PF9/PM9 comparison you'll see that I'm less accurate with the PF than I am the PM. The PF has been a reliable gun for me but it's definitely not in the same class as the PM.

08-05-2010, 04:20 PM
Did you cry? Use colorful language? That had to hurt.

It was funny after the fact. I don't hear for beans so after blowing up my hand and of course the prerequisite light headedness, I had to take inventory quickly before I blinked out. 1. Turn off saw. 2. Turn off propane heater. Stem flow of blood to avoid whippin for bleeding on house floor. Heck with the rest wrap in towel and lay down.
Funny how even a minor finger wound will usually make ya faint. I did'nt go but it was a close thing.
Stuff happens.

08-05-2010, 06:09 PM
LOL ... It actually didn't hurt all that much at first. I think because it was such a clean/fast break my nose was much higher on my priority list. I think what I said out loud was, "Oh, crap, I just broke my nose." When I saw my finger, I thought, "That's not supposed to be like that." :D

Urgent care didn't open for another couple hours so I popped it back straight (that hurt) and kept on working. I had sold a Jeep hard top to a guy who showed up to pick it up before I went to urgent care. I helped him put it on his Jeep and install it before he noticed me favoring my right hand and asked what had happened.

I've been told I have a very high tolerance for pain. :D

I suspect it was the "raw meat" smell that made you woozy. I've been around enough "raw meat" to know the impact its smell can have on a person. :eek:

Edit: Found a couple pictures.



08-05-2010, 06:38 PM
Oh crap, that's not suppose to be like that. I didn't go to the doc (I'm such a man). Had I been a real man I would have grabbed some pliers and ripped of what was left of the 3 fingernails hanging off but I just couldn't do it. I had to baby that one for weeks till if finally came off.
I was a bit woozy for sure.

Nice pics. Now why do you shoot crooked cause of it?

08-06-2010, 07:50 AM
LOL ... rrrrrrrarrr, I'm a tough guy.

I guess I should take a picture of what the finger looks like now to explain why it may have an effect on my shooting. The tip of it is permanently bent downward. My theory is that pressure from my support hand places pressure on all my strong hand fingers and because my bent finger can't flex like the other fingers more pressure is exerted on the grip in the area of that finger.

Best I can come up with .... :D

03-31-2011, 07:24 AM
I have 28,000+ rounds to go to catch Jocko. :rolleyes:

I hit the 3,000 mark last night. Fired 200 more rds of Federal 115 fmj with no problems. I was not in the zone at all last night, and jerked the trigger more than I should have. When I relaxed, I could hit dead on. Don't let the target photo fool you. This was good (25-30 feet) but the others were bad. I did have one big surprise. In a rapid fire thing, I was pulling the trigger *bam* *bam* *bam* *nothing* when all of a sudden, there was nothing. I had not let the trigger reset. Wow. In 3,000 rds, this was the first time this happend. I guess I was pulling too fast. :o

Stats PM9
Total: 3,095
New Barrel: 2,470 (replaced at 625 rds after nickel flaking)
3rd recoil spring: 950 rds

No flaking in the barrel; I stopped worrying a long time ago but I still check.

03-31-2011, 07:46 AM
nice group. Ican't do that. Hopeing your just replacing the outter recoil spring for that is costly at 950 rounds to reploace the entiere assembly. If you have the old style blunt nose slide but the springs from wolffs. they will sell you just the outter springs. I am fond of their 20.5# recoil springs..

03-31-2011, 08:57 AM
Deadhead, curious as to where you go for target practice. I live in Clayton also and have been looking for a nice place close to home. I go to a place down in Goldsboro occasionally and I also do some outdoor shooting with my Dad and a couple of his buddies down in Dunn.

03-31-2011, 09:36 AM
Jocko-- My current recoil spring has 950 rds. I am keeping count but I am not changing it out yet until I start having jams. The last spring was changed out at 1,400 rds after a ftf. I just replace the outer spring-wolf brand.

revzx9r - I go to Personal Defense on Tryon Road (near Garner) to their indoor range. It's $15, and there is no time limit. Do you go to WTs in Rosewood/Goldsboro? They charge by the hour. I shot there once. It's a little far. My wife's family has a farm in Princeton, and I can shoot there. I have a friend who is a member of SSI (near Louisberg) which is an outdoor range, and we shoot our ARs there.

03-31-2011, 09:50 AM
revzx9r - I go to Personal Defense on Tryon Road (near Garner) to their indoor range. It's $15, and there is no time limit. Do you go to WTs in Rosewood/Goldsboro? They charge by the hour. I shot there once. It's a little far. My wife's family has a farm in Princeton, and I can shoot there. I have a friend who is a member of SSI (near Louisberg) which is an outdoor range, and we shoot our ARs there.

Yes, WTs was the place I was talking about in Goldsboro. It is a little far, but I like the range and they are nice people. I bought a gun at Personal Defense on Tryon about a year ago, but I have never shot at their range. When I was there it looked pretty crowded. It would be great if there was a range in Clayton or Wendell/Knightdale.

03-31-2011, 10:17 AM
We have friends that run the 2nd-Amen-ment Gun shop in Smithfield (across from the old Golden Corral), and they have told me they are trying to put in a bid for the old Heilig Myers building (next to K-Mart) to have a larger shop and indoor range. It may be a year off. http://www.2ndamen-mentgunshop.com/

03-31-2011, 11:37 AM
Yep, I know where 2nd Amen-ment is. I stopped by once but they were closed on that day. Seems like it was a Monday. That old furniture store would be a great place for a range. I sure hope it works out for them!

03-31-2011, 12:01 PM
They are a little pricey on ammo. Jim's Gun Shop in Garner (Woodland Rd) is a great place to get ammo.

03-31-2011, 12:51 PM
Yes, WTs was the place I was talking about in Goldsboro. It is a little far, but I like the range and they are nice people. I bought a gun at Personal Defense on Tryon about a year ago, but I have never shot at their range. When I was there it looked pretty crowded. It would be great if there was a range in Clayton or Wendell/Knightdale.
The Personal Defense range is really busy on weekends but it isn`t bad at all if you can get by there during daytime hours on weekdays.I just moved to the coast from Garner this past August and did quite a bit of shooting at that range.Nice people there and at WT`s as well.If you`ve never been to Jim`s on Woodland Road in Garner be sure to check him out.He has a little gun shop in his renovated garage behind his house.No range but friendly people and a great place to buy a gun or ammo.Very competitive prices.

04-02-2011, 10:02 AM
Dietrich, you ought to check out B&R up there in Havelock. That road behind the KFC, take you right to it. Of course there was a place that I used to live across the street from right there in Newport, that was part of the Croatan, that we used to sneak off to. Both good areas.

04-02-2011, 12:39 PM
Dietrich, you ought to check out B&R up there in Havelock. That road behind the KFC, take you right to it...
Darn, that brings back some memories...I haven't been in that neck of the woods in years; you could get fried chicken livers at that KFC in 1982.

04-02-2011, 01:09 PM
They still have them, just not on the menu. They have gizzards too. You generally have to ask for a manager to get them, but they have them.

04-02-2011, 01:20 PM
What sights are you using?

Sorry if this has been asked and answered....