View Full Version : New Guy, New Gun.
10-30-2010, 12:56 PM
Hello to the kahr world, last friday our local grocery store was robbed, this thursday, a local mexican restaurant was robbed. Both places I frequent, both placed robbed during business. I have several .22 pistols for target and plinking, several hunting rifles/shotguns, and a bedside pistol. I just never gave alot of thought to the ccw. It is time now. I called my local shop and ordered a cw9. 409 plus tax seems very reasonable checking internet prices+shipping+ffl. I won't get it until next friday when it comes in. I have been reading break in procedure's, so i think i have that down, clean, rack slide 500 times, snap caps for trigger control, 200 rounds of ball ammo then, some heavier stuff. I have a couple questions. I have tried the search and just can't get the answer.
1)can I shoot +p+ out of this? the reason I ask is I have GOLD-DOT 115 gr +P+ hp that I shoot out of my home defense pistol.
2)I want to carry iwb, I am a bigger guy 300lbs right now(down from 357!!!) I am looking at the Minotaur MTAC Holster or maybe the CrossBread Super Tuck Deluxe. any larger guys use these? is there another better option. I want to try and buy once. holster resale isnt the best!
3)should I polish the feed ramp? I have already ordered the stainless guide rod. dunno if I needed it but i got it. Probably before the gun too!
4)xs big dots, I want them, any reason why I shpouldn't? will the still fit the holster fine?
sorry for all the fng questions, but gotta start somewhere.
10-30-2010, 04:28 PM
Boys we're slacking here, a new guy makes a post and he has to wait 3 hours for a warm hearted welcome and a glad you found us??
I take full responsibility, let the team down once again.
You've come to a good place and lots of folks here eager to help if we can.
Far as your questions, since you already got the +P+ stuff I'd use it. I'd shoot some to see how it acts, where it hits and stuff and then not feed it a steady large dosage of it. I believe the Kahr can handle it. They are rated for +P but +P+ is it's own ball game.
I can't help ya on the big guy holster question. Not big enough, but bigger than I should be.
I totally love and endorse the XS sights, I have several sets and just love them. Not for everyone, some don't like em but everything is like that. I've never had any holster issues using them either.
Keep us posted on your new gun and range experiences. Don't let that new CW9 give you a false sense of security either. Them robberies can get ugly real fast and the best way to handle them is be someplace else. Course bad guys shouldn't dictate where you go and don't go either. So if your caught you gotta do what you gotta do. Be safe.
10-30-2010, 04:45 PM
sweet thanks, I really hope to be 250 by this time next year, damn cheese burgers! anyway's i carry alot already as far as when hunting/fishing/riding but usually a .22 for extermination. I ordered the gun then came home and talked to my wife. she also wants to take the ccw and I will probably get her a smith 642. i have been reading alot about ccw and it looks like a good belt is as big a staple as gun/ammo/holster so I am going to order one monday when The Belt Man opens.
on a side not about the xs should I order and install myself? I have ready that there were some problems with them. I guess I will have to wait until the gun gets here because there must be two differnt slide designs. I am super pumped about this purchase, did alot of research, some planning......dont you love it when a evil plan comes together!
10-30-2010, 04:59 PM
For ammo yes you can shoot plus P. Mine had trouble with Winchester ranger but golden sabers roll through like a knife through butter. Polishing the feed ramp is also highly recommended as well. Can't help you with holster though sorry.
10-30-2010, 05:34 PM
Have to look at the feed ramp when it gets here. Some are hard to improve upon and come from the mothership pretty nice. Others need a little help.
Far as self installing the XS sights, it's doable, I did mine. On some kahrs and others as well the sights can be bloody tight, I got pretty lucky on mine.
Wait, your talking CW so you got staked sights in front, not so difficult if XS makes a set for those. If they don't it won't be long before they do.
Your absolutely correct on the belt too. Part of the whole CCW package.
MW surveyor
10-30-2010, 05:41 PM
New guy myself, so welcome to you. Just bought the CW 9 about 10 days ago. Didn't have to wait for one here in Texas as my LGS had one in stock :).
I think that if you've read everything regarding what to do before you shoot it, you'll do well. Before you give the feed ramp a workover, take a good look at it. Mine came highly polished so I left it alone. Looks kind of strange though sitting off to the side.
You should be OK on the SD ammo. Sorry, can't help with the holster. I use a belt slide type both IWB and OWB. I use the larger slide as I like the grip/gun to sit lower near the belt line. Also wear at T shirt.
BTW - I weigh in at 210 and can pocket carry in my jeans! Using a pocket holster of course. Works pretty well in cargo pants/shorts as well.
10-30-2010, 08:10 PM
alright, guys i am pumped. i wish they had it in stock but they do not. on a side not I would like to say if you need/want a stainless guide rod look this guy up Steve Bedair Stainless Guide Rods for Handguns ( I found his link here on the forum, bought the rod about 12:30, had a email from him personaly by 2:00 thanking me and letting me know he would ship monday. pretty good in my book. what kinda holster do you guys carry?
10-30-2010, 08:13 PM
I`m not a particularly large man but Evel Kenievel would think twice about trying to jump across my ass.I have several Crossbreed holsters that run the gamut from my PM9 to my Browning Hi Power.They are excellent holsters that afford the wearer both comfort and concealment.A good product with a strong customer service department.The folks at Crossbreed are serious about customer satisfaction.Oh,welcome to the forum.
10-30-2010, 08:18 PM
I`m not a particularly large man but Evel Kenievel would think twice about trying to jump across my ass.I have several Crossbreed holsters that run the gamut from my PM9 to my Browning Hi Power.They are excellent holsters that afford the wearer both comfort and concealment.A good product with a strong customer service department.The folks at Crossbreed are serious about customer satisfaction.Oh,welcome to the forum.
Kneivel Jr's slowing down some, best we can do on short notice is Jocko. Build a ramp and let him inspect the landing area very carefully for dairy products and its go for the jump.
Maybe with some creative timing and ignition source we could do one of them explosions as he reaches the high point of his jump. Something to think about.
10-30-2010, 08:20 PM
alrighty thats what i like to hear, I really like to keep my money to the "small" guys, but always in america. I average 5 lbs a month so hopefully that 300 will be 250 then 200. not eatin blows though. I will check out the crossbreed really close....
10-30-2010, 08:25 PM
Kneivel Jr's slowing down some, best we can do on short notice is Jocko. Build a ramp and let him inspect the landing area very carefully for dairy products and its go for the jump.
Maybe with some creative timing and ignition source we could do one of them explosions as he reaches the high point of his jump. Something to think about.
Timing would be essential if the explosion could be triggered by lighting flatulence.It would be a crowd pleaser,I`ll bet.
10-30-2010, 08:27 PM
alrighty thats what i like to hear, I really like to keep my money to the "small" guys, but always in america. I average 5 lbs a month so hopefully that 300 will be 250 then 200. not eatin blows though. I will check out the crossbreed really close....
Your hooking up with the right people for sure. Lots of CrossBreed fans here and Steve Bedair is in contention for Sainthood around here. I too was impressed with the speed of his reply when I ordered a rod.
Now days with the shortage of quality and customer service ya gotta run with the guys that provide it.
You might also look at Tuckers Silent Thunder, that ones got a spell on me as we speak even though I'm really not in need, course a new holster is almost as nice as a new gun and way cheaper so maybe thats the draw.
I have trouble with the double hook setups, twisting trying to get things where they belong, so a single clip or a loop is more my style. I'm a OWB guy anyhow. Been experimenting with IWB again, used to carry that way, we'll see how it pans out.
10-30-2010, 08:36 PM
ya i have been looking at them, also toying of the idea of picking up a 10.00 ace. everyone whom has one seems to like it..but that is the case with all of them
10-31-2010, 12:10 AM
I'm similar in size to you, 6'5" and 340 lb. I need to find a good holster for my PM9. I have been looking at the crossbreed holsters as well, probably the supertuck deluxe. I'm planning to use it for weekend carry, usually with shorts. The qwikclip also looks interesting. For a smaller gun I think the single attachment would be enough.
10-31-2010, 06:05 AM
howdy and welcome
11-01-2010, 03:07 AM
Welcome aboard, and congrats on your purchase and weight reduction. I'm in the same wieght camp as you. I carry a CW40 and I love it. I carried before (another .40) but I never felt as confident as I have with my Kahr. Take your time and break it in. Use the cleaning directions that are posted here and everything will work as it should. Please update us with a range report!
11-01-2010, 05:54 AM
Welcome to Kahrtalk and congrats on a wise choice for CCW. I have several Crossbreed holsters and they do indeed work well. Dusty
11-10-2010, 06:42 AM
well its in!!!! i get to go it tonight. hopefully i can break it down and run it through the ringer tonight. I still have to make a decision on my holster.....whats the best place for mags? everything i find is around 40.00 shipped???
11-10-2010, 07:01 AM
unfortunately kahr mags are not cheap and ur price of $40 is about the norm. Stick with kahr mags though.
But before buying alot of extra stuff, mags, holsters etc, give the gun a good work out to confirm it is totally reliable and the gun you want to.
11-10-2010, 07:21 AM
thats a very good peice of advice. I figure saturday or sunday I will throw the 200 rounds break in down the pipe. if i have no problems then i plan to move on with the plan.....let hope no problems, but if there is I am sure kahr would take care of it. if not they will get the slide for nightsites asap.
11-10-2010, 08:30 AM
Hizzah for new guns.
11-10-2010, 08:36 AM
Congrats on the new gun the CW9 is a great carry weapon and a real fine shooter. Holes where you want holes to ne made.
The ace is a pretty good little hoster but is loose. I am of the school good guns deserve good holsters........
Crossbreeds are good holsters, i own one
This guy ( a good one too...... inexpensive and high quality, I have one
another one I own ( is a very good choice.
One of our guys ( nice work....I have one from him too
Good luck with the new weapon. Always Carry Never Tell
11-10-2010, 10:37 AM
Welcome to the asylum, I see you've met some of the inmates, no worries though as most play nice. As to the holster bit, I have and use the Ace Case, while it is a loose holster, your belt will fix that. I like the thing, and it works well for me. Just watch the sweat through if you're like me and sweat something fierce, especially in the summer. Sorry for the delay, I'm at work and don't get much free time.
11-10-2010, 10:23 PM
well got my pistol tonight. just spent the last hour racking slide, clean, lube, install Steve Bedair Stainless Guide rod, rack slide somemore, take apart mag, clean I am ready for some range time. hopefully saturday I will get to send a couple hundred down the range. i must say this thing feels great points so natural. I hope it prints good.
On a side note I was kinda angry when I opened the box. nice pistol all paperwork, cheap chinese trigger lock, I mean cumon, I am not gonna use it anyway but they an proud american company, could keep all peices here.....just seems kinda jankity.....
11-10-2010, 10:26 PM
this is the link I used to learn to field strip it. peice of cake. still working on that holster.
YouTube - Kahr Pistol Disassembly & Reassembly (
11-11-2010, 12:21 AM
Jankity??? Thats a new word for the day with kind of a nice ring to it.
Can you use it in a sentence.
I was planning to get lots of stuff done today but I felt kind of jankity, so I just laid around all day.
Sounds like you done all the right stuff. Hope that new baby runs real well for ya. Range report when it happens.
11-11-2010, 01:03 AM
Jankity: something thats messed up, cheep, crappy, broken, Not Up to standards.
11-11-2010, 06:24 AM
Jankity: something thats messed up, cheep, crappy, broken, Not Up to standards.
Well whatdayaknow. Jankity is an actual slang word that's in the Urban Dictionary. Hmm.. Now I feel old and uncool for not knowing the latest hip lingo. :(
JS, don't forget that range report once you get a chance to take out your new Kahr.
11-11-2010, 06:50 AM
Welcome to the forum. Best of luck with your new pistol.
11-11-2010, 09:55 AM
glad I could get your vocabulary updated some. on a side not that slide sure is stiff, my forearms actually hurt today from racking that thing 500 times. I just relized today that Durham Concealed Technology is from here in missouri. I think I am gonna give thim a shot, I will update when It arrives....
11-11-2010, 10:03 AM
Bawanna': "
I was planning to get lots of stuff done today but I felt kind of jankity, so I just laid around all day."
That's being kind of tough on yourself. How do you feel about that??
Rio Lobo
11-11-2010, 10:11 AM
To jshull,
For KAHR mags, check Bud's Gun Shop online:
Kahr Magazines (
Prices range from $23 - $29.
11-11-2010, 11:04 AM
Bawanna': "
I was planning to get lots of stuff done today but I felt kind of jankity, so I just laid around all day."
That's being kind of tough on yourself. How do you feel about that??
I didn't realize it was even a real word but the way I felt most of the day yesterday it fit pretty well.
Thanks Old Lincoln for the definition. My next job interview (heaven forbid) when they ask to describe myself I'll just say Jankity!
11-11-2010, 11:18 AM
I'm a Wampus Cat, fellers
11-11-2010, 12:07 PM
I work in the hvac repair biz, so jankity is my Favorite Politically correct term. On the mags, my gun shop ordered my two for 29.00 each. I messed with the new khar .380 last night, thats a little sucker.....maybe I need that......or a pm9....
11-11-2010, 01:10 PM
I work in the hvac repair biz, so jankity is my Favorite Politically correct term. On the mags, my gun shop ordered my two for 29.00 each. I messed with the new khar .380 last night, thats a little sucker.....maybe I need that......or a pm9....
29's a good price. Guy at our local gunshow sells most kahr mags for 30, best I've been able to find anywhere around us.
I think your definitely bit by the kahr or gun want/need bug. I'm sorry there's no cure that I'm aware of. My wife would like me to go to councilling but I don't think that would help neither.
My thought is a want creates a need. If you had a box of 380 shells laying around it makes perfect sense to buy a 380 to shoot them with.
11-11-2010, 02:45 PM
I have alot of 9mm. I got a smokin deal a couple years ago and bought wwb for 10.00 per hundred. not to long after that I got a deal on federal 50 round boxes for 6.00. needless to say i am very stocked. It was very hard for me not to be one of the guys capitalizing on ammo after obama hit office. at one point I saw it bringing a 1.00 a round on gunbroker for 115 grain ball....just got a price on the pm9 610.00 plus tax the p380 545.00 plus tax. so I got some thinking to do.
11-11-2010, 03:28 PM
29's a good price. Guy at our local gunshow sells most kahr mags for 30, best I've been able to find anywhere around us.
I think your definitely bit by the kahr or gun want/need bug. I'm sorry there's no cure that I'm aware of. My wife would like me to go to councilling but I don't think that would help neither.
My thought is a want creates a need. If you had a box of 380 shells laying around it makes perfect sense to buy a 380 to shoot them with.
My LGS sells Kahr mags for $22. I had to buy one for the PM45 after the theft. The idiot who broke in stole the CW9, but left the extra mag for it, and took the PM45 spare.
11-11-2010, 03:39 PM
wow $22 that is great to bad thats not local.
11-13-2010, 12:06 AM
I have both the PM9 and P380. If you want a pocket gun I prefer the P380, think of it like the mini me to your .45
The $545 +tax is a good price. My LGS are into bondage and rape. AZ is a gun owning state, and CCW guns are very popular with the new no permit CCW. The going rate for a P380 in stainless with standard sights is $649 +9.3% tax. I ordered mine from Buds and had it with the transfer for $560. I paid a lot for my PM9 with the DLC finish and night sights, but I only would've saved the sales tax buying online on that one.
11-13-2010, 12:53 AM
I just relized today that Durham Concealed Technology is from here in missouri. I think I am gonna give thim a shot, I will update when It arrives....
You will not be disappointed..........
11-13-2010, 10:45 AM
You will not be disappointed..........
Man I really wanna use that guy but I cannot get him to respond, I have tried email, and two phone calls, with messages both times. I am going to try again on monday, if not supertuck it is.....
11-14-2010, 09:41 AM
Hey jshull, before you try the CB supertuck, you might take a look at the Comp-Tac Minotaur. I have one (with C clips) for for my pm9 and really like it. The leather 'backing' makes it much smoother against the skin. Plus you can buy spare 'bodies' for other model guns and swap them out. I have a spare that fits my CZ PCR.
Inside Waistband Holsters - Minotaur Holsters - products new home - Minotaur MTAC Holster (
Comp-Tac ended my search for holsters. Oh BTW, welcome to Kahr Talk
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