View Full Version : at what position do you wear your iwb holster?
10-31-2010, 02:40 PM
just wanted to see wear everyone wears theres for best comfort and best concealment in everyday situations...
Most comfortable to me is 3 oclock, i tried 5oclock and when i bend down or over i can see the outline of it...i have the crossbreed minituck.
10-31-2010, 04:04 PM
nobody wants to put in there 2cents?
10-31-2010, 04:09 PM
I'll bite. I carry my PM9 in my front pocket 24/7. Not a fast draw area but again I do not dress to carry..
10-31-2010, 04:11 PM
what does that mean you dont dress for it? or you just dont like iwb holsters? thanks for your response
10-31-2010, 06:13 PM
He doesn't want to wear a shirt untucked or a vest or jacket to hide his gun. He can wear jeans and no shirt at all and head out.
IWB or OWB or anything else, there's gotta be some sort of covering garment.
I don't carry IWB enough to offer any valid input but when I do carry either IWB or OWB it's at 3-4 oclock, straight up, not much if any cant.
10-31-2010, 06:23 PM
IWB at about 4-4:30 with just a little forward cant. I want it just to the rear of my side, not adding to my width where it might show more.
Wynn :)
10-31-2010, 07:05 PM
I wear my P40 in a Crossbreed MiniTuck IWB at 3 or 3:30. Works pretty well for me and is comfortable. I did have a mishap where I didn't adjust the holster correctly after exiting my car. It wasn't close to 3 o'clock so it printed badly. I had a guy coming out of the Wawa that I was in stared at me when he was leaving :o
10-31-2010, 07:12 PM
I don't like IWB. I've tried all the holsters that other people say are comfortable, but I guess I'm not other people, because they aren't for me. That's why I like Kahrs for carry. I can drop it in my pocket [with a holster] and forget about it. With a jacket, I can cover almost anything, even my P220, but down here I can't depend on keeping a jacket on all day; maybe a couple of months a year at the most.
10-31-2010, 07:22 PM
One of my favorite ways is with "hidden holster" cell phone holder which helps conceall holster. Also IWB at 4:00
10-31-2010, 07:44 PM
I don't like IWB. I've tried all the holsters that other people say are comfortable, but I guess I'm not other people, because they aren't for me. That's why I like Kahrs for carry. I can drop it in my pocket [with a holster] and forget about it. With a jacket, I can cover almost anything, even my P220, but down here I can't depend on keeping a jacket on all day; maybe a couple of months a year at the most.
Dang, you could hide an AK47 under that pretty flowered shirt you had on in those pictures.
I just wear polos and tees, untucked... no problems with IWB carry. I'd try an ankle holster, but we can't open carry down here in Florida... wear shorts most of the year.
10-31-2010, 07:54 PM
well um always untucked so...
10-31-2010, 08:12 PM
Funny I guess how we're all different. I very seldom wear a shirt untucked. Evening around the house in sweat pants (wheelchair drivers favorite pants) and a T shirt, I still tuck it in.
Prior to be a wheeled person I never ever wore sweat pants and 99.7% of the time I wore a belt. This before there was really any need. No cell phones, and that sort of thing.
I stil never wear pants without a belt, even shorts and nearly always a tucked shirt.
When it gets warm I have a Woolrich vest (kind of like 511 but not quite so tactical looking) that I can pretty much wear anywhere.
11-01-2010, 01:30 AM
Dang, you could hide an AK47 under that pretty flowered shirt you had on in those pictures.
I just wear polos and tees, untucked... no problems with IWB carry. I'd try an ankle holster, but we can't open carry down here in Florida... wear shorts most of the year.
When I saw the shirt that Alda was wearing, I didn't feel quite so bad. His was worst than mine, if that's possible.
When I work, I wear a tee, or sweatshirt in the winter, with my company's name and logo, and always untucked. When not, it's usually jeans and an untucked golf shirt. I could wear a IWB w/o printing because I'm skinny, but they're still not comfortable. I have an ankle holster that will fit any of my Kahrs, but I can't get out of the car without banging it on the door sill.
11-01-2010, 02:06 AM
I don't use IWB only OWB and it stays at 9:00 (left handed) with a cant forward. I wear t-shirts or polo's uncovered. I would like to try a nice IWB, but I have refused to by a larger sized pair of pants for years. Just hoping that my next purchase would be for a smaller size. It hasn't ever worked out.
11-01-2010, 04:44 AM
I wear my PM9 and K40 at 3:30 - 4:00. Polos or Tees. Square tailed shirts if dressing up a little. I like to wear a Tee shirt under. Wears very well as long as I keep my weight down.
11-01-2010, 05:27 AM
About 3:30 in a Silent Thunder. The longer the grip, the more forward cant I need to conceal. Recently started pocket carry some days also. Front right side when I do that in a Desantis superfly.
I wear mine at 3:00 (MK9). I wear t-shirts or sweatshirts to work, untucked. I have to be careful with sweatshirts thought, cause I'm a little taller than your average bear so the waistband tends to ride up and if I'm not careful it'll show. I usually wear a t-shirt underneath and tuck it in (I have a shirt tuckable holster), and then the sweatshirt is on the outside. If it rides up, only the holster clip shows.
11-01-2010, 10:56 AM
I carry at 4:00 with IWB and on the belt. Can't pocket carry as I'm to small to fit even the
PM9 in there. I just picked up a c-tach
and find it very comfy for all day use.
11-01-2010, 11:44 AM
I carry my PM40 with CTL in my jeans front pocket in a Guru pocket holster. If I am headed out into the woods, I carry in a G&G on belt or paddle. I have not tried IWB but am pretty certain I would find it uncomfortable. Maybe down the road I'll break down and purchase a Rosen IWB for CTL, but not right now. I also have a fanny pack, but have not had reason to use it yet.
11-01-2010, 11:53 AM
I carry IWB and usually a tuckable holster that I keep between 4-430 to 6 o'clock. Hide all of mine that way. From a full sized 1911, and a 4" bbl 357 in the form of a Ruger GP-100, to my P45. Only time I don't carry there is my newest toy and it rides in the front pocket.
11-01-2010, 12:15 PM
I carry about 4-4:30. somewhere between my love handle and my butt cheek. any further back and it's uncomfortable to sit and any further up it digs into my side.
11-01-2010, 06:34 PM
Body configuration has a lot to do with what is right and comfortable. Wore 7-trees IWB for years with mdl#19 S&W 2+1/2 RB. Now I have a Ken Nulls, He took over for 7-trees when they stopped production. HIGHEST quality, expensive. I perfer on the hip forward cant. Proper IWB has far less to cover than OWB, BUT much more diffecult to reholster one handed. I, like Odell use a pocket holster with PM40 most of the time. Concealed carry is like life insurance, if you don't have it it maynot matter,BUT
11-01-2010, 07:32 PM
I do not have nearly as much experience as the many/most in this group and, as a result I do not chime in very often. I do believe in my personal experience from trial and error that concealed carry locations are strongly dictated by a person's personal build, style of dress and comfort of location. For me, I listed them in the order of importance. Although, I realized that the order will also vary according to individual. Keep in mind that even though I listed comfort last, it is very important, because if one isn't comfortable, then the firearm will eventually be left at home and not carried by many.
I am only 5'8" tall, about a 160lbs, broad shouldered, muscular build with a 29-30 inch waist. Not being a large framed individual, I am more limited than many and I do like to tuck my shirt in often, but also, my profession rarely affords me to go untucked. that said, I like to carry a P9 at the 5 o'clcock position in a high ride, pancake holster (quick access, very tight against my body so with my tapered upper body, no printing). I also carry a P380 in an ankle holster. That way if I go into an establishment were I plan to remove my jacket, etc. I can leave my P9 in the car and I am still armed.
In the summer, I mostly just carry my P380. The location varies on weather and attire. I could go on and on, which I feel like I already did and for that I am sorry, but my point is that I think everyone needs to find their own way and settle on what works from them. I approached this question very much like you when I started carrying. I got idea's from other people and tried many of them before I figured out what was best for me. Unfortunately, that can be costly due to various purchases of holsters, etc. that eventually get filed in a dresser drawer. Good luck to you and be safe!
11-01-2010, 08:14 PM
thanks for the replys...i almost got my card intil i changed my address like one day after they sent now i have to get a long does it take to get the permit after i send the duplicate app in?
11-01-2010, 08:48 PM
2 o'clock. Never tried it until another guy told me he carried there and it worked. He was a skinny guy like me.
I found that if I carry at 4 o'clock it don't work for me. Pants fall down. Wife says it's because my butt has disappeard since I've got old.
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