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10-31-2010, 08:36 PM
You fellas figured I'd space out and forget didn't ya! Just got my first trick or treaters, Cbob in plain sight 3 oclock straight up. No one noticed. I'm ok with that.

10-31-2010, 09:06 PM
Just got my first trick or treaters, Cbob in plain sight 3 oclock straight up. No one noticed. I'm ok with that.

That puts a whole new spin to the phrase "trick or treat"!

10-31-2010, 10:12 PM
Could be they all noticed. They just chalked it up to you being in costume. The absolute beauty of Halloween. Nearly anyone can get away with open carry in any city/state. Just suit up as any "character" that would normally carry a firearm. Can't say I recommend or have attempted this.

10-31-2010, 11:05 PM
Straight up awesome!!

Anvils Away : Coolest One (http://www.coolestone.com/media/895/Anvils_Away/)

10-31-2010, 11:17 PM
Aww man, how cool is that? That puppy really flew a long ways.

10-31-2010, 11:47 PM
Another crazy one. You know people how people say if you watch this video it will make you flinch or clench up.... yup, probably the first one that really ever has. Terrifying biker in russia supposedly. Probably a dead one by now...

YouTube - Black Devil - Moscow Ride on R1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XihQeZpwqpE&feature=player_embedded)#

11-01-2010, 01:15 AM
You fellas figured I'd space out and forget didn't ya! Just got my first trick or treaters, Cbob in plain sight 3 oclock straight up. No one noticed. I'm ok with that.

I went into WalMart this afternoon to score some 45, and there was a guy in the store with a 1911 on his hip. No one paid any attention.

11-01-2010, 05:59 AM
I went into WalMart this afternoon to score some 45, and there was a guy in the store with a 1911 on his hip. No one paid any attention.

Is Georgia an open carry state? Maybe they thought it was part of his costume?

11-01-2010, 11:58 AM
Could be they all noticed. They just chalked it up to you being in costume. The absolute beauty of Halloween. Nearly anyone can get away with open carry in any city/state. Just suit up as any "character" that would normally carry a firearm. Can't say I recommend or have attempted this.

I used to do this when Fort Worth had pioneer days down in the stock yards. Used to be real into single action cannons (44, 41 mag) and would open carry like that all through that time as we had a shop that was right there anyway. Only problem was the idiots that couldn't grasp the concept that mine weren't blanks, and kept challenging us to a "gunfight" in the streets. Then FTW said only the professional actors could wear costumes, and challenge each other. I followed that, (yea right).

11-01-2010, 12:47 PM
Is Georgia an open carry state? Maybe they thought it was part of his costume?

Georgia is open carry, but it's rare to see it except at a gun show or maybe a gun store.

11-01-2010, 02:03 PM
Well folks it's November and here is my gripe of the month...I have noticed that here in Atlanta there are small white cameras being installed everywhere I look...They are at nearly every intersection and are not trafic light cameras but surveillance cameras and since O'Dell lives here too he can attest to what I say...I recently saw an unmarked bucket truck installing one at an intersection and stopped to ask what they were for and who is watching us but the forman said he couldn't say who or what agency was in charge of the project and that he was only a contractor and told not to talk to anyone about what they were doing or why....Now the Georgia Dept of Transportation has cameras on the interstates to monitor traffic flow and watch for accidents but since their budget is so far in the red they couldn't possibly fund a project this big...I just want to know where the money is coming from and who is watching me and why...I think the money would be better spent inspecting every bit of cargo being shipped to the United States starting with any Arab companies doing business in this country and stop spying on citizens going about their business...:confused:....ok I'm done...

11-01-2010, 02:07 PM
This merits further research. Shouldn't that be public information? Is it only in a small area of all over the place?
I agree if there was actually any money to spend they should use it to profile, I mean inspect sheet heads incoming shipments.
This PC BS is gonna kill us all.

11-01-2010, 02:52 PM
No Bwann it's everywhere, not just high crime areas...I have tried to find out who is in control of this project but have been unable to get any answers...It looks to be a project funded by the unconstitutional and poorly named "Patroit Act" which gives the Homeland Security Agency ultimate control in the name of fighting terrorism and al-Qaida but in reality allows Big Government to invalidate and undermine our Constitutional rights....In searching for answers about this I found that Atlanta isn't alone in the public spying game....Chicago and Denver have projects doing this same thing all in the name of public safety so look for more large cities to dip into the tax payer funded Federal Stimulus Program and put up their own surveillance systems to watch over and "protect" you too.... I thought this money was to go for infrastructure repair and improvement projects?...well guess again folks...Big Government isn't here to protect us and make us safe but to use us and take our money at gunpoint and use it against us!!!... As has been said before, Any society that is willing to give up FREEDOM in the name of safety will soon have NEITHER!!!....Folks tomorrow is the day we can TAKE BACK AMERICA so whatever you do, get out and VOTE VOTE VOTE!!!!!!!!

11-01-2010, 03:01 PM
Well folks it's November and here is my gripe of the month...I have noticed that here in Atlanta there are small white cameras being installed everywhere I look...They are at nearly every intersection and are not trafic light cameras but surveillance cameras and since O'Dell lives here too he can attest to what I say...I recently saw an unmarked bucket truck installing one at an intersection and stopped to ask what they were for and who is watching us but the forman said he couldn't say who or what agency was in charge of the project and that he was only a contractor and told not to talk to anyone about what they were doing or why....Now the Georgia Dept of Transportation has cameras on the interstates to monitor traffic flow and watch for accidents but since their budget is so far in the red they couldn't possibly fund a project this big...I just want to know where the money is coming from and who is watching me and why...I think the money would be better spent inspecting every bit of cargo being shipped to the United States starting with any Arab companies doing business in this country and stop spying on citizens going about their business...:confused:....ok I'm done...

I seldom go to the downtown area except for the Arts Center and occasionally the Fox theater, so I haven't noticed. Up here in the Lawrenceville-Suwanee area, everything seems normal.

I think what you are suggesting would be considered 'profiling', right? We know that profiling is bad, don't we? I'd hate for them to miss the 80 year old grandmother terrorist or the 2 year olds carrying Uzis.

11-01-2010, 03:05 PM
Its been a long long time since I was this anxious to see election returns. I figured the last one was a simple given and there wasn't a thing to worry about. Boy did I miss that one. Theres a lot of stupid americans out there.
Alot of good things can happen tomorrow if common sense prevails.

My daughter asked me a while back to help her decide how to vote. I told her if you recognize the name vote for the other person, if you don't know either vote the republican, if it's a man versus a woman, vote for the man. Sorry TD2K.

Hopefully all will go well and if we survive another 2 years, maybe a chance if all goes well we can clean out the rest of the rats nest.

Vote Bawanna.

11-01-2010, 03:17 PM
Its been a long long time since I was this anxious to see election returns. I figured the last one was a simple given and there wasn't a thing to worry about. Boy did I miss that one. Theres a lot of stupid americans out there.
Alot of good things can happen tomorrow if common sense prevails.

My daughter asked me a while back to help her decide how to vote. I told her if you recognize the name vote for the other person, if you don't know either vote the republican, if it's a man versus a woman, vote for the man. Sorry TD2K.

Hopefully all will go well and if we survive another 2 years, maybe a chance if all goes well we can clean out the rest of the rats nest.

Vote Bawanna.

I'm going to do something tomorrow that I've never done before. Even though I'm a Liberterian, I going to pull the Republican lever just so I won't accidentally vote for a Democrat. Then if they win, I'm going to watch them like a hawk, to make sure they don't screw up like they did before. I'm hoping that they learned their lesson, but if not, it's time for a 3rd party.

Just One Shot
11-01-2010, 03:32 PM
I like pie!

11-01-2010, 03:45 PM
I'm going to do something tomorrow that I've never done before. Even though I'm a Liberterian, I going to pull the Republican lever just so I won't accidentally vote for a Democrat. Then if they win, I'm going to watch them like a hawk, to make sure they don't screw up like they did before. I'm hoping that they learned their lesson, but if not, it's time for a 3rd party.

Sounds like a good plan. The only problem I have with a third party is unless it's an overwelming favorite to everyone he just takes votes away from the lesser of two evils. It's happened many times.
They are all evil, they need to be watched like a hawk.

11-01-2010, 04:17 PM
Sounds like a good plan. The only problem I have with a third party is unless it's an overwelming favorite to everyone he just takes votes away from the lesser of two evils. It's happened many times.
They are all evil, they need to be watched like a hawk.

I agree up to a point, but we already know the Democratic agenda and if the republicans fail us, what choice do we have . Both the Republicans and Democrats were at one time 3rd parties. I don't think that the Liberterians are a viable choice. Although I agree with most of their tenets, except the isolationism that some espouse, they don't know how to get together and win an election. They are too individualistic to support a common cause, and to get them to agree is like herding cats. Maybe some form of the Tea Parties would work. At least they seem to be for less federal government, less spending, and lower taxes, all ideas that would be agreeable to most of us.

11-01-2010, 04:42 PM
Herman Cain has made veiled comments that he will run for President in 2012 and if so he has my vote already...It's high time we have a President that knows what it takes to run a successful buisness in charge of this Great Country instead of a carrear politician who's only job in life has been learning how to speak out of both sides of their mouth and campaign for election as our current Presbo has shown as his only job qualification....

11-01-2010, 04:55 PM
Herman Cain has made veiled comments that he will run for President in 2012 and if so he has my vote already...It's high time we have a President that knows what it takes to run a successful buisness in charge of this Great Country instead of a carrear politician who's only job in life has been learning how to speak out of both sides of their mouth and campaign for election as our current Presbo has shown as his only job qualification....

I know Herman, and although he's smart and capable, I don't think he is well known enough to make a successful presidential run as early as 2012. I would love to see him as the number two man on a ticket behind someone like Newt, and then possibly get his chance later. However He's over sixty and it couldn't be too much later.

MW surveyor
11-01-2010, 05:20 PM
Geez, I thought that this was going to be a "lighter" content type thread. And on that note: I watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show last night and I WANT MY 90 MINUTES BACK.

On a more serious note as per the book Animal Farm - Some animals are more equal than others.

11-01-2010, 05:29 PM
Lighter is good. Animals? All about the food chain.

I watched The Edge. The rabbit is indeed smarter than the panther. That Anthony Hopkins is a classic. I think I'll invite my boss over for dinner, certainly enough to feed the whole neighborhood.

On movie notes, anyone want to leave their manlyness behind a moment and tell me they enjoyed "The Notebook" with James Garner? It's getting more and more life like each time I see it.

11-01-2010, 05:46 PM
@Getsome: Have to disagree with you on this one. I figure we could have a physical cop on every corner but video is cheaper. I absolutely know I am observed when ever I leave my house. Somebody somewhere cannot help but see me, driving, walking, shopping, etc.

I can't find fault with anybody but me if I am seen scratching or picking. But if I'm beating the snot out of some poor little old lady to get her 73 cents out of her coin purse I hope I am seen and sent head first off the bridge into the dry river bed. Same goes for anybody else doing wrong, even if it's just trying to avoid being tracked by the black helicopters.

Consider it the TSA of First and Maple Streets, etc and get used to it.

11-01-2010, 05:56 PM
As for politics, I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!!! I've been a Republican since I was in Diapers and voted Republican every year since. For the last several years I've seen the GOP move away from my political values which have mellowed somewhat, but not become blooming liberal.

This year when some Tea Party types won the GOP nomination and the party refused to support them, instead touting NON-Republican candidates which ensures DEM victory and more seats in congress I'm downright ill with anger. It has become obvious they prefer losing a seat than supporting someone with Tea Party principles. This does not speak well for them, nor their future.

So, I am struggling with remaining GOP vs Independent. If I can still vote in Primaries for GOP, I'll leave and not look back. I remember Reagan saying he was Democrat for years until the party left him. That's how I feel and I'm ready for change I can believe in.

11-01-2010, 06:17 PM
Thats the problem, there's no viable third party. While I probably agree with alot of what the tea party folks are selling, they just aren't viable. So people like us that aren't real happy with the Republican ticket vote for an almost garanteed loser taking votes away from the republican ticket and putting the dems in office.
I think we need to revamp the whole checks and balances system, the lifer senators and congressmen are fandangling ways to circumvent the system and the resident of the white house doesnt care, he thinks he is the system.
I'd sure like to reincarnate Reagan for a term or two but I'm not sure even he could fix this mess.
I sure liked the way he thought about things.

11-01-2010, 06:20 PM
I see your point and don't get me wrong, I'm all for law and order and I know that sometimes cases have been solved using video evidence and thats great, but I guess it all comes down to not trusting big brother...Once he gets a foothold into your life he never backs down...I mean whats next, having video and audio monitors in your car and home to check on where and what you do? Well they already have that by the way...My GM truck came with onstar which has been used by law enforcement before to listen in on private conversations in an automobile so equipped without a warrent...Your telephone conversations, WiFi data, E-mails and even conversations on the street can be monitored...Some of those cameras that are watching you are also listening to what you say and you can be sure the FBI monitors web sites like this one and others looking for radical militia groups which per the 2nd amendment is legal as well as the right to free speach and against illegal search and seizures by government...If you ever want to prove to yourself how much your government distrusts you look into the Echelon program....You see our founding fathers knew a little bit about how out of control a governing body can get and thats why we have the Bill of Rights and I don't plan to give up any of mine without a fight....

11-01-2010, 06:31 PM
I am a conservative, a little to the right of Rush & that usually is closer to the Republican. However, as a pretty blonde with big teeth said on TV," The Republicans have a way of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory."

& I have already voted absentee ballot.

11-01-2010, 06:50 PM
Ok you asked and I have seen "The Notebook" a couple of times. Good story about loyalty if you ask me.

And now back to the political side of things, let me be the first to say "Bawanna for President in 2012".

11-01-2010, 06:57 PM
Here here and a big ole HERUMP for Bawanna 2012

11-01-2010, 08:05 PM
Here here and a big ole HERUMP for Bawanna 2012

Is a big ole HERUMP a good thing or a bad thing? I best start building me one of them platforms I reckon.
Start cleaning and airing out the white house, yall want to see change your gonna see things that ain't never been seen before.

11-01-2010, 08:09 PM
Is a big ole HERUMP a good thing or a bad thing? I best start building me one of them platforms I reckon.
Start cleaning and airing out the white house, yall want to see change your gonna see things that ain't never been seen before.

While I would enjoy seeing things I have never seen before, could they be some things I read about in US History back when they taught that in school? BTW, I am lobbying for the chief of staff job.

11-01-2010, 08:47 PM
the Edge was one good movie. What caliber was that pike Tony Baby used to bring down that grizzly? Who cares, he gottem with one uh.. shot? I especially like how he didn't just put down the wife stealer. He seemed to understand and was ready to leave them be but for the guy dieing and all.

Notebook (we have that one) does feel closer every year. I especially liked the remembrance of the early days. That's how I think of my wife and I, like when we were 25.

I was from a non-touchy feely family and my wife was. Before we got married I told her I may not be the huggy type as time goes on and she said she would just shrivel up and die if I don't hug her all the time. Inside this grouchy ole sop was a huggy bear just waiting to get out.

I saw on Castle the other night... "How do you know when you are in love?" "When the songs begin to make sense." Same for romantic comedy movies. Out of the 150 or so DVD's we have, probably 100 are romantic comedy.

More good movies include: "The Gift", "August Rush" and many many more. A lot of folks haven't heard of these but catch them if you get a chance.

11-01-2010, 08:52 PM
Your right I never heard of them movies but I'll look for em.

I really liked it when Anthony answers what he's gonna do. I'm gonna kill the mo fo. Nobody could have said it better. What one man can do another can do.

Oh well.

mr surveyor
11-01-2010, 10:30 PM
we need to fumigate the white house, then stand Ronald Reagan's coffin up in the Oval Office for the next two years. He could still run the country better than the scum in washington, even in death.

Bawanna 2012

(and I still haave dibs on being the Karh Czar...... the big fat gubment paycheck would be nice for 8 years:D)


11-01-2010, 10:44 PM
we need to fumigate the white house, then stand Ronald Reagan's coffin up in the Oval Office for the next two years. He could still run the country better than the scum in washington, even in death.

Bawanna 2012

(and I still haave dibs on being the Karh (Kahr ) Czar...... the big fat gubment paycheck would be nice for 8 years:D)


fixed it for ya'

11-01-2010, 10:49 PM
I see your point and don't get me wrong, I'm all for law and order and I know that sometimes cases have been solved using video evidence and thats great, but I guess it all comes down to not trusting big brother...Once he gets a foothold into your life he never backs down...I mean whats next, having video and audio monitors in your car and home to check on where and what you do? Well they already have that by the way...My GM truck came with onstar which has been used by law enforcement before to listen in on private conversations in an automobile so equipped without a warrent...Your telephone conversations, WiFi data, E-mails and even conversations on the street can be monitored...Some of those cameras that are watching you are also listening to what you say and you can be sure the FBI monitors web sites like this one and others looking for radical militia groups which per the 2nd amendment is legal as well as the right to free speach and against illegal search and seizures by government...If you ever want to prove to yourself how much your government distrusts you look into the Echelon program....You see our founding fathers knew a little bit about how out of control a governing body can get and thats why we have the Bill of Rights and I don't plan to give up any of mine without a fight....

If you carry a modern cell phone with GPS, you can already be tracked.

As far as the FF and the Bill of Rights are concerned, if I remember correctly, the B of R was forced on them by the states. The states refused to ratify the Constitution until the 1st ten amendments [Bill of Rights] were added.

11-01-2010, 11:11 PM
Thats the problem, there's no viable third party. While I probably agree with alot of what the tea party folks are selling, they just aren't viable. So people like us that aren't real happy with the Republican ticket vote for an almost garanteed loser taking votes away from the republican ticket and putting the dems in office.
I think we need to revamp the whole checks and balances system, the lifer senators and congressmen are fandangling ways to circumvent the system and the resident of the white house doesnt care, he thinks he is the system.
I'd sure like to reincarnate Reagan for a term or two but I'm not sure even he could fix this mess.
I sure liked the way he thought about things.

I think I started this 3rd party thing, and I advanced the idea ONLY if the Republicans fail us again. If we can't trust either the Democrats or the Republicans, and I'm not saying that's a given yet, what other choice is there. We either give up or support another party. The Libertarians aren't viably because they can't or won't organize. As far as the tea partiers are concerned, and I'm not one yet, to me they represent the core values with which we grew up. Since this is still a center-right country, the majority of the people should recognize and identify with these values.

The Democrats have already failed us, and if the Republican try to tax and spend the nation into oblivion too, we must have an alternative, and at least the tea parties are semi-organized.

11-01-2010, 11:15 PM
Geez, I thought that this was going to be a "lighter" content type thread. And on that note: I watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show last night and I WANT MY 90 MINUTES BACK.

On a more serious note as per the book Animal Farm - Some animals are more equal than others.

Well, if the thread is going to movies, I'll have to drop out. I hate movies and haven't watched one in years.

11-01-2010, 11:42 PM
Saw this the other day in Durham, NC. Seems like a nice pizza challenge!


11-01-2010, 11:43 PM
Heart attack included with a side of stroke.

The infamous Krispy Kreme (donut chain) cheeseburger at our state fair this past year.


11-01-2010, 11:44 PM
You gonna watch the one staring your restaurant and what's her name? When I first retired I watched a lot of movies to get away from the job. I'm funny in that I can watch a good movie (e.g.; "Hunt for Red October") countless times. Problem is that out of all our movies I have a dozen or so favorites that I choose from. Plan to watch them all again in alpha order someday - probably when this gun stuff wears thin. Also like books. Fortunately BIL has hundreds and I still have a few to go.

O'Dell, besides polishing guns, what do you like to do?

Switching gears again.... I know a lot of you re-load. I'm not crazy about doing the reloading, but know if I could get 45 ammo for 5 cents a round I'd be more likely to shoot it. So, for not becoming a hobby, is it really cheaper to re-load - starting from scratch?

11-01-2010, 11:46 PM
Saw this the other day in Durham, NC. Seems like a nice pizza challenge!

Might work out if they don't charge $150 for the pizza!!

11-01-2010, 11:47 PM
And last for the day, saw this is the Bubba's Bar-b-que joint in North Charlotte today. Thought it was pretty funny. Unfortunately, I ended up peeing on my head. Apparently I am still a boy....



11-02-2010, 12:08 AM
Well, if the thread is going to movies, I'll have to drop out. I hate movies and haven't watched one in years.

The recent new movie star hates movies! Whats with that? It beats the heck out of reality most of the time, course I don't got a restaurant with your beautiful waitress's and girlfriend. Maybe your reality is better than mine.
Course I still treat my wife like a queen so maybe I'm off the mark here.

11-02-2010, 12:12 AM
Switching gears again.... I know a lot of you re-load. I'm not crazy about doing the reloading, but know if I could get 45 ammo for 5 cents a round I'd be more likely to shoot it. So, for not becoming a hobby, is it really cheaper to re-load - starting from scratch?

Its cheaper to reload if you have brass. I get brass anyway I can or buy factory, shoot it once and then reload after that. I don't think it pays to buy brass and all the components.
You'll never see reloaded 45 ammo for 5 cents around I'm afraid. I've been meaning to break it down again and see what it actually does cost.
Still gotta be way cheaper than factory.

11-02-2010, 01:46 AM
You'll never see reloaded 45 ammo for 5 cents around I'm afraid. I've been meaning to break it down again and see what it actually does cost. Still gotta be way cheaper than factory.
I'm talking about .45 target ammo which just cost me .46 per round for 500rds (Federal American Eagle 230gn). I saw or read something saying it cost $250 min for tools and equipment just to start. That's a little more than 500 rounds costs on-line.

If I saved .25 ea., I'd need to produce 1000 rounds to break even on my equipment. That actually doesn't sound too bad. Now if I found a local buddy with pretty good equipment that would teach me and charge me .05 per round to use his equipment I could still save .20 per round. Now that's worth looking into.

Waddya think?

11-02-2010, 06:14 AM
On these reloading costs. I have looked at that real hard and for me it comes down to how often you shoot and how many rounds do you typically shoot per session. For me, if I train twice a month and shoot 100 rounds per session, I don't think the savings are worth the time, effort and cost of the equipment. Now if I were retired, I might feel differently about it the time factor involved and may welcome another hobby to replace career. Just my .02

11-02-2010, 08:05 AM
if it's a man versus a woman, vote for the man. Sorry TD2K.


The next Governor of Oklahoma is guaranteed to be a woman. The 2 broads have been duking it out for months now.

MW surveyor
11-02-2010, 08:37 AM
It is cheaper by a whole lot to reload. Minimum savings would be closer to 50% or more. For example, reloading for 38 special,

cases - zero - either range pickups or my own previously fired factory.
bullets - 6 to 10 cents each depending on whether lead or jacketed
primers - 3 cents
powder - 1.5 cents (this is the cheapest component - 1 lb of powder is 7000 grains, I normally use between 2.8 and 5.5 grains per round depending on type of finished round I want.)
maximum cost 14.5 cents per round (minimum of 9.5 cents), cheapest 38 special is 16 to 17 dollars per 50 or 34 cents per round. So nearly 2/3 the cost of factory to reload using semi jacketed and fully 2/3 the cost for using lead.

I started reloading in June and have since put 1400 rounds of reloaded 38 and 357 through my SP 101. The equipment has paid for itself just in the 38 special rounds. Now starting to reload for the 9 mm. The dies for the 9mm will be "paid for" in about 300 rounds of reloaded ammo.

YMMV but it works for me. Presently have over 250 rounds of 38 and 357 ready to go to the range. I shoot just about every week when I can. I am definately better now than when I started.

11-02-2010, 10:12 AM
Ha. The 60's...

So misunderstood thye were....

It was a hot Saturday evening in the summer of 1961, and Fred had a date with Peggy Sue.

He arrived at her house and rang the bell. 'Oh, come on in!' Peggy Sue's mother said as she welcomed Fred in..

'Have a seat in the living room.
Would you like something to drink? Lemonade? Iced tea?'

'Iced tea, please,' Fred said. Mom brought the iced tea.

'So, what are you and Peggy planning to do tonight?'
she asked.

'Oh, probably catch a movie and then maybe grab a bite to eat at the malt shop, maybe take a walk on the beach..'

'Peggy likes to screw, you know,' Mom informed him.

'Really?' Fred replied, his eyebrows rising.

'Oh yes,' the mother continued 'When she goes out with her friends, that's all they do! Screw, again and again !!'

'Is that so?' asked Fred, incredulous.
'Yes,' said the mother. 'As a matter of fact, she'd screw all night if we let her!'

'Well, thanks for the tip!' Fred said as he began
thinking about alternate plans for the evening.

A moment later, Peggy Sue came down the stairs
looking pretty as a picture, wearing a pink blouse and
a hooped skirt, and with her hair tied back in a bouncy ponytail. She greeted Fred.

'Have fun, kids!' the mother said as they left.

Two hours later, a completely disheveled Peggy Sue
burst into the house and slammed the front door behind her.

'The Twist, Mom!' she angrily yelled to her mother in the kitchen. 'The damn dance is called the Twist !!!'

11-02-2010, 11:46 AM
Shifting to the lighter side...Movies, my younger son wanted to see Jacka$$ 3D so we went friday night and I gotta say it was crazy funny and I hurt myself laughing at those stupid stunts they did...It made 50 million the first week so I gotta think I'm in the wrong line of work...On Sunday we went to see Hereafter and it was really good, If it doesn't win the best picture award it will have to win best director for Clint Eastwood....Now for reloading...I got into it due to the ammo shortage and it is somewhat expensive to buy all the equipment but I now enjoy loading while watching TV or listening to a ball game on the radio so its more of a hobby for me but there are ways to start off with less money... try pawn shops for used equipment and save a bunch that way and the equipment will last forever and all the manufacturers will warranty any part that ever fails or is missing...As for saving money, I haven't reached the break even point but I still enjoy rolling my own and so I don't think about the cost so much as how much I enjoy seeing rounds I put together match or beat high dollar factory ammo...

11-02-2010, 12:01 PM

The next Governor of Oklahoma is guaranteed to be a woman. The 2 broads have been duking it out for months now.

I'm dead! Didn't even notice but I'm dead.
Sorry TD2K, I love you. I'll wait for ya on the other side.

11-02-2010, 12:09 PM
I'm talking about .45 target ammo which just cost me .46 per round for 500rds (Federal American Eagle 230gn). I saw or read something saying it cost $250 min for tools and equipment just to start. That's a little more than 500 rounds costs on-line.

If I saved .25 ea., I'd need to produce 1000 rounds to break even on my equipment. That actually doesn't sound too bad. Now if I found a local buddy with pretty good equipment that would teach me and charge me .05 per round to use his equipment I could still save .20 per round. Now that's worth looking into.

Waddya think?

Saving 40 or 50 % is realistic. The cost of all the components as grown astronomically just like loaded ammo. Like Getsome says there's lots of used reloading equipment out there that last forever. Many buy all the stuff and then for whatever reason they don't use it and get rid of it, I got alot of my stuff that way. In fact I have a spare Rockchucker single stage press that I'll donate to your cause. I think I got a spare powder measure and maybe a scale.
I'll try to do a break down this evening adding up all the components and see what it works out too.
You can cut cost more making your own bullets but more and more ranges are not allowing lead bullets and that casting is another whole new ball game I never had any interest in. I only load practice ammo and never carry reloaded ammo so as long as I can make it comparable to factory in the way it shoots and hits I'm good with whatever I can find for bullets.

11-02-2010, 12:13 PM
I'm dead! Didn't even notice but I'm dead.
Sorry TD2K, I love you. I'll wait for ya on the other side.

WHICH side......;)

11-02-2010, 12:14 PM
Just for grins, I get guys all the time that want to load hunting rifle rounds. Want to buy the whole setup and dont target shoot or anything, barely bother to sight in. Use maybe 10 rounds a year if that. Not gonna save any money reloading 10 rounds a year.

I gotta reload, each range trip with 1 son always and sometimes both will burn 400 to 600 rounds of 45 and usually lots of 22. I laugh when my wife sees I gotta box of 500 bullets, she'll say that ought to last ya awhile now. Yeah, they'll be gone sunday but we're good till then.
When we got bullets we shoot, when the gas tank is full we drive, if not we stay home and watch the grass grow.

11-02-2010, 12:30 PM
WHICH side......;)

I shouldn't answer this since I'm already dead but I referred to the other side of the river, lower side of the grass. Hopefully the good place and not the hot bad place but I know people in both so I won't be alone.

11-02-2010, 12:38 PM
Ok, impatience won over again. I did a break down, ball park, down and dirty and math ain't my strong suit, never got along well with numbers. But the way I figure this is close, buying bulk. This is for 45ACP.
I found FMJ 230gr 45 bullets for 116$ per 1000, could save more buying like 4000. So 12cents a bullet.
Primers are 30.99 per 1000 at Midway so 3 cents a primer.
Win 231 powder is 20.00 a lb, this is a swag but I'm sure I can load at least 2000 per pound, probably more so this is around 1 or 2 cents a round.
I didn't even figure in brass since thats the most expensive component and when I did this years ago it was cheaper to buy factory and then reload. That may be different now with ammo prices but you can beg brass or pick it up at the range from guys that don't reload.
So we have
or 17 cents a around or round up to 20 to be safe. So we've hit the 50 percent savings and then some in most cases. Course time has to be free and the equipment isn't factored in but it will pay for itself if you shoot enough. And it can be enjoyable and fun and rewarding which is worth something too.

11-02-2010, 01:16 PM
The recent new movie star hates movies! Whats with that? It beats the heck out of reality most of the time, course I don't got a restaurant with your beautiful waitress's and girlfriend. Maybe your reality is better than mine.
Course I still treat my wife like a queen so maybe I'm off the mark here.

Well, probably hate was too strong a word. Basically, I simply don't have time to watch them. I can't even watch a one hour NCIS [the only TV show I like] without thinking of all the things I would rather or I need to be doing, let alone a 2 hour+ movie.

As far as reality is concerned, I'm pretty happy with my life right now. I just wish the aftermath of this movie would go away. We've been on all the local news shows in the last few days, and I was suppose to be on "Good Morning Atlanta" with Vickie this morning, but when I found out that they wanted us in the studio at 5:00, I canceled.

11-02-2010, 01:24 PM
Maybe you should send me your autograph before the lines start getting too long. 5 AM. Not this kid, I don't do early either.

11-02-2010, 01:33 PM
I guess you need to hire a publicist or agent to help with your busy schedule and make appointments consistent with your daily routine.

11-02-2010, 08:44 PM
Is Taylor Swift ruining country music? Or should I be happy that young people are turning to country music and away from other deviant forms of noise like gangsta rap? I'm perplexed as to her popularity. I just saw her live and she can't carry a tune in a bucket. Thank God there's now voice effects in studios nowadays.

11-02-2010, 09:05 PM
As for politics, I'm mad as hell and not going to take it anymore!!! I've been a Republican since I was in Diapers and voted Republican every year since. For the last several years I've seen the GOP move away from my political values which have mellowed somewhat, but not become blooming liberal.

This year when some Tea Party types won the GOP nomination and the party refused to support them, instead touting NON-Republican candidates which ensures DEM victory and more seats in congress I'm downright ill with anger. It has become obvious they prefer losing a seat than supporting someone with Tea Party principles. This does not speak well for them, nor their future.

So, I am struggling with remaining GOP vs Independent. If I can still vote in Primaries for GOP, I'll leave and not look back. I remember Reagan saying he was Democrat for years until the party left him. That's how I feel and I'm ready for change I can believe in.

For " Old Lincoln " With the Silent Thunder Holster for your PM9...I've noticed pic's displayed here in forum that seems to show retention screws extending beyond holster " facing body " side of this IWB holster... Any Comments?

I'm considering purchasing this holster for my PM9

mr surveyor
11-02-2010, 10:33 PM
a good friend of mine (actually his Dad iscloser to my age, and is one of my hunting buds) was Taylor's banjo player when she first started her road career. When she started "going hollywood", Ben decided it was time to go his own way. His politically motivated video (google "teachnor and clark") has been promoted pretty well, but they couldn't get "big studio" to record and promote it until January, so he and his friends did it all by themselves. For those of you that get the NRA-ILA email updates you may have noticed that they plugged Ben's video again this week. Ben and his younger sisters Penny and Katie (aka "the twins") will make it big some day. The best part of it is they are 100% country kids, raised on the farm. Ben is just as much at home slugging his way through a muddy river bottom hunting hogs as he is in the office of the president of the recording company, and the girls can hit the pea field and outpick anyone.... for that matter, you can put any stringed instrument in their hands and they can outpick the majority of musicians.

Thanks for bringing up Taylor Swift again so I would have an excuse to promote my buddy (Banjo) Ben Clark one more time.


11-02-2010, 11:18 PM
I'll check out your friend.. Always looking for good music. Honest to God, I was walking by the TV tonight and the wife had Dancing with the Stars on and there was Taylor singing her new hit single and she was so badly flat I couldn't even listen to it. I sure hope she gets some mileage soon cuz that teeny-bopper voice of hers makes me crazy. She has no power when compared to a real singer like Rebba M. or LeAnn R. or any number of the new younger singers.

11-03-2010, 01:35 AM
For " Old Lincoln " With the Silent Thunder Holster for your PM9...I've noticed pic's displayed here in forum that seems to show retention screws extending beyond holster " facing body " side of this IWB holster... Any Comments?

I'm considering purchasing this holster for my PM9The pics aren't mine, but by PhotoShooter of his rig. I don't know why he adjusted his retention so tight, but the screws on mine don't come close to the end of the retainers. Going IWB adds the press of your belt to the holsters retention so you really don't need a lot.

When you get yours, you can adjust it as tight as you like. If the screws were to poke through to the other side, Rob Longnecker will get you shorter screws. For me, I barely snug them down and more makes it too tight to draw.

You're gonna love your ST.

11-03-2010, 08:52 AM
I can't believe this one! It's kind of risqué or bawdy but "clean". :D

The audience's faces and expressions are terrific, especially the "princess-looking" lady.

They Call Her the Crusher (http://www.bitoffun.com/video_vault/call-her-crusher.html)

11-03-2010, 01:55 PM
Where o where o where is Jocko?

Gotta be getting chilly back there, he get on that scooter and ride off again?

11-03-2010, 05:42 PM
I can't believe this one! It's kind of risqué or bawdy but "clean". :D

The audience's faces and expressions are terrific, especially the "princess-looking" lady.

They Call Her the Crusher (http://www.bitoffun.com/video_vault/call-her-crusher.html)


11-03-2010, 05:58 PM
Favorite line from Young Frankstein...Dr Frankenstein to Inga "What Knockers" Inga: "Oh thank you doctor"............I wonder is those things come with a road hazzard blow out warranty

11-07-2010, 07:17 AM
Bawanna50cal can't post until May 2011?????
How about signing on with a new name Bawanna40cal comes to mind, no one would know and he could revert to 50cal in May?

11-07-2010, 02:43 PM
Hi, this is bawanna50cal, I'm kind of new at this and wanted to say hi!
This is my 4,002 post.
I linked up with Spider Tattoo at our local gunshow, nice fellow, fine looking gentlemen, very official looking with the badge and security stuff. Perhaps not quite as handsome as myself but close maybe. He had a tiny bit of hair on his head so the felt pen I brought wouldn't have been effective. While he did remove his hat, he didn't seem cooperative with the line idea and since I didn't bring my lunch I didn't want to push it. Safety first!

Wasn't a bad show, lots of stuff to look at that I couldn't afford as usual. I did get a couple boxes of 45 Gold dot at 33$ a copy so at least I have a little defensive fuel again.
I tried to find a couple un messed with Tommy gun stick mags without success but time is on my side on that one. Still fun to wander around and want..........there is no cure.

11-07-2010, 08:08 PM
Continueing along the lines of reloading and female singers: I paid for my Dillon press the first year I had it. Loaded about 10,000 rounds and it does pay to reload. You don't save a lot of money, you just shoot a lot more. They say practice makes perfect so I must be getting a lot closer to Bawanna's level of expertise.
On female singers: Sarah Evans gets my vote way above that 19 year old kid. Ole Patsy has been gone for years and still selling records to those old enough to appreciate good country music. These young kids today ain't country, just noise. With all the ear rings and bling ( and that's the boys), they wouldn't know real country if it ran over 'em in downtown Nashville.

11-07-2010, 10:30 PM
Amen bro!! Patsy and me go way back! Sometimes when I'min the dumps, it's better to swim to the bottom and get over it, which she can lead the way. I think some of the new ones have the equipment just not the heart nor inclination. They'd rather be rich, the dang fools.

I spent time going through tons of reloading ads and decided I need to do it, but not for a few months, and then need to buddy up with someone as an apprentice, you know handle the lead breathing and broom pushing parts 'till they let me hold the bullet tray. All the wax-on, wax-off stuff. I idea is to help them as they help me.

Some day I may know how to do this stuff and practice loading with them. Then perhaps get my own used but not worn out equipment. What I've heard around here is so many have gotten into it that there's not many bargains around.

11-07-2010, 11:07 PM
Any one remember Reba singing Sweet Dreams at a country music award show a few years ago. No instruments, all vocal. Brought the house down. I don't hear for beans but I heard enough to know that it was phenomenal and if theres a present day female in Patsy's caliber its Reba.

Old Lincoln, as far as reloading goes, you can do it and we can help.

11-07-2010, 11:10 PM
Continueing along the lines of reloading and female singers: I paid for my Dillon press the first year I had it. Loaded about 10,000 rounds and it does pay to reload. You don't save a lot of money, you just shoot a lot more. They say practice makes perfect so I must be getting a lot closer to Bawanna's level of expertise.
On female singers: Sarah Evans gets my vote way above that 19 year old kid. Ole Patsy has been gone for years and still selling records to those old enough to appreciate good country music. These young kids today ain't country, just noise. With all the ear rings and bling ( and that's the boys), they wouldn't know real country if it ran over 'em in downtown Nashville.

I don't think I've ever seen Bawanna and the word expertise in the same sentence before. Its really rather frightening.
Your absolutely right though in that you really don't save, you just shoot more. I also notice it knocks you over when you buy a box of store bought shells hardly ever.
I looked at new pick up trucks a few years ago, thought I was gonna need CPR. Salesman said I needed to buy a new truck more often so I would get hit with sticker shock so bad. Never owned a new truck, probably never will but I still get sticker shock.

11-08-2010, 07:16 AM
Any one remember Reba singing Sweet Dreams at a country music award show a few years ago. No instruments, all vocal. Brought the house down. I don't hear for beans but I heard enough to know that it was phenomenal and if theres a present day female in Patsy's caliber its Reba.

YES!!!! I love love LOVE her.

(in a non-lesbo sorta way)

11-08-2010, 10:20 AM
Well TD2K, my mind hadn't gone there, until you brought it up. The jury's gonna be out on that for a while.

11-08-2010, 10:24 AM
Well jlott, you can send the jury home. TD2k has accepted my recent marriage proposal so I can totally justify that she normal or as close to normal as anyone can determine in this current stage of affairs.
She's of course made me the happiest man alive. Your of course all invited when dates and locations are confirmed. I was thinking of having Mr. TD2k be my best man, seems like the right thing to do.

11-08-2010, 10:25 AM

11-08-2010, 10:25 AM
and I'm sure the Mr. would be honored.

11-08-2010, 10:33 AM
Now tell me again just how big an ole boy the Mr. is?

Good morning sweets, I'm humming Charlie Pride tunes (Kiss and Angel Good Morning) and my coworkers are wondering what I'm up too. Its good to make them wonder.

11-08-2010, 11:41 AM
he's a biggun. 6'4" 305. and a PoPo :D

but I'm sure he won't mind. If it makes ME happy, then he's fine with it. hehehehe

11-08-2010, 12:06 PM
I better bring my lunch just in case I catch him on an off day. I'll bring credentials too maybe not beat me quite so bad.

11-08-2010, 12:19 PM
Good idea

11-08-2010, 12:20 PM
wait.....does this mean I get more jewelry?!?!?!?!?!?!

11-08-2010, 12:25 PM
Well I thought AR build parts were at the top of your desire list but yes, jewelry would seem appropriate.

I'll include this in my book, doesnt take long to turn material.

11-08-2010, 12:29 PM

11-08-2010, 12:39 PM
Ok, that just got ya a nice 1911 and an emerald necklace with matching earrings.

11-08-2010, 12:43 PM
Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ssssssssssssssssss

11-08-2010, 02:35 PM
Well when you love birds get through planning the upcoming events, we need to get busy and see if we can help Old Lincoln get into the reloading scheme of things. I'm gonna check on ebay and see if any loader bargains are to be had and put in another Sarah or Reba tape while I look. Get back to ya when I get some info - good or bad.

11-08-2010, 02:52 PM
Well I got a RCBS Single Stage Rockchucker I'll donate to the cause. I may have a powder measure and just maybe a scale. If I have a set of dies they probably are not carbide so I'd not even offer those.
I'll have to look some, press for sure.
Are we loading 45? Anything else?

11-08-2010, 04:16 PM
I've been approved and cleared to attend SHOT in Vegas in January because I play a part in buying guns and ammunition and accessories for the dept here. 3 officers who are instructors are also approved. This is approved by SHOT, not the dept. Apparently it's not open to the public and they are tightening down who they allow in. Should be a veritable who's who of everything gun related and also the 100th anniversary of the 1911 so everyone will have commemoratives.

Sooooo, why don't I really want to go. Am I sick or what?

11-08-2010, 06:35 PM
Don't know about sick. No thermometer handy. :D But I have heard you say you're unstable, unpredictable and slightly touched. Maybe that explains it? :confused:

11-08-2010, 06:49 PM
Could be it. Definitely could be it.

Flying, crowds, lines, not being able to hear Bill Wilson or Les Bauer or Frank Brownell tell me how dang good looking I am.
All in a town where anything goes with no gun since I'd have to fly. No guns allowed in the show, I'm told all the guns in the show have to have the firing pin removed or rendered not functional, go figure on that one.

Ok, I still dont think I want to go.

11-08-2010, 07:27 PM
I wouldn't want to go either. Just the flying and the crowds would keep me away. Factor in the violation of your 2nd amendment rights and it's definitely noooo..

I think it's just plain crazy at the gun shows around here, you can't carry in a loaded weapon. You can buy a gun there and ammo too. Unloading and securing your ccw piece is supposed to make you safer??

11-08-2010, 08:01 PM
I wouldn't want to go either. Just the flying and the crowds would keep me away. Factor in the violation of your 2nd amendment rights and it's definitely noooo..

I think it's just plain crazy at the gun shows around here, you can't carry in a loaded weapon. You can buy a gun there and ammo too. Unloading and securing your ccw piece is supposed to make you safer??

I can see it at a gun show. There are many folks looking that are far short of a full deck. I absolutely cringe when I see guys just randomly grabbing stuff and holding it knowing full well they are just playin, don't have the money to buy the grips off it let alone the whole gun.. Just rude.
The issue is when they decide they want to try a holster for fit. Sooo there would be lots of guys loading and unloading or forgetting and fitting a loaded gun. I can see tieing guns shut at a show where you might buy something for it. You can't buy anything at SHOT but I think the management has the same worries, don't want a discharge in a crowd like that with an annual show that big.

11-08-2010, 08:23 PM
Valid points all. It just seems kinda silly at first blush to tie up your guns at a show when you can get all you'd need for bad behavior right there. Never thought of the holster angle. Good point but then that's why you're the Bawanna....LOL

11-08-2010, 08:40 PM
If Old Lincoln is still interested, there is a Dillon Square Deal B loader on ebay, set up for .40, that is currently going for $212.50. That and a set of .45 dies will just hit $300.00. I have 2 of 'em and they are great presses.

Whada ya think Bawanna, is this a deal???

I still like Sarah and Jesse and Reba better than that kid.

11-09-2010, 12:06 AM
If Old Lincoln is still interested, there is a Dillon Square Deal B loader on ebay, set up for .40, that is currently going for $212.50. That and a set of .45 dies will just hit $300.00. I have 2 of 'em and they are great presses.

Whada ya think Bawanna, is this a deal???

I still like Sarah and Jesse and Reba better than that kid.

Well I've heard that the Square Deal B was a good press. Sounds like a decent price. I'm wondering about starting out with a progressive. I've been loading for 25 years or so and only a few months ago went progressive. Granted I should have done it 15 years ago but I got along fine with a single stage. I went with the Hornady and it's a great press.
I guess we need Old Lincoln to share his life style, how much he shoots, how much time he has to reload. If he tries it and enjoys it he can always do like most others and upgrade as he goes along. The progressives are nice if you just load one caliber and stick with one recipe and just feed it and crank the handle. Once you got it set up, just check stuff now and then and keep going.
Any other ideas guys. I can send him down an extra single stage press I got, along with whatever duplicate stuff I got. Give it a try and then advance to a progressive if he likes it...........

11-09-2010, 07:45 AM
I think it's just plain crazy at the gun shows around here, you can't carry in a loaded weapon. You can buy a gun there and ammo too. Unloading and securing your ccw piece is supposed to make you safer??

Man shot at gun show - KFOR (http://www.kfor.com/news/local/kfor-news-shooting-gun-show-story,0,5288265.story)

OKLAHOMA CITY -- A man was rushed to the hospital Sunday morning after he was accidentally shot at the Metcalf Gun Show at the State Fair Grounds. According to police, the victim's father, a vendor at the show, was allowing a customer to look at a gun. The gun went off and the victim was shot in the knee. Officials at the gun show say vendors are supposed to make sure all their firearms are not loaded and that cable ties are used to secure the weapon so they cannot be fired.Happened a few months back here in OKC. Not a patron's gun, but a VENDOR'S gun wasn't checked. The vendor's son got shot in the knee.

At the Tulsa show we had to check our CCW guns at the door. They put a bright green zip tie through them so they couldn't operate. If you are seen at any point during the show (LEO or not) w/o that green tie on your gun, you are escorted out. No questions asked. They are for serious.

11-09-2010, 07:51 AM
And you thought rednecks were dumb.....

1. You refine heroin for a living, but you
have a moral objection to liquor. You may be a Muslim

2. You own a $3,000 machine gun and $5,000
rocket launcher, but you can't afford shoes. You may be a Muslim

3. You have more wives than teeth. You may be a Muslim

4. You wipe your butt with your bare hand,
but consider bacon unclean. You may be a Muslim

5. You think vests come in two styles: bullet-proof and suicide.
You may be a Muslim

6. You can't think of anyone you haven't
declared Jihad against. You may be a Muslim

7. You consider television dangerous, but routinely carry explosives
in your clothing. You may be a Muslim

8. You were amazed to discover that cell
phones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs.
You may be a Muslim

9. You have nothing against women and
think every man should own at least four. You may be a Muslim

10. Your cousin is president of the United
States. You may be a Muslim

11. You find this list offensive or racist and don't forward it.
You may be a Muslim

11-09-2010, 10:18 AM
I guess this means Jeff Foxworthy will have some new material? It's funny.

11-09-2010, 10:20 AM
the email I got (one of the many many forwards I receive) claimed it was Jeff Foxworthy material. I have a really hard time believing that, so I left that part out.

11-09-2010, 10:27 AM
Man shot at gun show - KFOR (http://www.kfor.com/news/local/kfor-news-shooting-gun-show-story,0,5288265.story)

Happened a few months back here in OKC. Not a patron's gun, but a VENDOR'S gun wasn't checked. The vendor's son got shot in the knee.

At the Tulsa show we had to check our CCW guns at the door. They put a bright green zip tie through them so they couldn't operate. If you are seen at any point during the show (LEO or not) w/o that green tie on your gun, you are escorted out. No questions asked. They are for serious.

Up here all visitor guns are zip tied with regular old white ties. LE can keep their guns loaded. I thought it was only if they were in uniform or on duty but I know several who keep them with no issues. I try to stay close to them when I'm walking around with an empty paper weight. I still have no issues with tied guns at gunshows.

11-09-2010, 01:40 PM
I dont go to them anymore. Humbug if you make me unload my gun. At a gun show. cmon....

11-09-2010, 01:53 PM
At our gunshows up here if your not a member you can't even bring an empty tied gun in. You also can't buy a firearm at the show. You can buy most accessories and I believe even ammunition but no guns.

Go to a gunshow and try to take your focus off the treasures on the tables and watch people on both sides of the tables instead now and then. Watch manners and gun handling or lack there of. Punks with piercings and mohawks picking up 1000 dollar guns and playing quick draw. On occasion I'm glad my gun is empty, the temptation to cleanse the gene pool sometimes is very great. Reminds me of a recent cruise ship too, glad I didn't have the tools to make my dreams come true. Tying guns will make perfect sense.
I've often dreamed of an identification method that would without fail identify good guys, questionable guys, and bad guys. Cops drive up, flash your card, your ok, good guy. I've often thought the same way towards safe, equipped with common sense ID, and burnt out light bulbs that shouldn't be allowed in the parking lot of gun shows.
In reality the same holds true for brick and mortar gun shops.
I worked for a bit in one of those as well and there were a few customers that I didn't work very hard at selling anything too. But I profile and I'm not PC correct and like Jocko says, maybe just a little sick too.

11-09-2010, 02:10 PM
+10 for not bein PC and profiling. Last night at the grocery an Arab from Iraq, same province I was in was at the store getting all his grocery's for FREE. Thats right, I said FREE.

I paid 7.30 for 12 cans of cat food and he stared at my ACU ballcap the whole time with a nasty look.

Probably shot rockets and mortars at us. Good thing I was unarmed.

11-09-2010, 02:13 PM
you eat cat food :confused:

11-09-2010, 02:27 PM
No, but Lilly does.

11-09-2010, 02:48 PM
Years ago at a holiday function here at the PD they had dog biscuits for the K9's which I've been know to interact with more than people, gotta love labs and shepards. Anyhow I opened a package of biscuits, broke one in half and gave the dog half and ate the other half myself. Didn't realize the whole room was watching. Thought it was off to the phsyc ward for ole bawanna.
Some aren't too bad really.

11-09-2010, 02:52 PM
Just ask Mel Gibson.

11-09-2010, 02:58 PM
Me and me pard at National Night Out. Actually he ain't mine. He was in training to be a service dog to a little boy. He loaned him to me for the pic. Nice dog, nice kid.

11-09-2010, 11:20 PM
I admit I didn't notify Nasa or NORAD, but heck I didn't intend to launch the little extractor pin out of my PM9. Honest! I mean that sucker took off! I don't recall seeing the contrail but that had to be it.

I knew better, but I was thaaat close to putting it back together after spending all day on it. I pushed the pin down and it went so easy I though no big deal I can do this. All I had to do was keep the pin down as I slide the back end over it, yeah right, so much for that. Well, I can attest putting the end thingy on is much easier without the ding dong little extractor pin.

At least I know where it is. It's somewhere in my office. So I didn't really loose it. I heard it go sprong, thwack, ping! I think it's within a 6' radius of my chair. Should have been easy to find since it's shinny like freshly polished chrome. A sweep of the flashlight and walla, dust bunnies everywhere but no short extractor pin. It's really Kahr's fault, if they sent a spare with the gun I would wait to find this one with the vacuum.

I don't know if I should look for it tonight or start cleaning up the polishing mess I made. My monitors, phone, books and papers on my desk look like they been sprayed with that Christmas goop they call fake snow. Seems the polish stuff doesn't like to hang on at 50,000 rpm. Bet Jocko could have told me that, with all that motorcycle stuff he does. At least my wife is smart, she made me change into my grubby yard clothes against my will. I was just going to polish my gun, what could go wrong!

11-10-2010, 12:05 AM
Took another look for the pin, same luck. Cleaned top layer of gunk off what was easy to reach, still no pin. Hate to say it, but this just may be what I need to clean my office. Been meaning to for the last 4 or 5 years anyway.

Sorry I missed the fun above. I don't know much about reloading but after watching Glen Beck, I know I don't like no progressives! Actually I am really short of inflation right now and need a printing press more than bullet press. Not ready to spend any money for at least a couple months. I just received my practice ammo and had SD for a while.

As for shooting, I have been shooting just enough to stay tuned, about 25-50rds per trip and 1 trip per month. Fortunately, I have an annual membership and it's an indoor range. I don't need a lot of ammo, but would like to have 100rds per month each of 9mm & 45 and shoot weekly. Anymore than 50rds per trip would be wasted on me. Some times I'll be right on from the first shot and only shoot one mag. More other times.

11-10-2010, 12:15 AM
Well sir, PM an address and I'll send ya a press if you don't want a progressive. For 50 - 100 rounds a month a single stage will do you just fine. I'm feeling a bit poorly, might just hang out at home tomorrow, wouldn't want to spread the plague around at work even though they probably gave it to me. So if I'm mobile I'll put a package together of what I got. Then we'll group up here and figure out what else ya need.
Piece of cake, I got an extra of the same kind and the progressive to boot.

I lost a little pin on a wing window of my pickup truck years ago in the gravel driveway. I figured gone forever. In a rocket scientist moment I decided to take the other side pin out and drop it from the same spot. I know your thinking stupid, now you lost both.
I'm proud to say the second pin fell right on top and within an inch of the first. I got em both back. Laid out a tarp and reassembled with no further difficulties.
Look at that lost pin as a challenge. You'll find it when and where you least expect it.

11-10-2010, 12:21 AM
Me and me pard at National Night Out. Actually he ain't mine. He was in training to be a service dog to a little boy. He loaned him to me for the pic. Nice dog, nice kid.Nice looking dog. Hope it works out for the little guy.

Quite a rig you're sitting on B, you must be facing backwards, but I didn't know they did that. I read where you say you are at the fair, etc., it must have pretty decent range. I see some when I visit the VA Hospital. They come in all shapes and sizes.

It's not funny, but I had to chuckle when a bro is trying to tool his rig down the hall carrying his new leg still in the box. That box was as big as the rig and he was between not controlling the rig and not seeing where he was going. But he was so excited to get the new leg he was making tracks.

I've never seen so many (mostly) guys my age (Nam) all torn up yet with great attitudes. Most don't need help or perhaps they are waiting for one of the pretty friendlies to offer - don't blame them. One insisted on taking my arm and walking me all the way to my doc after I got lost again. I remember her tho, so I'll be lost the next time she sees me too!

11-10-2010, 12:31 AM
Yeah the kid was very nearly blind. This was at the swat booth. The guys wanted me to hold his white stick too but I couldn't hold the M14 effectionately named Thelma and sister to Louise (both full auto) and the dog and the stick so we passed on the stick.
Haven't seen the boy for awhile but saw him from time to time for awhile. Kind of adopted him for awhile.
I am facing forward, although that chair does have a swivel seat and goes up and down too although it makes some freaky noises now on the up and down.
I don't bring that one in the house it's like a little bobcat tractor, you tell it to go it goes and it doesn't care whats in the way. Working in the shop sometimes, get an air hose or an extension cord that hits the toggle and off you go weather you want to or not.
Good out in the yard blowing leaves or washing the car, that kind of stuff. Kind of my down and dirty anything goes chair, kind of the cover alls of chairs.

11-10-2010, 06:49 PM
I was cleaning my 1911 one day which to me is the hardest of all my pistols to put back together and I have made up new cuss words doing it....I almost had the recoil spring back in and it slipped and flew across the bedroom where I have a little desk in the corner...Well I looked and looked for that stupid spring and couldn't find it anywhere...It finally became my personal challange to find that thing and I went over every inch of that room with a powerful light and still didn't find it...Well several months later we bought a new mattress and box spring set and when I pulled off the old one from the frame ths spring rolled out...It had gone down between the box spring and the wood bed rail and hid out for 6 months so now I have a spare...The boss couldn't believe how happy I was to find a stupid spring.....:D

11-10-2010, 08:15 PM
I know what you mean about the switch B, I tried to drive a Bobcat once but it lurched this way and that. In our narrow hallway that would never work. I've seen the narrow scooters that appear pretty housebroken.

Getsome, I've played losing that pin over and over and practically reach for it, but it just isn't there. I spent a long time today behind my corner desk - very tight squeeze. It's a tad busy under there as you can see:



I really torn into things like you did, but I ordered a couple pins just in case. Can't believe it takes 2 weeks to get them.

11-10-2010, 11:33 PM
Funny thing happened a couple hours ago. I tried an old indian trick and turned out the lights to search surfaces with a flashlight. I went all over this place and finally found the pin inside a folder on top of my desk. The pin had to of bounced off the ceiling into the folder amongst all the papers. It shined real nice when the light barely hit it.

So I put it together inside of a bag and still popped it once. But got it together and something isn't right. I pull the slide back to a point and it gets real tight then there is a pop and it goes easier. I admit I don't know much but I'm guessing it's the striker assembly. What do you say?

Edit: OR.... maybe it's installing the recoil spring with the closed end to the front. Works fine now.

11-11-2010, 12:13 AM
Should be able to push in the little drop safety button on the bottom of the slide and then move the striker freely fore and aft. (now theres boat talk for a land lubber). Did you pull the extractor, of course you did, that second pin is what flew away on ya.
Racking a few times doesn't improve the hard spot.
Looks like you might have to break the bag out and try it again, something ain't right but I can't think of anything in there that would bind it up.

11-11-2010, 12:48 AM
Edit: OR.... maybe it's installing the recoil spring with the closed end to the front. Works fine now.
See the edit. I was so focused on the upper detail I put the recoil spring in backwards. Of course I tore everything down and replaced it first.

I'm a slow learner I guess because I was putting the striker spring back in having done it a couple times I just did it and it took flight. Fortunately I found it quickly then went to the bag again.

Anyway, works now with smooth action and I racked a full mag thru without any bumps or grinds.

Thanks for your help B. It's almost like you were here. But I gotta tell you I shake a little thinking about setting primers and measuring powder, and it has to be the exact right powder. It's gonna be one of those things like putting the ammo in one room and practice in another.

11-11-2010, 11:19 AM
See the edit. I was so focused on the upper detail I put the recoil spring in backwards. Of course I tore everything down and replaced it first.

I'm a slow learner I guess because I was putting the striker spring back in having done it a couple times I just did it and it took flight. Fortunately I found it quickly then went to the bag again.

Anyway, works now with smooth action and I racked a full mag thru without any bumps or grinds.

Thanks for your help B. It's almost like you were here. But I gotta tell you I shake a little thinking about setting primers and measuring powder, and it has to be the exact right powder. It's gonna be one of those things like putting the ammo in one room and practice in another.

You know I actually typed out did you put the recoil spring in backwards and I just thought better of it. That happens alot, you get focused on a certain area and the stuff that you do mindlessly (alot in my case) gets messed up and of course you gotta blame it on the thing you just messed with.
Glad it's working now no matter how you got there.

Far as that reloading goes we can make that happen. Your not buildin a nuclear reactor. A little due care and caution and all will be fine. My biggest issue then and now is getting the dies set properly and thats just a matter of adusting till its right. Getting the powder measure dialed in and since your not loading tons at a time you can check often with a scale. Thats one nice thing about a single stage press you take a whole group 50 or a 100 or whatever thru each step, then take em all thru the next step an so forth.
I'm still a little jankity today so I haven't looked thru my surplus reloading stuff yet but I most assuredly will. Lots of guys here to help ya besides me too which is a good thing.

11-11-2010, 11:23 AM
I haven't been there for a very very long time but I found a huge hunk of gaboon ebony on ebay. I'm gonna go sweet talk the missus and see if I can bid on it. Dusty, you might wanna cross your fingers on this one. You'll get the first piece of it.

11-11-2010, 11:34 AM
Look at Mr. Fancy Wampus Cat. He's all jankity

11-11-2010, 01:05 PM
Look at Mr. Fancy Wampus Cat. He's all jankity

Wheres this coming from all of a sudden? Kind of feel like I got blindsided on Survivor or something.

11-11-2010, 03:23 PM
Wheres this coming from all of a sudden? Kind of feel like I got blindsided on Survivor or something.

Naw, more like a the amazing race and a watermelon to the face point blank!!!

YouTube - Watermelon Launch (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cfeTZNcA3g)

11-11-2010, 03:30 PM
In reading the news today I jump onto aq rabbit trail discussing India and China's increasing role in the global community. I am NOT a Globalist, and want to ignore what's happening, but it makes the Tea Party look like a, well, tea party.

Today's article is a book review of a book that attempts to foresee "A world in which the US is no longer No. 1 (http://www.csmonitor.com/Books/Book-Reviews/2008/0613/a-world-in-which-the-us-is-no-longer-no-1)." Some of the 'facts' surprised me and I wanted you to know also.

11-11-2010, 04:47 PM
You know I actually typed out did you put the recoil spring in backwards and I just thought better of it. That happens alot, you get focused on a certain area and the stuff that you do mindlessly (alot in my case) gets messed up and of course you gotta blame it on the thing you just messed with.
Glad it's working now no matter how you got there. Now see here, don't shake my confidence in you! If my computer breaks ask me if it's plugged in, don't assume. I am glad I figured it out on my own. The feel of the action was the slide getting tight, then a "clack" and it was easier.

Obviously the "clack" was the open end of the spring riding over the guide rod end and thus less pressure. You can tell I was focused on the striker when that was my first presumption. When I took it all apart again I knew it was right and putting the recoil spring and guide back in I saw what I did.

Far as that reloading goes we can make that happen. Your not buildin a nuclear reactor. A little due care and caution and all will be fine. My biggest issue then and now is getting the dies set properly and thats just a matter of adusting till its right. Getting the powder measure dialed in and since your not loading tons at a time you can check often with a scale. Thats one nice thing about a single stage press you take a whole group 50 or a 100 or whatever thru each step, then take em all thru the next step an so forth.
I'm still a little jankity today so I haven't looked thru my surplus reloading stuff yet but I most assuredly will. Lots of guys here to help ya besides me too which is a good thing.

Please don't let me do anything dumb with the reloads like the above! I'm normally pretty good the first few times, then get careless. I will make a checklist writing in the values I need for reloading.

I came "close" to blowing myself, my aircraft and a bunch of people all to hell by not following the checklist because I'd done it so often I "didn't need it". I forgot one crucial step in the start engine checklist and had raw fuel running all over the ramp.

A lot of folks got excited over that yelling "don't push the fire shutoff in" as they ran away. Of course pushing it in would have allowed the igniters to fire off all the fuel puddled inside and under the engine and I'd been going to hell to cool off as one crispy dude. I used the checklist after that.

Still want to send it too me?

11-11-2010, 05:01 PM
Lincoln. No worries pal. I had a thread all about how I did just the same with my recoil spring then actually fired my weapon.

11-11-2010, 05:17 PM
Now see here, don't shake my confidence in you! If my computer breaks ask me if it's plugged in, don't assume. I am glad I figured it out on my own. The feel of the action was the slide getting tight, then a "clack" and it was easier.

Obviously the "clack" was the open end of the spring riding over the guide rod end and thus less pressure. You can tell I was focused on the striker when that was my first presumption. When I took it all apart again I knew it was right and putting the recoil spring and guide back in I saw what I did.

Please don't let me do anything dumb with the reloads like the above! I'm normally pretty good the first few times, then get careless. I will make a checklist writing in the values I need for reloading.

I came "close" to blowing myself, my aircraft and a bunch of people all to hell by not following the checklist because I'd done it so often I "didn't need it". I forgot one crucial step in the start engine checklist and had raw fuel running all over the ramp.

A lot of folks got excited over that yelling "don't push the fire shutoff in" as they ran away. Of course pushing it in would have allowed the igniters to fire off all the fuel puddled inside and under the engine and I'd been going to hell to cool off as one crispy dude. I used the checklist after that.

Still want to send it too me?

If you want me to send it to you I certainly will. Ironically the check list you mention is a darn good idea for reloading. I've loaded a long time and I still go by the list. I still check the recipe every batch, ahlzeimers can get ya anytime. There is a difference between ahlzeimers and dementia but I can't remember what it is.
It's just a lot of repetition but it can be enjoyable but you gotta stay focused. Loading like 45 or most pistols it would be difficult to cause a catastrophic event if your remotely at the party. Some powders you could theoretically double charge, most still wouldn't blow up but would certainly let ya know you goofed. An starting on a single stage you can look and check every case.
I haven't looked yet but I'm gonna put some stuff together and make a list of the things we're short.

11-11-2010, 06:18 PM
Don't worry Lincoln, sounds like Bawanna has you covered on this one. The key to loading is go slow and watch what is happening. I personaly use Unique powder 'cuz if you double charge by mistake it will spill all over the place and you should notice it.
We all have faith in ya and you can do this with ease. Like the rest of us, load and be happy.

11-11-2010, 06:40 PM
I'm going to do something tomorrow that I've never done before. Even though I'm a Liberterian, I going to pull the Republican lever just so I won't accidentally vote for a Democrat. Then if they win, I'm going to watch them like a hawk, to make sure they don't screw up like they did before. I'm hoping that they learned their lesson, but if not, it's time for a 3rd party.

+1 :)

11-11-2010, 07:57 PM
I haven't been there for a very very long time but I found a huge hunk of gaboon ebony on ebay. I'm gonna go sweet talk the missus and see if I can bid on it. Dusty, you might wanna cross your fingers on this one. You'll get the first piece of it.

Well the fancy pantsy whooped catty wampus failed on the ebony purchase. Gosh darn sniper got me in the last minutes. Dang how I hate snipers but its a good reminder of why I don't frequent ebay very much. I found another piece with a buy now deal but I'm still a little jankity from the dang sniper.
Guess I was over confident and I waited too long to come monitor the final moments which of course rendered me completely helpless and defeated.

11-11-2010, 09:16 PM
just curious. what are dimensions of a "Huge Hunk"? Is this something I can pick up for you while at the lumberyard next week and ship it your way?

11-11-2010, 11:24 PM
just curious. what are dimensions of a "Huge Hunk"? Is this something I can pick up for you while at the lumberyard next week and ship it your way?

Only a really good lumber yard would have ebony or most of the exotic hardwoods. This piece was 36'' long, by 6 1/2'' wide by 2 1/2" thick a lifetime supply of ebony for grips for sure.
I bid 120 bucks and had it all afternoon for 113. Sniper got it for 122 as I recall. That was an absolute gift price as ebony in my area goes for between 100 and 130 a board foot. 12x12x1 100 bucks.
Theres another piece not quite as large with a buy now of 120, it looks like a nice piece and real dark and solid, some has blonde streaks thru it that looks cool too but this ones solid black. A smaller piece would last but usually it's like pen blanks and knife scales which are usually not quite large enough for gun handles.
I'll get r dun. Time is on my side.
The piece I had still in the round just won't quite make a kahr grip, only lacks a measly 3/8'' or so, dang close but no tipperello.

11-12-2010, 12:21 AM
Don't get your Jankity in a skittle wapus cat. link below for wampus cat origin

YouTube - Howard Chandler - Wampus Cat (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O9-19JbC8M)

11-12-2010, 09:06 AM
How to handle obscene gestures in road rage:

YouTube - Handling Road Rage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYih9KxCGTA)


11-12-2010, 10:40 AM
How to handle obscene gestures in road rage:

YouTube - Handling Road Rage (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYih9KxCGTA)


I thought Jocko didn't like revolvers. I liked that alot, thanks Wynn.

11-12-2010, 11:57 AM
Hoxworth Blood said that they want my blood, but that i have to go to my car and put my "weapons" in the car, because if i pass out, the first thing i'll reach for is my "weapons". (Went to donate with mom, they'll send a care package to local troops for each donation they get)

Keep in mind that weapons is my pocket knife. i told them politely that it is a tool used daily, not a weapon, and that if they want my blood they'll just process the paperwork. if i walk out the door, no blood.

They're sheeple about a pocket knife "we want your blood, it's for the troops, but we don't want your pocket knife here, blah blah blah"

Save your sales pitch, you're going to send them a $5 care package of old newspapers - I've done more for the troops out of my own time, energy, and money, in two years than you have in the past decade.

And people wonder why idiots is the only thing on my pet peeve list.

11-12-2010, 12:07 PM
Don't worry Lincoln, sounds like Bawanna has you covered on this one. The key to loading is go slow and watch what is happening. I personaly use Unique powder 'cuz if you double charge by mistake it will spill all over the place and you should notice it.
We all have faith in ya and you can do this with ease. Like the rest of us, load and be happy.

I do that also, I use several different powders for different things but try to use recipes that produce the highest volumn so a double charge is obvious, even if not spilling out it will show up with the slightest glance.
I use reloading trays when I use the single stage so I can double check each step, when I do it and again as they sit in the tray.
It's taking me a while to get bonded with my Hornady progressive since I still want to check all the time. At least it's set up so I can check at every stage although it really cuts down on the speed. But I don't consider reloading a race either. It's still much faster and productive.

11-12-2010, 12:15 PM
Hoxworth Blood said that they want my blood, but that i have to go to my car and put my "weapons" in the car, because if i pass out, the first thing i'll reach for is my "weapons". (Went to donate with mom, they'll send a care package to local troops for each donation they get)

Keep in mind that weapons is my pocket knife. i told them politely that it is a tool used daily, not a weapon, and that if they want my blood they'll just process the paperwork. if i walk out the door, no blood.

They're sheeple about a pocket knife "we want your blood, it's for the troops, but we don't want your pocket knife here, blah blah blah"

Save your sales pitch, you're going to send them a $5 care package of old newspapers - I've done more for the troops out of my own time, energy, and money, in two years than you have in the past decade.

And people wonder why idiots is the only thing on my pet peeve list.

I had to go to the doctor a couple weeks ago, kicking, fighting and screaming but I got there. They wanted to hook up some kind of gadget to measure something on my pump. One connection was on my leg. I asked which leg, course its the ankle holster leg. I just pulled up my pant leg and took it off and put it in my wifes purse. Nurses didn't blink an eye, just said something like thank goodness for purses or something.
My dentist which I'm more afraid of than anything don't care much for me wearing a gun but I told him we're even. You got the torture tools, I got the gun. He's ok with it too. But there are an awful lot out there that aren't ok, I just go elsewhere.
I agree that some of these places that advertise helping the troops to get business should be tried for treason.
Same way all the rip offs based on it's for the children. Idiots indeed.

11-12-2010, 02:05 PM
Hope the pump checked out okay. At your advanced age you gotta watch those things!

My son has a few planks rough cut to 2x6x8' that are heavy as all get out. He said they are White oak (but they look real dark to be white). Is that good for grips? He uses a couple to unload the tractor from the trailer and they really don't bend much. Did I mention they are heavy?

He also has some exotic stuff that looks black if he didn't toss it. He said he was going to put it on Craig's list but don't think he's gotten to it yet.

11-12-2010, 02:49 PM
I'd love to see what he's got if he still has it. Black or dark is usually a good sign unless its laying in the drip pan under a leaky engine, then not so much. Little pieces can make some beautiful grips if it's the right stuff. If it's pretty it flies.
I'm not real familiar with White Oak. I know oak is pretty but it for some reason isn't real great for grips. Same with Cherry. I figured cherry would be real nice but not so much.
Kahrs just gonna have to send me models of all the steel guns they make so I can start whittling out grips.
So much wood and sawdust, so little time.

11-13-2010, 02:15 PM
Old Lincoln, I sent you a email. Gotta a package headed your way hopefully monday.
Press, powder measure, scale, a manual, loading block, case reamer and primer pocket cleaner, everything I could find a duplicate of.
Set of dies and ingredients, a caliper and you should be rolling your own.

11-14-2010, 07:14 PM
Well just returned from the range. A bad day shooting is better than a good day not shooting but I pretty much stunk today. Just a bad day. Started later than usual, more people, cranky from the get go.

My first batch of the Hornady 185gr free HP's were not well received by any of my guns. PM45, Cbob, XD, all balked and jammed. I'm certain I had these seated below spec but I gotta go back to the drawing board and see whats what.
I know I had one double charge (major boom boom, looked for gun parts and hand parts but all was well) This has never ever happened to me before, I'm ultra careful, guess I need to focus even more and slow down on that progressive till I get this figured out.

No issues with some Federal Eagle ball ammo, A few Gold dots and Winchester SXT all went fine. Since I got another box of Gold Dot, the first thing I did was shoot what I carried for the last few months. Cbob, and then PM45. Everything went bang and hit fairly well so that was a good thing anyhow.

With regards to the magazine modifying thread on the 45's. I tried my Wilson XO's which is the short 47D for an officers model and they did not run well in my PM45. I thought wierd the full size 47D's worked great last time. So I tried the full size and once again they ran flawlessly, fed good and locked open on empty numerous times. They both look exactly the same but the XO's just don't fly.

Anyhow next time maybe I'll shoot better. I did manage to help a couple new shooters again much to my son's dissaproval. They were gripping a SIG very low on the grip and using the old cup and saucer hold. Just couldn't watch them fight it. Instant imrovement, not bucking near as much and hitting better. At least they were appreciative, so that was good.

Also worth noting since my K40 had safe fever and felt neglected and abused apparently much like Wynn, I took it along and apparently I must have had a "Man Up" day. It just didn't feel as snappy and obnoxious as it usually does. I was shooting factory Speer Lawman in it and it shot well. No doubt trying to finesse it's way back into the carry lineup and making good progress.

11-14-2010, 09:10 PM
I toyed with my Colt grips again today. Even with the STI Paddle, I need a slot of my thumb to sit in to press the paddle. Looked harder and found I have a bone that sticks out further than designed. So I did a slow, patient file job and now have a slot. Made all the difference I need and mag release should not be an issue anymore.

I'm going to try something weird tomorrow if I get time. I engineered a thumb rest to try out. I'm going to get a short piece of tubing and attempt to make one side concave instead of convex (where the thumb sits) and the rest of it more oval opposite the convex. If it starts out well, I'll drill the bottom and slip in a grip screw to hold the head inside the tube and the threads exposed. If all goes well I'll drill a hole in the top for the allen wrench to fit and screw it down.

Did ya get all that???? Well, I'll do pics IF it turns out okay.

11-14-2010, 10:47 PM
WTF R U talking about???


11-14-2010, 11:28 PM
I toyed with my Colt grips again today. Even with the STI Paddle, I need a slot of my thumb to sit in to press the paddle. Looked harder and found I have a bone that sticks out further than designed. So I did a slow, patient file job and now have a slot. Made all the difference I need and mag release should not be an issue anymore.

I'm going to try something weird tomorrow if I get time. I engineered a thumb rest to try out. I'm going to get a short piece of tubing and attempt to make one side concave instead of convex (where the thumb sits) and the rest of it more oval opposite the convex. If it starts out well, I'll drill the bottom and slip in a grip screw to hold the head inside the tube and the threads exposed. If all goes well I'll drill a hole in the top for the allen wrench to fit and screw it down.

Did ya get all that???? Well, I'll do pics IF it turns out okay.

If your rough prototype pans out I know this derelict dude that makes grips when he's not making whisk brooms and fishing lures as a side line at about 4 bucks an hour. Wife did a count today, since we started we've made 76,430 lures. I put rings on and hook and she solders. So who cares about that!!!!!
Anyhow we'll try to build something to fit around that paddle and try to make it look like a pro did it. Good luck with that but we can try.

11-14-2010, 11:31 PM
WTF R U talking about???


I just love it when you talk nasty to me!

11-16-2010, 08:50 AM
Sooooo, what did you guys get into Sunday night?

Burglary call leads to drugged, naked man found with mouse, poli - WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC- (http://www.wbtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=13477674)

I think we need an SC roll call.

11-16-2010, 11:07 AM
Pictures didn't work but still good stuff, been around but worth repeating.

Reflections from the Seat of an Old Tractor

I just love the “old sayings’—so aptly put—don’t you think?!?!

Old Farmer's Advice

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.

Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.

Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.

A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.

Words that soak into your ears are whispered…...not yelled.

Meanness don't just happen overnight.

Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.

Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.

It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.

You cannot unsay a cruel word.

Every path has a few puddles.

When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.

The best sermons are lived, not preached.

Most of the stuff people worry about, ain't never gonna happen anyway.

Don 't judge folks by their relatives.

Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

Live a good and honorable life, then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.

Don't interfere with somethin' that ain't bothering you none.

Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.

Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.

The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'.

Always drink upstream from the herd.

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.

Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.

If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.

Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God.

Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.


11-16-2010, 11:23 AM
Sooooo, what did you guys get into Sunday night?

Burglary call leads to drugged, naked man found with mouse, poli - WBTV 3 News, Weather, Sports, and Traffic for Charlotte, NC- (http://www.wbtv.com/Global/story.asp?S=13477674)

I think we need an SC roll call.

Dang! I was thinking "computer mouse" but it seems like it was the real critter. PETA and ALF ought to get after that guy. What a way to kill a poor rodent.:faint2:

Uh, another thought... where does Dietrich live??? :boink: Sorry, man... couldn't resist.:p Hey! I'm not passing judgment... whatever goes on in the privacy of your home....


11-17-2010, 12:57 AM
Eeeexcelent weekend.


11-17-2010, 12:40 PM
$833 is the last little bit of debt left....it will be gone before December is over.

11-17-2010, 07:33 PM
Old Lincoln, I sent you a email. Gotta a package headed your way hopefully monday.
Press, powder measure, scale, a manual, loading block, case reamer and primer pocket cleaner, everything I could find a duplicate of.
Set of dies and ingredients, a caliper and you should be rolling your own.

Received all and am most grateful. I am so unlearned I don't know what most of this stuff is, but will be digging into the manuals and books to learn. For right now, this is a round do-hickey, There's a thinga-ma-bob with a little crank, love the board with all the holes, that big thing that's so heavy has to be the press, I do recognize the scales and cute little Aladin's cup to measure powder. Well, I enjoy learning so have my work cut out for me.

Here's a pic:

Sooo thankful to you Bawanna for getting me started off right.

11-17-2010, 07:38 PM
Well apparently Bawanna is Santa Claus, so open up the safe and take a pic so I can tell you what I want from ye ole stash :).

11-17-2010, 07:48 PM
I got first dibs on the C-Bob!

11-17-2010, 08:05 PM
Pictures didn't work but still good stuff, been around but worth repeating.

Reflections from the Seat of an Old Tractor

I just love the “old sayings’—so aptly put—don’t you think?!?!

Old Farmer's Advice

Your fences need to be horse-high, pig-tight and bull-strong.

Keep skunks and bankers at a distance.

Life is simpler when you plow around the stump.

A bumble bee is considerably faster than a John Deere tractor.

Words that soak into your ears are whispered…...not yelled.

Meanness don't just happen overnight.

Forgive your enemies; it messes up their heads.

Do not corner something that you know is meaner than you.

It don't take a very big person to carry a grudge.

You cannot unsay a cruel word.

Every path has a few puddles.

When you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty.

The best sermons are lived, not preached.

Most of the stuff people worry about, ain't never gonna happen anyway.

Don 't judge folks by their relatives.

Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.

Live a good and honorable life, then when you get older and think back, you'll enjoy it a second time.

Don't interfere with somethin' that ain't bothering you none.

Timing has a lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin'.

Sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got.

The biggest troublemaker you'll probably ever have to deal with, watches you from the mirror every mornin'.

Always drink upstream from the herd.

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lotta that comes from bad judgment.

Lettin' the cat outta the bag is a whole lot easier than puttin' it back in.

If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.

Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly, and leave the rest to God.

Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.


And............clean doesn't cost any money.

11-17-2010, 08:10 PM
Well apparently Bawanna is Santa Claus, so open up the safe and take a pic so I can tell you what I want from ye ole stash :).

I really wish I was Santa, what a great job that would be. I really and truely wish I could send everybody here something really really special. Do the best we can with what we got which ain't always alot.

Course I'd probably have to start out in the coal distribution center which I understand is located somewhere in Indiana, hmmmm don't Mr. Jocko live in Indiana, this can't be a coincidence.

Lets do all try to help Old Lincoln out with this new loading deal hopefully without overloading him with technical stuff that can be saved for much much later. We can all be mentors.

Wynn, the Cbob rides with me all the time, never been in the toy box but if I ever get a big stimulus or large influx of disposable income, I promise you now on the world wide web, I'll send ya one.

rholmes I'll have to see if I got a picture of the stash someplace. Get back to ya on that.

11-17-2010, 08:22 PM
Well you may not be Santa, but you are now officially Moderator Claus! :biggrin1: The cat, she is out of the bag on that one!

Thank you again for joining us!


11-17-2010, 08:30 PM
Well you may not be Santa, but you are now officially Moderator Claus! :biggrin1: The cat, she is out of the bag on that one!

Well one good turn deserves another. You are a very kind and generous man for setting up OldLincoln with so much good reloading equipment, and thanks to JohnH for making a moderator out of Bawanna45cal. Lord knows he spends enough time on here, might as well be doing something! :cool:

11-17-2010, 08:38 PM
Well one good turn deserves another. You are a very kind and generous man for setting up OldLincoln with so much good reloading equipment, and thanks to JohnH for making a moderator out of Bawanna45cal. Lord knows he spends enough time on here, might as well be doing something! :cool:

I'm all tingly and immensely overwelmed with this new title. I even see Moderator next to my avatar, so much for incognito.
It's already been suggested that I will now have to act like a grown up but I didn't see that in my contract.
I agree Mr. MikeyKahr, much as I love to be here I might as well do something. I hope whatever it is it's the right thing and I do it correctly.
I know now how Old Lincoln feels about reloading, I'm clueless.
I'm having a tire valve stem installed in my head in case I get a big head I can let a little air out.

11-17-2010, 08:57 PM
I'm having a tire valve stem installed in my head in case I get a big head I can let a little air out.
Not a chance with this gang - or is it a mob? You get puffy and I bet you can count on about a dozen guys to pile on. But not to worry, you have always been the least puffy guy around, perhaps prolific but not puffy.

Congratulations Bawanna, and I hope that raise that goes along with the title helps out a lot.

mr surveyor
11-17-2010, 09:59 PM
See, Bawanna...... one step closer to 2012

Today, Moderator - 2012 the White House:)


11-17-2010, 11:08 PM
Congratulations! Be careful now and remember that you were once one of the "little people". I don't want to be one of the "notches" on your Cbob there, or the tally at the bottom of your signature!:eek:

Wynn :D

11-18-2010, 06:05 AM
Bawanna, Congrats on the promotion. I sure hope the paycheck matches the title. I hear the company parties are the stuff legends are made of. :D

Jim K
11-18-2010, 09:08 AM
I knew it. Congrats!

11-18-2010, 10:20 AM
Thanks much guys, like my new boss said, this is generally an awesome group of friendly guys so not much to do but I can tell you the mods here do alot of behind the scenes stuff that goes unappreciated and unnoticed. I have a whole new respect for them, not that I didn't respect them before. A year ago I didn't know what a forum or a mod was, now I r one. I'm looking forward to my pass key to the executive restroom at Kahr. I'm not sure exactly what they meant but I was told something about not holding my breath. Usually not what I'm holding when I'm seeking the restroom, must be one of them dual meaning phrases.

Thanks again guys.

11-18-2010, 11:47 AM
OMG !!!!

I go away for a few days, and when I return...........

The LUNATIC'S are running the Asylum !!!!!!


Now he will NEVER get my SIG Grips made !!!!

Just when you think it's safe to let down your guard, wammo. I still can't hardly believe it myself to be honest.

Those Sig Grips are in personal challenge mode, no worries, they are gonna happen. I even saved the package you sent the sights in for the address. So you might not even see it comeing and suprise Sig grips in your mailbox. Patience for sure but they are gonna happen.

11-18-2010, 06:45 PM
Well, rumor has it the pay is moderate but it's nice to automatically get the latest Kahr off the factory floor to review. That plus the 250rds of ammo of course.

11-18-2010, 06:58 PM
Well, rumor has it the pay is moderate but it's nice to automatically get the latest Kahr off the factory floor to review. That plus the 250rds of ammo of course.

Wow I didn't see that part, must be in the fine print.

There was something about mopping the factory floor whenever I'm in or near MA. Suspect I'll have to mop the executive washroom to but won't have my own key. How sad is that.
It would be an honor though. I do leave tire tracks when I mop so it's frustrating but we'll get r dun. Another 250 rds of ammo would be nice.

11-18-2010, 07:36 PM
Congratulations my friend!


11-19-2010, 01:57 PM
Been off for a week and just found out we have a new mod.... All hail the Grand Poo Bha Bawanna45....Congtatulations Ol Boy!!!....

11-19-2010, 02:03 PM
Been off for a week and just found out we have a new mod.... All hail the Grand Poo Bha Bawanna45....Congtatulations Ol Boy!!!....

Did you send in a letter of excuse for being gone a week?

Hope you were someplace fun, like hunting furry critters in the woods.

11-19-2010, 06:03 PM
Hey Mr. B.... Now that you have some pull around here, how about a Reloading sub-Forum to Ammunition?? I'm probably going to need a sub-forum of my own the way this new thing is starting out.

I got a call from my wonderful son who loves me a lot this morning. He was standing in the middle of Bass Pro Shop in Manteca CA. He asked me what I need from there and I told him nothing, I'm good. He pushed and proded until I told him that a friend gave me a reloading press and parts, but I do need a few things.

A few hours lated he drops off a 3 piece carbide die set and seater plug pak (whatever that is), a digital caliper, and a couple universal loading trays. Sometimes I question if I was the best dad I could have been and yet he turned out so well I must have done something right. I am a proud dad, I am.

11-19-2010, 06:17 PM
Hey Mr. B.... Now that you have some pull around here, how about a Reloading sub-Forum to Ammunition?? I'm probably going to need a sub-forum of my own the way this new thing is starting out.

I got a call from my wonderful son who loves me a lot this morning. He was standing in the middle of Bass Pro Shop in Manteca CA. He asked me what I need from there and I told him nothing, I'm good. He pushed and proded until I told him that a friend gave me a reloading press and parts, but I do need a few things.

A few hours lated he drops off a 3 piece carbide die set and seater plug pak (whatever that is), a digital caliper, and a couple universal loading trays. Sometimes I question if I was the best dad I could have been and yet he turned out so well I must have done something right. I am a proud dad, I am.

Thats one fine boy you got there. Your nearly there, some components and your set. A tumbler someday, an upgraded scale would be nice. The seater plug set is just for different types of bullets, you change that out for like round nose or hollow points, often times with jacketed bullets it really doesnt matter.
Far as pull around here, I bonding with the men in power but I wouldn't say I got not pull, maybe power of persuasion a little, maybe very little, and thats probably a good thing for everyone.
I know we talked about a lot of sub forums and John added a few, didn't want to muddy the waters too much and spread things out all over the place. I'm sure a thread under general or maybe even under ammunition would work just fine.
Whatever it is JohnH will have to do it, I don't know how and hes the man and I'm glad he is. JustinN is the right and left hand man and a genuine good guy too. Not sure where I fall into the food chain, if its a ladder, I'm the low rung for sure, maybe Guido, the foot soldier?
Now all this reloading stuff isn't gonna drag ya away from the grip research and development is it?

11-19-2010, 07:36 PM
Hey Mr. B.... Now that you have some pull around here, how about a Reloading sub-Forum to Ammunition?? I'm probably going to need a sub-forum of my own the way this new thing is starting out.

I got a call from my wonderful son who loves me a lot this morning. He was standing in the middle of Bass Pro Shop in Manteca CA. He asked me what I need from there and I told him nothing, I'm good. He pushed and proded until I told him that a friend gave me a reloading press and parts, but I do need a few things.

A few hours lated he drops off a 3 piece carbide die set and seater plug pak (whatever that is), a digital caliper, and a couple universal loading trays. Sometimes I question if I was the best dad I could have been and yet he turned out so well I must have done something right. I am a proud dad, I am.

A reloading sub form sounds like a great idea.

I hope to get into it the first part of next year after I get my next Kahr.

11-19-2010, 08:42 PM
A reloading sub form sounds like a great idea.

I hope to get into it the first part of next year after I get my next Kahr.

Ok, Ok, you guys are like wolverines, pack mentality. I'll talk to my new bosses, but I know he's/they are really really busy. Might be awhile and he might not like it for reasons that we don't think of.

Maybe in the mean time. Can I say "mean" around here? Why don't we start a reloading thread under the general stuff and we can just keep it going or start a new one each month like the anything goes, please stay here and leave us alone bawanna thread.

That should work. That way when you guys get questions setting up for reloading there will be lots of guys here to help.

First rule though is recipes are offered, check your manuals and make sure it's in the safe zone. AND if it's near the top of the safe zone back off a little. This might be a possible reason for not wanting a reload section, liablility stuff but there's lots of reloading forums I think, I never looked.

Old Lincoln, what brand of dies did your wonderful son bring you? And did you open them and look at the paperwork inside. Usually explains how to adjust each one.

Also gotta find you a factory crimp LEE crimper die too, I forgot that. You can load without it but it sure makes it nice especially on 45 and other rimless cartridges.

Steve$, we're there for you too buddy. I just sent all my spare stuff to California but maybe theres others here that can help and we can sure all help you decide what to get depending on your needs etc when the time comes.

11-19-2010, 10:13 PM
Now all this reloading stuff isn't gonna drag ya away from the grip research and development is it?
No! Today was clean the rain gutter day before the rains come tonight. Up the ladder, clean gutter, down the ladder, move the ladder, repeat 9999 times. My legs and back are a tad weary tonight, but I'm not really complaining. Glad to have it done.

I wanted to give the glue repairing the split wood more time to set up anyway. It's just now been 24 hrs. Don't know how long it takes, but I used some old wood glue I've had for years.

I figure I'll get back to it tomorrow at least to cut it out. It's supposed to be 20* colder tomorrow and today was colder than yesterday. I hate cold!!!

I did take an hour or so late afternoon to look at the stuff my son brought me. I am completely bewildered looking at this stuff. I read the instructions that came with the die set so I know where it screws onto the press but that's about it. Since I have so far to go, I'm not starting until I finish the grips.

A side note... Yesterday at the range was the first time i collected my brass. I was very surprised that I could only find half the rounds fired. I was scrounging around the stall to my right and I told the guy what I was doing. He was shooting a 40 and didn't care. Later he told me he watched as my 45 brass went sailing over the top of the partition and over his stall sometimes.

I thinking about marking my unfired rounds with a Sharpie marker to make it easier. Also try to get the range guy to allow me to go to the far end where it will bounce off a wall.

I found a higher percentage of the 9mm fired but had assumed I would get them all. The range sells the brass so I won't take any that aren't mine - they don't have to let me get my own.

Tomorrow it's clean the guns then work on the model grip.

PS: I forgot to ask about my fired 45 brass. Every one has a scrape mark and tiny dent at the lip in one spot. Is that normal?

11-19-2010, 10:26 PM
Yeah a scrape and a dent are normal, Kahrs do dent the mouth a bit, some worse than others, and some 1911's will ding em some too but hopefully not so much that one of them shiney new dies you got can't put it back.

I use the sharpie idea frequently and I pick up everything in my area and the surrounding area. Only once did a guy about a month ago question my son. he said he was shooting 45 and he was picking up his brass. My son just gave him a dust pan full and told him to look at my table. We had like 14 empty 45 reload boxes, he just had one box with him. No more questions after that.

We're rumored to maybe get snow tomorrow or sunday. I'm with you, don't like the cold much anymore. Use to like it, not anymore.

11-20-2010, 04:15 AM
A reloading sub form sounds like a great idea.

I hope to get into it the first part of next year after I get my next Kahr.

And I've got a bunch more to work on - over 150 pounds of wheel weights to turn into ignots, and then into projectiles.

I loooooove reloading and lead :D

11-25-2010, 06:31 AM
Well I'm like Pavlov's dog waiting in anticipation for today's feast. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

To all kahrtalk members and guests, let me wish you a Happy Thanksgiving.

And, let's not forget our armed service personel stationed overseas and away from family this holiday season. May they have Godspeed in their mission and return home safetly. Happy Thanksgiving all, Dusty

11-28-2010, 04:45 PM
So I take my van down south this morning to get the lift equipment repaired. Just left it in hopes they can get to it someday soon.
Get there and climb into my pickup to drive back. Wifey bought one of them mechanical gizmos (tomtom?) that tells ya what to do. I thought thats great for her.
What I didn't realize is the damn thing talks!:eek: I of course can't hear what it says but its a womans voice very much like my wifes and it never freaking ends. Turn right 3.8mi. turn right 2.8mi. I must have told it to shut up at least a 1000 times in the 1 1/2 hour drive back.
I asked the wife to turn the thing off, I knew how to get home and she was like don't ya like it. I told her it's really handy just keep the picture and tear out the voice box, why do I need two nagging voices telling me how to drive.
I finally reached the breaking point and told the missus, I says shut er down or out the window she goes.
I'm proud to say I'm not a gadget guy.
She'll probably get me one for Christmas to drive me to the looney bin.

Now I'm going to my room and do stuff more natural like move the handle up and down on my reloader and maybe drool and clean a few toys that haven't been drooled on and cleaned for awhile.

11-28-2010, 10:16 PM
Aw come on fellas.... I use my navigator even around town, as much to remind me where I'm going as how to get there. Didn't help yesterday tho. We went to a 90th birthday party in another town, so I just plug in the address and off we go. I'm going down the street that the house is on and it says "Arriving at destination on left." Only problem is there was only a 10' tall brick fence on the left. I drove around and in and out of a new subdivision for 30 minutes before I got a hold of the folks that invited us.

Seems that it was at an old house built and addressed long before the area built up. The street numbers don't line up with the new houses and the navigator used the wrong set. From my former work I know they pretty much take a WAG at numbers when there's nothing to compare it with and they are over a half mile off this time.

11-29-2010, 05:27 AM
I'm with Bawanna on this one. I don't think I could stand someone telling me where and when to turn. No matter what kind of voice it was.

On a differnet note. Seems one of my little angels (commonly called grandchildren) left a bug behind on Thanksgiving and now I feel like crap. What a way to end the month........

11-29-2010, 10:35 AM
I love my GPS. As long as I'm going somewhere unfamiliar it's awesome. I put a different voice on it, and if it annoys me I know how to tell it to shut up and it does. I have maps, compass, and smart phone for back up. I don't usually get turned around, but when I do, WOW.

11-29-2010, 11:42 AM
As much as I hate to agree with Bawanna, sorry buddy, I'm with him on this. I had a built in nav system on my 04 Prius. and in 3 years and 35,000 miles, I used it exactly twice. Once was to put my house in the system since it was a new development and not on the DVD. When I bought the 07 Prius, I opted out and haven't missed it.

If I need to go somewhere I don't know, I just download a map or use dead reckoning. Other than computers, I'm definitely NOT into gadgets. I seldom turn on the TV and have everything turned off on my phone except phone calls.

11-29-2010, 11:54 AM
Tell ya what - when you're driving alone at night in the boonies after a 12 hour work day, with no way to really read a map or street signs they sure do help out. Oh, and it's out of state :)

I have one, but it doesn't go with me except for bad weather (major artery that I take to work is prone to flash floods, wrecks, and downed powerlines). I do also use it when going on road trips and pilgramages, such as going to Camp Perry to pick up an M1 Garand or two :D

11-29-2010, 11:59 AM
I did a little more reseach on my wifes wicked electronic device and you can shut er up and just look at the display. Now that improves things about 1000%. It is nice to display the names of the roads your passing and how far or when to start looking for your turn, it's just that awful nagging added to the living breathing nagging all at once in the small confines of a pickup cab that drives you over the edge.

11-29-2010, 12:53 PM
Tell ya what - when you're driving alone at night in the boonies after a 12 hour work day, with no way to really read a map or street signs they sure do help out. Oh, and it's out of state :)

I have one, but it doesn't go with me except for bad weather (major artery that I take to work is prone to flash floods, wrecks, and downed powerlines). I do also use it when going on road trips and pilgramages, such as going to Camp Perry to pick up an M1 Garand or two :D

1. I don't go to the boonies - city boy all the way.

2. Haven't done a 12 hour day in years - my work days now average 3 hours.

3. Why couldn't I read a map? I have better than 20-20.

4. In inclimate weather I stay home and curl up with a good book or warm computer.

11-29-2010, 01:04 PM
1) I grew up in the city, and I don't like it :)

2) That's good :)

3) Hard to read a map driving 70mph in the dark. I wear corrective lenses, which makes not having 20-20 a non issue.

4) Life's too short to let the weather to keep me from enjoying the outdoors (when I don't have to go to work) :D