View Full Version : Allowed Concealed Carry at work?
11-04-2010, 11:12 AM
With all the active shooters in schools, office buildings, and in retail stores these days, does any of you permit holders carry concealed at work? Does your company policy forbid it? Are you a target in a gun free zone at work? What do you think about a company policy that leaves you disarmed and vulnerable? I'd be interested in any feedback on the subject. Thanks.
11-04-2010, 11:20 AM
Explicitely stated? Nope. Every one I've worked at but one said explicitly "no weapons of any kind" as they hand me a box cutter or big, sharp knife.
Carry that gun, hide it well, and shut up about it.
We have 5 people in our office, 4 of them carry (including the owner). Our new receptionist is the only one that doesn't, and she'll come around soon.
Course, our manufacturing plant isn't in the BEST part of town. We had a drive by 1 block north of us last week at 10:30 in the morning. fun times.
11-04-2010, 11:30 AM
What Jeep said. Every place I've worked except construction they said no guns. But they all knew I carried and didn't bother me. So they knowingly allowed me to violate the rules. I worked in a huge tool warehouse, not retail, no customers like a hardware store but a little retail area attached. Whenever there was a questionable event, or shoplift or unauthorized people around there'd be a page Bawanna please report to such and such. I chased a shoplift suspect about 6 blocks with the general manager who when caught the manager wouldn't let me search. Had about 6,000 dollars of air tools inside his coat that we didn't get back. I asked why he wanted me to chase with him and his reply was you got your gun don't ya? I told it was forbidden, and then told him I had it anyway, he said that's why?? Go figure?
Currently no guns are to be carried on city campus except for commissioned officers. I'm allowed to wear my gun into the building and put it in a safe at my desk. Which I do as instructed. That's where the PM45 on the ankle comes in. Again, all the officers know it's there, they have supported my efforts to carry while at work on my hip but liability issues with command staff just don't let it happen. So I guess nothings changed.
I also carry on school grounds, I only got one more year and no kids in school so then the schools will be safer. I carry anyplace I don't have to go thru a metal detector or of course cruise ships.
Hide it well, zip your lip and be safe.
11-04-2010, 12:56 PM
I tried to obey Co. policy, but recent events changed my mind.
zipped lips :D
11-04-2010, 01:31 PM
10-4 on what Jeepster said. Carry that gun, hide it well, and shut up about it.
If guns are not allowed in a business or company by company rules and they knew I carried, then it would have had to come out of my mouth, so therefore any day I walked into that business or company, MY JOB WAS ON THE LINE for violation of company policy.
I have carried for 48 years and no one ever knew I was carrying but I also never ever told anyone either. Sometimes just anormal conversation can let people know you are carrying and again that is my fault for letting it happen.
If a shoplifter stole from a store and was running out the door,,,, and I was carrying, u can damn well betcha, I would do nothing about it either. What u gonna do, shoot the bas-tard??? Be a macho John Wayne, I would betcha, ur problems might be far worse than what a shop lifter would ever get...
11-04-2010, 01:34 PM
I tried to obey Co. policy, but recent events changed my mind.
zipped lips :D
truly understand your point to, as long as u know YOUR JOB MAY BE ON THE LINE. My son works in a big engine plant and they are allowed by Indiana Law to have a gun on the parking lot property but not on them personally. He keeps it in his glovebox "locked" while at work. He does not stretch the "cord" on policy, nor does anyone know he has a weapon in his vehicle.
sipped lips to me goes a long way for alot of things..... I think common sense and zipped lips both go hand in hand.
11-04-2010, 04:01 PM
It goes for at work too in my opinion
11-04-2010, 06:44 PM
Shame that this is even an issue. I'm with Ted Nugent and Penn & Teller on this one. GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE. MANIACS WITH GUNS KILL PEOPLE. Might as well ban knives, chairs, windows, cars, pencils, staplers, military veterans, guys over 200 pounds, forigners, shoes, shoe I have to go on? Afraid that a loyal, hardworking employee might have a gun? Thats fine. Next time a mass shooting happens where a patriot was armed and stopped it or could have been armed and stopped it, DONT SAY A WORD. Firmly insert thy foot in thy mouth, slober and chew, repeat.
mr surveyor
11-04-2010, 07:44 PM
I carry on the job, and as well, I keep almost all of my guns in my office...but I've been self employed since 1983:D....and my office has been attached to my home since 1987. Sometimes being the boss has it's little perks, but normally they are quirks. On some projects I even request my help (now consisting of just my son - also a licensed professional surveyor) to carry during snake season in the swamps, or projects known to be hog infested. About the only times I have to disarm are the visits to the courthouse for records research, or the occassional manufacturing plant with proper posting (which is rare).
11-04-2010, 07:54 PM
Yes, but I work at home. :cool: And I carry to every jobsite I visit.
11-04-2010, 10:38 PM
By law I am forbidden to have one at work, and premise is questionable at best. the cops I work with know I have it, but no one says a word. I am hopeful that the Legislature makes some much need changes this year. I thought about joining SCCC, but thought better of it because that would be advertising. I can also say that as a student as well, I know a few silently protest that crap and hide it deep and shut the mouth (yes I work on a college campus as well).
11-04-2010, 11:45 PM
I wish I could, I have thought long and hard about it, but it's a legal thing. I can't afford to lose the guns or the job, much less get thrown in jail. I do carry every where else. I feel naked with out it.
11-05-2010, 07:35 AM
IMO as long as a person knows HIS JOB IS ON THE LINE and stillwants to carry concealed, it is his gamble. Personally I don't think it is worth losing a job over it in todays inviroment. Whether we feel we should have that right or not, if it is a policy of the company you work for, you basically have no legal recourse. You may not tell anyone ur carrying either which is a must but if for some reason you get hurt on the job etc and have to behospitalized or assisted by people on the company site, THEN WHAT?? and if one lousy person who you work with or around knows tha tyou carry on the job site then you are exposed and u can never trust that NO ONE KNOWS.Indiana just recently passed a law where one can have on the job site parking lot area a gun as long as it is stillin the vehicle stored in a locked area. Most all companies fought this change to, but no way will the law change to say they can carry in the building of a private company. These copmpanies do have their rights to make rules wheter we like them or not. Probably more people carry concealed in companies that we will ever know but once pandora's box is open, then again YOUR JOB IS ON THE LINE...
11-05-2010, 08:23 AM
so is my life.... but i haven't found a resume that works at getting a new one of those yet. ;)
11-05-2010, 09:39 AM
Like I said it is ur choice. I sure in hell would hate to come home about noon and the wife ask why I am home so early today, only to tell her that I got fired for carrying a gun on company property. But heh I am retired so I don't have that decision to make either.
I guess a good question to many is that where states outlaw ccw (like Illinois) do u stick a gun in ur pocket like you think you have that right to do?? ELSEWHERE..
11-05-2010, 11:21 AM
I carried 100% of the time at my old no-guns employment. No issues at all, and actually got a lot of people introduced into the shooting sports and politics, where these issues were taboo beforehand.
I carry 0% of the time at my current no-guns employment. Metal detectors, combined with a constant police presence and a state law that states no carrying on a waterfront casino (non-water front is alright though), and a USCG declaration would make it a felony (not a misdomeanor). I also would not get away with it considering the metal detectors are set off by my keys, let alone a slide and mag of ammo.
I wouldn't just loose my job (it's a temporary one anywho), I would become a felon, and loose my future with the armed services. Those last two, I can not risk.
11-05-2010, 11:36 AM
JEEP ur commetns are dead on. One has to weigh the consequences of his actions. Like I have stated it is an individual decision to make but I would think if I was the bread winner in the family and the company policy was NO guns then I might not like it but i would adhere to it..
Some places have dress codes, usually a reason for that to, again some might not like it but going into a job one should know the rules before he takes on employment there...
I guess it all boils down to good ol "common sense"..
11-05-2010, 04:55 PM
THEN: Lived and worked in a NO-CCW state, for a company with 16,000 employees across 27 sites in the US. Their US policy: No Drugs, No weapons on company property. Random urinalysis, unannounced K-9 sweeps (including company parking lots -- unfenced at my work place). Not a happy camper about ANY of that, but it paid the bills.
NOW: Retired, moved to a CCW-allowed state. Carry? If they CANT tell, I'm not GOING to tell. Happy camper now.
11-05-2010, 05:25 PM
Like I said it is ur choice. I sure in hell would hate to come home about noon and the wife ask why I am home so early today, only to tell her that I got fired for carrying a gun on company property.
My wife would say that sucks, you'll find another job.
Much better option than the police Chaplain coming to my house to inform her I won't be coming home at all because I was murdered.
She'd be really upset about that.
11-05-2010, 05:38 PM
I think my wife has my life insurance agent on speed dial. She'd be more upset if my Beagle died.
11-05-2010, 07:48 PM
I work at a Federal Gov. facility. No weapons allowed, none brought in. Funny thing is they installed a duress alarm for the person monitoring the entrance 4 years ago. They still haven't given us a good answer for "What do we do if the alarm sounds?" Currently, they say to remain calm, do not investigate. Supposedly one of the supervisors is expected to investigate and inform the rest of the staff of how to respond. In 20 years, I've never seen any of them make snap, good decisions or act the hero. Not that they have any weapon short of a cell phone to call 911. Just hope I'm not in the office the first time the system gets tested.
11-06-2010, 03:42 AM
i drive a gas truck and have to go on call sometimes
late at night i carry 24-7 we have a no weapons policy
been there 2 yrs havent been made yet
11-09-2010, 04:53 AM
"All jobs" are part time anymore anyway, here today gone tomorrow. But if something were to happen, your survival chances are higher if your carring.:confused: after all most people caring have brains and common sense.
11-09-2010, 06:16 AM
"All jobs" are part time anymore anyway, here today gone tomorrow. But if something were to happen, your survival chances are higher if your carrying.:confused: after all most people carrying have brains and common sense.
Good point grumpybutt. Welcome to Kahrtalk.
my office has an interesting policy that allows visitors and other with ccw-permit to carry on our property, but employees are banned unless they have been explicitly exempted by our extremely gossipy hr lady. add to that unlocked front doors and you can see why i made my own policy. i frown on people who brags about carrying in jurisdictions that do not permit them to do so but this is corporate policy, i have no second thoughts about it.
11-09-2010, 11:09 AM
my office has an interesting policy that allows visitors and other with ccw-permit to carry on our property, but employees are banned unless they have been explicitly exempted by our extremely gossipy hr lady. add to that unlocked front doors and you can see why i made my own policy. i frown on people who brags about carrying in jurisdictions that do not permit them to do so but this is corporate policy, i have no second thoughts about it.
with what your saying but corporate policy will get you fired and u have no legal recourse. To me if you have an $8 hour job and want to gamble, that is ur decision but if you have a $25+ hour job, then, one hell of a gamble for "your policy"
11-09-2010, 11:12 AM
"All jobs" are part time anymore anyway, here today gone tomorrow. But if something were to happen, your survival chances are higher if your carring.:confused: after all most people caring have brains and common sense.
would add to your statement that if corporate policy forbids guns on the premises, then if u decide to carry , u can bet it might just be a part time job. I guess to me being 67+ and very conservative and one who has seen some hard times and jobs so scarce especially good paying jobs with good companies, that I ust would not want to push the envelope to go against corporate policy...
"one hell of a gamble"
it seems a pretty defensive strategy compared to the alternative of being unarmed. i value my life and well being a lot more than any position that corporate america can offer me. i would also like to think that my skill set is somewhat in demand and that i hopefully could find a new employer should it come to that. add to that deep concealment that minimizes the risk of being made and it is a no-brainer to me.
11-09-2010, 06:18 PM
I had a skill set once. Danged if I can remember just for sure what it was now. Not sure people or corporate america would go out of their way to pay me to do it either but I was damn good at it, whatever it was.
Always carry, never tell.
11-11-2010, 01:47 AM
Like I said it is ur choice. I sure in hell would hate to come home about noon and the wife ask why I am home so early today, only to tell her that I got fired for carrying a gun on company property. But heh I am retired so I don't have that decision to make either.
I guess a good question to many is that where states outlaw ccw (like Illinois) do u stick a gun in ur pocket like you think you have that right to do?? ELSEWHERE..
I'd much rather come home at noon that never come home again. Another job I can find, another life I can't.
11-12-2010, 04:15 PM
a local store owner here had an attempted armed robbery with a machete yesterday. robbery was only "attempted" because store owner drew his pistol and the machete swinging loser turned tail and ran! here in MA the store owner is lucky he hasnt been brought up on charges, yet...
11-13-2010, 10:12 AM
Here in TX that wouldn't even make the newspaper. Let alone the blotter.
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