View Full Version : Maybe Kahr does read this forum
11-06-2010, 11:50 AM
I just saw over on Gunblast's preview of the SHOT show, that Kahr has the MR40 to debut. This looks like a full sized Kahr and it has a rail. See what I mean here SHOT Show Preview: New Items from the 2010 NASGW Show in Louisville ( it is a little picture down at the bottom.
11-06-2010, 12:07 PM
Woah that's crazy. I didn't even recognize that as a Kahr at first.
11-06-2010, 12:29 PM
At first...!!?? Since when does Kahr make bizarre, ugly guns!?? That must be a mistake or something to appeal to the large, ugly gun crowd... totally out of character for Kahr! That's hardly a compact CCW pistol, though some of you will be wondering if anyone will make a pocket holster for it, I'm sure.:rolleyes:
They still haven't finished or completed several things... like a K45... or steel floor plates for the .45's, or higher capacity magazines with extended grips for the P380... as they have for all of the other lines. Oh, yeah, and a CW380 for you guys looking for a bargain.
:behindsofa: Wynn:banplease::D
11-06-2010, 02:43 PM
At first...!!?? Since when does Kahr make bizarre, ugly guns!?? That must be a mistake or something to appeal to the large, ugly gun crowd... totally out of character for Kahr! That's hardly a compact CCW pistol, though some of you will be wondering if anyone will make a pocket holster for it, I'm sure.:rolleyes:
They still haven't finished or completed several things... like a K45... or steel floor plates for the .45's, or higher capacity magazines with extended grips for the P380... as they have for all of the other lines. Oh, yeah, and a CW380 for you guys looking for a bargain.
:behindsofa: Wynn:banplease::D
I'm with you one the flush, steel floorplate for the PM45. I'd love to get rid of that ugly bump on the bottom.
Haven't you heard that large, ugly guns are in? Otherwise Glock and Beretta would be out of business.
11-06-2010, 03:17 PM
I have to admit, this is the most butt ugly gun I have ever seen. I wonder sometimes if they take these guns around before deciding to make them. Might be a real shooter but certainly looks like sh-t to this ol timer....
11-06-2010, 03:23 PM
That's a rebadged Walther P99 AS. See the decocker on the slide.
11-06-2010, 03:52 PM
damn frank I sure hope it is not a hammer gun. Course it willbe a cold day in hell before I would ever own one, so they can put 10 fooking hammers on it for all I care...
11-06-2010, 04:19 PM
I still am skeptical that pic above is a Kahr. It has the Glock split trigger, rail, The slide sides are angled - not flat, Glock trigger guard, Mag release is a lever, and using a glass the lettering on the barrel doesn't look like "KAHR", the second word could be "Eagle".
11-06-2010, 04:22 PM
Rebadged Desert Eagle...P99 clone
Kahr bought Desert Eagle (the company) a while back.
just sayin'
11-06-2010, 04:56 PM
I still am skeptical that pic above is a Kahr. It has the Glock split trigger, rail, The slide sides are angled - not flat, Glock trigger guard, Mag release is a lever, and using a glass the lettering on the barrel doesn't look like "KAHR", the second word could be "Eagle".
sure hope your right. Maybe a desert eagle stamped with kahrs name?????:der:
11-06-2010, 05:32 PM
It could happen. Ry, give the Quinn brothers my regards for a damn fine online gun rag for me.
11-06-2010, 05:47 PM
Holy smokes, Kahr bought Desert Eagle? What was it, Magnum Research?
My hopes of a CW50 are closer than ever!!
11-06-2010, 06:23 PM
glad to see it is reallty a partial clone of the dessert eage and not truly a kahr innovation, as it totally sucks I guess kahr bought magnum research to further take it down the tube and thisnew MR40 just sucks. but for me most magnum research guns sucked to.
I guess we shouold have figured out who made this gun when it said MR40= Magnum research 40. If I was kahr I would not want my name on that slide either.
11-06-2010, 06:49 PM
Well it looks like a rail was the first, I was just kinder excited was all. I never said it tripped my trigger, just that Kahr was introducing a railed pistol. Like I said maybe they do read this forum a little at least.
11-06-2010, 07:14 PM
There are certainly a lot of directions Kahr could go, but this looks to be a wrong one. There are plenty of butt-ugly black guns on the market and another one won't help us at all. Kahr needs to stick to what they do well and make a CW380 instead. Even a CW9 in pink would be a better seller. Women are snatching those pink pistols up left and right.
Looks like it is time for a new marketing director at Kahr.
11-06-2010, 07:26 PM
I would bet that this gun was in the design and making stages long before kahr ever bought magnum research. You just domn't make a gun like tha tin a year. lots of design, lots o vendor work to make sure things are right. Easily a 2 to 3 year design program before it ever hits the dealer shelves..
Probably a gun that kahr bought into when they bought magnum research. If it says MR on it, I am cool with it, Kahr should not put their name on this gun IMO. It might be a jim dandy to but to me looks like sh-t..
11-06-2010, 07:28 PM
I know this is a late reply...
but I didn't mean that in a good way!
It looks like a K-Mart spring airsoft Walther.
They need a K45 and MK45 before that.
11-06-2010, 07:38 PM
Someone has railed for a rail on this forum?? :confused:
The best looking thing in that photo was the black wire tie.
I just went to our "best" gun show here today... pretty disappointing.
There were very few Kahrs and most were over priced, but the biggest dealer that had them, had CW9's and CW40's for $369... the lowest I've seen. This time they even had the 9's. They also had the P380's... a black one for $649 and the pink one for $699... go figure.
The only other thing of note was the .45 ACP Hi Point Carbine... the same dealer had it for $239.99 and later another small dealer had one for $339.99.
It was so cheap looking that I just totally dismissed it. There was a time recently that I was really wanting a .45 carbine, but I'll pass on this one.
I spent just over an hour and back tracked just a tad at the show. I only bought some targets and one .45 snap cap to give me 7, so I don't have to throw in a live round to test capacities of .45 magazines.
Through rambling. Well, almost... I do think that jlottmc was salivating over that ugly MR40. He sure got defensive there after most people were unfavorably impressed. :D That's okay, though. Marines like some weird stuff... beauty isn't everything. :rolleyes:
11-06-2010, 07:43 PM
That pistol looks horrible... :puke:
Kahrs are MY pocket gun. Something that size polymer framed in 9mm or .45acp for IWB/OWB carry? No thanks. I already have a bunch of those. And, no...they're not all Glocks, Bawanna. :yo:
11-06-2010, 07:58 PM
Dang! Can hardly see... just watched that Trace Adkins pitch for the Wounded Warrior Project... on Fox News, of course... need a tissue or three.
That's a good cause... one of the best.
11-06-2010, 08:16 PM
Dang! Can hardly see... just watched that Trace Adkins pitch for the Wounded Warrior Project... on Fox News, of course... need a tissue or three.
That's a good cause... one of the best.
Uh, wrong thread? :D
11-06-2010, 09:03 PM
Man that CW380 sure sounds good. I hope Kahr does monitor this site. My CW9 and CW45 have been flawless. The 9 from day one and the 45 after 50 rounds.:)
11-07-2010, 07:28 AM
If it functioned flawlessly, came with 3 mags, holster, mags pouches, and the MSRP was $199, would it look any better:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
just askin'
How about with a mail in rebate coupon for a CW9:p
11-07-2010, 08:50 AM
If it was all of that and only cost $50, I still wouldn't want one.:puke:
JMHO, but I don't like Big Ugly Guns.
11-07-2010, 10:43 AM
wyn, I prefer the red wire ties over the black!!!!!
11-07-2010, 01:18 PM
Someone has railed for a rail on this forum?? :confused:
Yes wynn, there was even a thread about a month or so ago. For the record, I am willing to give an ugly gun a chance, as long as it feels good in my hands, shoots were I point it, and is 110% reliable, I'm ok with it. I look at an ugly gun kind of the same way I do an ugly (not too bad though) woman. It just may be real fun to play with.
11-07-2010, 02:35 PM
Yes wynn, there was even a thread about a month or so ago. For the record, I am willing to give an ugly gun a chance, as long as it feels good in my hands, shoots were I point it, and is 110% reliable, I'm ok with it. I look at an ugly gun kind of the same way I do an ugly (not too bad though) woman. It just may be real fun to play with.
Life my friend is far too short for ugly guns and/or ugly women. There's plenty of nice looking guns and woman can bring it on themselves. Guys too for that matter.
11-07-2010, 03:11 PM
I dont know what to think about that gun. It looks like ugly as hell.
Frankly, that crap makes me loose a little respect for KAHR. They stole someone elses design, er I mean bought, changed it a little bit and are slapping the KAHR name on it? That's stupid as hell.
I dont care what name they slap on it, its still a P99. Hell that thing looks worse then Smith and Wessons offering of the same rebranded and renamed crap.
11-07-2010, 03:33 PM
Frankly, that crap makes me loose a little respect for KAHR. They stole someone elses design, er I mean bought, changed it a little bit and are slapping the KAHR name on it?
Sure does look like Kahr intends to pull a "Ruger LCP" move... :rolleyes:
11-07-2010, 08:01 PM
Well in fairness, not exactly pulling an LCP-type move as Kahr owns MRI, and MRI was doing that in cooperation with Walther. More like Walther and Smith & Wesson's relationship, in the SW99. From what Kel-Tec says, I don't think Ruger had any such agreement with them. Not that I am in the know on that, just what I have seen Kel-Tec employees say online.
11-07-2010, 09:47 PM
From what Kel-Tec says, I don't think Ruger had any such agreement with them. Not that I am in the know on that, just what I have seen Kel-Tec employees say online.
Yes, I've seen the same stuff. I guess that's what George Kellgren gets for not patenting his stuff...or laying SOME official claim to its likeness. First we had GRENdel and now KEL-Tec. Dude's running out of syllables. :D
And, if anyone's thinking about it, spare me the argument of, "Well, what about the 1911? Zillions of people copy that!" That patent ran out a LOOOONG time ago...
11-08-2010, 06:04 AM
The P99 was/is an excellent platform. It has proven reliable and is used by some European Police Agencies as a duty weapon. If they continue to build them as good as the original then I would think it has potential to succeed.
11-08-2010, 09:48 AM
i was hoping to see something more "desert eagle" from kahr. hope this isnt it?
11-08-2010, 09:55 AM
Well in fairness, not exactly pulling an LCP-type move as Kahr owns MRI, and MRI was doing that in cooperation with Walther. More like Walther and Smith & Wesson's relationship, in the SW99. From what Kel-Tec says, I don't think Ruger had any such agreement with them. Not that I am in the know on that, just what I have seen Kel-Tec employees say online.
KT had no patent protection on their little 380 or 32 for that matter, Ruger just cloned it and then had to retweek it as the kt's had some real issues that Ruger didn't take the time to eliminate before making the gun. One big issue was the drop safety of the kt's and the lcp, that Ruger had to go back into and redue right.
bopth are pretty good guns today, I would prefer the lcp over the kt's though even though today they both probably work as good as each other. Can't say that about the PF9 though..
11-08-2010, 10:03 AM
These are already out with the magnum research badging and trust me the frames are not made by Walther.
11-08-2010, 11:46 AM
f-ugly.... but hey if it goes bang then it is what it is... i too would opt against this gun... if you want a DE get a DE if you want a Walther get a Walther... to those who are interested in this gun however, more power to ya, im a looks guy myself... hope ta hear some good reviews on quality despite looks
11-08-2010, 12:39 PM
I doubt they'll be putting Kahr on any of those things. They bought Auto Ordnance and stuck with the established badges. Of course, I haven't held any of those and looked at the inscriptions or stamps, either, so JMHO.
11-08-2010, 12:47 PM
I suspect and hope that they just acquired the others in an effort to expand their market place presence. Utilize kahr for their compact concealed carry market, and Auto Ordnance and Desert Eagle (IMI?) for larger size competitive market.
I've seen no lesser quality on the Thompsons since Kahr owns them and perhaps even a bit of improvement, certainly over some of the periods in the long history of Thompson.
Same with the Auto Ordnance 1911's. I don't own one "yet" but I've held a few and to me good as ever.
Just like Brownells buying Sinclair Intl. Just makes one already very good company even better.
11-08-2010, 12:50 PM
Speaking of big ugly guns... well, maybe not so ugly, but pretty danged big... at the gun show last Saturday, I picked up a Glock 21 AGAIN... just too darn big... I have to stretch to reach the trigger... that thing is just too big. I kind of used to want one of those for the high capacity with .45 ACP, but that was before Kahr had polymer guns. I also almost tried the early Taurus Millennium things, but read nothing good online about them... kind of falling apart at the range when fired! :eek:
I only got enthused about polymer guns when the P380 came out and after reading about the PM's on this forum... mostly favorable raves, especially the PM9, which became my first polymer gun... first of many.
11-08-2010, 01:51 PM
I kind of used to want one of those for the high capacity with .45 ACP, but that was before Kahr had polymer guns.
Polymer hi-cap .45 with 14+1 in a "1911-ish" platform. Awesome pistol. :cool:
11-08-2010, 02:16 PM
I had a Walther P99 briefly. Bought it out of curiosity, and at $425 or so the price was right. It ran well, and was fairly accurate. Fairly compact for CCW purposes, compared to other double-stacked nines.
11-08-2010, 02:27 PM
Now that's a nice looking gun, Seahawk.
Got to git goin'... going to the range with my PM45 and try all of those magazines and the new recoil spring assembly.
11-08-2010, 03:03 PM
Now that's a nice looking gun, Seahawk.
No thicker than a single stack 1911 with standard wood grip panels at the widest point and no heavier than an all steel 1911 of comparable size (4.25" barrel). Not a bad IWB/OWB carry gun at all.
11-08-2010, 09:09 PM
An older gentleman next to me at the range wanted to know what I was shooting... he was impressed(?) We shot each other's .45's. He had an Auto Ordnance 1911... the WWII model with wooden stocks. I loaded six and was apprehensive but settled down after jerking three shots a bit. The last three were right on... center to center 5/8". That's a 4" blue ring... inner diameter. The sights are plain... no color or contrast and the front is ramped up... but the recoil was light and the sights were right on... sweet shooter. I remarked on the little "bob" that improves the heck out of the bottom rear of the grip... no pointy thing.
11-08-2010, 09:57 PM
It looks kinda like my walther p22. Fun gun to shoot and accurate. The nice thing about the mag release is that it allows for either left or right hand releases. It looks a little robocop....
11-09-2010, 10:29 AM
magnum research already sells this gun as the "baby desert eagle" for $699
Magnum ResearchBaby_Eagle_FA (
11-09-2010, 10:51 AM
If I wanted a Walther P99, I would buy one.
That said, how about focusing on making steel framed 45ACP models, and looking into redesigning the fire control so the reset point is NOT at the end of trigger motion?
If Kahr ever comes out with a trigger mechanism that allows a reset that is only part of the travel, such as a Glock, S&W M&P, etc., I'll probably become a Kahr shooter again, but not till then. It's a shame, as the ergos are superb on the Kahr platform.
The abomination shown is NOT a Kahr, no ifs, ands, or buts, about it.
11-09-2010, 03:09 PM
people who have handled the desert eagle brand version like it. the grip is supposedly adjustable. i am interested to how it pans out. i guess i'm alone out here but i like the idea of it. i like the p99 too. maybe kahr/mr made some improvements to an already proven design (sound familiar?). i have been looking for a full size nightstand gun with a rail for flash/laser combo, maybe this is it. (if it gets approved for sale in MA)
11-09-2010, 04:30 PM
RE: trigger reset. Had an opportunity the other day to play with a Styr 9MM and a Sig S with their quick, short travel 2nd or so shots. Thought it lwas cool, BUT, would have to re-condition myself to hold on to the trigger and not let go. During my early days of learning to shoot combat/instinct shooting, learned that continueing pressure on the tigger after recoil cause aa change in point of impact. Had triggers fixed to prevent over travel. notice with Sig I had that problem, could learn to overcome really nice Idea and gun(s)
11-09-2010, 05:44 PM
Obvious collaboration between Walther and Magnum Research.
If it's like the Smith & Wesson SW99, the frame and all internal parts are made by Walther, the slides and barrels will be manufactured by Magnum/Kahr.
Although Kahr already uses Lothar/Walther barrels in several of their pistols, so the barrels will probably be Walther as well.
11-09-2010, 06:05 PM
I'll probably become a Kahr shooter again, but not till then.
If I may respectfully ask, why even bother to monitor and/or be a member of a Kahr forum if you're not a "Kahr shooter"?
11-09-2010, 06:14 PM
If I may respectfully ask, why even bother to monitor and/or be a member of a Kahr forum if you're not a "Kahr shooter"?
Down Seahawk, heal! Jeeps been an owner of several Kahrs in the very recent past. He only runs what works for him and he made valiant efforts to make the Kahr work, but it just didn't make it. He gets rid of stuff that doesn't work.
Kahr ownership is not a prerequisite here although it does help and in his defense he makes positive contributions in several areas and unlike some who have come and gone he doesn't focus on post against kahrs in general.
I suspect he'll be a Kahr shooter again one day but if not thats ok too.
I'm feeling poorly, I'm such a kahrtalk addict that even though I should be laying down I'm here hanging out with pals. Even left work early, a rare thing. I apologize in advance if I sound like I went off on ya, I'm really not. Guess I"m just the carrier of the olive branch which of course jlott says can still be a switch.
It's all good. It really really is.
11-09-2010, 06:57 PM
Sorry, dude... Just asked an honest question and in a completely polite way...
11-09-2010, 07:32 PM
Sorry, dude... Just asked an honest question and in a completely polite way...
You did in a completely polite way and I'm sorry I threw myself in front of the bus. Jeeps a full grown man now near as I can figure and I should have left it for him but I got this darn patience issue or lack there of.
No need for sorry neither, in hind sight it was a good question.
I occasionally forget that some haven't been here since the beginning of time and didn't see some of the water that went under our bridge.
11-09-2010, 09:28 PM
I think bawanna just replied so he could to Kahrtalk 5k memeber faster... :)
11-09-2010, 09:52 PM
I think bawanna just replied so he could to Kahrtalk 5k memeber faster... :)
I'm looking into some imodium for the keyboard. Perhaps a timer or a little spin the dial kind of thing. Ok to post, not ok to post.
I'll be good, I'm going out back right now and taking a switch to myself.
11-10-2010, 01:09 AM
If I may respectfully ask, why even bother to monitor and/or be a member of a Kahr forum if you're not a "Kahr shooter"?
I used to run a CW40 and T40. You can verify this (on the T40 at least) if you look at my youtube channel, it's prominantly featured in videos regarding concealment, double action only trigger pulls, action work, and reloading (slide stop vs. sling shot).
YouTube - flicksguns's Channel (
I found the ergonomics of the pistols superior, the accuracy extremely good, and the reliability top notch, and they were (with minor exceptions) easy to work on and figure out how to improve upon. I'm hoping that some day Kahr will come out with a thin pistol (they already have that) that utilizes a shorter reset. I do think that Kahr makes the best DEFENSIVE ONLY pistol. However, I want the pistol that I can best use offensively - a gun fight is fighting, just with guns, and I do NOT want a gun that's slower to put into action and finish the fight in my hands. I want a gun that can equally act extremely well as an OFFENSIVE, I'M GONNA KILL YOU BEFORE YOU TOUCH A HAIR ON MY KID'S HEAD kind of offensive. Just me.
As was stated, I get rid of things that don't work better for me, in exchange for things that DO work better. If I'm not more accurate, faster from shot to shot, and can't run the gun better than another platform, then why the heck is it on my hip as a last line of defense for my life? I'm not in a fiscal stage of my life where it's no big deal to keep a $700 unused piece of equipment, plus it's supporting units - I'd rather sell it for $500-600, and move on with my life.
Besides, there's some good folks on here.
11-10-2010, 08:07 AM
Many thanks for the compliment to our members!
I was very concerned when first trying DAO triggers, that I would not be able to group well with them when running fast. The smooth triggers on Kahrs proved me wrong. In particular, my K9 is extremely easy to run fast--assisted perhaps by the extra mass, and the fact that it is a tack driver. Now my fast and your fast may not be the same thing. I am not as good as I once was, but I am as good once as I ever was. :D
I still want to find a gently treated T9. I suspect that would work very well for me given its extra grip surface. That and they are just beautiful!
Back on the subject of the P99 design, the one I had was their shorter reset trigger. I do not recall what they call that. It was not bad--certainly far better than a NY triggered Glock. Not smooth like the Kahr DAO triggers, but fairly short reset.
11-10-2010, 08:28 AM
I used to be a single action only feller until my CW45 came around. I used to shoot my S&W 6906 terribly. Its 1st round SA/DA after or DA when the decocker is used. After shooting my Kahr my shooting skills with the 9mm 6906 did a 180. Not only that, but the novak 3 dot sights on it helped me drill them in the center. Sufficient to say that I was indeed impressed. Then came the S&W Model 10. It was my first wheel-gun after MUCH peining for lack of one and too many autos. If I only had a job. I keep looking at the parts sight and wanting to do a few things here and there but just dont have the cheese like a good little mouse. But I see myself owning another Kahr maybe.
11-10-2010, 09:38 AM
I've been studying the pic from page 1 of this string... To me, 90% of the cheap looks problem is in the trigger and trigger guard. If I cover those up with my thumb, the overall look is vastly improved IMHO... What were they thinking in that area? So my suggestion is to change those two elements.
11-10-2010, 11:34 PM
I'm looking into some imodium for the keyboard. Perhaps a timer or a little spin the dial kind of thing. Ok to post, not ok to post.
I'll be good, I'm going out back right now and taking a switch to myself.
That takes all the fun out of it. You should really get a magic 8 ball. AS they say, pics, or it didn't happen!!! :D
11-11-2010, 12:06 AM
Not a great picture.
11-11-2010, 10:37 AM
You stop it. I know you gotta be more hairy than that living in a state that actually gets snow and all...
11-11-2010, 10:45 AM
Not hair, moss and mold most likely. Getting darn chilly here in the NW. Had a couple nice warm days last week but the ice scrapers are back on duty now. Rumored to be very wet and maybe lots of snow. Marvelous.
11-11-2010, 12:50 PM
It's sunny and 75 degrees in Atlanta! Of course it's been the same all week, and won't change tomorrow. It's starting to get boring.
11-11-2010, 12:56 PM
72 here in Indiana, just super bike riding weather . Probalby will ride to get a milk shake today!!!!
11-11-2010, 12:58 PM
72 here in Indiana, just super bike riding weather . Probalby will ride to get a milk shake today!!!!
How quickly we forget! Better take the Porsche. Please.
11-11-2010, 03:06 PM
How quickly we forget! Better take the Porsche. Please.
I've been out most of the afternoon, and I DID take the Porsche. Sorta nice to ride around in short sleeves in the middle of November with the top down.
11-11-2010, 03:17 PM
Not hair, moss and mold most likely. Getting darn chilly here in the NW. Had a couple nice warm days last week but the ice scrapers are back on duty now. Rumored to be very wet and maybe lots of snow. Marvelous.
You molding made me LOL and further caused my wife to call me a tool for spending so much time on this forum. Now I am in trouble and supposed to go clean the yard or rake if I have so much damn time on my hands. Sheesh, all bawanna's fault again :75:
11-11-2010, 03:52 PM
You molding made me LOL and further caused my wife to call me a tool for spending so much time on this forum. Now I am in trouble and supposed to go clean the yard or rake if I have so much damn time on my hands. Sheesh, all bawanna's fault again :75:
Sorry man, I take total responsibility. I gotta another yard full of leaves to chase too, just not up to it today. Hoping for a big wind to blow em into the neighbors yard. Wifes cracking the whip on fishin lures though. Been at it for 2 days solid pretty near.
Tell your missus that your teaching us dumb ones important gun stuff and we'll mess up if you don't help us. Might work.
I'm gonna take a 5 minute break and go see what spare reloading stuff I got that I can send to Old Lincoln.
11-13-2010, 12:16 AM
Video of Kahr Arms at NASGW 2010
looks like they will be badged magnum research
YouTube - KAHR ARMS at NASGW 2010 Annual Meeting & Expo (
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