View Full Version : Capers

The Hustler
11-06-2010, 11:06 AM
This sticky thread is a place to post your match announcements...

The Hustler
11-06-2010, 11:12 AM
The Copicut Zooters of the Copicut Rifle Association will present a American Zoot Shooters Association event Saturday November 13th 2010. Safety Meeting at 9:30 Sharp, Entry Fee $15.00. Pack a Lunch.

Match: Will consist of Four Capers (Stages) This will be a Handgun, Rifle and Pocket Pistol/Snubby match. Total round count will not exceed 45-60 Handgun, 20 Pocket Pistol/Snubby and 110 Rifle.

Handguns: 1911 Pistols or other semi-autos or any Pencil Barrel Revolvers reminiscent of the 1920’s-30’s. Maximum of two holstered. Reloaded by Magazines, Speedloaders or Moon Clips as needed.

Rifle: Any Semi-Auto Rifle, Lever action or Pump rifle of the period using a Pistol cartridge. Including 1928 Thompson rifles. (Note, More than one rifle may be used to meet the round requirement per Caper.) A limited number of Lever rifles and Thompsons will be available to share. (Bring .45 ACP 230 Gr FMJ ammunition.)

Pocket Pistol/Snubby: .32 or .380 caliber Pistols of that era. Colt 1903's, H&R Self Loaders, Savage 1907, 1917's. Any Snub nose revolver.

Dress: Period Dress is encouraged. Suits, Leather jacket, trench coat, Farmer Jeans, Fedoras, Newsboy Caps, Think Depression era, Gangster, Cop, Cab Driver, Delivery man. Aliases also encouraged.

Directions: From I-195 (East or West) Take Exit 11, turn onto Ramp towards Reed Rd. / Dartmouth / Hixville, heading North on Reed Road.
Head North on Reed Road for 1.8 miles. Road name changes to N Hixville Road for 1.3 miles.Turn Right (North) onto Copicut Road for 1.3 miles (follow CRA sign). Turn Right to stay on Copicut Road for 0.7 mile (follow CRA sign).Turn Right onto Quanapoag Road (unpaved) for 0.4 miles (follow CRA sign).
Turn left onto CRA drive (paved, gated) for 0.3 miles.

For more information please visit the Zoot Shooters' Club page...

Clubs Zoot Shooters (http://www.zootshooters.com/clubs)

The Hustler
11-20-2010, 10:40 AM
I posted the photos and match results for the 11/13/2010 Copicut Zooters' capers on the AZSA website. It looks like they had a great time...

Copicut Zooters 2010 Zoot Shooters (http://www.zootshooters.com/gallery/copicut-zooters-2010)

08-11-2012, 01:47 AM
Mica Peak Moonshiners
25 August 2012
“Made Man” Shoot

This will be the first, organized event put on by our newly formed AZSA shooting group, and as such, the main focus will be to establish a standard of safety and introduce our special style of competitive shooting to the local shooting community. As is the fashion of our shooting sport, all participants should be shooting in a costume appropriate to the era of which we are portraying; from about 1920 to 1949. An attempt at costuming is all that is needed at this time, but as the sport and group progresses, better costuming may be expected in the future. All firearms used in this sport should be appropriate to the era with a “10 foot rule” of appearance, meaning that they need to look appropriate at 10 feet, which allows a lot of leeway for new shooters to get into the sport on a budget. A shooter is required to have hearing and eye protection on him at all times, any handguns to be carried in holsters as part of the shooter's costume will be verified unloaded by a range master before the shooter is allowed to walk off the range with them while all long guns will remain in the shooter's staging area in an unloaded and safe condition until they are ready to be moved to the stages of the caper that they will be used in, at which time they can be loaded in the presence of a range master whlie leaving the chamber empty until the shooter makes it to that portion of the caper. As this is our first event, all stages of the caper will be conducted with the firearm pre-staged at each portion of the caper, with spare magazines or extra shells for reloading also at that location.
The theme of this shoot will be the different tasks in becoming a “Made Man”, starting with a warm-up stage to help the shooter prepare for the days events and evolving through the different tasks a mafia shooter would be required to do.

Bonus Stage; “Shine Mister?”
Required Equipment; Handgun with 6 rounds
With the shooter's match pistol/revolver secured in a loaded condition in a shoe shine box, the shooter will retrieve his/her handgun and engage a seated target at 5 feet with a double tap to the center of mass and two “bodyguard” targets at 10 feet and to either side of the first target in the same fashion. All targets at this stage will be paper and scored as per police academy rules for the era. This stage is a bonus, to help raise money for the club and to help shooters work out their jitters before going on the the main stages, it can be done as many times as the shooter needs to feel comfortable.

Stage One; The First Hit, or “leave the gun, take the canoli”
Required Equipment; Shotgun and 2 rounds, Handgun and 12 rounds
The shooter will enter the stage with a range master and move to the shooter box, where his shotgun will be “hidden” in a flower box, loaded but with no round chambered. When the RO says go, the shooter will retrieve their shotgun and engage 2 targets, then set the shotgun back down with the breech open and advance to the next shooter box, where he will retrieve his handgun and engage 3 targets with 2 rounds each, demonstrate to the RO that the handgun is empty, then move to the next shooter box, reload the handgun and engage another series of targets with a mixture of shoot and no-shoot targets in the group. Once all rounds are complete, the shooter will demonstrate weapons are safe and clear and the RO will assist him off stage.

Stage Two; “Bank Heist”
Required Equipment; Carbine with 14 rounds, Handgun with 12 rounds
When the RO says go, the shooter will move to the first shooter box and begin engaging the first series of targets from behind cover. When all rounds are complete for the first loading, the shooter will demonstrate to the RO clear and safe chamber and leave the rifle at that location, then move to the second shooter box (located inside the bank). Once inside the bank, the shooter will retrieve the “money bag” and engage a second series of targets inside the bank to neutralize the guards, demonstrate a clear and safe weapon to the RO and then move to the third shooter box, where he will reload his handgun and engage “police” targets outside the bank. At this stage the targets are shoot and no-shoot targets, so the shooter must be careful what he engages or suffer penalties. Once all rounds are complete, the shooter will demonstrate a clear and safe weapon, holster it and move back to the first shooter box, where they will move back to the first shooter box and reload their rifle, engage all bank guard and police targets, demonstrate a clear and safe weapon to the RO and the stage will end.

Final State; “The Get Away”
Required Equipment; Shotgun and 4 rounds, Rifle and 7 rounds, Handgun and 6 rounds
This stage will start with the shooter seated at a table with their shotgun in front of them. They will begin in the seated position, engaging 2 targets, demonstrate a cleared weapon to the RO, then move to the door where they will engage another 2 targets with the shotgun. After again demonstrating a clear and safe shotgun, they will move to a shooter box in front of the next building, where they will engage 3 more targets with 2 rounds each, demonstrate a clear and safe handgun to the RO and then move to the “get away car” parked down the street, where the final shooter box is located. At the last shooter box, they will retrieve their rifle and re-engage the target shot in the pistol portion, then 4 more targets located outside of the house they started in with the shotgun. The round is complete when they are seated in the “get away car”, after demonstrating a clear and safe shotgun to the RO.

Round count for the 25 Aug shoot (not including bonus/warm-up).
Remember, this is not including any rounds you want to use for warm-up on the bonus stage, so you will want to read the caper overview and figure accordingly.

08-11-2012, 06:38 PM
Sounds like fun!

08-13-2012, 02:09 AM
I will post the results after the match, but this is the first caper/scenario I have ever written for a shooting event, so I am hoping that it at least works as an intro for us. I am currently working on a couple of others to use later, but am also trying to encourage others to give it a shot. It is the least I can do, as Tonie and Beau are really pulling the grunt work for getting the shoot ready, literally moving an old Model A car hulk to the field and getting things set.

08-26-2012, 02:34 PM
Overall winner of the day was "Frank Hamer", with a total time of 88.82 seconds.
Second place went to "Southside Frenchie", at 101.24 seconds, third place was "Burp Gun Kelly", at 114.75 seconds.