View Full Version : 1st Kahr - PM9 or MK9 ?

10-26-2009, 07:14 PM
Okay guys, my first post so go easy on me. I'm sold on Kahr and want to start with a 9mm, either the PM or MK. I know the difference in weight and that's no problem, it may be carried some, but not a lot, will mostly ride or sleep with me. I may wind up with both and the P380, but where to start and why? Thanks for your input.


10-27-2009, 02:09 AM
I've only got a PM9 so that's what I vote for. I got my PM9 to carry on vacation. It's light weight, small, easy to shoot. I got mine in 05 and I find myself carrying it more than my Glock or Para Ordnance combined.

10-27-2009, 08:18 AM
Personally if I were to pick a model to be my first it would be a K9. They are incredibly easy to shoot and quite accurate. If you want to carry it the K is plenty small enough. The weight does not bother me in a good holster. Certainly not much heavier than many polymer guns that have 15-17 rounds loaded (if at all). I like to get as much grip as possible and only sacrifice that for guns to be carried in the pocket. Shootability should never be overlooked as an important factor in choosing a firearm.


10-27-2009, 09:33 AM
I would also recomend a full-sized model (the K9/P9/CW9). I favor the 9mm and my old E9 (economy K9) and CW9 are pleasures to shoot.

But to answer your question: I'd go for the PM9.

border bandit32
10-27-2009, 11:49 AM
PM9 all the way dude!

10-29-2009, 12:11 PM
Given the choices I would opt for the MK9. My wife has the CW9 and I have the K9, while I can handle the CW just fine I prefer the K9 because the grip is just that little bit thicker and feels better in my hand.

When I had convinced the wife she needed a handgun for her to carry I had a Wather PPKs in mind. I dunno why she didn't like it but she handled several handguns and she liked the PM9 but balked at the cost and opted for an S&W Sigma n(the Sigma was $300 with two extra mags and a $50 rebate thru the mail and I could carry it if I chose). I thought I had convinced her that she needed something she could wear and conceal and the Sigma is much to large for that so back to the shop we go, with the intent that she look at more handguns and if nothing else order an MK9 (I also think the extra weight would help with any recoil issue she might have had). This trip they had a CW9 and for me it is just enough larger than the PM that I felt like even in polymer it would be ok for her in the recoil department and she liked it so she got it. I liked it so much that I jumped on a K9 when the opportunity came about. She liked the K9 so much that the very next chance I had I got another K9. The wife has run 147 grain ammo thru her CW with no balk at the increased recoil so more than likely she would have been fine with the PM, BUT I still like the increased size of the CW and it is plenty small enough to fit in my pocket if that is how I want to carry. Heck I carry a K9 in my pocket quite often (I have yet to try IWB style carry).

The moral of the story is I would opt for the K9 were it me and my first Kahr. Fact is I wish they made a 22lr along the size of the K9. I firmly believe that the first handgun or for that matter firearm period someone buys should be in 22lr caliber, and it should be in whatever flavor (ie bolt action or revolver or semi auto) that that person expects to buy a larger firearm in. I wish someone had told me that oh so long ago. Alas Kahr does not make a 22lr version and right now it appears that I will "settle" for a Sig Sauer Mosquito since it just feels more like a full sized handgun than the others I have held.

10-29-2009, 07:59 PM
Thanks all. I had just about made up my mind on a good deal on a PM9 . . and then lunde had to go post those great pictures of his MK9 Elite 2003 and now I think I just owe it to myself to at least look at one of those; just too beautiful.

tv_ racin, what do you think about the Sigma? My guy has them for $249 after the rebate. Just seems like too good a deal not to have one sitting around someplace.

Thread jack: don't know who your driver is, but Terry Labonte is an old friend and it was fun to watch him run a little again this year.

Ken S
10-31-2009, 08:31 AM
Of the two you mentioned, I would go with the MK9. In that size, the extra heft it offers makes shooting it much more pleasant and since you said you will seldom be carrying it, the extra weight should not be a factor.

I have a K9 also. It was my first Kahr and it's easily my favorite. I agree with the others here who recommend it over either the PM9 or MK9. It fits my hand better than most other pistols I've handled and it also points very well.

The extra length in the grip, while slight when compared to the compacts, is noticeable and helps assure a good, repeatable grip every time. Recoil is a non-issue, even with hotter loads. The extra barrel length, though slight, makes it a very accurate pistol as long as you do your part.

10-31-2009, 09:16 AM
Thanks Ken, and welcome to the Forum. :yo:

I'm new here myself after lurking awhile. This place is full of good info. As a case in point; I have added the K9 to the mix simply because these guys who know have reccommended it so highly.

mr surveyor
10-31-2009, 10:37 AM
The main difference I see in the handguns mentioned in the original post is the plastic vs. steel models. There are a lot of things to consider when delving into that debate. First, the users experience with handguns in general has to be taken into account, particularly when light weight, small package handguns are in the discussion. Just look around the internet at all the firearms related message boards and try to tally up the number of complaints concerning the lightweight semi-auto. Then try to determine the experience level of those complaining about FTE's, FTF's and FTRB's (by reviewing other posts made elsewhere), and in a very large number of cases it becomes apparant that a lot of the reported malfunctions are "user induced". I only mention this because I have been a Kel-Tec follower for several years, and "actively" participate on related message board(s). It's true that KT has had design issues to deal with, and got blasted pretty good for a large percentage of returns during the evolution of a couple of their offerings, but most problems are now user related. That is just the way it is with small, lightweight, "cutting edge designed" handguns, regardless of manufacture. Take away the possibility of poor quality materials, and you're left with only poor design of the gun itself or user's inability to handle the gun as sources of malfunctions. The compact light weight polymer handguns, in general, require a greater skill level of the shooter to properly operate.

Before buying the lightweight version of any handgun, I suggest careful consideration to examining one's abilities and experience level.

Just my rambling

edited to complete the "ramble":

Experienced handgunners can normally handle the demands of grip and wrist strength necessary to properly operate the lighter polymer framed handguns, but even then it's possible for them to have growing pains developing proper technique with lighter weight handguns. Inexperienced handgunners would be well advised (read the countless suggestions from gun magazines, web sites, etc) to start with heavier, steel framed handguns to learn to deal with recoil, second shot recovery, muzzle flip, etc., before they expect to take a light weight model and make it work flawlessly.

I'm not suggesting that Wizard is inexperienced, as he did not state anything regarding that in his original post, but am recommending (just from my own limited personal experience and observations) that the obvious differrences in function between polymer and steel be carefully examined. And, I am by no means an expert, so this is just my $0.08 worth (inflation).


10-31-2009, 08:04 PM
Addressing the original either/or question.....I have both and carry the PM9 daily, but if weight isn't an issue get the MK9. Easy to shoot. Comfortable and concealable for sometimes carry.

11-02-2009, 01:45 PM
Love the light weight of the PM9 but I'd also like to see what a MK9 with CT grips would look like. Tough call...Being able to pocket carry a PM9 is very appealing to me too.

11-02-2009, 03:20 PM
My first, and so far my lone Kahr is the PM9. It was exactly what I needed in a concealed carry pistol so I went with it.

11-02-2009, 06:08 PM
Love my PM9 but going to buy an MK9 in the very near future. Will use it for owb carry instead of my PPS. Right now I am carrying the PM9 on the belt and it just disappears. I think I will enjoy both of them.