View Full Version : New from Florida and the "dark side" :-)

11-09-2010, 01:26 PM
Good afternoon everyone;
Decided to join on here before I decide to purchase either a .40 or 9 mm - CW or P series. Currently carrying with a Glock 23, but think for my daily wear, I need something thinner. Find that I get some great opinions / thoughts on the "talk sites" like this. Looking forward to seeing what you guys have for thoughts, ideas and opinions.


11-09-2010, 01:46 PM
CW .45 for me. Its been a great little gun. The CW9 is also a nice little peice, though I prefer the .45 caliber variety. If you want a nicer gun the CW series is kind of econolined on a few corners of the square so. My CW has been 100% accurate and reliable.

11-09-2010, 03:29 PM
Good afternoon everyone;
Decided to join on here before I decide to purchase either a .40 or 9 mm - CW or P series. Currently carrying with a Glock 23, but think for my daily wear, I need something thinner. Find that I get some great opinions / thoughts on the "talk sites" like this. Looking forward to seeing what you guys have for thoughts, ideas and opinions.


one to buy. PM9

11-10-2010, 07:32 AM
Well I hate to kick sand in jocko's face, but I'm kinda partial to the 45 versions as well, 40 would be my second choice. I love my P45, and one of these days I will own at least a K40, probably more than that as well. Bottom line, the CW series is the less expensive (the differences are cosmetic for the most part), the P series is a great weapon, the K series is great because it is steel framed and the same size as the P series, the PM is tiny and many pocket carry those little guys, the MK series is the steel framed version of the PM series. If large trips your trigger there are the T/TP series. Pick a caliber that you like and shoot well, and feel comfortable with find a Kahr in the size and platform that you like, then shoot it plenty, shoot it plenty more, rinse and repeat. You will not be disappointed.

11-11-2010, 02:02 AM
For me the CW size is the perfect carry size. Large enough to get my whole hand on and small enough to fit my pocket. I prefer the K serise myself, the wife carries the CW.

My mother is living in FL and I will be headed that way before long. IF ya aint found something before then I'll bring a couple down and we can hit the range if ya near enough to the Tampa area.

11-11-2010, 06:13 AM
For all around carry versatility, you can't beat the PM9. pocket carry is easy and it just plain disappears IWB in a simple clipper holster. Light weight and you will forget you are wearing it. If you want something a little bigger that you can get your whole hand on, I'd go PM45. About same recoil as an easy shooting PM9 but with a little more push and no muzzle flip to speak of.

11-11-2010, 06:42 AM
Welcome to the forum. You'll find lots of ideas here. As for which you choose, thats on you. I don't think you will be unhappy with which ever it ends up being.
I like the pm style and size my self, but thats just me.:yo:

11-11-2010, 08:23 PM
Iam also new to the forum. I carry a cw45 and really like it.