View Full Version : second range report on P 380

11-11-2010, 08:33 PM
My dad took his (now broken in) P 380 back to the range yesterday along with my stepmother and her new Ruger lcp. His Kahr now functions 100 percent. Her Lcp had a couple of failures to eject.

We stripped them both down this afternoon and cleaned them. The Ruger was really cruddy inside and I am almost sure that was the problem with it.

I can hardly believe the factories let them go without cleaning and prepping them better.

Moral of the story, clean any gun even if it is new before shooting.

We are one big happy ccw family now.

11-12-2010, 12:16 AM
It is most imperative to clean any newly purchased weapon before using it. disassembling and greasin it before it goes out is extra work and wages paid when they can expect you to do it. Would it be nice? Definitely. But at least while doing your first lube order you can get acquainted with your new best friend :D

11-12-2010, 10:08 AM
Just make sure to peruse the manual and be careful that you re-assemble it correctly. We see quite a few entries here where there were troubles after cleaning the weapons.:)

11-12-2010, 10:10 AM
HAHA I caught that Wyn!!! *blush*