View Full Version : Opinions about the CW 40

11-14-2010, 03:39 PM

11-14-2010, 04:31 PM
Well I shot one and loved it. It is on my list of guns to get, but it's not right up there just because I have the P45 and lots of other stuff to get first kind of a thing. I still have the K40 as a dream gun, that I will own. If I didn't have the P45 I would likely have the P40 or CW40. Great gun, don't worry about the recoil being snappy, it's still a winner in my book.

11-14-2010, 06:48 PM
Get it. I've got a CW9 and a CW45, both are great guns, and I wouldn't hesitate to get another CW if the price was right.

11-14-2010, 07:07 PM
I've owned a CW40 almost 2 years, have run way over 2,000 rounds through it and really like it. The only thing replaced on it is the recoil spring at 1500 rounds. If you can get one at a good price, buy it. If you don't like it you will have a leg up on selling or trading it.

11-14-2010, 08:23 PM
Get it. I have CW9 & CW45. They're my favorites. Great balance, reliablitiy, and accuracy. You KNOW you want it. Can't go wrong with CW series... Best values around in single-stacks IMHO. I vote get it.

11-14-2010, 08:32 PM
don't have a cw40, but I do love my cw9! I have been having really good luck so far. I would not hesitate to pick up another cw.....

11-14-2010, 09:29 PM
Thanks. I'm not especially worried about the round being snappy...I like the .40 and my edc is a PM40. Just have the opportunity to pick up a CW at a very reasonable price and am curious.

Jump all over that deal. I know I have done that a few times thinking that in the worst case I could peddle the gun. Seems like every time I've had a sweet deal drop into my lap, it turned into one of my preferred guns. One question though New or Used? If it's used find out why they want to peddle it. Other thing to keep in mind on a used gun is the warranty. If you're cool with that then like I said jump all over it. I would.

11-15-2010, 09:47 AM
I have a CW40 that I purchased to replace my Kimber 4" CDP II. For me, it is not working out that way (thanks to a 1911 custom holster). I am very pleased with the quality of the CW40. As a believer in "bigger holes in my target is better", it is no doubt a superior defense round to the 9mm. Below is how I compare it to my 1911 as a full time primary carry piece.

CW40 is thinner (just barely)
CW40 is almost 10 oz lighter (loaded)
CW40 is almost 1/3 the price.

almost the exact same physical dimensions as my .45 officer size (barrel length in IWB is non-issue)
less accurate beyond 10 yards (but will get the job done to 25 yrds just needing a bigger plate size)
biggest issues is that Kahr triggers suck! (compared to single action 1911) but that a non-issue compared to other Kahrs.

Comparing it to other Kahr models (I've owned 4) it is superior as a primary to everything but maybe the .45 cal model (never shot one, don't know). The PM series has a grip height that is too short for my small hands.

That is the world as I see it. I'm sure others will think differently. That only makes them wrong in "my world" :-).

11-15-2010, 10:08 AM
I have a CW40 and wouldn't part with it for anything. 250 rounds through it, no failures of any kind. .. DAM GOOD GUN !

11-15-2010, 10:23 AM
I really like my CW40. It's accurate, reliable, and my main carry piece. Has digested everthing fed to it. Had a couple of hiccups during the 200 round break in, but after that it's been totally reliable.

11-15-2010, 11:54 AM
Sorry, I don't own one, but I have shot the CW40. I had no problem with it, but I have switched to 45, and all my pistols but one are in that caliber. I have a lot of 9mm and 45 ammo, and don't want to confuse the issue with another caliber. Otherwise, I'd probably get a PM40 instead of the PM9.

11-15-2010, 01:45 PM
I have a P40 (same gun) no issues at all even while breaking it in. I had it magna-ported and all i can say is wow shoots like a 9 with standard pressure loads. I know you might not be recoil sensitive but the follow up shots are remarkably quick and more accurate at least for me:D

11-15-2010, 03:08 PM
When I got my CW9 i looked at the CW40.....at the time i had a few thousand rounds of 9mm and zero .40cal so I bought the 9. I shot the .40 and I like it. If I were to get a .40 cal today I would get the CW40 no doubt. If I found one for a good deal today I would proabably buy it even if i wasn't looking for a .40


11-16-2010, 12:54 AM
My normal EDC is a Glock 23 ( .40 S&W). I purchased a CW40 for Hot weather wear.. It is thinner then my Glock and hides under a "T" shirt better. Now that it is cooler weather I will go back to my Glock 23 for EDC

I am satisfied with the accuracy and it was an easy transition from the Glock trigger to the CW40 trigger.

11-20-2010, 08:55 AM
I have a CW 40 that has been a huge disappointment.

First the positives:

- I really like the trigger. I wish that my S&W revolvers had this good a trigger when I shot them in competition.
- The size makes for very comfortable CCW.
- The grip size is perfect for me.
- Accuracy is very good for a gun of this size
- Recoil is not excessive, rapid fire at 7 yards I'm able keep all hits centered in the chest.

The one negative:

- It has been unreliable. 500 rounds, two trips back to Kahr and the problem is not resolved.
-- The primary problem has been the slide lock randomly engaging with rounds still in the magazine. (no, the slide lock spring has never been damaged)
-- After the second trip back to the factory, rounds began nose diving when loading a fresh magazine (using the slide lock to chamber a round per Kahr's instructions) in addition to the slide lock problem.

It's not just me, I've had two other experienced shooters try the gun with the same results.

Despite this, I like the features of the design enough that I'm thinking about giving Kahr another try by purchasing a K40. In fact I was about to post a question in the "K series" section when I saw your thread.

11-20-2010, 10:51 AM
if your having to pay to ship the damn gun back, then you have a problem. I would call kahr and run it by EION to see what the heh they think. Two times back and no good results is not good for kahr CS either. I sure would buck at having to pay send it back a 3rd time for issues kahrs has not fixed, especially if u paid the first 2 times back,..

I just feel so negattive about having to spend $50-60 bucks to send a damn factory made defect back. It is not right and I , if I was told I hav eto pay one way back would object like hell..

11-20-2010, 11:03 AM
They paid shipping both times (with some hesitation after I requested that they pay). However I have to make a 60 mile round trip to ship then another 60 mile round trip to pick it up.

11-20-2010, 11:06 AM
They paid shipping both times (with some hesitation after I requested that they pay). However I have to make a 60 mile round trip to ship then another 60 mile round trip to pick it up.

You don't have UPS or Fed EX that comes near your house or work? I wanna live where you live, sounds kind of remote, peaceful and quiet.

11-20-2010, 02:11 PM
CW40 acquired. It looks like it's only have a very few rds through it. I took it to the range today and shot 100 rds of WWB. no hiccups of any sort. not bad for less than 400.00

not sure u can find anything in the same class as that cw40 for 4 bills either. super gun, . U know your shooting a 40 cal in a kahr as theya re just so light of a gun. If I had a 40 , which I don't I would surely port that sucker, as I just love to shoot and hear those bang things.:third:

If one could see my PM9 they coldnot tell if it had 500 rounds out of it, let alone 30,000+. If u take care of a kahr there is nothing to show wear. That probalby goes for most all good guns to. Whats gonna wear out, that can't possable be replaced as usage dictates..

11-20-2010, 02:45 PM
I have both a CW40 and a P40. the round is snappy but the guns are both great, no issues with about 300-400 rd fired.

One thing, don't buy ProMag mags for either!

11-24-2010, 05:33 PM
I carried my new CW40 to the range today. I shot 100 rounds plus 7 rounds of my sons JHP's. No failure to feed or fire. The slide failed to lock on the last round a few times but it may have been operator error. I really think I will like this piece after some more range time. I do like the .40 cal round. Nice and crisp but not something you would get tired of shooting. If you are thinking about this as a carry weapon, I don't think you will be sorry. Do your new gun prep and keep it clean and lubed and it may surprise you how it runs.

11-24-2010, 06:27 PM
port it and enjoy the shoot more.