Just One Shot
11-15-2010, 07:21 AM
After selling both my .45s at the local gun show Sat. 11/6 I decided to take the money and rotate some new hardware into the safe in the form of a S&W .380 Bodyguard (I know, it's not a Kahr) and a Kahr CW45.
First up is the Bodyguard 6+1 .380 acp. Some of the features that I like are the last round slide lock, manual safety (though I'll most likely never use it as it has a long pull dual action trigger), double strike capability in case of a missfire, it has actual sights and the factory built in laser is a bonus.
The first target was shot with Fiocchi ball ammo (12') and the second with Hornady's Critical Defense (18'). These were sights only, no laser as I forgot :blushing: to take my adjusting tool to the range to zero the laser and it was shooting 3-4" low at 15'.
The next one in the lineup is the CW45 (still dirty form the range trip). It's a dual action only trigger with no manual safety 6+1 .45 acp.
Here's a pic with it beside my PM9:
This target was shot with WWB range ball ammo and WWB JHP ammo (18')
I fired 100 rds. through both guns and the only problem I had was one misfire with the Fiocchi in the BG. It had a sizeable primer strike so I reloaded it and it went bang on the second attempt. I attribute this to a hard primer. This is why I really like the dual strike capability of the BG.
All targets were shot standing two handed hold slow fire. As you can see (especially with the Kahr) it's going to take some getting use to the dual action triggers. I generally shoot striker fired semis and the dual action is a little foreign to me. But hey, shooting is half the fun so I look forward to some more range time with both these little puppies.
First up is the Bodyguard 6+1 .380 acp. Some of the features that I like are the last round slide lock, manual safety (though I'll most likely never use it as it has a long pull dual action trigger), double strike capability in case of a missfire, it has actual sights and the factory built in laser is a bonus.
The first target was shot with Fiocchi ball ammo (12') and the second with Hornady's Critical Defense (18'). These were sights only, no laser as I forgot :blushing: to take my adjusting tool to the range to zero the laser and it was shooting 3-4" low at 15'.
The next one in the lineup is the CW45 (still dirty form the range trip). It's a dual action only trigger with no manual safety 6+1 .45 acp.
Here's a pic with it beside my PM9:
This target was shot with WWB range ball ammo and WWB JHP ammo (18')
I fired 100 rds. through both guns and the only problem I had was one misfire with the Fiocchi in the BG. It had a sizeable primer strike so I reloaded it and it went bang on the second attempt. I attribute this to a hard primer. This is why I really like the dual strike capability of the BG.
All targets were shot standing two handed hold slow fire. As you can see (especially with the Kahr) it's going to take some getting use to the dual action triggers. I generally shoot striker fired semis and the dual action is a little foreign to me. But hey, shooting is half the fun so I look forward to some more range time with both these little puppies.