View Full Version : newbie PM9 first 200 rounds jam

11-15-2010, 09:11 PM
HI, i am a new PM9 owner, i actually had a p9 for 6 years, wanted something more concealable.

the first 150 rounds i didnt get any jams, but the last 50 rounds i shot, i got at least 7 jams. I would pull the trigger and the round would get stuck and the gun would go out of battery! it actually started to happen when i used the longer magazine, so i thought the bigger magazine was defective but then it also jammed on the 6 round mag. This didnt happen with my P9, even during the break in period it did not jam.

is it true as the gun gets more gun powder build up on its feed ramp its more likely to jam? i shot 200 rounds of magtech 9mm,FMJ, 115 grain, with mixed in about 30 rounds of federal hydrashock hollowpoints 147 grain...

i cleaned the gun already. what do u suggest? putting another 100 rounds through the gun? u think it needs more ammo to break it in? i already shot through approx. 230 rounds! this Pm9 is a newer one with serial #s of ICXXX. PLEASE HELP! thanks

11-16-2010, 06:12 AM
gun should not be dirty after a couple hundred rounds. Did you give the gun the PROPPER PREPPING OF YOUR NEW KAHR that is in this forum. It might help . Being you have a P9, u kow the workings of a kahr. I would give that slide and striker area a good cleaning (see the propper prepping thread) and lube the gun using the kahr lube section thread, both are excellent. then if all this fails to get great results, u willneed to call kahr and hav ethem pick up the gun on their dime as it is new. When you were pulling on the triger was the trigger just sorta dead in that it just felt mushty???If the gun is the slightest out of battery you willget what you getting for it is all about timing and quite possably your PM9 is out of time, of which only khar can fix that.

My guess and it is a SWAG, the gun is going to hav eto go back to kahr..

PM sent.

11-16-2010, 08:17 PM
Just my 2 cents worth would be not to get too excited yet, take it back apart and clean it good and run another 200 through it before you decide.

My Dads P 380 was jamming until we cleaned it good after the 200 round break in and now it runs like a swiss watch.

11-17-2010, 04:54 PM
Thank you, i called customer service, they told me to run some more rounds through it but use some american rounds. not the magtechs which are brazilian made. so i just cleaned the pistol and gonna run some winhcester, remington and speer rounds through it. maybe another 150 rounds and see if it continues to jam. if it does then i will call Kahr back to request service.
thanks guys

11-17-2010, 06:14 PM
"I would pull the trigger and the round would get stuck and the gun would go out of battery!"
What do you mean by that? Shell in the chamber & slide partly open?

11-22-2010, 06:46 AM
My advice is to take Jocko's advice and prep your gun. I did all the prep that Jocko advised on this site and have not ever had a single failure of any type. Flawless. Prep, prep, prep. It only takes a little time and patience.

03-01-2011, 04:41 AM
Its been a few months, i finally got a chance to put another 150 rounds to see if the gun would jam again. to my disappointment, it kept jamming again!! I gave the gun a good cleaning and I have read the manual and also followed the proper way to oil and prepare the gun from the diagram posted on this website.

the first 6 round magazine i put through went smoothly, but as i put the 2nd mag in, the gun jammed on the 2nd round!! the round would fail to chamber in and the slide would jam open. looks like a feeding issue. i took several pictures of the jams. and will call customer service today! i continued to shoot approx. 150 rounds, but i would get a jam every other magazine or so. maybe a total of 20 jams.... very discouraged and disappointed in this Kahr product!!

i planned on carrying this firearm as an off duty carry as a LEO, at thsi point i cannot trust my life on this PM9! well see what customer service says!

03-01-2011, 06:46 AM
when u tried the second magazine was that the extended round magazine?? Does the gun function OK now witht he 6 round flush magazine in it. U last post left me guessing. U said the first 6 round magazine went smoothly and the second magazine jammed. Was that the extendfed round magazine. If so , how about going back and doing some more shooting witht he 6 round amgzine to see if it will malfunction on you. If not then it is the extrended magazine, Just send it back for a replacement and if that is the issue, I would ask kahr if they will replace that extended magazne with a flush fit one. They will do that.

Some of the 7 round extended magazine in the PM9 have given feeding issues..check that out before sending the gun back to kahr..In ur frist post you were using foreign ammo that someitmes can cause issues. If those rounds are out of spec ofr a tad to long it will put the gun out of battery, even though it looks like it is in battery.
You might jsut have a crapola 7 round magazine and everything else is OK. Make sure the outter recoil spring is on correctly witht he open end toward sthe front of the slide..

03-01-2011, 07:00 AM
hi, sorry for the confusion. i only used two 6 round mags. i did not shoot with the 7 rounder mag this time around... and this time i only used american made rounds (winchester, remington,speer). it seems like the more rounds i put through the more times the gun jams and doesnt feed . I just called IAN from Kahr customer service. and described the problem. he said he would mail me a new recoil spring first, he said it should solve the issue and if it continues to jam then i can send it back for repair.
but i am thinking why would a brand new recoil spring get weak after 150 rounds? doesnt make sense! that means i gotta shoot another 200-300 rounds on the new spring to make sure it doesnt get weaker and begin to not feed..now i gotta spend more money and buy more rounds and pay more range fees to make sure this gun operates correctly

03-01-2011, 07:17 AM
naw not really, they don't go bad in 150 rounds, u know that to. I doubt if that wil solve ur issue but you will know in the first 50 rounds if it does. U might have gotten a bad recoil spring assembly. test his theory out first then call him back if it doesn't correct itself. Shoot fmj ammo for testing the gun out, don't mess with expenisve defense stuff until the gun shoot fmj perfect. Wal marts WWB is good stuff and priced as good as any. If you have to send the gun back send the magazine with it, they should be chekced out also by kahr. Play Ian's game first and see what happens..

03-01-2011, 07:27 AM
heh polymer buff. is ur PM9 the new style with the beveled front slide? If so count the coils on your recoil outter spring to see if there are 15 coils. One never knows they might have put the 13 coils spring on that recoil assembly. I doubt it but not a hard thing to check out either..

03-01-2011, 12:02 PM
I have the newer version of the PM9, yes I wll check the coils of my spring. When i shot yesterday, i shot all FMJ rounds, both 115 and 147 grain bullets. Hopefully when the new recoil spring comes it will be flawless. I will update as soon as i get it and shoot. Thanks for your help

03-01-2011, 12:22 PM
I have the newer version of the PM9, yes I wll check the coils of my spring. When i shot yesterday, i shot all FMJ rounds, both 115 and 147 grain bullets. Hopefully when the new recoil spring comes it will be flawless. I will update as soon as i get it and shoot. Thanks for your help

Please keep us updated. Your failure to chambers where the slide jams open sounds similar to the few FTC's I experience at my last range session.

Everything went great through about 165-170 rounds and then I started experiencing issues with FTC's and light primer strikes. Up until now I've attributed the FTC's to the 7 round magazine and the light primer strikes to the ammo (Monarch from Academy), but I'll have to keep a close eye on the testing in my next session.

03-01-2011, 12:34 PM
that would be the first thing I would change would be recoil springs, normally that is the culprit expecially when ones gun was working good for a 150+ rounds then started acting up. Kahrs recoil springs last wellovber 2000 rounds with ease, but heh, one neve rknows kthey could have gotten a batch of weak ass spinrgs,

but IMO that is such a rarity, that I think what is happening might be that the gun has worn in a tad and soehow throwing the gun out of time, which in case springs will not help, but to appease kahr techs, one shoukld do that first and if all esle fails, call and get a pre paid pick up your gun. We owners don't have the liberty's of trying new thing on guns like the kahr techs fo. They don't normally fix anything, they just replace wity new stuff and retest. Probably easier that way than maybe modifying a part that should have been OK in the first place. Kahr willghet it right for u if it has to go back.

03-03-2011, 04:18 PM
i counted the recoil spring, there are 15 rings.. so should be the correct one. i took the gun apart and looked at it... the recoil spring seems to be undamaged and seems to be pretty strong... i dont understand how it can get weak or broken!? well i guess i will have to wait till they send me a new one. then i would have to shoot at least another 200 rounds through the new spring to make sure gun is working.. cause originally i shot the first 150 with no jams then all of a sudden the more i shoot after that the more mis feeds.... weird... so if it is the spring, then over time it gets weak.... well see...

i just want the darn thing to be reliable and work!!! come on Kahr! i shot my new glock 26 out of the box the other day and not a single jam

04-12-2011, 06:51 PM

I finally found sometime to shoot my Pm9.. Kahr sent me a new recoil spring...the gun, once again cleaned and oiled properly.. dropped new recoil spring in....i brought with me to the range 300 rounds of 9mm (remingtion and Winchester).

out of 300 rounds, i had 7 jams... failure to feed in.. well its much better than before..
2 of the jams i shot with my weak hand and probably was limp wrist. and one other jam was using the extended magazine.. i stopped using the extended mags since i heard about previous issues with them.... but i still had a few jams... what do u guys recommend? i ask myself , would i carry this gun off duty now and depend my life on it?
NOt sure yet..... the new recoil spring definetley made a big improvement...

in real life scenario the weapon would be cleaned and oiled and loaded with 6 plus on in chamber ready to go... i wouldnt be shooting more than 2 mags.. so the gun wouldnt be so dirty and hot..

let me know what u guys think, should i bother calling Kahr? does the gun need to be sent back? the jams that i did have, most of them ,,,the round failed to feed and was pointing downward..

04-12-2011, 07:01 PM
Keep on shooting. It will get better.

04-12-2011, 07:45 PM
the jams that i did have, most of them ,,,the round failed to feed and was pointing downward..

That is the type of failure that I've been getting in the 7-round mag. It was perfect with WWB, Fiocchi, and Federal Champion, but hasn't liked Magtech or Speer Lawman.

04-13-2011, 12:05 AM
My PM9 doesn't like the longer hollow point like the Speer Gold Dot's. They wont feed & would point downward. The owner of my local gun store has a PM9 & he turned me on to Cor Bon +P 115gr JHP. They are slightly shorter and feed really nicely.

04-13-2011, 01:24 AM
That is the type of failure that I've been getting in the 7-round mag. It was perfect with WWB, Fiocchi, and Federal Champion, but hasn't liked Magtech or Speer Lawman.

have a fix for the 7 round magazines, butyou need to live by a river with a bridge over it!!!!!:cheer2:

04-13-2011, 07:38 AM
have a fix for the 7 round magazines, butyou need to live by a river with a bridge over it!!!!!:cheer2:

I'm going to call Kahr about exchanging it for a 6-round mag.

Edit: I just spoke to Jay and will be sending the 7 & 8 round mags to exchange them for 6-rounders.

D@mn and blast it! I let the magazine spring shoot out and spent a good half hour searching for it. Finally found it on top of the Dining Room curtains. :mad:

Bill K
04-13-2011, 08:25 AM
I'm another new PM9 owner who fixed an issue by having Kahr replace a 7 rounder with a 6 rounder.

Bill K.

04-13-2011, 09:27 AM
quck fix for taking magazine apart. that last hole in the magazine, just stick a nail through it and the floor palte will slide off and you won't loose stuff. when reinstalling, just push in the spring as far as ur fingers can do it and stick in that nail again in the last hole. and you can then slip on the floor pale and spring place with ease, and againb not loose anything. plus it is alot safer to do it this way..

I recommend every new magazined to be takenb apart to see if it is put together correctly, and also while all apart, no oil but take the follower and rub in on each sides on some 600+ grip sand paper to smooth off ahy edges. I wipe my magazines inside with a silicone cloth, again no oil in the magazine.. While the magazine is aprt, to with this fine sand paper rollit up around something like a pencil and polish the undersides of the feedlips of the magazine. If there is a burr it can be there and even though it might indeed be smooth totouch, a good polishing there cannot harm anything. One needs to eliminate all the possable when breaking in a gun, so thatif issues do arise, u know that #1. the magazine are Ok because I just checked them and prepped them.. Also makes for alot of good peace of mind to knowing youy did everything right. Remember these magazines are mass produced and sh-t happens. Not alot of quality controls in the mag areas, IMO).

04-13-2011, 09:42 AM
Thanks Jocko! Here is my new mantra:

In the future, I will listen to Jocko!
In the future, I will listen to Jocko!
In the future, I will listen to Jocko!


04-13-2011, 09:53 AM
humm: first woman to ever agree with me!!! ur a very wise lady..